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Optimal pc configuration. We assemble the computer ourselves: three configuration options from CHIP

This series of short articles was written by the instructor of the 3D Master training center Alexander Milovsky as a universal instruction for purchasing a computer for 3D graphics. Read and a lot will become clear to you. A somewhat straightforward tone of presentation is due to the fact that initially the articles were intended to be read by close friends of the author who read his blog.

The most frequent question that novice 3d-schnicks ask me is: What computer to buy for doing 3D graphics?

Although this is a thankless task, I will try to recommend.

I understand perfectly well that everyone has different financial capabilities. Therefore, I will start with the minimum conditions, and then at your discretion.

I'll clarify right away that we are talking about a computer for work, and how much it is suitable for games is of no concern to me.

So, let's start with the main thing, briefly:

0. Computer for 3D-shnik is a large stationary computer. NOT A LAPTOP! AND NOT MAC! Not a glamorous silent box, but a healthy ugly bandurina that can hum like a hair dryer and heat up no worse than a battery (well, maybe I got a little excited with the "ugly" one). In a computer for a 3D shnik, the main thing is productivity! And this means that if the performance is insufficient, then something is replaced in the computer (I would like to see how the owner of the MacBook Air will replace the video card). Actually, 3D life on a Mac is quite possible, but it begins with the words: "now install Windows in parallel, and now install under Windows ..."

1. Required 64-bit operating system.
When purchasing a computer, make sure it has a 64-bit operating system. This is damn important! Moreover, when buying a new computer, the correctly selected operating system will cost you significantly less. I recommend Windows 10 (64-bit) (this is the only correct choice now).

2. An nVidia video card based on CUDA with as much memory as possible on board
You can feel whatever you like about competing products from AMD (ATI), but take it on faith that for now, the choice should be made in favor of the CUDA technology offered by nVidia. CUDA technology is required for GPU rendering. This technology is gaining momentum and in the next two or three years will turn from exotic to the norm. I recommend the GeForce 7xx / 8xx / 9xx / 10xx series (which will be the last at that time). Strongly DO NOT recommend the Quadro series (pay a ton of money for mediocre performance).

3 *. At least 8 GB of memory (and better in one piece)
For modern computers, the amount of RAM should not be less than 8GB (and always expandable up to 16-48GB). At the initial stage, it is normal to save on memory and buy it minimally, i.e. 8GB and always in one piece (and not two 4GB each, as is usually offered). Do not get fooled by talking about 2-channel operation and so on. Believe me, when you need more memory, then you will be deeply no matter in what mode this memory works, as long as it is enough.

4*. At least 4 cores in the processor
The processor is the hardest part right now. I will just say that it must have at least 4 cores. No dual or triple core compromises (laptops are another story, again). The processor is needed for the final rendering (rendering), therefore, on the one hand, the more productive the processor the better, but the price can be simply prohibitive. So ask yourself if you would be sorry to just throw this processor away in a year or two with a planned replacement. Remember, you are not buying a computer forever. Within three years, it will become a weak mediocre machine.

Intel or AMD? The hardest part is choosing a processor manufacturer. Intel is my choice. Although at different times I have had computers and AMD, but for work I choose Intel. I have no confirmation of the correctness of my choice, I can not provide calculations or test data.

The old AMD song that you get a better performance solution for less money is often true, but it also happens that six cores from AMD will work the same as 4 from Intel. That is why, for reasons of continuity of solutions, reliability of specialized software, which 3D applications are undoubtedly, I choose Intel. But it would be wrong to make this as an unambiguous recommendation. So do as you know (just don't listen to boys in computer stores, you better go and look for render time testing in your future 3D application - this is the only objective test).

Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.
Part 5.
Part 6. new!

It would seem that so difficult! - went to the store and bought myself a computer or laptop.

However, later, it turns out that your friend's computer is no worse than yours, and it costs one and a half 2 times cheaper!

It is easy to understand your disappointment, especially if you have been saving for your "brainchild" for several years.

So that you do not get into such a situation, we will give some tips on how to choose a computer that fully meets your requirements, while not overpaying.

The price of the most modern computers today “exceeds 60 thousand rubles.

If you are extremely rich - buy for health, but if your finances are not very good - we will tell you one secret. It is not advisable to buy an expensive computer, since the average user does not use even half of all its capabilities.

There is no point in buying a computer "for growth" - in a few years, it will become several times cheaper. Buying the worst that is in the store is also not an option, since in six months it will constantly "hang", programs, every month, require more and more resources. We pass directly to the choice.

1. What to prefer a laptop or system unit? A laptop with the same configuration is 20-40% more expensive. If you spend most of your time in your apartment, then it is better to give preference to a system unit and a monitor, and if you are a fidget, a laptop is the only correct option.

2. Where to buy? In a store, you pay more than 20%, and in a computer company, you pay for components and a negligible amount for assembly.

3. Which line to choose? There are 2 processor manufacturers - AMD and Intel. AMD is up to 30% cheaper, but they heat up faster and have a shorter lifespan. It is better not to save money here, but to buy a PC with an Intel processor.

4. Chipset. You should not choose a motherboard with the latest chipset model, for example, for Intel, the I7 is still slightly overpriced, it is better to opt for the I5. Unless you create the most complex games and do video editing.

5. Video card. When choosing a video card, adhere to the principle of its maximum compatibility with the processor: AMD - ATI; Intel - invidia.

6. How many cores? Today, a 4-core processor is more than enough, unless you want to use your computer as a server.

7. The bit capacity of the processor. Go for 64-bit, it processes more data at once.

8. By intended purpose. For complex calculations, a high processor frequency is important; for modern games - a good video card.

9. Random access memory. Do not be stingy - it is usually never enough.

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1.2. Typical computer configurations

Configuration is a set of components that determines the power and capabilities of a computer: motherboard, processor, hard drive, monitor, etc. The correct choice of configuration allows you to achieve the required performance and maintain it over a long period of time.

It is possible to identify the main non-specialized areas of application of the computer.

Office computerintended for use in offices, cash desks, etc.

Home computeris a symbiosis of office and gaming, but in configuration it is closer to the latter; it should perform normal tasks at the same speed (working in text and spreadsheet editors, watching videos, surfing the Internet, etc.) and operations that are more demanding on performance (games, packages for working with 3D graphics, etc.) .).

Gaming computeris focused on ensuring maximum performance when working with 3D graphics, that is, it must have large RAM, a graphics adapter, a powerful processor (latest models) and a large hard drive.

Computer for graphics and video processingmust be equipped with a fast processor (necessarily two- or four-core), plenty of RAM, a large hard disk (preferably several), as well as a burner and DVD drive (or two). The video subsystem of such a computer implies a set of a specialized video card with TV input and output (analog and digital) of the FireWire controller, which is convenient to use for transferring video from digital camcorders and VCRs to a computer.

Different types of computers, in particular, gaming and office, have significant differences. Office computers are sometimes called budget computers. They have a minimal configuration - such that you can comfortably work in text and spreadsheet editors, view images, surf the Internet, send and receive messages, etc. Budget computers are several times cheaper than gaming computers, which are equipped with a powerful processor and video card , lots of RAM, etc.

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Foreword In today's article, we present you seven configurations of home computers costing from 8,500 to 70,000 rubles - configurations, in our opinion, are more or less optimal, balanced and reasonable in their price category and for their tasks (which, of course, will be indicated). We can say that today's article is a summary of our experience with various computers and components.

At the same time, we will try to give detailed comments on all the components we have chosen, but, of course, in a short form: if you want to know more about what we were guided by, you will find at the end of the link to articles on issues that traditionally cause the greatest controversy.

I would like to immediately draw the attention of picky readers: the article is called “Choosing home computer ”, and therefore it will focus on typical - that is, in demand by the broad masses - home computers. About those that are at home more than 90% of users. We do not consider specific configurations tailored for specific "heavy" software, except for computer games. In addition, since the article as a whole is intended for not too experienced users, there will be no configurations for overclocking, for water cooling, and the like.

Of course, none of the given configurations is "the ultimate truth" - with the number of components currently on sale, it would be very strange if each of the components were not represented by at least a dozen options close in price and characteristics. So, depending on personal preferences and the available amount, you can vary the choice of case, motherboard, processor and any other components in one direction or another. The basic guidelines - so that, for example, not to take a Core i7 processor with a GeForce GTS 250 video card for a gaming computer - you can get by reading the explanations for each of the configurations.

For all configurations, except for the last one, in addition to a plate with approximate prices (valid on the day of the final preparation of the article) and links to the price list, there will also be a link to the system unit configurator, from which you can order a computer along with the assembly - of course, this service paid, and the computer in the configurator will be slightly more expensive (by about 5%) than the individual components. But you don't have to bother with the assembly, and for the entire system unit you will receive a two-year warranty, including for components, the own warranty of which is 6-12 months. The term for assembling a computer is 3-5 days - more precisely, the store manager placing the assembly order will tell you. Please note that the operating system is not included in the configuration, but you can add it yourself - we recommend Windows 7 Home Premium, and if possible (especially on computers with more than 2 GB of memory) the 64-bit version.

Unfortunately, the New Year's Eve is a very hot time, so that lots of components are often sold out on the same day they arrive at the warehouse. Therefore, you may face a situation when individual items are marked as missing in the configurator - they can be replaced with similar ones, since there are generally few unique components. You can ask about compatibility and replacement possibilities on our forum or from consultants in stores.

Please note that the system block configurator does not contain all commercially available components, but only those approved by the assembly department. Individual parts may not receive such approval for various reasons - due to a large percentage of defects, low manufacturability of the assembly (for example, coolers with complex fasteners), certain frequently occurring compatibility problems, and so on. The lack of approval, accordingly, does not mean at all that you cannot assemble a computer from these parts yourself. In addition, there are no parts in the configurator that are currently out of stock in the central warehouse - although they may be in stock in f-Center retail stores.

Well, before going directly to computers, let's give them brief description - to make it easier for you to navigate the article:

Configuration # 1 is the cheapest one you can build right now. The computer is suitable for use as a typewriter, but even with FullHD movies there can already be problems.
Configuration # 2 is the cheapest (but not at the expense of quality) configuration, for which everything is available except for 3D games.
Configuration # 3 is an inexpensive gaming computer for those who either remember about games no more than several times a month, or are content with the hits of past years.
Configuration # 4 is a good gaming computer for still relatively little money, which allows you to play modern games with sufficient comfort.
Configuration # 5 is a powerful gaming computer.
Configuration # 6 is perhaps the upper limit of what can be called a gaming computer for a reasonable price: this system will allow you to play any games comfortably.
Configuration # 7 - close our eyes to prices: a very powerful, but also very expensive gaming system.

Configuration number 1: "reasonable typewriter" (8500 rubles)

The main criterion for choosing this configuration is the price: the system unit will cost you a little more than 8 thousand rubles, while it will be assembled from good quality components that will not have problems either now or in a year or two.

CPU. The cheapest option available now is Intel Atom processors, which come with motherboard (they are firmly soldered to it) cost 2.5-3.5 thousand rubles. There are not so many Atom models, and the main difference is the number of cores, one or two. We will choose the dual-core AtomN330: it is slightly more expensive than the single-core model, but its performance in many situations is much higher. And low performance is exactly the main disadvantage of Atom.

Motherboard. Let it be Intel D945GCLF2D. It has two drawbacks: firstly, the board does not have a DVI-out for connecting a monitor, and secondly, the 40-mm chipset cooling fan installed on it can make noise. The former is usually unimportant for inexpensive computers used with monitors with a relatively modest resolution, the latter can be overcome by connecting the fan through an adapter to a supply voltage of 5 or 7 V.

Memory. There is only one connector on the board, and we will use it with a 2-gigabyte module. Installing a smaller module is not worth it - you will save a little, and you will lose in performance very seriously.

Hard drive - Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 with a capacity of 160 GB. Of course, if you prefer another manufacturer or want a larger capacity, you can freely change it, there are no restrictions in this matter.

DVD drive - Sony Optiarc AD-7243S black. The drives are not perfect, but some of the most stable and predictable in operation.

Case - Foxconn RS-233 (H). This is a very compact mini-ITX case that takes up very little desk space and still contains everything we need. It can be replaced with other mini-ITX cases, but be careful: some of them require a thin optical drive or 2.5 "hard drive.

In total, only five parts - and the computer is ready. It is suitable for working with documents, surfing the Internet, watching movies and listening to music. Games that require at least some graphics performance will not work on it, there may also be problems with HD movies and "heavy" programs. But overall, it is an inexpensive, reliable, compact and quiet system for undemanding users.


This configuration can be developed in two directions: either to reduce the size by choosing more compact cases (by the standards of mini-ITX, Foxconn RS-233 has medium sizes), or instead of a motherboard based on an Intel chipset, take a motherboard based on an NVIDIA chipset with DVI / HDMI- outputs and has support for hardware decoding of HD-video.

Configuration # 2: everything except games (10 thousand rubles)

If possible problems If the performance of Intel Atom processors scares you, you may be interested in the following configuration - the computer is still inexpensive, but already built on an "adult" dual-core processor and a motherboard with a rich set of connectors. It will cost about 10 thousand rubles.

Such a computer is able to cope with any household tasks, except for resource-intensive games - however, for the sake of the latter, you can subsequently add a discrete video card to it without any difficulty.

AMD Athlon II X2 215 2.7 GHz processor. Compared to Intel Atom operating at 1.6 GHz, however, it is not the frequency that is important, but the architecture - even at the same frequency Athlon II will be noticeably faster. Of course, if funds are available, the processor can be replaced with an even more powerful one. The choice of AMD processors is not fundamental - their "performance per ruble" is about the same as Intel processors.

An inexpensive CoolerMaster model equipped with a 4-pin connector is used as a cooler, which means that its automatic speed control will work.

The motherboard is Gigabyte GA-MA74GM-S2H, although not the cheapest one on the market, but it has a DVI output that allows you to connect a large monitor (in particular, the recently popular models with a resolution of 1920x1080) without any quality problems images. This board is quite modest in terms of external connectors, so if you need a large number of USB ports or, say, FireWire and eSATA ports, you should pay attention to the more expensive models.

The memory is DDR2-800 from Samsung, inexpensive and reliable. There is no point in chasing a higher memory frequency, not only in this, but also in more expensive computers - the performance gain will be scanty, but you run the risk of getting problems of stability and compatibility on your head.

160 GB hard drive. If you need it and if funds allow, it can be replaced with a model of any other size.

The Sony Optiarc DVD drive is not very quiet in operation, but reliable.

The Foxconn TLM-720 micro-ATX case is not as compact as the mini-ITX case in which we assembled the previous computer, but also not too large. There is no need to worry about micro-ATX format: it only limits you on the number of hard drives and expansion cards, which is unlikely to ever be a problem for you. The choice of Foxconn is determined by the power supply installed in it: it is manufactured by FSP and has good quality and reasonable noise. Alternatively, you can take InWin micro-ATX cases that cost about the same - they have better steel, but power supplies from time to time come across with literally humming fans.

This computer in the system block configurator.

From the point of view of further increase in performance, it makes some sense, except that doubling the amount of memory - up to 4 GB, while installing a more powerful processor on tasks typical for a home non-gaming computer, as a rule, is not justified. You can also replace the motherboard with a more serious one, for example, built on the AMD 760G chipset - but, again, despite the high power of the integrated graphics, it still won't allow playing any modern games. From the interesting development opportunities for this configuration, we can consider the assembly in a compact thin case, for example, InWin IW-BL641 or even CoolerMaster Elite 100. However, then you will not have the opportunity to add a gaming video card later.

Configuration number 3: games, but inexpensive (15 thousand rubles)

Our next configuration, in fact, is a development of configuration # 2 - with an increase in the hard drive and the addition of a good discrete video card that allows you to play most modern games. The cost of a computer will increase by only 5 thousand rubles, most of which is just the price of a video card.

For the sake of variety, we will build it on an Intel Celeron E3200 processor, which has about the same performance as Athlon II X2 215. Of course, if you are more into AMD processors, you can take the processor, cooler, and motherboard from the previous configuration.

Intel Celeron Dual-Core E3200 processor. Despite the rather spotty name "Celeron", these processors offer excellent performance at a very low price. Their heat dissipation is low, and therefore you can safely take the "boxed" configuration and not think about purchasing a cooler - the complete one will work quietly.

Gigabyte GA-EG41MF-US2H micro-ATX motherboard. There is no point in switching to full-size ATX boards in a computer, where there will be only one video card from the expansion cards: you will spend more money, but you will not get anything useful in exchange. In addition, an integrated video card from ballast can turn into a very useful thing if the discrete one suddenly fails: for example, not so long ago the author of this article, with honors burying the suddenly deceased GeForce 8800 GTS video card in the warranty department, had the opportunity not to search in a hurry at least something to replace, so as not to be left at home without a computer (especially considering that the latest AMD / ATI 5xxx series cards refused to work with its old motherboard), and calmly and thoughtfully approach the issue of choosing a new video card, which in a week or two resulted in an equally leisurely acquisition a whole new system.

The memory is traditional DDR2-800 from Samsung. There is never too much memory in games, so you should either take two 2 GB modules at once, or, as we did, leave one slot free in order to be able to increase the amount of RAM with minimal costs in the future.

Video card - Leadtek GeForce GTS 250 with 512 MB of memory. More memory (and there are similar video cards with 1024 MB) on the GTS 250 chip simply does not make sense, since it will not affect performance.

It should be noted here that many buyers choose systems with a powerful processor (for example, the Core 2 Duo series) and a budget video card costing 2.5-3 thousand rubles as a gaming computer. This makes absolutely no sense: unless you have a monitor of the early millennium, with a resolution of 1024x768, then all modern games will "rest" on the video card - therefore, first of all, it must be powerful, and the processor is already secondary. Generally speaking, based on tests of processor dependence of modern games, one can deduce a rule of thumb: a video card in a gaming computer should be 2-3 times more expensive than a processor.

Western Digital Caviar Green 500GB hard drive. Green series disks are friendly not only to the environment, but also to your ears - they operate at a speed of 5400 rpm, and therefore they are noticeably quieter than hard drives at 7200 rpm. The difference in performance is small.

The Sony Optiarc AD-7243S DVD drive is the traditional choice in today's article.

Foxconn TLM-720 case is an inexpensive and compact case with a good power supply, which will easily fit all the components we have chosen (and there will still be a fair amount of space). You can, of course, take a full-size ATX case - but why, if there will still be mostly emptiness inside it?

The resulting configuration allows us not only to do various household chores, but also to play modern games in not too high resolutions and not too cruel quality settings. Such a computer is perfect for people who are interested in games only from time to time, as well as children for whom the process of playing is still more interesting than the race for performance.

This computer in the system block configurator.

Further development of this configuration - a gradual increase in the power of the processor and video card (primarily the latter, since it limits performance in modern games) - will quickly lead us to the next computer.

Configuration number 4: games at the modern level (21 thousand rubles)

Since the price range "from 15 to 30 thousand rubles", perhaps, can be called the most popular among buyers - and this is logical, because computers cheaper than 15 thousand actually do not allow playing games, and above 30 there is already a level of performance that is excessive for most - in today's article we will fill it as tightly as possible.

Our next configuration is a computer that does not demonstrate records in gaming performance, but allows you to play modern games with good quality settings and at fairly high resolutions.

Processor - Intel Pentium Dual-Core E6300, a slightly more powerful model than in the previous configuration. These processors consume very little energy, they heat up, respectively, poorly, so we take it with a native box cooler - it will be quite quiet in operation. By the way, so that you do not get confused in the names - Celeron, Pentium, Core 2 - recall that now all these three families are essentially models with the same microarchitecture, differing only in frequency, cache size and some minor functions. So dividing them into three families with different names is, in general, a marketing step by Intel, nothing more: no principled there is no difference between them.

The motherboard is ASUS P5QPL-VM EPU. It differs insignificantly from the Gigabyte board selected in the previous configuration: most likely, looking only at the characteristics, you will not be able to determine where who is. Why did we choose it? Yes, just for the sake of variety, Gigabyte is not alone ...

Memory - Samsung DDR2-800, two modules of 2 GB each. As in other cases, it makes no sense to take memory with a higher operating frequency: you will not get a performance gain, but you can do compatibility problems.

Video card - Sapphire Radeon HD 5770, a very recently released model from the new line of AMD / ATI video cards. For a similar price, you can buy a faster Radeon HD 4890, but the HD 5770 is distinguished by lower power consumption, low noise and DirectX 11 support, while the difference in performance is small, on average about 10%.

Hard Drive - Quiet and Cool Western Digital Caviar Green. If performance is more important to you than silence, it can be swapped out for Caviar Blue, Caviar Black or other manufacturers' models at 7200 rpm.

DVD drive - Sony Optiarc AD-7243S.

The case is the same micro-ATX Foxconn TLM-720. There is still no point in purchasing a full-sized case for a computer, in which there is only one video card from the expansion cards: taking micro-ATX, you will not lose anything, but you will gain some free space under the table (or on the table - depending on where you prefer to place the system unit). For a typical home computer, taking a full-size ATX case is worth it only for aesthetic reasons (that is, due to appearance, location of connectors, and so on), there are no technical prerequisites for that.

The resulting configuration is a good computer for people who regularly play games, but are not ready to part with large sums for this hobby. Most modern games will show sufficient performance on it at 1680x1050 at high quality settings, and many will do just fine at 1920x1080.

This computer in the system block configurator.

Further development of this configuration implies an increase in the power of both the processor and the video card, which we will now do.

Configuration # 5: Games! (27 thousand rubles)

If computer games are a serious hobby for you, for which you are ready to part with the sum under a thousand dollars, and also if you have a monitor with a resolution of 1920x1080, and you are not ready to sacrifice graphics quality settings in favor of speed - this configuration is for you.

For the sake of variety, we will assemble this computer in a full-sized case, but, of course, nothing prevents us from assembling it in a compact micro-ATX, choosing another motherboard.

Processor - triple-core AMD Phenom II X3 720 Black Edition. As practice shows, on the one hand, there is little point in chasing a powerful processor with an average video card (we have already mentioned the rule of thumb: a video card in a gaming computer should cost 2-3 times more expensive than a processor), on the other hand, three- and four-core models provide a smoother experience with fewer sudden short stutters in games. Therefore, we choose a relatively inexpensive 3-core processor; enthusiasts can try overclocking it or unlocking the fourth core.

CoolerMaster TX3 is an inexpensive model that is sufficient for quiet cooling of triple-core processors.

Motherboard Gigabyte GA-MA770-UD3, a relatively inexpensive model with good characteristics, and even allows you to quite successfully overclock the processor. It makes sense to take something more serious only if you have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat this fee does not suit you; buying more expensive models based on older chipsets "just in case" is usually a waste of money.

We still have DDR2 memory, so we choose 800MHz Samsung.

Video card - Palit GeForce GTX 275, a relatively expensive model, but also very powerful. It has no direct alternatives - a competitor in the face of AMD now offers either a significantly cheaper Radeon HD 5770, or a significantly more expensive Radeon HD 5850. However, if you want to slightly reduce the cost of a computer while maintaining a sufficiently high performance in games, then replacing the video card with an HD 5770 looks reasonable.

Hard disk - Hitachi 7K1000.C, the model is fast, but not very quiet, especially when active work... If noise is more important to you than performance, you should change the hard drive to WD Caviar Green or Samsung EcoGreen F2 of the volume you need.

DVD drive, as in the previous configuration, Sony Optiarc AD-7243S.

Case - CoolerMaster Sileo 500, which is a kind of transitional link between conventional and noise-absorbing cases: its inner surface is covered with foam rubber, which is not as effective as, for example, multilayer walls of Antec cases, but it can also reduce the noise level of a computer. If you wish, of course, you can take a cheaper case, for example, Ascot 6ZRA-BS Silent Pro or InWin IW-J523TA - but in this case your computer will be noisier.

The resulting computer will allow you to comfortably play all modern games at a resolution of 1680x1050, and most of them in 1920x1080 at high quality settings.

This computer in the system block configurator.

Configuration number 6: quiet and powerful (40 thousand rubles)

Our next computer can be called a reasonable maximum from the point of view of gaming performance: more powerful systems, of course, have the right to life (and we will consider one of them later), but in general, only individual users are needed.

When assembling this computer, we will pay attention not only to its power, but also to the noise level - this will be expressed in the choice of an efficient processor cooler, a quiet power supply unit and a case with noise-absorbing walls. If silence is not so important to you, this configuration can be rebuilt in a "regular" case with a complete power supply, saving five thousand rubles.

Processor - Intel Core i5-750. Core i5 is a new family of Intel quad-core processors, the microarchitecture of which is significantly different from the Celeron, Pentium and Core 2 processors. At the moment, these processors and, most importantly, motherboards for them have fallen in price to a level that makes it reasonable to assemble computers on them with a cost only slightly above average , in early 2010 even cheaper models are expected, including dual-core Core i3.

Cooler - CoolerMaster Hyper 212 Plus, a very efficient model with a 120mm fan. Do not forget: to get a quiet system, you must not only install a large cooler, but also do not forget to enable automatic speed control in the motherboard BIOS.

Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-P55M-UD2, one of the inexpensive but highly functional motherboards for Socket 1156 in micro-ATX format. Let's make two explanations at once: firstly, we choose Socket 1156, and not the older Socket 1366, because the latter does not give any real benefit, except for cases when you want to install an insanely powerful - and insanely expensive - processor, which is pointless in our computer (the selected processor is more than enough for the selected video card). Secondly, it makes no sense to install a full-size ATX board in this computer either - the micro-ATX format provides us with all the necessary expansion slots, and even more.

Memory - two Kingston DDR3-1333 modules, 2 GB each. A larger amount of memory today does not make much practical sense, its high speed does not make any sense at all, at least if you are not fond of extreme overclocking of the processor. In general, it should be noted that manufacturers of chipsets and processors choose the nominal memory frequencies not randomly, but based on what data stream this processor is able to "digest" - and that is why the installation of ultra-fast overclocking DDR3-1600 on an overclocked or poorly overclocked Core i5 will have very little effect on the actual system performance. Just because the processor is enough for DDR3-1333 and even DDR3-1066, it will still not be able to process a larger data stream in real conditions (and not in a synthetic test, which does nothing at all except retrieving data from memory). But stability problems with "extreme" memory are much more common than with standard ...

Please also note that the DDR3 memory supply voltage for Core i5 processors should be 1.5 V, maximum 1.65 V. Memory with a high supply voltage is not suitable.

Video card - Sapphire Radeon HD 5850, built on one of the most powerful GPUs to date. Strictly speaking, there is also a more powerful HD 5870 (not counting dual-GPU video cards), but the difference in performance between the 5850 and 5870 is relatively small, and therefore there is usually little sense to pay extra for the older model. What is nice, for all its highest performance, the Radeon HD 5850 works quite quietly even with the "native" cooler.

Hard drive - Western Digital Caviar Blue. This model is productive, but not the quietest - however, the case with soft silicone dampers and sound-absorbing walls will drown out the chirping of its heads.

The optical drive is a traditional Sony Optiarc AD-7243S. No comment - the drive as a drive is moderately good.

The Antec mini P180 case is one of the best models for those who want to build a quiet computer thanks to the good steel chassis, soft suspension of hard drives on silicone dampers and multi-layer noise-absorbing plastic-aluminum walls. In terms of its dimensions, the case occupies an intermediate position between conventional micro-ATX and ATX models, but it allows you to install large processor coolers and long video cards (however, for the sake of the latter, you will have to remove one of the cages for hard drives). Remember to set all fans to minimum speed.

Corsair CMPSU-650TX power supply - the manufacturer of this model is Seasonic, well known to most connoisseurs of silence. Alternatively, consider the Corsair CMPSU-620HX or CMPSU-520HX, also manufactured by Seasonic. But, it would seem, CMPSU-750TX, which belongs to the same series, we would not recommend for a quiet computer - it is already made by Channel Well, and the noise is noticeably high.

The resulting computer is an excellent choice for avid gamers, it will demonstrate excellent performance in any modern games, and it will also work very quietly.

Configuration # 6: quiet and powerful

This computer in the system block configurator.

Further development of the configuration may consist in replacing the video card with a Radeon HD 5870, and the processor with a Core i7-860, but, to be honest, the cost from this will increase more than the performance. If you do not have an unlimited budget and are not ready to spend money without regard to the effectiveness of these investments, then the modernization of this computer can be safely postponed until the next generation of processors and video cards appears.

Configuration # 7: GAMES !!! (70 thousand rubles)

The last - and most expensive - configuration in today's article is for those looking for the ultimate gaming performance. However, we will not just type a computer from the most expensive components available on the market - we are sure that our readers will be able to sort the price list by price themselves - but we will assemble a completely meaningful and balanced configuration. It's just that it will be more expensive than the absolute majority of buyers need.

Processor - Intel Core i7-860. This is still the same Socket 1156 as in the previous configuration, and it was chosen for the same reason: the performance lag from Socket 1366 is insignificant, and the difference in capabilities comes down mainly to the fact that 6-cores will be released for Socket 1366 in the near future. Core i9 processors, while 4-core models will remain older for 1156. Besides, processors of the Extreme Edition series will remain in the possession of Socket 1366.

Are these processors needed in a gaming computer? In general, no, at least they are not talking about a balanced configuration - they are extremely expensive, and they do not give any noticeable advantage in games, since the performance is limited by the video card. It makes sense to aim at such processors if you buy, say, two Radeon HD 5970 video cards - but as a result, the cost of the system unit will fly far beyond 100 thousand rubles.

For the same reason, a Core i7-860 processor was chosen, and not the older i7-870 - with a twofold difference in price, their real performance is almost the same.

Cooler Scythe Mugen 2 SCMG-2000 is a very large and very efficient cooler, which will be enough to cool even such a processor with a large margin. Its package does not currently include a mount for Socket 1156, the latter must be purchased separately (model Scythe SCCSMG2-1156).

The motherboard is Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD4, not cheap, but since we are already going to assemble an expensive computer ... But it already has USB 3.0 and SATA 3.0 (6 Gb / s) controllers, which may be useful in the near future.

Memory - two Kingston DDR3-1333 modules, 2 GB each. As in the previous cases, it makes no sense to buy faster memory: it will not give you a performance boost, but it can cause problems. 4 GB is also enough for any "home" programs of today, although, of course, if funds permit, you can install four modules at once, getting 8 GB.

Graphics Card - Sapphire Radeon HD 5970, 34cm dual-chip monster, the most powerful video card in existence... If 27-cm video cards do not fit into all cases, then only a few models are compatible with the HD 5970.

Hard disk - Hitachi 7K2000 with a volume of 2000 GB. However, we put it just for example, you can choose a disk subsystem at your discretion - save money by taking a hard drive of less volume, or, conversely, combine several disks into a RAID array ...

DVD-drive - Sony Optiarc AD-7243S, here we will not be original, since gaming performance certainly does not depend on it.

Case - Cooler Master Cosmos 1000: beautiful, original, quiet, and most importantly, it allows you to install video cards up to 37 cm long.

The power supply is an Aerocool V12-1000, beautiful (although its value in relation to the power supply is questionable), powerful and quiet. The power of 1000 W, however, is excessive even for our configuration, so if you wish, you can safely change it to a unit with a power of 800-850 W - but, on the other hand, this will change the total cost of the computer insignificantly.

When PC power doesn't matter

Have you heard about "processors for the Internet"? It's time to forget about this rubbish. Internet speed is 95% determined by the performance and stability of the channel for Internet access. That is, the decisive factor is the real average speed that your modem develops when connecting to a provider using a specific switching path. The most common option for home Internet access in Russia is the good old dial-up modem connection. That is, only in rare cases on them it is possible to achieve a real average speed of work above 33.6 Kbps. Typically, performance "floats" in the 21.6-28.8 Kbps range, but in ideal cases (clean line, digital ATC, 56 Kbps modem pool, successful switching), the connection speed can be 44-48 Kbps.

At any of the mentioned connection speeds, no computer, even the most beautiful one, can affect the performance of working with the Internet for the better. In other words, if the modem outputs 33.6 Kbps, then Web pages on a PC - whether with Intel Pentium III 1000 MHz or Cyrix II 166 MHz - will download at almost the same speed - the speed determined by the modem connection.

Does this mean that nothing depends on the power of the PC? No, this is not entirely true. The speed of loading and operation of Internet applications themselves - for example, a Web browser - depends on the performance of the PC. Previously, browsers were simple and undemanding to hardware resources. And today a browser is actually a multimedia program that can work with complex plug-ins: play animation, video, play sound. A couple of years more - and the web will be flooded with three-dimensional visual means, for comfortable viewing of which a more powerful computer will be objectively needed. But with the same performance of the Internet access channel, it will take 10 minutes or more to wait for the download of any 3D stuff.

Home PC Portrait for Internet

I hope you agree that the optimal home computer for the Internet, it is just a machine that can work without "braking" with a Web browser, as well as related multimedia and special applications. That is, we are talking about a PC whose hardware configuration meets the system requirements of programs such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 (browser), Macromedia Flash (video effects), Real Player 7 (streaming video and sound), Windows Media Player 7 (universal player multimedia files, including MP3, WMA and MPEG-2), Microsoft FrontPage (creating and editing Web-pages), Microsoft Outlook (organizer with IMAP-mail client), analogs of the listed programs and other favorite applications.

Actually, now it is possible to derive a universal rule for choosing a "computer for the Internet". The optimal personal computer for working with the Internet for a particular user will be a machine whose hardware configuration with a margin meets the recommended system requirements from the side of the most demanding application and from the side of the most likely combination of simultaneously running programs. It sounds like an article of the Civil Code, but do not rush to get scared, now I will explain everything.

  1. The configuration of a personal computer for the Internet is not universal, but is matched to the needs of a particular user. How does an assembler who assembles typical "computers for the Internet" know your needs? Some of us (let's conditionally call them "surfers") just read online news plus communicate by e-mail and an Internet pager (like ICQ or Yahoo Messenger). Others (let's call them "hunters") collect software and MP3-music by downloading files from the web, and need the means to play it. Still others are "designers" who are engaged in the design of their Web-page, and they need Adobe Photoshop 5.0 to edit graphic files. As a result, everyone needs a “computer for the Internet,” but the hardware requirements for it will differ radically. For the first group of users, a $ 300 system unit will be enough, and “designers” will need a system unit that costs 2-2.5 times higher.
  2. Knowing the system requirements of the most "voracious" program is an important but not decisive moment in choosing a PC configuration. Ideally, before buying a PC, you need to decide how many and which applications you will have to run simultaneously when using the Internet. For example, you can assume that MP3 music fans will simultaneously search for music files (requires a browser) and play MP3s in the background (requires a media player) - just two applications. Accordingly, "designers" of their own Web pages can work with Photoshop while FrontPage is open. And the most undemanding users will mostly use a combination of "browser plus email client" or just one browser, but at least three simultaneously open windows. In the latter case, it should be borne in mind that each open Internet Explorer 5.0 window "eats" about 4 MB of RAM.
  3. The final "PC for the Internet" hardware configuration should have a margin of safety, but not too burdensome for your wallet. Why is probably understandable. Firstly, the selection of a “head-to-head” configuration is fraught with the fact that the computer's power will noticeably cease to be enough immediately after installing a new version of the familiar program (believe me, the real system requirements of IE 3.0 and IE 5.0 differ quite significantly). Secondly, only a specialist can calculate how much hardware resources are needed for comfortable simultaneous operation of Internet Explorer 5.0 with three open windows, Windows Media Player and Outlook, and even then not on the go. Therefore, you will have to determine the configuration by eye, and it is better to overdo it a little than to overspend a little and listen to how the hard drive "trains" hard on the paging file.
  1. Two days before buying a computer for the Internet, make a list of programs with which you intend to work, and find out the system requirements for the most "gluttonous" application. A day is enough to understand that you yourself do not know what you want, so on the second day you can call for help from a "familiar computer technician". This irreplaceable guy will take ten minutes to dissuade you from purchasing a computer, or twenty minutes to explain what exactly you need. In forty minutes, he himself will understand what he is talking about, and will make an approximate configuration.
  2. In a decent computer salon, politely send to hell (or to refresher courses) a salesperson who, not wanting to understand anything, persistently offers you a typical "computer for the Internet" model.
  3. Go to a smarter salesperson and show me a list of the programs you intend to work with. The recommendation "by eye" of the seller should not differ much from the "eye" of the familiar computer specialist.
  4. Complain to the seller about a bad phone line (or boast a good one) and ask for an appropriate modem. Avoid purchasing computers with software (non-controller) modems - as tests in the ComputerPress test laboratory have shown, they are practically completely unsuitable for real Russian conditions.
  5. Budget $ 50-60 for an Internet-optimized keyboard and mouse.
  1. PC for "surfer". We have agreed that a surfer is a user who primarily works with several open Web browser windows, an email client, and an Internet pager (eg ICQ). Without taking into account other needs, a computer in the following configuration will be enough for him "by eye": a processor with a clock frequency of about 300 MHz with support for MMX extensions, 64 MB of RAM, a pair of nowadays inexpensive 2D video accelerators for the Matrox Millennium PCI bus, a case and a system ATX board with USB and PS / 2 connectors. It is advisable to use a 17 "monitor with support for a vertical frequency of 85 Hz and higher in 1024 × 768 mode as the main monitor, and a 15" monitor with support for a vertical frequency from 75 Hz in 800 × 600 mode as an additional monitor.
  2. PC for the "hunter". For this conditional category of users, who spend most of their time downloading programs and multimedia files from the Web, the real performance of the modem connection is the most critical, so money cannot be spared on a 3Com Courier class modem. And the second most important is the size of the hard drive on which the archives will be stored. Processor performance and RAM size should be sufficient to play downloaded media files and occasionally to run batch MP3 encoders. In this case, the conditionally recommended PC configuration can be called: a processor with a clock frequency of 466 MHz with support for streaming extensions MMX, SSE or 3DNow! (Intel Pentium III, AMD Athlon), at least 64 MB of RAM, an 8 GB hard drive and an Ultra ATA 33 interface. The diagonal of the monitor is not critical, but today we cannot recommend less than 17 inches. In the budget for the purchase of a "hunting" PC, you need to include about $ 170-200 for the purchase of a CD-R / RW writer. This will help create mobile digital archives on CDs and reduce the load on the hard drive.
  3. PC for the "designer". Let me remind you that this group conventionally includes creative Internet users who create the content of the Web - personal pages, Web sites and other information resources. One of the working tools for this group of Internet users is the sophisticated graphics editor Adobe Photoshop. To design a Web site, the capabilities of Adobe Photoshop 3.0 are enough, which is noticeably less demanding on hardware resources than the fourth and fifth versions of this program. The use of a scanner implies the need to use at least a USB port, since the parallel connection is obsolete and does not provide the required level of performance. Conditional recommendations for the Internet PC hardware platform for the "designer" are as follows: a 19-inch monitor, a processor with a clock frequency of more than 500 MHz, 128 MB of RAM, a 2D graphics accelerator with 4 MB of video memory, a hard drive of 6 GB or more.

Monitor is good, but two is better

For simultaneous work with several open windows - the larger the screen diagonal of the monitor, the better. However, when working with the Web, it can be much more convenient to distribute windows across the screens of several connected monitors operating in the extended virtual display mode. For example, a browser and ICQ can "spin" on the main monitor, and on an additional monitor, a file download program and a mail program. Or news information is displayed on the monitor on the left, and a text editor is open on the monitor on the right to process it. Windows can be dragged with the mouse from one screen to another, plus Windows "remembers" on which screen the application was last opened, and opens it there the next time. In a word, what is more convenient to use - one 21-inch monitor or a pair of 17 and 15 inches - is a moot point. I would rather choose the second option. Moreover, 15-inch monitors are outdated for use as the main ones, and as cheap additional ones, they will still fit.

Software support for several (up to nine) monitors was first implemented in Windows 98, and later extended to Windows 2000. However, it was possible to work with multiple monitors earlier - through hardware implementation on Appian Graphics video cards or a pair of Matrox Millennium.

The problem is that not every combination of video cards works correctly for multi-display mode. At first, only PCI video cards on ATI Mach64 GX graphics processors (supported by Direct Draw), Trident 9685/9680/9682/9385/9382 / 9385-1 PCI, S3 764V \u200b\u200b+ (765), Trio 64V2, S3 ViRGE ( Direct Draw and Direct 3D supported), S3 Aurora (S3M65), Cirrus 5436,7548,5446, ATI Rage 1 and 2 (VT and above), ATI 3D Rage Pro. Today, cards based on such processors are not easy to find, but Microsoft has significantly expanded the list of supported graphics chipsets. Almost any PCI video accelerator can be used as the main video card, including models with 3D support; all restrictions apply only to additional (secondary) graphics adapters. For more information on setting up and specifying multi-monitor mode in Windows 98, see the sidebar. It is simply important for us to know that working with the Internet on several physical screens is convenient and inexpensive.

And one more reminder: when working with the Internet, characteristics such as color accuracy are not critical, so you can safely buy a liquid crystal flat display for this purpose - your eyes will get tired less and the radiation will decrease dramatically.

Internet keyboard and optimized mouse

If you go to the Internet more often than once a day, then you are shown a keyboard with an additional set of Internet keys. As a rule, we are talking about 3-4 buttons, each of which is programmed to quickly call the mail client, browser, favorite Web page, as well as any of a dozen or more functions and programs. “Programmable” means that you open the keyboard setup program (“driver”) window and select from the list which function corresponds to which button. Everything is very simple. The keyboard driver is included in the proprietary package. Without installing this program, the Internet buttons will most likely not work. Almost always, for the Internet buttons to work, the keyboard must be connected to a PS / 2 or USB connector. If the Internet keyboard is plugged into the 5-pin AT DIN port, the basic set of keys will work fine, but the additional buttons (media and Internet) will most likely not.

Among the most famous Internet keyboards are Microsoft Internet Keyboard (price in Russia - about $ 15), Logitech iTouch and KYE Genius Comfy KB-16M (about $ 17). In particular, the list of Web browsers supported by Microsoft Internet Keyboard includes Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. The mail buttons on the Internet Keyboard are obeyed by mail clients from Microsoft, Lotus, Netscape, Novell, and Qualcomm (Eudora). The keyboard has not only predefined, but also user-configurable keys (by default, they are configured to call the "Calculator" and the folder "My Documents").

The Internet keyboard is a useful element of the "computer for the Internet", but its functionality is limited only by calling a fixed set of programs and functions. The main tool for navigating the Web is really the mouse. She just needs to be given increased attention. It is highly desirable that a mouse for browsing the Internet has at least a scroll wheel. In particular, it helps a lot when browsing long web pages. The scroll wheel usually works as a third button when pressed. If you have installed a proprietary mouse "driver", then this button can be assigned to call a Web browser or other program. In addition, many modern mice support Microsoft features. For example, pan (panning, pan movement) is a function that produces an effect similar to the movement of a prospector's tray when flushing gold-bearing sand. If you hold down the button wheel, say, in Internet Explorer, a large page in a small window will "float" on its own, allowing you to see all the details. Before that, you need to set the initial point (origin - the place where the wheel was pressed), relative to which the movement will be set. As the cursor moves away from this point, the document will scroll faster and faster.

Another feature, Data Zoom, in Internet Explorer 3.0 and above allows you to jump on hyperlinks and also go to the next / previous page. Many third-party mice are compatible with the Microsoft IntelliPoint 3.0 "driver", which provides enhanced functionality for office and Internet applications. Among the mice optimized for working with the Internet, the most noteworthy is the optosensory five-button Microsoft Internet Explorer (about $ 45). Microsoft envisioned a pair of side buttons, placed just below the thumb, to navigate the Forward and Back Web pages (hence the name Explorer). However, the supplied IntelliPoint 3.0 software allows you to reprogram the assignment of each mouse button.

But a real gift for Internet users can be an interactive mouse of the Logitech iFeel Mouse class (see ComputerPress # 1'2001). Such a mouse with a built-in buzzer allows not only to see how the cursor moves across the screen, but also to feel active elements through the vibration mechanism. The convenience of tactile interactivity becomes especially evident when you move the cursor over a Web page. The cursor seems to "stumble" over explicit and hidden hyperlinks, as well as interactive graphic elements, responding with a series of characteristic jolts. For example, when you move the cursor over the entire area of \u200b\u200ba picture link, the mouse responds with high frequency and low amplitude vibration. Very soon the user remembers all these sensations and begins to move faster across the page, practically by touch. It is especially convenient to work with lists of hypertext links (for example, with a list of news). When hitting any link, the mouse twitches slightly in the hand, and you know for sure that the cursor is hovering correctly. And before, to be sure of this, you had to look at the change in the shape of the cursor (when the arrow turns into an index finger). Interactive mice are our future, but today their prices are quite acceptable - about $ 50.

Some conclusions

The attentive reader drew attention to the fact that in the list of recommended configurations for various groups of users, we did not come across either 3D accelerators or "processors for the Internet" of the Intel Pentium 4 class. None of this is required to work with the Internet and will not be required in the coming years two. Moreover, in Russia. Powerful processors with special instruction sets for processing specially optimized Internet applications will only become useful in many months, when a critical mass of Web resources and programs “know” SSE / SSE2 class instructions (Pentium III / Pentium 4). But even then, the multimedia (and even more so 3D) Internet will not yet become widespread. This requires a communications revolution that will lead to the victory of home broadband at speeds above 128 Kbps. In our country, this will not happen very soon. Until then, users will be indifferent to how fast the processor is ready to process data if the data itself is "dripping" over a modem connection at a speed of 4 KB / s. And even the most powerful computer will load a Web-page for a hopelessly long time if the modem "does not pull".

This is a hint that if your child asks for a "computer for the Internet" with a 3D card and a Pentium III 1 GHz, then immediately buy him a "joystick for the Internet" (instead of a modem). Know that online information, he will most likely prefer fair combat with hordes of monsters traditionally living in dark dungeons.

This article has repeatedly emphasized that the main tool of the home "PC for the Internet" is a reliable modem, on which you cannot save money. A separate article in this special issue is devoted to modern modems.

ComputerPress 2 "2001

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