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Liqui Moly engine oils for cars. Liqui Moly engine oils for passenger cars Liquid moly oil 5w40 synthetics specialist tests

German corporation that manufactures motor oils Liqui moly , has long been known in the market, the Liquid Moli 5w40 synthetics product line, reviews of the oils included in it, and their characteristics will be the main topic of the review. The range of Liquid Moli oils with a viscosity-temperature index of 5v40 includes:

  • Synthoil High Tech 5W-40 synthetic engine oil;
  • Diesel Synthoil 5W-40 synthetic engine oil;
  • HC-synthetic Top Tec 4100 5W-40 engine oil;
  • HC-synthetic motor oil Leichtlauf High Tech 5W-40;
  • HC-synthetic motor oil Leichtlauf HC 7 5W-40;
  • HC-synthetic engine oil Optimal Synth 5W-40;
  • HC-synthetic motor oil Molygen New Generation 5W-40;
  • HC-synthetic motor oil Nachfull Oil 5W-40.

Only the first two products can be called pure synthetics, without any reservations - these are Liquid Moli Synthoil High Tech 5W-40 and Liquid Moli Diesel Synthoil 5W-40... Among the HC-synthetic motor oils of this manufacturer, there are no less high-tech samples: Top Tec 4100 5W-40 oil has excellent certification, which is not available to every pure synthetics, and is applicable to catalysts and soot filtration systems, HC-synthetic motor oil Nachfull Oil 5W-40 is intended solely for refilling a car engine, if the user does not know what brand of oil is currently being used there. In general, HC-synthetic motor oils from Liquid Moli are interesting in composition and high-quality products; by another manufacturer they would probably be included in the class of pure synthetics. But in the material, only motor oils will be considered in detail, which Liqui Moly positions as 100% synthetics, and HC synthetics are mentioned briefly.

Liquid Moli Synthoil High Tech 5W-40: reviews of motorists and product tolerances

The polyalphaolefin oil that experts love.

physical and chemical indicators

  • Viscosity grade: 5W-40;
  • Viscosity at 40 ° C: 86 mm² / s;
  • Viscosity index: 170;
  • Flash point: 222 ° C;
  • Alkaline number: 9.6 mg KOH / g;
  • Sulphated ash content: 1.2 g / 100g;
  • HTHS:\u003e 3.5 mPa \\ s;
  • ASTM color: 4


  • API SM / CF
  • ACEA A3-04 / B4-04
  • MB 229.3
  • BMW Longlife-98
  • VW 502 00 und 505 00
  • Porsche a40

ADVANTAGES (according to the manufacturer):

  • Reduced waste losses;
  • Saving fuel;
  • High resistance to aging;
  • Mixable with other engine oils (not recommended).

An independent examination showed a good chemical composition of the product - standard phosphorus, zinc and calcium, plus a good boron index (223 mg / kg). Reduced volatility and dynamic viscosity index - a little distinguish this product from the ranks of competitors with similar properties.

Who is Liquid Moli Synthoil High Tech 5W-40 suitable for?

This engine oil should not be used in conjunction with a particulate filtration system, and carefully with catalyst systems. For the rest of the gasoline and diesel car engines, it will fit well and will not cause disappointment in multivalve and turbocharged cars. Of course, the product will suit those manufacturers who are listed in the specification. Before deciding whether to use this oil or not, use the oil selection service for the car model.

Reviews of synthetic Liquid Moli 5W-40 Synthoil High Tech

About Synthoil High Tech Liquid Moli 5W-40 user reviews allow you to score 4.6 points out of 5, which means 90% of motorists using Liquid Moli synthetics are satisfied with its properties. In Positive Feedback about Liquid Moli 5w40 most often they mention confidence in quality, low waste consumption and good detergent performance. All negative reviews about Liqui Moly 5w40 are based on its recently increased price.

Liquid Moli Diesel Synthoil 5W-40: reviews and specifications

The synthetic product is similar in composition to the above, but is aimed at use in diesel engines.

physical and chemical indicators

  • Viscosity grade: 5W-40;
  • Density at 15 ° C: 0.85 g / cm³;
  • Viscosity at 40 ° C: 86 mm² / s;
  • Viscosity at 100 ° C: 14.1 mm² / s;
  • Viscosity index: 170;
  • Flash point: 222 ° C;
  • Pour point: -45 ° C;
  • ASTM color: 3.5.


  • API CF
  • ACEA B4-04
  • VW 505 00
  • BMW Longlife-98
  • MB 229.3

According to certifications, it is intended for high-performance diesel auto engines, both atmospheric and with turbines and injectors. Well suited for diesel engines from European carmakers.

It is known that the condition for the successful operation of the engine is the use of high-quality lubricant. According to the results of ratings, 3rd place in TOP-5 the best oils regularly occupied by LIQWI MOLY Corporation lubricants. The article will focus on the oils of this company belonging to the 5W-40 viscosity group.

Features of Liqui Moly oils

The products of the German company are known far beyond Germany. Impeccable quality, thoughtful packaging design with a strict logo and rich pedigree provide the brand with a well-deserved reputation. Liqui Moly oil is poured into the engines of their cars by drivers of more than a hundred countries around the world. The Liquid Moli oil test reveals the distinctive properties of synthetic fluids from this company:

  • balanced composition that meets all generally accepted classifiers (API, SAE and others);
  • full compliance with the actual product data and those indicated on the package;
  • the strictest quality control;
  • regular updating of product lines;
  • application of innovative technologies in the production process.

Below is a description of the 3 main Liqui moly grades of the 5w40 viscosity group.

HC-synthetic motor oil Optimal Synth 5W-40

As the name suggests, the lubricating fluid is produced using hydrocracking technology (HC synthesis). Often such compositions are undeservedly called "semi-synthetics". In fact, they are completely synthetic. Basic components and technological methods ensure compliance with the highest requirements of modern internal combustion engines.

Optimal Synth guarantees reliable lubrication under all conditions, and due to lighter friction, fuel consumption is reduced. Application of the product in question:

  • facilitates the flow of lubricant to rubbing parts at the time of winter start-up;
  • reduces the consumption of lubricant;
  • provides maximum cleanliness of the engine compartment;
  • has a minimal effect on the neutralizer;
  • recommended on turbocharged units.

This is an Optimal engine oil that combines affordable price and traditional German quality.

Synthoil High Tech 5W-40 synthetic motor oil

This fully synthetic low-viscosity product is made on the basis of polyalphaoleins (PAO) and is intended for all-season use in modern internal combustion engines. Applications: heavily loaded engines, and turbocharged or intercooled units are no exception.

It is widely used on tuned and sports cars. Synthoil series lubricants not only facilitate friction, but also prevent the formation of deposits. 100% synthetic 5W-40 provides:

  • excellent performance in conditions low temperatures;
  • resistance to thermal oxidative processes and aging;
  • protection of the motor from wear in a wide temperature range;
  • "Livability" with turbocharging and catalysts of all types;
  • reduction in lubricant consumption;
  • extension of the motor resource;
  • keeping clean power unit.

All these characteristics make it possible to be confident in the protective properties of Synthoil grease even with significant temperature changes, refueling with low-quality fuel or untimely replacement lubricant.

New generation HC synthetics

The full name of the product is HC-synthetic engine oil Molygen New Generation 5W-40. The new line features innovative Molecular Friction Control (MFC) technology. Briefly, its essence can be explained by the fact that one more chemical element is added to the composition of antifriction additives, which usually include molybdenum - tungsten (anti-seize additive Molygen NG).

Its presence modifies the rubbing surfaces, smoothes them, and the result accompanying the use of such oil appears within 30 minutes after pouring it. What are the external manifestations of the operation of an engine with a new generation Liquid Moli 5w40 oil:

  • engine traction improves;
  • fuel savings up to 3.5 - 5%;
  • oil consumption is reduced by 25 - 30%;
  • its heating decreases, which reduces the amount of varnish deposits;
  • the amount of harmful emissions, including sulfur and phosphorus, is reduced;
  • clean engine, due to the absence of oil combustion products.

The new liquid has an unusual green color.

Was costet das?

The table shows the average cost of the auto oils discussed above.

As you can see, in Russia, the German oil Liquid Moli can hardly be called "folk". His circle of admirers consists mainly of owners of sports cars and premium cars.

For confident, reliable and durable engine operation, it needs. Car owners who understand this simple truth try not to save on consumables, necessary for the car, and buy high-level components. Moreover good quality doesn't always mean outrageous high cost... A striking example of affordability and efficiency is the 5W-40 engine oil from Liquid Moli. At an adequate price, the oil provides the necessary performance characteristics, effectively lubricating the parts, guaranteeing cooling and the safety of rubbing surfaces until the next in the oil crankcase of the power unit. To understand all the features of this composition, you should study its properties, characteristics and varieties.

Liqui Moly 5W-40 engine oil is not a budget product.

Oil description

Liqui Moly specializes in the production of various automotive chemicals, including a wide range of oils. The presence of a modern research center and a staff of highly qualified specialists help the company remain the market leader. Almost every person who has come across a car at least once knows the name of this brand. Their motor oils meet the most stringent and current standards and are manufactured in accordance with European and international quality requirements. It is not surprising that the overwhelming number of reviews about Liqui Moly oils are positive.

Liquid Moli 5W-40 is considered the most popular product. This viscosity provides versatile properties suitable for vehicles of any manufacturer operating in a wide variety of climates. If we talk about viscosity, then this oil is designed to work at temperatures from -35 degrees to +40 degrees Celsius. With such indicators, the oil does not lose its properties and fully complies with the declared technical and physical and chemical characteristics.

Under the designation 5W-40 is a fairly wide range of motor. Each of them has certain properties, advantages and capabilities. Plus, the cost is slightly different from each other. The range of oils with a viscosity of 5W-40 contains both advanced modern developments and oils that have been used by motorists for a long time, but their popularity does not decrease.

Scope of application

Liquid Moli 5W-40 is a versatile automotive product. These formulations are characterized by ease of flow and the inclusion of extremely important and useful additives. Due to a high-quality base base from petroleum products and highly effective additives, it is possible to obtain a working fluid with excellent properties. This allows Liquid Moli to be applied to various vehicles.

By pouring such oil into the engine oil sump, car owners will be able to provide optimal specifications for the following types of power plants:

  • diesel engines;
  • gasoline engines;
  • Turbocharged internal combustion engine;
  • motors with supply air cooling system, etc.

Liquid Moli 5W-40 oil is suitable for any type of engine, regardless of the type of fuel used. This once again confirms the versatility of the composition and the high qualifications of the specialists who develop these lubricants. The main task of Liquid Moli is to meet the requirements of car manufacturers and maintain the machine's performance under increased loads. Liqui Moly products do an excellent job with these functions.

Specifications and properties

Liquid Moli 5W-40 Synthetics is considered a multipurpose engine oil that reduces the load on the engine and makes it easier to start. An important feature of the composition is increased stability and stability at various temperature conditions vehicle operation. With the help of these qualities, the motor works efficiently, for a long time and reliably. The use of special additives reduces the likelihood of oxidative processes, which implies an automatic extension of the period between fluid changes.

Another significant property is the low coefficient of formation of all kinds of deposits that negatively affect the work. power plant and the whole car. Such capabilities have a positive effect on engine wear, which retains its integrity for a long time. Motorists themselves appreciate the versatility of the composition from Liquid Moli.

Studying the description, features and characteristics that 5W-40 oil from Liquid Moli possesses, the following key properties can be distinguished:

  • highly effective lubricating characteristics;
  • and vibration during engine operation;
  • resistance to the formation of scuffs on the rubbing surfaces of the motor;
  • reducing the level of harmful emissions during operation;
  • reduction of fuel consumption indicators by reducing friction;
  • the creation of a thin film on the surface of the engine elements, which guarantees easy starting even under severe frost conditions;
  • prevention of deposits formation;
  • protection against carbon deposits on the engine walls.

The assortment of Liquid Moli contains both pure synthetics and semi-synthetics. But semi-synthetic oil not suitable for everyone and has slightly worse properties compared to synthetics. Each product has its own consumer, which is why Liqui Moly is trying to expand its production, release new high-quality products, not forgetting about the owners of the old domestic cars and modern foreign cars, including sports cars and huge SUVs. Reviews clearly demonstrate the fact that the declared parameters correspond to the real properties. Therefore, the characteristics indicated by the manufacturer are not just a marketing ploy, but a completely fair description of the capabilities of motor fluids.

It is worth noting that Liquid Moli 5W-40 oils are targeted at several main groups of cars:

  • new cars;
  • used cars;
  • cars from European and Japanese companies.

This is not to say that this is an ideal solution for domestic cars of the Lada family or old Soviet Zhiguli. Although Liquid Moli 5W-40 is famous for its adequate cost, not all owners of cheap cars can afford such consumables. Yes, it is of high quality and has excellent characteristics, but in fact they do not need oil of such a high level. There are also cheaper alternatives.

Assortment, tolerances and purpose

To understand what kind of oils we are talking about, you should study the line of Liqui Moly 5W-40 working fluids. This is not one oil, as some might think. This is a wide range of compounds, each of which has certain properties, tolerances and purposes. Liqui Moly 5W-40 oil is characterized by high technical parametersthat fully justify the cost of the fluid. There are several of the most famous, and therefore the most demanded motor oils, which are included in the large 5W-40 group.

This is far from a complete line of motor oils from Liquid Moli with a viscosity of 5W-40, but the most popular, relevant and high-quality formulations are presented here. When buying a working fluid, consider how much oil you need to change. Based on this, you will be able to select the appropriate release form and find the product by article number.

Basically, oils are produced in the following versions:

  • 1 liter;
  • 4 liters;
  • 5 liters;
  • 60 liters;
  • 205 liters.

The first three forms are aimed at private clients, and the containers are 60 and 205 liters. usually purchased for garages and stations maintenancewhere the oil change is on stream and regularly required a large number of high quality grease. 5W-40 oil from Liquid Moli has true German quality, which is confirmed by multiple tests, trials and experiences of ordinary motorists.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many car owners choose Liquid Moli 5W-40 engine oil based on public opinion and expert opinions. Although marketing performed by Liqui Moly company plays a role. If you look at things objectively, then you can highlight some of the negative and positive aspects associated with this oil. Let's start with the benefits, which should be safely attributed:

  • the ability to facilitate the operation of the engine;
  • extension of the motor life;
  • creation of reliable and effective protection of the motor from wear;
  • high-quality lubrication performance regardless of climatic conditions, temperatures and loads;
  • keeping the engine clean;
  • protection against carbon deposits and deposits;
  • fast oil supply to all units;
  • fuel economy;
  • creating optimal pressure in the motor;
  • compatibility with oils of other brands and manufacturers (provided they have a similar base);
  • reducing the level of harmful emissions;
  • applicability on vehicles with catalytic converters and turbocharging.

Agree that the list is impressive. But the declared characteristics and positive qualities really correspond to the real properties. It is only important to make an amendment that this is possible in the conditions of proper operation of the car and when following the manufacturer's instructions regarding the replacement of engine oil.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then there are two main disadvantages.

  1. The likelihood of counterfeiting. This is true for almost any formulation that is in demand in the market and gains popularity among consumers. Therefore, it is important to choose only the original composition, and not to fall for counterfeit products. Largely due to fakes, many negative reviews, in which car owners accuse Liquid Moli of the oil mismatching the declared characteristics.
  2. Cost. While Liquid Moli is not the most expensive motor oil manufacturer, the 5W-40 range is not that cheap. Therefore, it is not uncommon for car owners to carefully consider the issue of such costs when buying a lubricant. It's up to you to decide.

Liquid Moli provides the engine with a wide range of possibilities, prolongs its life and guarantees efficient operation. The only question is whether you are willing to pay for such properties, or get by with a cheaper alternative.

Counterfeit and original oil

An indicator of the quality of any engine oil lies in the long-term and trouble-free operation of the engine, into which the working fluid has been filled. But you must agree that it is not always profitable to check the composition in practice, because if it turns out to be fake, its presence in the engine crankcase may negatively affect the condition of the car. Therefore, there is a simpler method for checking the quality of Liquid Moli lubricant, without pouring it into the engine. To do this, you need to learn a few distinctive features original and counterfeit oil.

Some experts argue that Liqui Moly is not actively working on creating protection methods, since there are no unique holograms or other nuances on the container. But this is not as bad as practice shows. Liquid Moli actively monitors the products, which allows gradually reducing the number of counterfeits on the market. Indeed, in recent years, the number of counterfeit oils has significantly decreased. But there are still attempts to pass off as the original.

There are no factory counterfeits at Liquid Moli. Any attempts to make an analogue of oils by a handicraft method are not crowned with great success. There are clear external signs by which you can easily identify the wrong product.

  1. Cap. Remember that in original Liquid Moli oils, the plugs are always only black. The plastic itself has a homogeneous structure, no defects and irregularities. A watering can is built into the cover, which facilitates the process of pouring the composition into the oil sump. The factory has a disposable seal with a ring, which allows you to open it. Counterfeits are usually poured into already used cans, which is why you can easily identify them by the lid alone.
  2. Appearance. Any external defects on the canister are unacceptable in the original containers. Smooth seams, perfect adhesions, uniform structure and color. If you see damage, punctures, additional adhesions, burrs, then it is better to refuse the purchase. This is a more cunning version of a fake. Fraudsters buy an original canister, and in order not to open the seals, they simply pump out the liquid through a thin needle. Cheaper compositions are poured inside.
  3. Dates. In original containers, production dates are always marked from back side canisters. The last 4 digits are the date. Moreover, the first two mean a month, and the second a year. Watch for smudges, scuffs, and other signs of poor date printing.
  4. Labels. Most Liqui Moly engine oils use the same labels. Therefore, scammers often re-stick one sticker to another canister. The meaning of fraud is extremely simple. They take original oil, but cheaper, and then they stick there a label of an expensive composition. Due to the difference in price, it is possible to make a profit. Counterfeit products are determined by the poor print quality of the label and by its uneven arrangement. If the sticker does not adhere well, there are traces of glue, the image is blurry, then refuse to purchase.

In order not to run into a fake, try to buy oils from Liquid Moli only at trusted retail outlets. Do not hesitate to ask for certificates of conformity, various documents confirming the authenticity of the oil. This is your legal consumer right. If the seller is serious and responsible, then he works directly with official dealers... These stores benefit from direct deliveries that are relevant and favorable prices, the ability to hold official promotions without sacrificing your profits.

Of course, the most effective and accurate method for determining the authenticity of the composition is to contact special laboratories. The only problem is that the cost of the examination is several times higher than the price of the engine oil itself. Therefore, it is better to navigate by characteristic features and accustom yourself to buy consumables for the car only in proven places.

Good day! This review will focus on Liquid Moli 5W40 oil. First, let's tell you a little about the company. Liqui Moly is a German brand that has existed for over half a century and is sold in 120 countries around the world. The company has its own research institutes, in which not only car oils, but also a wide range of auto chemicals, antifreezes and auto cosmetics. The company has been repeatedly recognized best brand lubricants. Today Liqui Moly is one of the largest companies in the production of lubricants, which have earned the trust of millions of car owners.

Liquid Moli 5W40 oil is included in almost all lines of the company's engine oils. Let's talk about everything in order. Let's start with budget oils.

This is probably the most common oil among car owners. The point is that the product has relatively low price and has very good properties. This is a very high-quality hydrocracking (HC-synthetics) with an excellent additive package that is adapted to the Russian climate and fuel. Perhaps this is the most main reasonwhy oil is so popular in the Russian Federation. The product itself has a special approval from AvtoVAZ. Here is what is written about him on the official website of the company:

The oil is produced in cans of 1 liter, 4 liter, 5 liter and 60 and 205 liter barrels.

Articles for searching and ordering Liquid Moli 5W40 Optimal oil: 3925, 3926, 2293, 3927, 3928.

This is another product from the line of multipurpose engine oils. It is a product of HT-synthesis, but with a more modern package of additives, which are intended more for german carssuch as Mercedes-Benz, Opel, BMW, Volkswagen, AUDI, etc., as evidenced by the corresponding approvals. However, this does not limit owners of other brands to fill this oil in their cars.

It has SN petrol and CF diesel approval, which means the oil's versatility. Available in 1L, 5L, 20L, 60L and 205L packs. Items: 8028, 8029, 3867, 3868, 3869, respectively.

The next product on the review is Liquid Moli 5W40 Synthoil High Tech motor oil. At the moment, this oil is one of the most popular in the world and the best in quality. This is a real 100% synthetics, which has a specially selected additive package. However, the SM approval that the product has is a little outdated. But do not forget that this is pure synthetic. Therefore, this does not particularly affect the quality. Below is information from the official website of the company:

The product is sold traditionally in 1l, 4l, 5l, 20l, 60l, 205l packaging.

Liquid Moli 5W40 Top Tec 4100 belongs to the Top Tec line of special oils, which has a high quality base based on hydrocracked oil. The oil contains additives designed for a specific segment of cars. The 4100 is designed for Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Ford Honda, Fiat and Porsche. Perfectly fits the EURO-IV standard. The oil is not widely available in stores, but it is very popular nonetheless. Available in all traditional volumes.

In my opinion, the most interesting Liquid Moli 5W40 oil is the Molygen model. First, the bright green color of the oil is interesting. Secondly, the oil uses the patented MFC (Molecular Friction Control) technology, which involves reducing friction by protecting rubbing parts with tungsten and molybdenum molecules. Thirdly, the use of oil saves about 3-3.5% of fuel. This is actually proven results, not an empty statement. The product is great for European cars.

Above, I have already said that Liqui Moly covers almost everything lubricants... In the 5w40 line of synthetics Liquid Moli there is even a special top-up oil, which is sold in convenient liter cans. It is intended for those cases when the car owner does not know what kind of oil is in the engine, but it is necessary to add oil. Agree that this is very convenient? This product is miscible with all modern motor oils without any consequences.


That's all! From this article you have learned that there are 5w40 Liquid Moli oils. We examined all their varieties, briefly described the main characteristics. That's all! Thank you for your attention and see you soon on our website!

HC synthesis for better protection

HC-synthesis is the latest development for the production of lubricants. The oil base is obtained as a result of hydrocracking - roughly speaking, deep processing of petroleum products. This allows you to create high quality, reliable lubricants. This technology is used for the production of its products by the German dynamically developing company LIQUI MOLY, which specializes in the production of motor oils. One of these is LIQUI MOLY Optimal Synth 5W-40.

Product Description

Before us is HC-synthetic motor oil, created with a unique additive package. Conforms to all world modern industry requirements and standards.

Provides reliable, uniform lubrication in all operating conditions. It significantly reduces friction, due to which a decrease in fuel consumption is achieved, and protection against premature wear of parts is provided. Liquid Moth Oil 5W40 Optimal performs well in different conditions and with different driving styles, in a wide temperature range.

Liquid Moli Optimal Synth 5W-40 is economically consumed, practically does not require top-up, increasing the replacement interval. At the same time, it retains its properties throughout the entire period of service. Perfectly cleans, reduces the amount of harmful substances in exhaust gases. Provides quick lubrication of engine parts during start-up, even at sub-zero temperatures.

Liquid Moli Optimal Synth 5W40 in its qualities is close to "real" synthetics. Its excellent low temperature properties, cleaning and dispersing properties make it just as good. At the same time, the price of Liquid Moth 5w40 optimal is much lower.

Application area

Oils from the Optimal series, to which LIQUI MOLY 5W40 Optimal Synth belongs, are distinguished by their versatility. This substance is intended for various types of gasoline and diesel engines passenger cars... Including turbocharged ones and equipped with catalytic converters, as well as a CAC system (charge air cooling).

This oil is adapted for Russian realities: roads, city driving in start-stop mode, off-road conditions and, of course, Russian frosts. It can be mixed with other oils of similar viscosity.


IndexTest Method (ASTM)Valueunit of measurement
1 Viscosity characteristics
- Viscosity grade 5W40
- Density at +15 ° CDIN 517570.855 g / cm³
- Kinematic viscosity at 40 ° CDIN 5156287.5 mm² / sec
- Kinematic viscosity at 100 ° CDIN 5156214.4 mm² / sec
- Viscosity at -35 ° C (MRV)ASTM D 4684 mPas
- Viscosity at -30 ° C (CCS)
ASTM D 5293 mPas
- HTHS at 150 ° CASTM D 5481>=3.5 mPas
- Evaporation loss (Noack)CEC-L-40-A-9312,9 %
- Viscosity indexDIN ISO 2909171
- Color numberDIN 51578L4.0
- Alkaline numberDIN ISO 377110,5 mg KOH / g
- Sulphated ashDIN 515751,0 -1,6 g / 100g
2 Temperature characteristics
- Flash pointDIN ISO 2592230 ° C
- Dropping pointDIN ISO 3016-45 ° C

Tolerances and conformities


  • API: CF / SN;
  • ACEA: A3 / B4.


  • BMW: Longlife-98;
  • MB: 229.3;
  • Porsche: A40;
  • VW: 502 00/505 00.

Release form and articles

  1. 3925 LIQUI MOLY Optimal Synth 5W-40 1 L
  2. 3926 LIQUI MOLY Optimal Synth 5W-40 4 L
  3. 2293 LIQUI MOLY Optimal Synth 5W-40 5 L
  4. 3927 LIQUI MOLY Optimal Synth 5W-40 60 L
  5. 3928 LIQUI MOLY Optimal Synth 5W-40 205 l

How 5W40 stands for

The 5W40 viscosity marking indicates the all-season nature of the product (the letter w from the English winter, winter). The numbers are deciphered as follows: 5 is an indicator of low temperatures, in this case it indicates the suitability of the oil up to minus 35 degrees. The index of positive temperatures 40 - about suitability up to plus 40 degrees Celsius.

Thanks to this, Liquid Moli 5v40 Optimal Sint can be used continuously without problems in most climatic zones of the world.

Advantages and disadvantages

The manufacturer's statements and reviews on LIQUI MOLY 5W40 Optimal Synth indicate that this substance has a lot of advantages. Positive characteristics Liquid Moli 5W40 Optimal Synth are identified when compared with mineral and semi-mineral oils, as well as some other brands. Here are the benefits of this product:

  • uniform lubrication in all conditions of use;
  • resistance to oxidation and formation of carbon deposits;
  • protection of the motor from wear and aging, prolonging its service life;
  • excellent cleaning and dispersing properties;
  • fast oil distribution even at low temperatures;
  • stable viscosity and pressure;
  • compatibility with other lubricants;
  • low consumption and fuel economy;
  • additional purification of exhaust gases.

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