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Ood draw wheels for cars 2 younger. Abstract of a drawing lesson in the second junior group "Wheels for a truck

Nadezhda Kozmodemyanova
Abstract of a drawing lesson in the second junior group "Wheels for truck»

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the second junior group

« Truck Wheels»

Materials: Truck toy car, toy hare, traffic light layout, road layout, painted cars without wheels on album sheets by the number of children, steering wheels by the number of children.

1. The area of \u200b\u200bsocial and communicative development

goal: to form children's ideas about transport (truck) ; to give knowledge about the rules of safe road traffic... Ideate "Street", "sidewalk", "road", "crosswalk", "traffic light". Cars are driving along the road... Pedestrians walk along the sidewalk. Consolidate children's ideas about the purpose of traffic lights, about its signals.

2. Field of cognitive development

goal: Reinforce knowledge of the colors red, yellow, green, consolidate knowledge of the figure "a circle", concepts "narrow", "wide".

3. The area of \u200b\u200bspeech development.

goal: To develop the skills of coherent speech, attention, memory, ingenuity. Enrich and revitalize the vocabulary children: pedestrian, sidewalk, crosswalk, traffic light.

4. The area of \u200b\u200bartistic and aesthetic development.

goal: to consolidate the ability to hold the brush correctly; keep teaching paint a circle, to form the ability to close a line into a ring, to develop a sense of form.

5. The area of \u200b\u200bphysical development.

goal: Teach children to perform basic movements, develop attention, coordination of movements.

Course of the lesson

The teacher shows the children a toy truck: “Guys, look at our a bunny rides a group by car! He goes for a long time, but you and I will help him get to us quickly.

Tell me what this is called car? (Freight)

Bunny rides on car on a wide road.

(There is a model of the road on the table)

Guys, please show the broad road. Children show.

The bunny drove to pedestrian crossing (the teacher shows the transition on the layout) and does not know what to do now. Let's help Zaika navigate the road?

Guys, we all know that the most important traffic light on the road. He helps cars and people... With the help of his multi-colored eyes, he regulates the movement, showing who to go and who to stand.

Red-stop, green-go!

Let's get acquainted with the traffic light lessons now?

Book reading "Traffic light lessons" V. Likhoded.

So we got to know the traffic light lessons and now we know and can help Zaika get to us in group.

So the Bunny has come to us! But he got into trouble. Flew off wheels from his car... We need to help Zaykin Grief. Let's draw wheels? Wheels of what shape? (A circle).

The teacher gives the children album sheets with painted cars without wheels... Children paint wheels for car.

The teacher praises the children. Well done boys! You helped the Bunny to get to us in group and fix the car! Now let's all play together?

The teacher distributes to the children "Rudders" - rings. Children sit on high chairs. As soon as the teacher turns on the music simulating the noise of cars, the children get up from the chairs and twist "Rudders"... As soon as the teacher turns off the music, the children sit down.

After the game, the teacher praises the children!

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the first junior group

"Wheels for the car"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to hold the brush correctly; continue to teach to draw a circle with paints, to form the ability to close a line into a ring, to develop a sense of form, to foster a culture of communication.

Materials: album sheets (according to the number of children), black gouache, toy cars, steering wheel, road model, tickets.

Children sit on high chairs.

Guys, let's say hello to you now:

Hello eyes - hello, hello.

Hello ears - hello, hello.

Hello legs - hello, hello.

Hello pens - big hello.

(Car signal sounds)

Children, have you heard? What do you think it is?

I'll go and take a look (I roll up the truck by the string).

The teacher shows the children a toy car: “Guys, look, a car has arrived in our group!

My car is good
Can drive without petrol.
Only the key will turn -
And the car will start.

Q: Oops! Look, she came not alone, her friends are with her cars, but how different they are. Here he brought a KAMAZ cargo in the back, here is a motorcycle, he has two wheels, only two people can ride on it, they can no longer. And this is a van carrying animals in a covered body to the farm. Special assistance vehicles are a truck crane and an aerial platform.

Guys, which of these cars can we all ride together?

Children do not answer correctly, then the teacher shows a picture with a picture of a bus.

Q: Who is driving the bus? What does he need for this?

D: Chauffeur, driver. Steering wheel.

Q: Let's take passengers and play with you?

Children sit on high chairs like on a bus. It is allowed to take a handbag or a doll with you, the teacher - the conductor distributes tickets. As soon as the teacher turns on the music that imitates the noise of cars, the child driver turns the steering wheel and, when cornering, everyone leans to the side, jumping on bumps.

The teacher turns off the music, and exclaims:

A forced stop, an accident on the road.

On a mock road, the car lies on its side. A teddy bear driver is standing next to her.

Q: Mishka, what happened?

M: I was driving, and suddenly the wheels of my car began to slip, I could not stop it.

Q: Guys, Bear is in trouble. He needs new tires for his car. Will we help him?

Q: Come on, guys, to the tables. (sheets, paints, brushes, jars of water are ready on the tables).

Q: See how the new tires look, what color they are (a sample is shown). Please take your hands in your hands, lift them up. Draw a circle in the air. These are the movements we are going to draw with.

The teacher helps, praises the children and says that now Misha's car has a lot of spare tires for the wheels, and he can now go further.

Purpose: Creation of conditions for the formation of initial ideas about the modes of transport and traffic rules.
develop the ability to distinguish by appearance freight and passenger cars, bus;
intensify lexicon children on the topic "transport", improve onomatopoeia skills;
promote the development of speech, attention, memory, thinking, sensory standards (color, size);
improve the motor skills of children, through the game exercises "cars drive along the road", "tighten the nut", "pump up the wheels", etc .;
develop the ability to follow verbal instructions;
to acquaint with the basic rules of the road (traffic is prohibited on a red light, on a green one - allowed).
Materials and equipment: small toy cars different color (cars, bus, truck, fire engine), steering wheels, a large truck, a bright box for toy cars, a "road", a red and green circle, audio recordings: sounds of moving cars, chairs according to the number of children.
The content of the organized activities of children.
Children pass and sit on the rug.
1. Didactic game "Whose sound?"
Educator: Children, listen carefully, and guess whose sound it is? (the teacher turns on the recording of the noise of a moving vehicle in turn: a truck, a car, a tractor, a tram, etc.).
Whose voice is this? What kind of car is this? (children name the types of transport, the teacher shows pictures of cars). Do you want to play cars?
2. Game exercise "Cars driving along the road"
Educator: Today we will be cars, and the chairs are our garages. (children pass and sit on chairs)
Where do the cars go? (on the way to). Today our road will pass around this clearing (the teacher walks along the "road" showing the route of movement) do not enter the clearing, we go strictly along the road.
I will be a traffic controller if I raise the red circle all cars stop, if I raise the green circle all cars can go further. (offers to pick up the steering wheels)
Educator: Is everyone ready? We start the engine. Go! ("Cars" give a signal to "BB", and they go imitating the noise of the car: "W-w-w-w").
Educator: (raises a red circle and announces loudly: - "The passage is closed." Children are waiting for a signal. The teacher raises a green circle and says: - "You can go," the children go on).
3. Game exercise "Car repair"
Educator: (raises a red circle) “The passage is closed, all cars must pass a technical inspection. All cars pull over to the side of the road. (Children go to the "clearing" - the edge of the rug and do the exercises)
1. "Tighten the nut with a screwdriver"
I.P. Legs slightly apart, hands below. Raise your right hand up, perform circular movements, say "Zip, zip, zip", lower your hand down. The same with the left hand. 2 times
2. "Knock the wheels with hammers"
I. P. Sitting. Lean forward to knock on the knees with his fists, say "Knock - knock, knock." 4 times
3. "Pump up the wheel pump"
I. P. standing, legs wide apart, hands on the belt. Lean forward 4 times, say "Sh-Sh-Sh" 4 times
Educator: All cars are in good order, we go further. (children follow each other in a circle) Cars to the garage. (children sit on chairs, remove the steering wheels under the chair).
4. Dramatization of the poem. Kazyrina T. "I'm driving my car"
Educator: (The teacher takes out a large truck with a box in the back on a string, reads a poem).
I'm driving my car
The rope is very long.
I'm standing at a red light
I'm going to green.
And I decided that very soon
I'll become an uncle chauffeur
Learn to drive a car
Very long without rope.
5. Examination of the machine
Educator: Guys, look what I have big car... What is this car? (freight). The teacher draws the attention of children to the box in the back).
Look, what a beautiful box the truck brought, there must be something there. (the teacher tries to open, but nothing works)
The box is magic, it will open only when you tell a poem about a car. Do you know poems about a car? (children tell 2-3 familiar poems, the teacher opens the box, and there they lie different cars)
6. Didactic game "What car is gone?"
Educator: Look, what is it? (Cars.) We will now find out what they are called. (the teacher takes out 1 car, I name the children).
Now we'll play hide and seek with cars. The teacher conducts the game "What's gone?" Asks the children to close their eyes, removes 1 car, then asks the children: “What's gone?” "What color is the car hiding?", "What car is hiding - small or large." Children name the car, its color or size.
7 reflexion
Educator: Did you guys like playing with cars today? What did you like the most? (hears answers from several children) Now take the cars and play with them. (distributes toy cars and children play on their own).

  • "Wheels of the car".

    Objectives: Teach children to name parts of a truck. Continue teaching children how to draw-poke within the intended space. Continue to develop fine motor skills of the hands, a sense of rhythm (up and down). To educate accuracy when working with paint, stick; desire to help the hero.

    Children sit on high chairs.

    Guys, let's say hello to you now:

    Hello eyes - hello, hello.

    Hello ears - hello, hello.

    Hello legs - hello, hello.

    Hello pens - big hello.

    (Car signal sounds)

    Children, have you heard? What do you think it is?

    I'll go and take a look (I roll up the truck by the string).

    See, she came to us beautiful car

    Here are the wheels, here are the cab, here are the body

    She needs a body for cargo. (Accompanied by a display of truck parts).

    Who knows what this car is called?

    Correctly a truck. Let's say a truck together.

    (I point to the body) - What are these guys? (body).

    Julia repeat, what is it? (several individual answers).

    The cargo is loaded into the body. What are these guys? (pointing to the cockpit, several individual responses). Guys, what else does the truck have? Correct wheels.

    Now I'll read you a poem about a truck:

    No, in vain we decided

    Ride the cat in the car

    The cat is not used to rolling

    Overturned the truck.

    Look at the picture. The truck is sad.

    Truck, why are you sad?

    I forgot to tell you that my friends are in trouble. They so wanted to ride the cats, but the cats overturned them and broke their wheels.

    Don't worry about the truck. Guys, can we help the truck?

    Show how the wheels are spinning (they swing their fists in front of the chest).

    Wheels spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning

    Let's go, let's go, let's go for a long time

    This path is very long


    When we arrive at the table

    Then we can rest.

    (hands forward, sit down).

    Come guys to the tables.

    Look at your leaflets, the wheels of the trucks are hidden and the trucks cannot see them, but in order for them to see them we need to paint the wheels of the trucks. A magic wand will help us. The stick today will "dance" along the contour, it will jump up and down (showing).

    Now you take your magic wands and show them how they will jump. Dip a stick in the paint carefully and start painting the outline of the wheels. We do not go beyond the contour (line). Who finished, put your magic wands on a plate, wipe your hands with a napkin.

    Truck, look what beautiful wheels the guys have drawn for your friends.

    The truck is happy and thanks you and it's time for him to go to the garage. Bye.

    Guys, who came to visit us today?

    What does the truck have?

    What did we draw today?

    Who were the wheels painted for?

    Who helped us draw the wheels?

    Well done guys, now close your eyes and repeat after me: one, two, one, two, that's the game over.

    Koltakova Nina Sergeevna

    Drawing lesson summary

    in the second younger group

    "Wheels for the car"

    Completed by: teacher of the second junior group No. 1 "Fidgets" Bulgakova Victoria Viktorovna


    Truck toy car, toy hare, traffic light model, road model, drawn cars without wheels on album sheets by the number of children, steering wheel rings by the number of children.

    1. The area of \u200b\u200bsocial and communicative development

    Purpose: To give knowledge about the rules of safe road traffic. To form the concepts "street", "sidewalk", "road", "pedestrian crossing", "traffic light". Cars drive along the road. Pedestrians walk along the sidewalk. Consolidate children's ideas about the purpose of traffic lights, about its signals.

    2. Field of cognitive development

    Purpose: To form in children ideas about transport (truck), to give an idea of \u200b\u200bits main parts (wheels, doors, windows, cab, steering wheel, body). Consolidate knowledge of the colors red, yellow, green, consolidate knowledge of the "circle" shape.

    3. The area of \u200b\u200bspeech development.

    Purpose: To develop skills of coherent speech, attention, memory, ingenuity. To enrich and activate the children's vocabulary: pedestrian, sidewalk, crosswalk, traffic light.

    4. The area of \u200b\u200bartistic and aesthetic development.

    Purpose: to consolidate the ability to hold the brush correctly; continue to teach to draw a circle with paints, to form the ability to close a line into a ring, to develop a sense of form.

    5. The area of \u200b\u200bphysical development.

    Purpose: To teach children to perform basic movements, develop attention, coordination of movements.

    Course of the lesson

    Surprise moment: There is a package on the table with a note attached to it. The teacher reads a note:

    "Guys, having solved the riddles, you will find out what is in the package."

    1. Drinks gasoline like milk,

    Can run far.

    Children: Car.

    The teacher takes a toy truck out of the package.

    2. A lump of fluff,
    Long ear.
    Jumps deftly
    Loves carrots.

    Children: Bunny.

    The teacher gets a bunny out of the package.

    “Guys, look, a bunny is coming to our group in a car! What a beautiful big car. What does the car have?

    Children: The car has wheels, doors, windows, a cabin.

    Educator: What kind of car is this - a truck or a car?

    Children: This is a truck.

    Educator: That's right, this is a truck, it transports goods. And they are here, in the back. Where are the goods located?

    Children: Loads are in the back.

    Educator: What goods can be transported on this car?

    Children: This machine can transport sand, coal, bricks, etc.

    Bunny is a car driver today. The driver controls the car using the steering wheel. Show the steering wheel. (Children show.)


    The teacher distributes to the children "steering wheels" - rings. Children sit on high chairs. As soon as the teacher turns on the music imitating the noise of cars, the children get up from the chairs and turn the "steering wheels". As soon as the teacher turns off the music, the children sit down. After the game, the teacher praises the children!

    Educator: Where do the cars go?

    Children: cars drive on the road.

    (There is a model of the road on the table)

    The bunny is driving along the road in a car, has reached the pedestrian crossing (the teacher shows the crossing on the model) and does not know what to do now. Let's help Zaika navigate the road?

    Guys, we all know that the most important traffic light on the road. He helps machines and people. With the help of his multi-colored eyes, he regulates the movement, showing who to go and who to stand.

    Red is a dangerous color

    Yellow is the same as red

    And green in front -

    Boldly, boldly come in!

    Let's now take a look at the traffic light lessons.

    Reading the book "Traffic Light Lessons" V. Likhoded.

    Let's start a conversation
    We're talking about an important traffic light!
    He stands on the road
    Follows the movement.
    If the red light is on
    The traffic light tells us:
    -Stop still! do not go!
    You wait a little.
    A bright yellow light is burning
    "Get ready" - he says.
    The traffic light warns
    That he switches the light.
    He turned on the green light
    The way forward has allowed us,
    All cars are waiting in unison:
    Children with mothers go.

    A must for every pedestrian
    Know that "zebra" is a transition.
    To cross the road
    We need to find him.
    Never rush!
    Look around the road.
    Do not rush for others
    Hold your mom's hand.
    You need to know the rules!
    Do not play near the track!
    And animals unattended
    Do not let on the road!
    If you know the rules
    And you always observe them-
    Feel free to go! Go ahead
    Lead your friends.

    So we got to know the traffic light lessons and now we know and can help Zaika get to our group.

    So the Bunny has come to us! But he was in trouble. Wheels flew off his car. We need to help Zaykin Grief. Let's draw the wheels? What wheel shape? (A circle) .

    The teacher gives the children album sheets with painted cars without wheels. Children draw wheels for the car.

    The teacher praises the children. Well done boys! You helped the Bunny get to our group and fix the car!

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