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Where is Jetta going. Rebirth: getting to know VW Jetta assembled in Kaluga

If you delve into reference books and dictionaries, you can find out that the word Jet, which has English roots, hides several meanings. Jet is a strong jet, a stream. Under the word geologists see exclusively their own - jet or, as it is also called, black amber (a kind of coal). Engineers, some better than others, mean different things, but mostly something that uses the reactive principle. Under the heading "razg." many dictionaries in "Jet" give out "turbine" or even more trenchant - "jet plane". In German, Jett is a black glass decoration ... And the Volkswagen developers built on this word a little and since 1979 they began to call it one of their models. Jetta. Sounds flattering and promising, right? Is the essence of the car consonant with this interweaving of meanings? We have to find out.

The current Jetta was born in 2005. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then ... Ask what made us take for a test a model that has been produced for more than two years in a row? We answer! Moving its production to Kaluga. Indeed, since February, only Russian assemblies have been supplied to our market of Jets ...

The affair began back in 2003, when the Germans brought the long-awaited Golf of the fifth generation to the market. At the very first meeting, from the very first seconds of our acquaintance, I was filled with warm feelings for him: he turned out to be too cool-minded. Thick but not harsh. Precise but not sharp. Sure. Calm. Unmistakable. Reference.

The sister inherited these traits along with the platform. Jetta from unlucky brother - Golf in short shorts, like a bull's-eye from an apple. In manners and behavior, she is also full of pragmatism, but (what a sin to conceal?) The feminine principle, whatever one may say, gives her originality. Take a closer look at her - a sort of young woman - a beauty ... From a good family: flexible, with a good look and even character. True, she still does not reach the beauty, but she cannot be called a simpleton either. The sundress was sewn to her what she needs, to match her temper: the "swan" looks not easy, but also discreet. Take a look, for example, at the chrome-plated radiator shield or the “arrows” extending from the “eyes” - the undershoots (the brother does not have them) ... Straight “princess”! ..

By the way, the decorations are not without reason here. This is an attempt to make Golf ... Sorry ... Of course, Jettu is more mature and mature. Agree, many, thanks to these attributes, confuse it with a higher-ranked Passat. However, the size and proportions of the "baby" also bring confusion, be healthy. And if such "confusion" is only good for a cheaper car, then the owners of "wind turbines" may become jealous.

But back to our Kaluga ward ... The key is in my fist, trembling in my knees, anticipation of a feeling of pleasure from a new rendezvous with my favorite golf chassis. Why just the chassis? Yes, because our Jetta with a 1.6-liter engine, strangled, moreover, up to Euro 4. Because of him, the poor fellow suffers from physical inactivity. Slightly, but still suffering. The "baby" is a bit heavy for those 102 "horses" and 148 Newton meters that are hidden under the gasoline engine flap. A bit heavy. The sedan is lazy on acceleration and stubborn as it can. Although, on the other hand, if you whip the equids harder, you can jump very, very briskly and even impudently. But this is if you keep the tachometer needle within 4-6.5 "digital-revolutions" per minute. However, if you want to play chess in a stream, you need a more powerful motor. Fortunately, the Jetta in Kaluga is produced with a 1.4-liter 140-horsepower TSI (220 Nm) and a 105-horsepower 1.9-liter TDI (250 Nm). These engines, by the way, can be selected with six-speed DSG preselective gearboxes.

Our 1268 kilogram “Jet” sprints to the coveted “hundred” in a long 12.2 seconds. But a 55-liter tank is enough for up-o-o-olgo ... Requires a motor for its work quite a bit: the combined cycle, if you do not break too much, no more than 7.5 liters of 95 octane flies into the pipe over a hundred kilometers. For one hundred kilometers on the highway, the car consumes six liters, in the city - 9.9.

And it is suitable not only for everyday measured trips on a tablecloth rolled asphalt roadsbut also for driving at the limit. Moreover, the undercarriage of ground bumps and potholes does not shy away at all - for Russia it is what it needs (by the way, our cars have a higher ground clearance than European ones). The suspension does not bother with excessive shaking and breakdowns. Roll in corners is minimal. On a straight line, the Golf Jetta is extremely stable, reliable in cornering and pleases with neutral steering. That's just standard tires The Continental SportContact 2 doesn't suit her very well. Reactions are smeared.

Power amplifier performance and force feedback generated depending on the speed. In the parking lot, you can turn the steering wheel with at least one finger, with a further increase in speed, the steering wheel is pleasantly “heavier”. But electric power amplifiers still fall short of the best examples of hydraulic analogues. With active taxiing, though a little, it still "shuts up", and there could be more information about the micro-relief of the road and the angle of rotation of the wheels on the steering wheel ... However, what we have does not destroy the feeling of unity with the car.

The ergonomics of the workplace (and what to discuss, it has been said more than once) has been worked out for five plus points. A medium-sized steering wheel (adjustable in height and reach) fits perfectly into the hands, the adjustment ranges are enough for the eyes, and with what relish it dives from position to position the mechanical five-step shift lever ... You swing. The picture is spoiled a little by a long-travel uninformative clutch. When starting off, the drive often knocks out the "little Torment" (we mean the motor). However, this is a matter of habit. Slightly changed tactics, a little more throttle than usual, at the start and order. Visibility forward and to the sides is excellent, but you absolutely don't feel the stern, here parking sensors are simply necessary. Jetta is ideal for long journeys: you don't get tired behind the wheel, and there is enough space in the back even for tall, highbrow riders - neither knees nor tops of heads, even in 190-centimeter longs, rest anywhere. Honor and praise to the ergonomists!

What about the quality? Has the sedan been damaged by the run over the assembly line? Yes, it seems I shouldn't ... After all, in Kaluga, Jets are assembled under the SKD (Semi Knocked Down) protocol of large-unit assembly. Bodies on the tape are delivered completely ready-made. And ours only hang on them separately brought front and rear axles, power units and some other little things. Technical fluids sedans run, of course, here. After assembly, the car and all its systems are subjected to final testing: the electronics, as befits, are interrogated by the computer for faults. Engine, transmission and chassis are tested on tread drums and a dynamometer track. The body is tested for tightness in the sprinkler chamber, and the quality paintwork - control in the light tunnel.

But not everything turned out to be as smooth as we wanted. The assembly of our specimen left a couple of questions in the air ... The first of them was the “cicada” in the front panel, which turned out to be the rattling glass of the instrument panel. But you can still put up with this nonsense, a much more significant defect is the driver's door not adjusted in height. In the opening, the "gate" is slightly skewed - along the window sill line and the frame of the glass, you can see that the back of the "door" is one and a half millimeters lower than it should be. Somehow not Volkswagen at all. Nothing if it didn't stop the door from opening without jamming. What is it? Is Volkswagen losing ground? Or is it guided by double standards? Whatever it is, we hope this will not happen again in the future.

Would I choose Jetta as a constant companion? Perhaps yes. But in a marriage with her, I probably would have felt ashamed from time to time that I was drawn “to the left” towards more temperamental and burning representatives of the C-class. Yes, a mature chassis, yes ergonomics, a spacious rear sofa, and a bottomless 527-liter "chest" at the stern ... But this companion is too correct. So correct that this correctness sometimes emanates from boredom and can even be cold. I will say yes to her when I’m a little older and calmer. And richer. After all, 578,969 "wooden" for the weakest of the Jett family is no joke.

Since the beginning of May this year, the sedan has stopped rolling off the assembly line of the Gorky Automobile Plant. Volkswagen jetta... According to Vedomosti, citing its own source in the industry, production was stopped due to a generational change in the model: in 2019, a new generation of four doors should enter the Russian market.

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According to the representative of the Volkswagen concern, at the initial stage of the release new Volkswagen Jetta, cars will be imported to Russia. Dealers are expected to receive the first deliveries in the second half of next year.

The prospect is rather distant, considering that a new generation of VW Jetta is already being produced abroad. However, as explained in the company, this is due to the fact that all cars first put into circulation in the Russian Federation must be equipped with devices of the ERA-Glonass system, for this purpose it is necessary to conduct crash tests and obtain a new OTTS.

According to the publication, about the possible timing of the localization of the new generation Volkswagen Jetta in Russia representative automobile concern refused to speak. Now production is established in Mexico and China. Presumably, the issue of releasing new items in the Russian Federation will be resolved after the results of sales of imported vehicles.

The car is now relevant for russian market generation was produced at the facilities of GAZ in Nizhny Novgorod until the end of April 2018. As a result, the manufacturer managed to accumulate impressive stock of Jetta, while it is reported that they are mainly designed for corporate clients who should have enough cars at least until the end of this year.

New generation volkswagen sedan The Jetta in North America received only one petrol 150-horsepower turbo engine with a volume of 1.4 liters, its maximum torque is 250 Nm. It is paired with either a six-speed "mechanics" or with an eight-speed "automatic".

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Compared to its predecessor, the Jetta's length has grown by 43 mm (up to 4,702 mm), width - by 21 mm (up to 1,799 mm), height - by 6 mm (up to 1,459 mm), and the wheelbase - by 35 mm ( up to 2 686 mm). The front overhang is now 10 mm shorter, the rear overhang has added 18 mm. At the same time, the volume of the trunk remains the same, it is 510 liters.

Now the GAZ Group plant produces a liftback Skoda Octavia and crossover Skoda Kodiaq. Earlier, the portal "" published: the price of a Russian-assembled model varies in the range from 1,339,000 to 2,014,000 rubles. For comparison: the most affordable Volkswagen tiguan will cost clients from the Russian Federation at least 1,349,000 rubles.

The German Volkswagen is known not only for its quality and attention to detail, but also for the beauty created by designers and embodied in the company's cars. Jetta is no exception. A car that has been created for over 40 years, has gone through many transitions from generation to generation, improving its driving performance, your appearance with each of these generations can rightfully be considered one of the best creations of the concern.

Place of assembly

Official production and sale of Jetta on site Russian Federation began only in 2008, together with the opening of the conveyor for the production of the fifth generation of the car in Kaluga. The car was produced both with gasoline engines (with a volume of 1.4 to 2.5 liters) and diesel (with a volume of two liters). Gearbox choices ranged from five and six-speed manuals to six-speed automatic and six and seven-speed semi-automatic transmissions. The Euro NCAP test showed a maximum five safety stars for the Jetta.

The sixth generation has also recently been produced in Kaluga. It doesn't make much sense to paint undercarriage, since it has not changed much since the fifth generation.

Build quality

It is significant that the owners do not have any objective quibbles about the assembly of the car - even russian assembly deserves praise from satisfied customers. The plastic of the interior does not begin to creak even after prolonged use, the car is not as susceptible to corrosion as some representatives of this segment, wide gaps and other defects in the body welding in some batches were also not noticed by the owners.

However, if we take into account that we live in Russia and we have to deal with Russian roads, then one serious drawback is revealed, which should have been worked with at the Kaluga auto plant - the car's landing is quite low. Recycling the suspension wouldn't hurt this vehicle to get a more ideal status in your segment.

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For this legendary sedan, produced by Volkswagen, which at all times enjoyed amazing steady demand and wild popularity, and now its own niche has been prepared. For the assembly of Volkswagen Jetta, two enterprises work, one of which is located in Mexico, and the second in Russia in Nizhny Novgorod.

The Mexican plant produces cars for the American and European markets, and the plant in Nizhny Novgorod works for the CIS market.

Plant in Nizhny Novgorod

This enterprise is one of the youngest in the structure not only of the Volkswagen concern, but also among the factories of the Volkswagen Group Rus company. Full cycle production started at the end of 2012. Production capacity The factories are designed for the production of up to 132 thousand cars, taking into account the fact that production has been mastered in three different models of Volkswagen and Skoda.

The Jetta produced at the plant has undergone a certain adaptation to operation on the roads of Russia and in difficult climatic conditions. Ground clearance increased to 160 mm, and the suspension is specially made harsh, taking into account not the most even roads. The suspension was additionally reinforced, in particular, more powerful shock absorbers and anti-roll bars were installed.

Among the few flaws that were discovered at the stage of purchasing a car, and during the first operating experience, the following can be distinguished:

  • Use of defective rubber bands in the rear door openings (delamination, uneven trimming, mechanical damage). Easily removed under warranty.
  • Except for noise isolation engine compartment, all other directions should be additionally strengthened (wheel arches, doorways, luggage compartment).
  • When operating in winter conditions, there are problems in closing the trunk lock. Therefore, it is advisable to process it and prevent the accumulation of snow and moisture in the mechanism.
  • Rigid suspension and poor-quality roads transmit strong vibration on the parts of the front console, which leads to squeaks and rattles.

As unpleasant features of the car, it is noted high price some options, therefore, it is better to install some auto add-ons, navigation, multimedia system, parking sensors yourself.

Factory in Mexico

Mexican cars can be found both almost new and used. It should be borne in mind that the delivery of a new car is quite expensive.

On the overseas Volkswagen Jetta, the following shortcomings are noted:

  • Poor quality center console trim panels and door inserts.
  • Insufficient noise insulation wheel arches and doorways. Therefore, many are finalizing this gap on their own.
  • The head unit and speakers are of poor quality, which not only does not provide the proper sound, but also leads to frequent breakdowns.
  • Low quality paintwork, which is prone to minor damage (chips and scratches).

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