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Semi-synthetic oil Lukoil Lux 10w 40. Car oils and everything you need to know about motor oils

The quality of the engine fluid affects the performance of a car engine. Therefore, many car owners pay increased attention to the choice of lubricant for their "iron horse". This article will allow you to find out what characteristics Lukoil 10w40 semi-synthetic oil has, for which cars it is recommended and how you can distinguish the original from a fake.


General characteristics of Lukoil 10W40 engine oils

First, let's get acquainted with the description and the main features, properties of the motor fluid. This grease is designed for car engines domestic production. It is produced on a semi-synthetic basis, contains mineral components, as well as a package of additives from Shell, Exxon and others. This makes it more stable under different, even the most severe conditions of use.

How does 10W40 stand for?

Consider SAE decoding of 10W40 symbols. The rotation of liquid particles in the composition of Lukoil oil is carried out when the temperature drops to -20 ° C. And the pumpability of molecules is possible down to -30 ° C. In accordance with the standard, the grease is all-season and is allowed to be used in the operating temperature range from minus 20 to plus 35 degrees.

Manufacturer and quality

According to the manufacturer, semi-synthetics Lukoil 10W40 is characterized by good properties and is a high-quality, effective and high-tech liquid. According to official data, the operation of this machine lubricant is permitted both in domestic vehicles and in foreign cars. According to the manufacturer, due to the technological composition car oil can be used for a long time. The viscosity class of semisynthetics 10W40 indicates that the grease is all-season and universal. Due to the additives included in the composition, high detergent properties of the power unit are provided. The manufacturer uses a special formula that allows you to envelop the rubbing engine components and cover them protective film... As a result, the sliding quality is improved and accelerated wear is prevented. The same additives keep carbon particles in suspension in the liquid and prevent them from settling on the walls of the internal combustion engine.

Release form and articles

Semi-synthetics Lukoil 10W40 for diesel and gasoline engines of cars is produced in cans of one, four and five liters. It is possible to buy oil in 50-liter drums. The articles will be different depending on the container, as well as the brand of liquid.

  • 1 l - 19187;
  • 4 l - 19188;
  • 5 l - 19299;
  • for diesel engines in a 1 liter bottle - 189502.

Lux Turbo Diesel:

  • in a 4-liter container - 189323;
  • 5 l - 189371;
  • in a 50-liter barrel - 189507.

Vanguard in a 5 liter canister - 19518.


Let's take a closer look at the important technical characteristics and parameters of Lukoil oils of the 10W 40 series.


Avangard Ultra motor fluid is intended for use in diesel power units. In particular, we are talking about engines operating on high revs... The lubricant contains additives that ensure stable operation of the oil over a wide temperature range. This product of the Lukoil 10W40 line complies with the Euro-3 environmental standard. Its use is allowed in vehicles of Russian and foreign production.


The main parameters of a lubricant for a diesel engine:

  • value of kinematic viscosity at operating temperature the power unit is 13.1 mm2 / s;
  • sulphated ash content varies around 1.9%;
  • solidification of the lubricant will occur when the air temperature drops to -42 ° C, and its ignition will occur during overheating of about 243 ° C.

Specifications and approvals

The product meets the following standards:

  • ACEA - E2-04;
  • API CF-4 / SG.

The fluid has received the following approvals:

  • KamAZ;
  • MAN 271;
  • Volvo VDS.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this lubricant:

  1. The use of semi-synthetics Lukoil 10W40 increases the efficiency of the power unit.
  2. When correct setting engine, you can achieve insignificant savings in fuel consumption.
  3. According to the manufacturer's data, specifications lubricants can increase the service life of the internal combustion engine.
  4. The use of liquid makes the motor work softer.
  5. The ability to function without loss of properties in harsh conditions. At the same time, the oil reliably protects the power unit from rapid wear, corrosion, and carbon deposits on the inner walls.
  6. Good antioxidant properties.
  7. Reduction of noise in the operation of the internal combustion engine.
  1. Inconvenient packaging of liquid. Judging by the reviews of many experts, the oil is supplied in a container that makes it difficult to fill it into the throat of the power unit.
  2. A large number of fakes on the market.
  3. Problematic engine start at a negative temperature of -25 degrees and below.

A detailed view of this lubricant is provided by the I'm 4x4 channel.


The Super product is a multigrade grease approved for use in small-sized trucksmobiles, passenger carsah and minibuses. According to the manufacturer, the oil has high antioxidant properties, which reduces the likelihood of deposits on the inner walls of the power unit. In addition, official figures indicate that the liquid provides reliable protection. diesel engines when working on sulfur dioxide.


Briefly about technical properties lubricant:

  • the value of kinematic viscosity at the operating temperature of the power unit varies in the region of 12.5-16.3 mm2 / s;
  • alkaline index is about 6 mg;
  • the likelihood of solidification of the engine fluid is higher when the temperature drops from -35 degrees below zero, and its ignition in the engine will occur when the unit overheats to 205 ° C.

Specifications and approvals

Standard API oil complies with class SG / CD. The use is allowed in almost all passenger cars domestic production (both Russia and Ukraine), released before 1996. The grease has received the following approvals:

  • AvtoVAZ;
  • AAI-GSM B4-98.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages first:

  1. The oil is characterized by increased dispersant and antioxidant parameters. This prevents the formation of corrosion on the internal walls of the internal combustion engine.
  2. High cleaning performance. Thanks to them, carbon deposits and deposits do not form on the surfaces of the power unit.
  3. Easy starting of the engine at low temperatures. Helps prevent premature engine wear.
  4. The lubricant practically does not go to waste, which reduces its consumption and consumption. Accordingly, the driver will save money on the regular purchase of fluid.
  5. Decrease in noise during operation of the power unit. This advantage is confirmed by specialists and motorists who spend a long time behind the wheel of old cars. Especially we are talking about vehicles operating under conditions of increased loads.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then they should include the difficult start of a car at low negative temperatures. Although it is stated that the liquid solidifies from -35 degrees, reviews indicate that there are difficulties in starting up even when the temperature drops from -20 ° C.

The results of testing Lukoil grease in frosty conditions are presented in the video filmed by the qaz 261 channel.


The use of Lux motor fluid is allowed in different types power unitscharacterized by high forcing. As part of the grease, the "New Formula" complex is used, which ensures optimal engine operation at both low and high temperatures. According to official data, the oil can increase the efficiency of the motor and its operating parameters in general.


Main parameters:

  • the viscosity of the liquid is 13.3 mm2 / s at an engine temperature of 100 degrees;
  • alkaline value - 7.9;
  • solidification of the substance is possible when it gets cold from -32 ° C, and its ignition - if the motor overheats to 200 ° C.

Specifications and approvals

The grease meets the standards:

  • ACEA A3 / B3-04;
  • API SL / SJ / CF.

The oil is approved for use:

  • in all cars produced by AvtoVAZ;
  • Mercedes-Benz MV 229.1;
  • Volkswagen 502 00/505 00.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with the merits:

  • increased antioxidant properties, allowing to reduce the likelihood of corrosion formation on the internal walls of the internal combustion engine;
  • preventing the appearance of carbon deposits and other types of deposits in the power unit;
  • ensuring easy starting of the motor at low temperatures and protecting it from wear;
  • reduction in lubricant consumption;
  • reduction of engine noise, in particular, we are talking about the power units of old cars.

The disadvantages of this lubricant include inconvenient packaging, as well as a large number of counterfeits on the market.

Lux oil test at negative temperatures was taken by the Killer Fish channel.


Lukoil 10W40 Extra oil is recommended for use in four-stroke diesel engines and trucksthat meet the requirements of Euro-2, Euro-3. If the internal combustion engine does not meet these standards, then it is better to refrain from using a lubricant. It is allowed to operate the fluid in forced gasoline units and diesel engines of cars, trucks, and minibuses.


The main properties of the grease:

  • the viscosity value varies in the region of 12.5-16.3 mm2 / s at a motor operating temperature of 100 degrees;
  • alkaline index is about 8 mg;
  • the sulphated ash content is 1.5%;
  • solidification of the substance is possible from -35 ° C, and its ignition - when the internal combustion engine overheats up to 200 ° C.

Specifications and approvals

According to the ACEA standard, the oil complies with the classifications E2-04, according to the API - CH-4 / CG-4 / SJ. In addition, the fluid received approvals for operation:

  • in engines Gazelle Cummins;
  • KamAZ;
  • Volvo.

Advantages and disadvantages

Consider the advantages of this brand of liquid:

  1. Increase in the efficiency of the power unit. This ensures fuel savings, as well as a decrease in noise during the operation of the internal combustion engine.
  2. Prevention of corrosion is achieved through the use of antioxidant components in the composition of the substance.
  3. Protection of the power unit from wear and rust. An additional package of additives prevents the formation of deposits on the inner walls of the engine during operation vehicle in harsh conditions.

The disadvantages include a large number of fakes on the market.

Lukoil Avangard Extra 10W40 Lukoil Standard 10W40 Lukoil Lux 10W40 Lukoil Avangard Ultra 10W40

Other oils in the 10W40 range

Let's briefly consider the technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of oils of this line, created on a synthetic and mineral basis.


Liquid on "mineral water" refers to the price segment of the economy. Its use is advisable in engines with high mileage, which are characterized by increased oil consumption. According to the standard, this lubricant is all-season, but the manufacturer notes that it can be used in regions characterized by a hot climate.


The main properties of the liquid:

  • the kinematic viscosity parameter varies in the range of 12.5-16.3 mm2 / s, when the temperature of the motor is 100 degrees;
  • the probability of oil hardening is higher when it gets cold to -33 ° C, and fire is possible when the internal combustion engine overheats to 217 ° C;
  • sulphated ash content is 1.2%;
  • alkaline index - 5.

Specifications and approvals

According to API standard, the fluid complies with the SF / CC classification. It is approved for use in all passenger cars equipped with carburetor and naturally aspirated diesel engines. The grease can be used in light trucks and vans.

Detailed review of mineral oil by user Alexei Lipatov.

Advantages and disadvantages

Main advantages:

  • washing characteristics ensure that all rubbing components and mechanisms of the power unit are kept clean, helping to prevent the appearance of various deposits;
  • optimal ratio of cost and quality;
  • affordable price;
  • antioxidant properties prevent corrosion.

As for the disadvantages, the liquid does not allow to reduce the noise of the engine.

Lukoil Genesis

Synthetics Genesis is a versatile engine oil that can be used at any time of the year. Its operation is allowed in both gasoline and diesel engines.


The main features of the grease:

  • the value of the kinematic viscosity during iCE operation is 13.9 mm2 / s;
  • the density parameter when the ambient temperature is 15 degrees Celsius - 0.859;
  • solidification of the liquid is possible when the temperature drops to -43 ° C (loss of fluidity occurs from -38), and its ignition is possible when the motor overheats at about 220 ° C.

The test results of this lubricant in severe frost are presented in a video filmed and published by the Shina Machine channel.

Specifications and approvals

What standards does the liquid meet:

  • API CF / SN;
  • ACEA A3 / B4, A3 / B3;
  • Mercedes-Benz Approval 229.3;
  • PSA B71 2294, B71 2300;
  • Renault RN 0700/0710;
  • General Motors LL-A / D-025;
  • Fiat 9.55535-G2;
  • Volkswagen 502.00 / 505.00.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the lubricant:

  1. The product is characterized by the highest level of performance according to the API SN standard.
  2. The lubricant reliably protects the power unit from wear in aggressive operating conditions.
  3. The fluid is formulated on a basic basis that allows easy engine start at low temperatures.
  4. The composition contains a high content of additives. This makes it possible to increase the resource of using the substance.
  5. Improved detergent and neutralizing performance. This ensures the cleanliness of the components of the power unit during the entire life of the product.

The disadvantages include a difficult engine start in the cold season at temperatures of -25 degrees and below. At least, this is evidenced by the reviews of some users. Perhaps this disadvantage is associated with the purchase of counterfeit products.


As analogs, it is allowed to use any oil that meets the 10W40 standard and the above characteristics. Alternatively, Gazpromneft may be used instead of Lukoil.

How to distinguish a fake?

By what signs can you distinguish fake oil from the original:

  1. The presence of a two-piece plug. The structure of the cover is embossed and made of polyethylene and special rubber. According to the manufacturer, in its manufacture, technologies were used that provide a unique way of closing the cork without reuse.
  2. The walls of the bottles are made of multilayer plastic. If you open the canister, you can see that its structure consists of three layers of plastic. For the manufacture of containers used special equipment, which is not available for manufacturers involved in the production of counterfeit products. Thanks to such containers, the shelf life of products is increased.
  3. The labels on the back and front sides of the canister are melted into the container, in fact they are one piece with the bottle. You cannot peel them off even with a strong desire. This technology eliminates counterfeits. Moreover, the etiquette retains its original appearance under the influence of sunlight and moisture.
  4. The neck of the bottle is sealed with special aluminum foil in order to maximally seal the packaging with lubricant... Any leakage of liquid when placing the container sideways or upside down is excluded.
  5. The manufacturer uses laser-marking labels. On back side bottle code and production date. All important information the lubricant is indicated here, including the team that was responsible for the filling procedure. If you try to remove the engraving with a knife or fingernail, the label will tear. The layer of paint itself is burned with a laser to the paper.
  6. On the back of the canister there is an individual container number. This information is used by the firm to track the logistics of a particular package.

Cost of oils

The cost of the lubricant depends on the store where it is bought, the volume of the package, and the brand. The average price for a four-liter canister of oil is about 600-900 rubles.

Manufactured for power units are always under the close scrutiny of not only specialists, but also Russian motorists who want to purchase only high-quality fluids for their cars. If we talk only about the best lubricants, you should pay attention to the technical characteristics possessed by Lukoil Lux 10w-40 semi-synthetics oil. At the moment, this tool is one of the most popular products sold by the plant. Practice shows that products with this marking are in demand throughout the post-Soviet space. , according to the assurances of specialists, it produces exceptionally high-quality lubricants that can satisfy the needs of even the most demanding car enthusiast. In the material below, consider technical specifications the main substances offered domestic motorist organization Lukoil.

Features of Lukoil 10w-40 engine oil.

Characteristics of oils of the Lukoil 10w-40 line

The lubricant for the power unit, produced by Lukoil, has a number of characteristic differences from the products that are supplied to the market by other domestic oil manufacturers. The main advantages of the fluid in question are excellent quality, decent viscosity properties, good additives. Good feedback from motorists and specialists from other companies involved in checking the quality of means for engines, got motor oil with. In order to choose the most acceptable option, you should pay attention to the properties and characteristics of the oils in this category.


Lukoil 10W-40 engine oil includes a substance of the Avangard type in the line. Before talking about the technical characteristics of Avangard Ultra grease, it is worth noting that it is ideal for diesel internal combustion engines that operate at full capacity. It was the work at high speeds that determined the main features of the Avangard 10w-40 tool. Among its characteristic features, it is worth noting the presence of additives that allow the product to work in a fairly wide temperature range.

Avangard lubrication is quite effective, thanks to it the efficiency of the power unit increases, the motorist can save on fuel (up to 8%). In addition, regular use of the substance increases the resource of the engine's functionality. If the Vanguard goes to diesel internal combustion engines, it will ensure the smooth operation of the power unit. Avangard motor lubricant meets absolutely all the requirements of the Euro-3 standard. Despite some disadvantages, in particular, the chemical composition of the substance, the Avangard product can be used not only in domestic vehicles, but also in cars manufactured abroad.


Lukoil Super 10w40 oil is one of the multigrade lubricants for engines that can be used in power units as on passenger carsas well as in devices installed in minibuses and small trucks. Super grease is semi-synthetics, its technical characteristics are simply unique, the use of the substance will help the motorist to activate the power unit even in the most severe frost, when the thermometer drops to critical levels. Speaking specifically about the properties of a product labeled Super, it is worth noting its antioxidant characteristics.

In practice, the deposits formed in the engine do not settle on the internal components of the internal combustion engine. According to the data indicated by the manufacturer of the product, diesel internal combustion engines will be effectively protected even if the motorist regularly purchases only sulfur fuel. The peculiarity of Lukoil Super 10w-40 oil is that it can be used absolutely in all vehicles of domestic production, it is also suitable for those cars that were produced in Ukraine before 1996.


Lukoil 10w-40 engine oil includes Lux grease in its line. An important advantage of this substance is the ability to use it throughout the year. The all-season working substance manifests its qualities in a wide temperature range - from -20 ° C to + 35 ° C. It should be noted that the properties of the liquid help to function effectively absolutely different types ICE, which is characterized by high forcing. Lukoil 10w-40 Lux motor oil has become unique due to its original formula... Lux is a balanced composition, the use of which will help a motorist start his vehicle even in severe frost.

At the time of the production of Lux grease, the development technology itself was modernized, which made it possible to achieve effective protection of the power unit during its operation at maximum temperatures. Lubricant for the Lux motor is a semisynthetics that positively affects the efficiency of the internal combustion engine, while significantly facilitating the process of driving in any conditions.


Semi-synthetic lubricant from Lukoil, which is ideal for four-stroke diesel internal combustion engines - Extra. It is often used for power units that are installed in trucks. The only condition is that the vehicle meets the Euro-2 and Euro-3 standards in force in Europe. If this condition is not met, it is better to replace the Extra grease with a typical substance. The product can be used in high-powered turbocharged engines, regardless of the type of fuel used.

Avangard Extra 10w-40 grease is equipped with several high-quality additives that make the product universal, allowing it to be used in a wide temperature range. The use of the substance helps to save fuel, increase the efficiency of the engine, has a positive effect on the dynamics of the internal combustion engine, and allows you to abandon the periodic addition of fluid. The presence of detergents removes carbon deposits and deposits from the system, allowing you not to resort to additional flushing of the motor.

Extra means additionally reduces the friction index, reducing the noise from the operation of the device, and also increases the service life of the power unit.


The Lukoil 10w-40 line of motor oils consists not only of semi-synthetic substances. Her list includes and mineral oil A standard that, due to its availability, belongs to economy class substances. It is much more prudent to use Standard oil in vehicles whose engines have been functioning for more than one year. In cars with high mileage, which consume a larger amount of lubricant, it is necessary to fill in agents with a certain type of viscosity. In addition, the conditions and climate where the car is directly used should be taken into account. If the choice of the motorist fell on the Standard lubricant, all the manufacturer's recommendations should be considered first.

Mineral oil Lukoil 10w-40 Standard is an all-season substance that, according to the assurances of the developers, is best used by precisely those motorists who live in cities with a moderately hot climate. It should also be taken into account that the Standard is optimal for carburetor power units, for which this consumable was developed in the first place. Oil Standard can be used in small trucks, minibuses. Often, its purchase is not neglected by the owners of cars equipped with a naturally aspirated diesel engine.

Pros and cons of engine oil

If we talk about Lukoil 10w-40 oil, it is worth considering all its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages of the substances presented are:

  • high efficiency of products;
  • obstacle to the formation of harmful accumulations within the system;
  • a decent level of antioxidant properties;
  • reduction of noise from the operation of the power unit;
  • increase in efficiency;
  • reduced fuel consumption.

In addition to the main advantages, the consumable has secondary advantages, including reliable protection of the original and the release of substances in tanks of different ratings. Of the minuses of the product, it is worth noting a significant pollution factor, not the best environmental indicators, high cost, as well as warranty period suitability.


If the manufacturer recommends using Lukoil 10w-40 oil directly as a motor fluid, but the motorist for some reason cannot purchase such a tool, you will have to choose quality analogue... Regarding this issue, all experts agree that any engine oil that meets the 10W-40 standard, as well as all its characteristics, can serve as an analogue. If it is not possible to buy a lubricant from Lukoil, you can pay attention to the substances that are produced.


Lukoil oils labeled 10w-40 include both synthetic and semi-synthetic and mineral products with a unique composition. All substances differ in the area of \u200b\u200bpossible application, their properties and characteristics, so the owner of both a car and a truck will be able to choose the most optimal option for himself.

Lukoil products are mainly known in the countries of the former CIS. All products comply with international standards, but compares favorably with foreign analogues affordable price... The company pays great attention to research and implementation of innovative technologies, which are immediately transferred to its own production. One of these products is Lukoil Super 10w40 semi-synthetics oil - reviews of which among motorists on various Internet resources are generally positive.

The corporation strives to meet the demand of as many consumers as possible, and produces oils of a wide variety of characteristics and purposes. We will talk about the main ones in this article.



Oils manufactured by Lukoil differ in their purpose, type, viscosity and additives. If you decide to fill your engine with oil from this company, then check out the main 10w-40 classification samples.


Semi-synthetics Lukoil Avngard Ultra 10w40 is a high-quality motor lubricant that is used in diesel engines operating at high speeds.

    1. It contains special additives that provide a wide temperature Range and excellent lubricating properties.
    1. Increases the coefficient of performance (efficiency) of the motor with economical fuel consumption.
    1. Extends engine life.
    1. Provides reliable and smooth operation of vehicles running on diesel fuel.
    1. Meets Euro 3-4 conditions.
    1. It can be used both in domestically produced cars and in many imported cars.


Semi-synthetics Lukoil 10w40 Super is a high quality all-season engine mixture. Specialized for use in passenger cars, minibuses and small trucks equipped with forced naturally aspirated gasoline and diesel engines. Provides easy engine start at all temperatures.
Differs in good antioxidant and dispersant properties. Eliminates the appearance of all kinds of deposits on the engine parts. Guarantees the highest level of protection diesel engines even in extreme conditions when working with sulphurous fuels. Lukoil 10w40 can be used in almost all domestic cars.


High quality semi-synthetic oil Lukoil Lux 10W-40 can be used year-round at temperatures from minus twenty to plus thirty degrees. It can also be used in various types of motors with high boost.

The original supercomplex "New Formula" has a perfectly balanced composition, which guarantees some of the best low-temperature characteristics. Perfected viscosity-temperature data improve engine protection at high temperatures. Lukoil Lux 10w40 liquid significantly increases the efficiency of the engine, increases its operating data, which makes it possible to enjoy driving a car in a variety of modes.


Mineral lubricating mixture Lukoil Standard 10w40 at its price can be attributed to the economy class. Designed for use in engines with solid mileage, characterized by high consumption of motor lubricant. The choice of the type of fluid viscosity depends on climatic conditions and manufacturer's recommendations.

Lukoil Standard 10w40 liquid can be used all year round in temperate and hot climates, as the base oil on engines that provide a carburetor, and naturally aspirated diesel engines, not only for cars, but also for small buses and trucks. Lukoil motor lubricant Standard 10w40 fully meets API requirements and is recommended for use in VAZ vehicles.


Lukoil Extra 10w40 semi-synthetic multigrade engine oil is recommended for four-stroke diesel engines, trucksthat meet the requirements of Euro-2-3. Lukoil Extra 10w40 can be used in forced turbocharged gasoline engines and diesel engines of passenger cars, small buses and light trucks.

Due to the decrease in friction, the efficiency increases and, as a result, fuel savings and noise reduction. Extra 10w40 will not only allow you to keep the engine of your car almost in its original form after a long run, but will also help you to significantly save on fuel.

Lukoil Super 10W-40 is a high quality semi-synthetics designed for year-round use in engines of passenger cars and other vehicles, where the use of oils with API SG / CD quality class and corresponding viscosity is required.

Lukoil Super 10W-40 oil is developed on the basis of high quality semi-synthetic base oils produced in Russia. In addition, the product contains state-of-the-art additives made overseas by leading lubricant companies.

Scope of Lukoil Super 10W-40

Lukoil oil 10W-40 recommended for use in gasoline and diesel engines. this is evidenced by the corresponding product approval - SG / CD. Suitable for all high-powered, multi-valve and turbocharged gasoline engines, as well as moderately turbocharged diesel engines. Can be used in conjunction with the latest systems neutralization of exhaust gases. Not recommended for use in vehicles equipped with particulate filter DPF.

Viscosity 10W-40 allows you to use this oil year-round in regions with different types of climate.

Benefits of Lukoil Super 10W-40 oil

1. Price. Lukoil Super 10W-40 is much cheaper than foreign counterparts with the same properties. Low price does not mean poor product quality. The fact is that 90% of the product is produced in Russia (the remaining 10% are additives that are purchased abroad). And this significantly affects the cost. Ultimately, the buyer gets an inexpensive oil with good properties.

2. Viscosity-temperature properties. The viscosity of 10W-40 is optimal for most regions of Russia, as well as for the vast majority of engines. Firstly, such a viscosity provides easy engine start in cold weather, as well as a quick supply of lubricant to rubbing parts. Secondly, this viscosity is suitable for most engines that are characterized by increased consumption oils.

3. Performance characteristics... Firstly, the good protective properties of the product should be noted. Lukoil Super 10W-40 perfectly protects the motor from wear. Secondly, the detergent properties. The oil not only flushes out all types of contaminants, but also prevents their further formation. Third, the oxidation stability of the product.

4. Reducing the level of noise and vibrations that inevitably occur during engine operation.

Lukoil Super 10W-40 characteristics

Specifications and Approvals

Viscosity grade SAE 10W-40

Officially approved by AvtoVAZ OJSC, ZMZ OJSC, AAI-GSM B4-98

Data for transport companies:

Approximate weight of goods with packaging: 1 kg
Approximate volume of goods with packaging: 0.01 m3

Lukoil 10w 40 - engine oil from a domestic brand, which compares favorably with other products russian production - high quality, the presence of a wide range of additives and optimal viscosity properties. This is one of the most popular products in the manufacturer's lineup and deserves a separate review.


Lukoil 10w 40 is distinguished by a well-thought-out composition, which contains all the necessary ingredients, as well as special detergent additives. It is known that, with regular operation of the machine (especially in harsh conditions), deposits and carbon deposits form on the walls of the engine, which, over time, increases and it is not able to wash out on its own, without washing the engine. Thanks to Lukoil 10w 40 detergents, additional work can be avoided. This is due to the fact that the lubricant itself acts as a flushing fluid. Consequently, after draining the engine oil, impurities (waste mixtures) also go away with it.


Lukoil 10w 40 engine oil is an option for diesel or gasoline engines, with and without supercharging. The grease is used on passenger cars, light trucks and vans. More precise recommendations can be obtained in the operating instructions for the lubricant.

Specifications and types of composition

The oils produced by Lukoil are classified according to several criteria - type, purpose, additive package and viscosity. Among the main samples of Lukoil 10w 40 grease, it is worth highlighting the following:


It is a semi-synthetic engine oil suitable for high speed diesel engines. The lubricant contains additives that provide optimum oil performance and engine protection. The product meets the requirements of Euro-3 and Euro-4, prolongs engine life and provides maximum efficiency, while minimizing fuel consumption. The use of Lukoil 10w 40 Vanguard guarantees soft and reliable protection of diesel engines, as well as an increase in service life. It is allowed to use the Vanguard on domestic and foreign machines.


it semi-synthetic oil for the engine, characterized by high quality and the ability to use, without reference to the season. "Super" oil is intended for light trucks, classic cars and small busesequipped with diesel engines and gasoline engines naturally aspirated. The features of the composition include the ease of starting the engine, in any temperature regime, excellent dispersing and antioxidant characteristics. Regular "Super" helps to effectively clean the engine from deposits, as well as protect it when operating in extreme conditions. The use of the composition is allowed on all domestically produced machines.


Universal oil for Lukoil 10w 40 engines, which can be used all year round. Temperature regime - from 20 degrees below zero to 30 degrees Celsius. Lubricant is allowed to be poured into various high-performance engines. One of the main features of "Lux" is a balanced composition that provides optimal oil characteristics, even with low temperatures... The use of the "New Formula" supercomplex guarantees reliable protection of the motor, an increase in efficiency and an improvement in its working properties.


This is a mineral-based Lukoil 10w 40 engine oil that is a budget option. Recommended for use in engines with high mileage, which have a high oil consumption. Determining the appropriate viscosity level depends on the climate in which the machine is used and the manufacturer's recommendations.

A feature of the Standard engine oil is the possibility of year-round use, because the lubricant is all-season.

Application Lukoil 10w 40 Standard is recommended in hot and temperate climates, as a base oil, on carburetor and naturally aspirated engines. It is allowed to fill with oil in the corresponding motors of cars, small trucks and buses. Engine lubricant Standard fully complies with API standards and is recommended for use at VAZ.


This is a multigrade engine oil, semi-synthetic. This type of lubricant is recommended for use on gasoline and diesel 4-stroke engines of passenger cars and trucks that meet Euro-2 and Euro-3 standards. This oil can also be used on small buses.

"Extra" action on the engine: increasing its efficiency, reducing noise and saving fuel. Regular use of Lukoil 10w 40 Extra allows you to protect the engine, even when difficult conditions exploitation. If this oil is used, there is no need to regularly top up the working fluid. The composition contains a full package of additives that guarantee the preservation of optimal properties of the working fluid, at high and low temperatures.

Pros and cons of engine oil

The advantages of Lukoil 10w 40 of the entire line include:

  • Reliable protection of the motor against wear, corrosion and the formation of various deposits, regardless of operating conditions.
  • Affordable cost, which is considered one of the main selection criteria.
  • Increase engine efficiency, reduce noise, save fuel.
  • Excellent detergent and thermal oxidation properties.
  • Stable viscosity parameter at any operating temperature.


  • Inconvenient canister. Due to the unsuitable shape, difficulties arise in the process of pouring coolant into the engine.
  • Sometimes instructions are missing.
  • Freezing, at low temperatures outside.

In general, the reviews of car owners confirm that, in terms of price-quality ratio, Lukoil 10w 40 is one of the the best options... The main thing is to carefully approach the choice of goods and buy original formulations.

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