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Safe overtaking. Overtaking to the next world

Learning not to expose ourselves or other machines under attack

Driver errors on the track almost always end in failure. The kinetic energy of a car increases in proportion to the square of the car's speed. That is, the energy of a car at a speed of 120 km / h is not twice, but 4 times more than at a speed of 60 km / h.

The two most common causes of road accidents are speeding and overtaking. You can only read a lecture about speeding, but when overtaking, many drivers make mistakes or are too careless about this maneuver. Let's talk about him.

Help yourself get ahead

Some drivers refer to driving on the highway as to some kind of competition, trying to go fast, overtaking someone all the time, not letting them overtake them. It's not just silly, it's dangerous.

If you see that someone is trying to overtake you from behind, do not interfere with overtaking, do not accelerate and do not start overtaking yourself. Better, on the contrary, squeeze a little to the side of the road, letting the driver behind him understand that you see him and give in to him.

If you see that you cannot overtake, blink the driver with the left turn signal three times, but in no case prevent overtaking. Better keep your foot on the brake and be ready to give the overtaker room to complete the overtaking. Otherwise, you will endanger him, yourself, and the passengers of the oncoming car.

Overtake quickly

The faster you overtake, the safer it will be. You can often observe the following picture: the car drives into the oncoming lane and gradually starts to accelerate. As a result, overtaking can take 10 seconds. This is very long and very dangerous.

Ideally, overtaking one car should take 2-3 seconds. The less time you spend in the oncoming lane, the safer for everyone. To overtake quickly, you need to pick up speed and switch to a lower gear in your own lane. You need to drive into the oncoming lane with a noticeable speed advantage.

Overtaking at the same time

Never overtake with someone. Especially if the car is in front of you with tinted windows or just more (for example, an SUV, minivan, van, truck). Behind her, little is visible, overtaking for the company with her, you deprive yourself of an overview and time to make a decision. In addition, the oncoming car does not see you the same way you see it, and thinks that only one car is going towards it.

It is especially dangerous to overtake at the same time in two cases.

1) You are pressed against the rear bumper of the vehicle in front. If the car in front slows down or decides to change lanes back into its lane, you will either crash into it or you will not have enough room for the same change, because, as a rule, there is enough space between cars for only one car to fit in.

2) Your car is obviously less powerful than the one in front. In this case, if you need to accelerate to complete overtaking, you simply cannot do it. It's funny to watch the Priora sit on the tail of the BMW X5 and in a dangerous situation BMW safely accelerates and completes overtaking, and the Priora's driver either has to push the passing cars to the side of the road, or go to the oncoming shoulder himself.


When you see a convoy of cars on your way, which was collected by some old wagon or an ancient "six" with your grandfather driving, do not rush into battle, overtaking one car after one and risking each time. Better to stop for five minutes at a gas station or cafe. Then, when you catch up with the organizer of the column, instead of a long tail, there will be 2-3 cars that can be easily overtaken without nerves. You will not waste much time, but it will be calmer.

Follow the signs

You need to closely follow the signs on the road and the signs that other drivers are giving you. Usually truckers help drivers of cars well, blinking the right or left turn signals.

Traffic signs need to be monitored not only so as not to accidentally cross a solid line and fall under a deprivation, but, for example, so as not to be in the oncoming lane in front of a pedestrian crossing or intersection. Firstly, overtaking in these places is prohibited. Secondly, there is often a situation when a person decides to cross the road on a zebra crossing in front of a slowly moving truck (we live in Russia) and does not suspect that you are overtaking this truck at that very moment in the oncoming lane.

A similar situation can occur when the driver turns left from a side road adjacent to the right. He crosses your lane in front of the truck and turns out to be in his own lane (for you this is the oncoming one), along which you overtake this same truck. As a result, a frontal impact is almost guaranteed.

When overtaking with an exit to the oncoming traffic, in order to avoid collisions with the oncoming car, it is necessary to take into account and follow all the recommendations and requirements that are spelled out in.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how to solve your problem - contact a consultant:


It is fast and IS FREE!

This also applies to moving along your own lane. In addition, the driver is required to pay attention to road signs, signs (plates) and traffic light signals when it intends to overtake the vehicle in front.

If it is wrong to overtake, then it is fraught with serious consequences in the form of serious.

What is the law spelled out

Russian automotive legislation is presented in the form of traffic rules - Rules road traffic, which describes all the rules that participants must follow. Chapter 11 of the Rules is responsible for the order in which a maneuver such as overtaking should be performed.

If the driver violates them, then the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation comes into force - the Code of Administrative Law, which regulates the measures of responsibility for administrative offenses. In this case, he is responsible for the details of the penalties.

The law provides a delimiting explanation of what is considered "overtaking" and what is not to be attributed to such an action.

- this is a maneuver that the driver begins to perform within his own lane, then the car goes for a short time into the oncoming lane with the crossing of the dividing line, and then returns to the section of its flow in the direction of travel, only having gone around the car in front.

Leading is the same maneuver as overtaking, but it is carried out exclusively within the lane of its flow.

In order to overtake the car without hindrance, leaving the oncoming lane, the motorist needs to pay attention to the following factors regarding the situation on the road:

  1. Estimate the width of the carriageway.
  2. Visually determine the distance from your car to the overtaken one.
  3. See what is the distance between your car and the nearest one driving in the opposite lane.
  4. Take a closer look at the speed of the car that is being overtaken.
  5. Take into account the speed of oncoming vehicles.
  6. Note the speed of approach to the overtaken vehicle.
  7. Know clearly the features of your car - how fast it "knows" to accelerate, whether it will develop sufficient speed to overtake another car.

In addition, the driver requires:

  1. Know and notice road signs.
  2. Pay attention to traffic signals and follow their meanings.
  3. Assess if the trajectories of the overtaken vehicle and the overtaking one do not intersect.
  4. Take a closer look at the design of the road, remember the rules where it is strictly forbidden to accelerate in order to overtake.
  5. Mark features of weather and visibility. With limited visibility and slippery road it is best to refrain from performing this action.

In addition to traffic light signals, there may be a traffic policeman at the regulated intersections. Each driver must be able to decode its signal movements in order to follow the instructions.

Where prohibited

Clause 11 of the Rules "Overtaking, advancing, oncoming passing", starting with part 11.1-11.2 (and further), reflects all the details of prohibited zones and road sections where overtaking is in no case possible.

These include the following situations on the road or areas of road infrastructure:

Situation Road section
1. A busy lane of oncoming traffic, or its own stream.
2. More likely to interfere with other participants.
3. When the vehicle ahead has given a signal with lights that it is going to turn left.
4. The vehicle in front makes a detour around an obstacle or also overtakes it.
5. The car following the overtaken car began to maneuver.
regulated intersection;
unregulated intersection when driving on a secondary highway;
closer than 100 meters from the railway crossing;
bridges, overpasses, overpasses, as well as under them, tunnels, some embankments (the route on the river dam), etc.;
steep ascents - closer than 300-600 m (depending on the power of the vehicle and the degree of slope) from the end of the ascent;
dangerous turns;
other areas where there is clearly a strong restriction of visibility for drivers.

Overtaking rules

Before considering in detail the different cases when it is usually permissible to overtake other cars, it should be noted general ruleshow exactly such a maneuver is done correctly.

Overtaking rules:

  1. Make sure that your car will not interfere with other road users.
  2. Assess the distance from the overtaken car to your own, the sufficient space to return to your system, from your car to the oncoming one, if any.
  3. Make sure that and rear cars are not going to overtake at the same moment as you.
  4. In the absence of obstacles or the likelihood of interference, the following should be done - change the gear stage by one decrease, switch the main optics from high beam to low beam, turn on the turn signal lights before leaving your lane.
  5. After going out of order, the lights turn off, the front car is overtaken with an exit into the oncoming lane where there is no solid marking line.
  6. The final touch of this action is to get into your traffic flow where there is free space, subject to the moving objects of other vehicles.
  7. But you should not do this without the included right turn signal. Other participants need to know that you want to get back into your flow of traffic, not make a U-turn or a left turn.
  8. Also, you should start returning to your formation when the overtaken car appears in your rear-view mirror.

The speed when overtaking should be exceeded only within the limits of the norm, which is "dictated" by road signs, or by the assumptions of the Rules regarding a specific section of the road.

If the lights are not turned off immediately after overtaking starts, other motorists may mistake your signals for a left turn, turn around, or overtake the next car ahead.

Turning lights should warn not only the next driver in front, but also the one driving behind, if a car is seen there.

Moreover, this applies to both signals before overtaking, and other signals after overtaking, when returning to your traffic flow.

The main beam of the headlights should be turned on after, during the maneuver, you are level with the overtaken car, and there are no oncoming cars.

At the crossroads on the main road

Most often, overtaking at intersections is done with the warning lights on, warning that the driver intends to turn left to overtake.

This is due to the fact that in Russian Federation car movement vehicle right-hand on the streets.

In this case, it is very important not to interfere with others, as well as to take into account the marking of solid lines that cannot be driven in, touched or crossed.

Therefore, advancing with the exit to the oncoming lane at the intersection should be done carefully and with utmost care, guided by signs and traffic lights. This applies to drivers driving on the main road.

Entering the oncoming lane

When a motorist wants to overtake a car entering the oncoming lane, then you need to carefully track at once how close and at what speed oncoming vehicles are traveling.

If there is a difficulty with the siding, then the Rules in part 11.7 of clause 11 state that the one on whose side the obstacle was created must yield to the road.

Also, with regard to slopes on roads equipped with signs - "1.13" or "1.14", the road in a situation of difficulty of the crossing is conceded by the driver who moves towards the slope.

One of the signs indicates that there is a steep descent ahead of the driver, and the other sign indicates a steep ascent.

The procedure for overtaking with the exit to the lane of the oncoming traffic flow:

  1. When approaching the vehicle in front, you should maintain a distance of 30-50 meters from the side.
  2. The rear view mirror should not reflect other cars to make sure that there are no others willing to overtake the one who is already overtaking.
  3. The situation ahead is assessed. It is important to understand that you will not find yourself in the no overtaking area during the maneuver or at the end of it.
  4. In addition, you should immediately determine the place where the car will enter its traffic flow after completing the action.
  5. If there are no oncoming cars nearby, you must first turn on the signal turn signal, and only then, start moving to the side.
  6. We lower the gear by one step, then increase it by one during acceleration.
  7. Optics switches from far to near.
  8. As soon as overtaking has begun, the warning lights are switched off.
  9. The car must first line up with the overtaken one.
  10. Drive into the oncoming lane.
  11. The driver then turns on the right turn signal.
  12. You should start returning to your lane only when the overtaken vehicle is already reflected in the rearview mirror.

A big and frequent mistake of drivers is the factor when they get too close to the overtaken car, motivating this by the fact that they should move out as quickly as possible, or be in the oncoming lane for a short time.

On the one hand, this will seem justified, but on the other hand, violation of the distance will lead to a collision, if not with an oncoming car, then with the one that is being overtaken.

When the motorist has already assessed the situation, determined that there is no danger for maneuvering, no oncoming cars are expected, then there is no point in getting too close to the overtaken car.

It should also not be forgotten that the overtaken car can suddenly change its speed. For example, to brake unexpectedly because an obstacle is detected ahead of her that should be avoided.

And for the overtaking driver, the visibility further ahead of the moving car is limited.

If you get too close to the overtaken car, then if it suddenly brakes and avoids an obstacle, a side collision may occur.

Without going into the oncoming lane

If overtaking is performed within only its own lane and at the same time the territory of the oncoming traffic flow is not affected at all, then such an action is called "advancing", and not overtaking.

This is possible if the bandwidth is sufficient to carry out this type of maneuver. Or the road is four-sided, when each side is divided into two lanes.

In this case, the width of the road is sufficient to drive slow-moving vehicles. The procedure is the same as in the case of overtaking with arrival at the “oncoming”.

More than one vehicle

This method is called "overtaking by a train", which is done by two vehicles at once.

But under the maneuver with two vehicles can also mean an action performed by one car, but it has to go around two or more cars. Not all sections of motorways are allowed to be overtaken by a steam locomotive.

For the prohibition, there are standard road signs or signs in the form of white plates, since the Rules do not say anything about such a prohibition.

But on the other hand, the rules say that you cannot start overtaking if the vehicle ahead is signaling with its left turn signals that it intends to be the first to start the action.

The locomotive maneuver is carried out as follows:

  1. First, the front car turns on the left turn, which wants to go to the left to get ahead.
  2. After it, you should turn on your lights only when the front car is already level with the slow-moving overtaken one.
  3. At the same time, it is extremely important that the signal lights of the overtaker have already been turned off - then there will be no violation of Part 11.2, Section 11 of the SDA.
  4. You should get up in your line only if there is free space and after the car in front has completed your maneuver.

Theoretically, and without interference, you can overtake the overtaking driver, but this requires making sure that there are no oncoming cars, and there is enough space on the road.

When it comes to overtaking a congestion, or several cars at once, it should be noted that then the driver will no longer just drive into the oncoming lane, but will move along it.

And this is considered a violation under paragraph 1 of Art. 12.15 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, and threatens with monetary recovery - 1500 rubles.

In the city

Overtaking in the city can be hampered by natural reasons:

  • numerous traffic lights;
  • frequent traffic jams;
  • pedestrian crossings;
  • tramway track;
  • regulated intersections;
  • speed limit and other factors.

On average, the speed of cars in urban areas is no more than 20 or 30-40 km / h according to the on-board computer.

Such sections of the road as a pedestrian crossing or tramway tracks of oncoming traffic are prohibited in order to overtake vehicles on them.

The safest way to go around slowly moving vehicles is to make an advance within your lane, and then if there are no obstacles ahead in the form of a continuous lane, traffic lights and other.

No markup

If no markings are drawn on the roadway, this means that you can overtake whenever you like.

Most often, on those sections of the route where it is prohibited to do this, a road sign will be installed, under the marking - "3.20.1", "3.20.2".

The first one is drawn on a white field, which means that it is permanent, and the second - on a yellow one, which means it is temporary.

Depending on what kind of transport is driving ahead, you should decide whether to overtake or not. If it is a large vehicle, then some checks should be done along the way to see if there are any obstacles ahead.

As soon as during overtaking a danger, obstacle, or other car was noticed ahead, you should immediately reduce the speed. After that, it is advisable to return to the previous position, if the place has not yet been occupied by another car.

If the road is clear, then you can perform the maneuver in exactly the same way as described above.

Two cars

It so happens that overtaking can be done by two cars at the same time. Such a situation is the case when the overtaken car decided to get ahead of another driver.

But for these purposes it is extremely important that the carriageway is wide enough to make this maneuver.

Otherwise, the consequences may be an accident collision, and with a chain reaction, if other participants are nearby on the track.

This action should be performed in the following order:

  1. First you need to switch to the lower gear - 1 step. For example, if you were moving to the 5th, then you should switch to the 4th before making a detour.
  2. Slightly pressing the gas pedal, the car being overtaken is overtaken by the second overtaker.
  3. Just a few seconds you need to move in parallel with the overtaken car.
  4. After that, quickly pulling forward with the help of gas, we get ahead of it.

Switching from a height to the bottom of the gearbox functionality is necessary in order to optimize the acceleration dynamics as much as possible, which will be needed to get ahead of already overtaking vehicles.

This means that it is important here to immediately assess the speed of the car moving on overtaking so that the speed of the secondary overtaker is increased to reasonable limits (not dangerous and corresponding to road signs).

Such overtaking is recognized as the most dangerous because of the increased speed and lack of space on the road for safe driving.

Overtaking by two cars is not prohibited by the Rules. But if there is not enough room in the ranks to return cars to the stream, and also when the overtaking primary vehicle has already turned on the left (or at the end of the maneuver - right) warning lights, then it is better to refrain from them.

What is overtaking by throw

We are talking about a sharp increase in speeds when the reckless driver does not give enough time for the dynamics of acceleration of his car and immediately sharply increases the gas.

Roadside cameras of the traffic police can immediately record such maneuvers as a violation of speed limits. But this is not even the main thing.

It is important that with a sharp advance or overtaking, the risk of the car skidding and collision with other road users increases.

Or there may be accidents with one participant - collision with a post, flight into a ditch when skidding, etc. Most often, such a maneuver is seen for persons wishing to drive around the convoy of cars as quickly as possible.

Rules for maneuvering trucks

For some sections of the road, a special sign is installed where it is prohibited to overtake slow-moving vehicles by trucks. Road sign overtaking trucks prohibited, has its own digital marking - "3.22".

Driver freight vehicles should consider:

  • weight of cargo;
  • dimensions of your car;
  • its mass without equipment with cargo;
  • the speed and ability to accelerate your car;
  • the speed of slow-moving vehicles to be overtaken.

Other factors that have their own specificity in relation to their category may also appear. vehicle... For example, the height of your car and the angle of view of the rear vision.

But the algorithm of actions remains for such drivers the same as in the case if overtaking is done by a motorist in a passenger vehicle.

The rules also prohibit the driver being overtaken to start accelerating himself at the time of the maneuver (part 11.3, clause 11 of the SDA).

Such an unjustified reaction serves not only as driving impoliteness, but also as a provocation of a major accident. After all, the equalization of speeds will force the overtaking motorist to stay longer in the oncoming lane.

The rules dictate etiquette of behavior to the overtaken also in relation to the fact that he slightly stepped aside and took the right (part 11.6, clause 11 of the SDA - in relation to low-speed vehicles outside the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement).

And after being overtaken, slightly reduce the speed to enable the driver to return to his stream.

Based on statistical data from the practice of motorists, the time spent on overtaking is usually no more than 6-10 seconds, depending on the length of the overtaken vehicle and its speed.

When a person driving knows how to correctly overtake, advancing, oncoming traffic and other maneuvers, he confidently drives a car and rarely gets into an accident.

The concept of overtaking - how is it different from advancing?

Traffic rules (SDA), which in 2013 were revised and supplemented once again, tell us that the term "overtaking" means a detour of several or one car, implying a short-term departure of the overtaking vehicle into the oncoming lane and returning it back. Traffic rules of 2013 clearly prescribe that not any advance is considered overtaking. But every overtaking is inherently a lead.

Let's see what is the difference between overtaking and advancing. First of all, let us understand what concept the rules mean in the term "outstripping". Everything is simple here. Lead is the driving of the car at a speed greater than the speed of the passing vehicles. In other words, when your car moves on high speed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right half of the motorway or without crossing the markings within one lane, we are talking about being ahead.

It is immediately clear that the difference between leading and overtaking is clear to everyone. In the first case, according to the traffic rules of 2013, the exit to the “oncoming lane” is not provided. But when overtaking, the driver can go into the oncoming lane and, after completing the planned maneuver, be sure to come back.

When is overtaking prohibited by the rules?

In accordance with the 2013 traffic rules, before overtaking, you should make sure that when performing this maneuver, other road users will not be interfered with, and make sure that there is no sign prohibiting the maneuver (3.20). The person behind the wheel must analyze traffic situation, choose a safe distance for overtaking and only after that "bypass" the passing vehicles. Moreover, it is very important to make sure that there are no cars on the “oncoming lane”.

  • a car moving in front in the same lane as the car that plans to overtake signals that its driver wants to turn left;
  • the car in front is bypassing any obstacle or overtaking;
  • the car following your car has started overtaking.

Overtaking is also prohibited when the driver realizes that after the end of the planned maneuver he will not be able to safely return to his lane. From the point of view of elementary common sense, all these prohibitions seem completely justified. Each of the motorists understands perfectly well that this is exactly the way to behave on the road, taking care of the safety of traffic on it.

Now let's remember those places on highways where overtaking is prohibited at all. The following sections of the road are referred to them in the SDA 2013:

  • overpasses, overpasses, bridges and spaces under these engineering structures;
  • regulated intersections;
  • dangerous turns and final climbs;
  • intersections without traffic lights or traffic controllers (overtaking is prohibited in cases where the car is not driving on the main road);
  • areas with limited visibility;
  • tunnels;
  • railway crossings (the maneuver described in the article is, in addition, prohibited and less than a hundred meters before such crossings).

The rules, approved in 2013, indicate that the driver behind the wheel of the overtaken car is prohibited from increasing the speed while another vehicle is "passing" him, or otherwise interfering with the overtaking maneuver to start and complete his planned maneuver.

Moreover, in situations where a slow-moving car (for example, a cargo vehicle) is moving along the road, the traffic rules require that it assist the car going behind in overtaking (completely stopped or turned to the right). This rule applies when driving outside settlements. By the way, it is also true for cases of advancing vehicles, and not just overtaking them.

When can you overtake?

A novice driver may ask in bewilderment about situations in which overtaking is allowed. It may seem to him that the rules are very strict with motorists who want to overtake other road users, and practically do not give them the opportunity to safely overtake without violating the 2013 traffic rules.

In fact, the road maneuver described in this article is considered by experts to be the most dangerous of all types of maneuvers, which, if performed incorrectly, can lead to catastrophic consequences. Therefore, traffic rules so strictly regulate all actions of the driver who decides to overtake (advancing, oncoming passing).

It is not difficult to remember the sections on which this maneuver is allowed. Traffic regulations 2013 allow overtaking by:

  • two-lane highways, where the center line is made with intermittent markings;
  • three-lane roads with discontinuous longitudinal marking lines;
  • roads with two lanes and combined markings.

Let's repeat. You should be as responsible as possible to each of your decisions to bypass vehicles in any of the specified (permitted) cases. The cost of a driver's mistake, who failed to analyze the traffic situation correctly and made an unsuccessful overtaking, is very high. Just watch another story about a serious accident on the local TV channel in the evening, and you will understand that in many cases it leads to the fact that the driver, guilty of it, has no idea about the terms of advancing or overtaking.

Signs indicating the impossibility of overtaking

Traffic rules 2013 contain information about all types of markings highways and signs that help drivers identify areas where overtaking maneuvers are prohibited. The faithful assistant to the reckless motorist, warning him against unreasonable actions, is crossing the road for pedestrians.

As it was said, it is strictly forbidden to overtake or advance at a pedestrian crossing. This means that when he sees the "zebra", the driver must immediately forget about his desire to quickly get to the place he needs. Please note that maneuvers at a pedestrian crossing are prohibited both when there are people crossing the road and in a situation when there are no pedestrians.

It's best to follow the 2013 rules exactly here if you don't want to be fined. We add that at a pedestrian crossing it is forbidden to make a U-turn, and oncoming overtaking (its definition will be provided below), and driving in reverse. It seems that there is no need to talk about how to recognize the "zebra" and the sign that denotes it.

Any driver knows that there is a pedestrian crossing ahead by the markings and the corresponding sign “5.19”. By the way, if you are planning to travel abroad, study the road signs adopted in this or that country in advance. In many countries (for example, in New Zealand, Japan, Australia and others), a pedestrian crossing is indicated by signs that are very unusual for us.

Overtaking and advancing maneuvers may not be performed on a bridge or other structures. Before entering such structures, appropriate signs are always installed (in particular, 3.20). The motorist only needs to learn the traffic rules and remember that overtaking is prohibited in such dangerous areas (on the bridge and so on). And then follow the signs and do not try to push the gas pedal all the way when he drives over a bridge, in a tunnel, along a special overpass.

The next sign, "prompting" about the impossibility of a detour in front of a moving vehicle, is a black triangle of the road ascent with percent figures that determine the steepness of the track in a particular section. As mentioned, at the end of the climb, you must not overtake the vehicle in front of your vehicle. But advancing (remember what this term means) on the ascent can be done, but provided that the movement is on a two-lane, not a single-lane road.

So, we have memorized the signs that indicate the impossibility of overtaking on bridges and at the end of the ascent. And now let's refresh our memory with a few more signs installed in front of the railway station. crossings (1.1–1.4). They may show a smoking train, a red cross, several red inclined stripes (from one to three), or a black fence.

A sign with a steam locomotive and a fence is placed 150–300 meters before the crossing, if they are outside cities and villages, and 50–100 meters away within settlements. When you see these signs, immediately forget about overtaking maneuvers!

As you can see, road signs installed in front of the entrance to a bridge, overpass, railway crossing and other structures potentially dangerous for traffic help vehicle drivers not to make rash actions and unnecessary maneuvers.

Double overtaking and overtaking a column - what is it?

Most motorists are well aware that double overtaking in our country is prohibited. At the same time, no one can say for sure what is hidden under this term. And it is not surprising, because the concept of “double overtaking” is not spelled out in the traffic rules. It simply does not exist! But there is paragraph 11.2, which clearly states: you cannot overtake the car in front if its driver himself overtakes the vehicle driving in front of his car.

Even at experienced drivers often there are problems with traffic police inspectors associated with double overtaking. Especially in cases when the motorist is trying to make a detour of several cars in front of him according to the scheme, which is colloquially called a "train". Let's say there are two vehicles in front of your car that are not trying to carry out any maneuvers. Is it possible to bypass them (in this case, double)? There is no definite answer, therefore, in order not to become a violator, it is better not to try to double overtake, as it can cause an accident.

Now let's look at the rules by which an organized convoy of cars is overtaken. The concept of such a column includes cars moving with a special accompanying vehicle (it drives with a red and blue beacon in front and at the same time emits sound signals). Moreover, in an organized column there must be at least three vehicles.

The traffic rules on the roads of our country are strictly forbidden to overtake organized convoys. Always keep this in mind when you feel like doing it. For getting ahead of the convoy with an accompanying car, you will undoubtedly be punished, and by a very "tidy" amount.

A few words about oncoming traffic

On domestic, far from ideal highways, sometimes there are unexpected narrowing of the road caused by some obstacle formed due to unexpected reasons (this may be a broken car, road works and similar situations). On roads with several on one side, such obstacles do not cause problems. The driver can easily bypass them without going into the oncoming lane.

But on a two-lane highway, the difficulty that has arisen cannot be solved so easily. If you try to avoid an obstacle on the side of the road, you will be fined. It turns out that it is necessary to direct your car into the oncoming lane, making the oncoming siding of interest to us with vehicles moving in the opposite direction. The basic rule of such a crossing is as follows: a car entering the “oncoming lane” must give way to a vehicle that is moving in its own lane.

Section 11 of the SDA regulates the implementation of three maneuvers at once - overtaking, advancing and oncoming passing. Before considering each of them in detail, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between them and understand their difference.

This is especially true of "overtaking" and "advancing" and you should know exactly what is the difference between these concepts.

Lead is a movement of a vehicle when its speed is greater than the speed of a passing vehicle. As a result of such actions, one vehicle is ahead of another, that is, it turns out to be ahead.

Overtaking is one of the types of advancing, necessarily associated with entering the oncoming lane (or the side of the road that is intended for such traffic).

Overtaking is a very difficult and dangerous maneuver. The consequences of improperly performed overtaking can affect the driver in two ways: on the one hand, in the form of a significant administrative penalty; on the other hand, in the form of an accident, usually associated with a hard head-on collision.

This is probably why the following difference between the concepts of “overtaking” and “advancing” has taken root in the real practice of driving in Russia: overtaking is associated with going to the “oncoming” lane, and advancing - with movement within one's own direction without going to the “oncoming”.

The concept of "oncoming traffic" is not specifically considered in the traffic rules and is not regulated. But it is not difficult to understand it: an oncoming passing is the movement of oncoming vehicles in one section of the road (or on its limited section).

The problem of oncoming traffic is relevant only in the event of obstacles to the rectilinear movement of vehicles.

General principles of overtaking

Let's make a reservation right away: Section 11 of the SDA in its lion's share is devoted to overtaking and the requirements for it. This is not surprising, because violation of the rules for overtaking can lead to an accident with a head-on collision and very dire consequences.

Overtaking is very dangerous!

The second circumstance that determines special attention to the principles of overtaking is the severity of administrative punishment for violating the rules for performing this maneuver. A fine for overtaking in violation of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 4 to 6 months (and in case of a repeated offense - up to a year) is a very strong argument in favor of refusing to ignore the rules of overtaking.

And, finally, the third reason for such close attention of Russian traffic rules to the rules of overtaking is the complexity of the maneuver itself. When making such a maneuver, the driver must take into account a variety of factors (the speed of his own, overtaken and oncoming cars, traffic intensity, etc.).

That is why increased safety requirements are imposed on overtaking in our country. Let's analyze them in more detail.

So, before starting overtaking, the driver must make sure that:

1) the lane intended for oncoming traffic, which he plans to use for maneuvering, is free at a sufficient distance to overtake, and by his actions he will not create any danger or any hindrance to other traffic participants;

2) the vehicle moving in front has not started to perform some maneuver preventing overtaking (overtaking, detour, turning left, turning, etc.);

3) the vehicle moving from behind has not itself started the overtaking maneuver;

4) however, the most problematic requirement of traffic rules for a driver planning to overtake is the following - the last - provision: before proceeding with this difficult maneuver, the driver must make sure that at the end of overtaking he will be able to safely return to the previously occupied lane, without interfering with the movement of other vehicles and not creating any danger to traffic by his actions.

Here it is, it would seem, the paradox of the situation: even before the start of overtaking, the driver must make sure of the safety of its completion. This is precisely the complexity of the maneuver, and the severity of the requirements for its implementation, and the severity of sanctions for violation of the rules.

Thus, before starting overtaking, the driver must make sure of the 4 safety components of the proposed maneuver (let's summarize!):

  • the lane into which he drives to overtake must be free at a sufficient (safe) distance;
  • the driver of the overtaken vehicle does not take any action related to the planned departure from the occupied lane;
  • the driver of the vehicle moving behind him did not start the overtaking maneuver himself;
  • there is a firm conviction in a safe return to the occupied lane after overtaking is completed.

The need for constant monitoring of the situation and the alternation of these four safety factors - that's main reason overtaking difficulties. While the driver provides safety in one parameter, the other three are undergoing a change. And so - all the time! It is incredibly difficult to achieve 100% confidence in overtaking safety. No wonder there is a saying: "I'm not sure - don't overtake!"

However, traffic rules provide not only requirements for the driver who plans to overtake. There are also prohibitions concerning the actions of the driver of the overtaken vehicle. He is prohibited from obstructing overtaking by any means.

For example, increasing the speed. And this circumstance is most often encountered in the practice of real road traffic. The most offensive thing is that the driver of the overtaken vehicle, increasing the speed, does not understand the danger of the situation. Indeed, in the event of the future head-on collision (due to prolonged overtaking) crashed cars can be thrown at him. And he himself will be a participant in an accident.

Therefore, the noble principle of the driver's brotherhood is the "golden rule": if you are overtaken, take your foot off the gas pedal and give the opportunity to overtake yourself. Unless, of course, this is not a Formula 1 race!

Another common way to prevent overtaking is to change the direction of travel in the form of a "roll" to the left.

By the way, obstruction of overtaking in any way is now considered one of the elements of dangerous driving.

General rules for the prohibition of overtaking

Of particular importance in ensuring road safety are not only and not so much the principles of correct overtaking, but the conditions under which this maneuver is strictly prohibited. These conditions can be divided into two groups:

2) special.

Let's consider the first option initially.

The general rules prohibiting overtaking include the requirements for signs, markings and principles for the location of vehicles on the carriageway.

1. No overtaking sign (3.20)

A very visual and informative way to prohibit overtaking.

It is important to remember a number of circumstances associated with.

- Sign "Overtaking is prohibited" is valid from the place of its installation to the nearest intersection, the end of the settlement (the place of installation of signs 5.24.1, 5.24.2), as well as to the sign "End of the zone of all restrictions" (3.31). The most preferable way to terminate the validity of the sign is to install a special "bump" sign "End of the no overtaking zone" (3.21).

- The sign "Overtaking is prohibited" has three exceptions: in the area of \u200b\u200bits validity, it is allowed to overtake slow-moving vehicles, horse-drawn carts, motorcycles without a side trailer.

- Sign “Overtaking is prohibited” does not prohibit advancing.

2. Solid lines of horizontal road markings

Another visual way to prohibit overtaking.

A solid marking line (for example, 1.1 or 1.11) prohibits crossing itself; therefore, overtaking in such conditions is also prohibited.

3. Requirements of section 9 of the SDA "Location of the vehicle on the roadway"

On roads with two-way traffic, having four or more lanes for traffic, it is prohibited to enter oncoming traffic lanes. Therefore, overtaking is also prohibited.

And on roads with two-way traffic, having three lanes for traffic (when the belonging of the middle lane is not defined), only the middle lane can be used for overtaking.

It is strictly forbidden to drive into the leftmost lane.

The above cases of prohibition of overtaking are quite obvious: the restriction on this maneuver is here confirmed by real objects (signs or markings), as well as common sense and safety logic. Therefore, it is not at all difficult to remember these cases.

Special rules for prohibiting overtaking: clause 11.4 of the SDA

The creators of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, taking care of the safety of road users, do not particularly rely on the conscientiousness of Russian drivers, who will be able to soberly assess the danger of the alleged overtaking. And therefore, a special paragraph of Section 11 of the Rules is devoted to listing road sections on which it is strictly forbidden to perform this maneuver. Let's take a look at each of these principles.

1. Overtaking is prohibited at regulated intersections

Let us ask ourselves a question: Why is overtaking not allowed at a regulated intersection?

The answer is elementary and simple. The very fact of the presence of a controlled intersection means that at this intersection of carriageways, the traffic intensity of vehicles in all directions is quite high. And the regulatory mechanism (in the form of a traffic light or a traffic controller) is organized here to create a normal, efficient sequence of passage from all directions. Such a sequence will allow to exclude long-term idleness of vehicles in some directions (as it is quite possible when organizing traffic using priority signs or not at all).

Consequently, when the traffic signal (or) is turned on (applied), the probability of vehicles moving in the opposite lane is very high. This is the essence of controlled intersections. Therefore, overtaking at such intersections will be associated with a real possibility of interfering with those vehicles that are moving in the opposite lane.

2. Overtaking is prohibited at unregulated intersections when driving off the main road

Let's try to understand this requirement from the inside out. That is, overtaking is allowed at an unregulated intersection when the driver enters it on the main road.

This permission is well founded. After all, a driver moving along an intersection on a main road has an advantage over those motorists who enter it in secondary directions and must give way. Therefore, overtaking at such an intersection (when driving on a main road) is relatively safe.

But if the driver enters an intersection on a secondary road, then, in addition to observing the rules of safe overtaking, he must also take care of giving way to vehicles that have priority at the intersection.

This position contributes to the dispersal of the driver's attention and may or an emergency at an intersection. Therefore, the driver who is at the secondary entrance to the intersection must refrain from plans to overtake in the intersection.

True, if he wants to overtake to the intersection, then this is not prohibited (unless other traffic rules are violated, and if overtaking is completed before the intersection).

The prohibition on overtaking applies precisely at such an intersection, but does not apply to the section of the road immediately following the intersection of carriageways.

3. Overtaking is prohibited at pedestrian crossings

The prohibition of overtaking at pedestrian crossings (both regulated and unregulated) should not be criticized. All this is done to ensure the safety of pedestrians.

The motivation of the creators of traffic rules that prohibit overtaking at any pedestrian crossing is clear and obvious. A driver intending to make such a dangerous maneuver must be in control of the situation at the crosswalk. However, when overtaking a vehicle here, he inevitably encounters a "dead zone" at the crossing. Its visibility is substantially limited by the overtaken vehicle.

And a pedestrian who at such a moment decides to cross the carriageway will be practically doomed. How sad it is ...

4. Overtaking is prohibited at level crossings and 100 meters before them

The prohibition of overtaking here is due to the potential danger of the railway crossing itself. This is a very inconvenient section of the road even for normal traffic: drivers have to move like a turtle across the rails so as not to damage the suspension, wheels and even power unit your car.

The peculiarity of crossing railway crossings is also due to a number of prohibitions introduced by the Rules when making a U-turn here, reversing, stopping and parking. And - of course - overtaking.

But why can't you overtake 100 meters before the railway crossing?

It's simple. When overtaking on such a section of the road, there is a high probability that the driver will interfere with oncoming vehicles that are just leaving the crossing. And this is a direct road to a congestion at a railway crossing, which creates a monstrous danger to traffic. What if a train?

But after the passage railway tracks the overtaking restriction is removed (unless, of course, some other overtaking prohibitions come into effect). For example, a solid marking line.

As numerous practice shows, when organizing traffic before and after a railway crossing, a "single solid" horizontal road marking line can most often be observed on the carriageway. Therefore, even after passing a railway crossing, the driver must show maximum attention so as not to violate the rules of overtaking.

5. Overtaking is prohibited on bridges, overpasses, on overpasses and under them

Artificial structures are initially dangerous sections of the road on which the performance of a number of maneuvers is limited (turning, reversing, partly stopping and parking). Therefore, it is not surprising that overtaking is also prohibited on them.

The ban on overtaking on bridges, overpasses, overpasses and under them is due to the limited space. And in the event of an emergency and the need for a sudden oncoming passing, it will be simply impossible for drivers to maneuver.

6. Overtaking is prohibited in tunnels

The ban on overtaking in tunnels is due to the same limited space as in the previous case.

If it becomes necessary to avoid a collision, drivers simply have no chance in a tunnel.

7. Overtaking is prohibited in areas with limited visibility

Overtaking on dangerous bends, at the very end of an uphill and in other areas where there is limited visibility is extremely dangerous.

In such conditions, the driver who intends to overtake does not have all the information about the safety of the maneuver; that is why the Rules strictly prohibit its implementation.

Leading vehicles

Section 11 of the SDA speaks very sparingly about the advance and practically does not impose requirements on its implementation. From this we can conclude that driving ahead of vehicles is allowed everywhere and always.

This is partly true, since the advance maneuver, in principle, does not carry any particular danger: the driver making it does not enter the oncoming lane.

However, when advancing at a pedestrian crossing, the driver is still obliged to make sure that his maneuver is safe.

So, ahead of a vehicle that has blocked the visibility of an unregulated pedestrian crossing, the driver must make sure that there are no pedestrians in front of this vehicle. If available, make way for them.

In other cases, the outrunning of any vehicles is not regulated by the Rules, and, therefore, the driver is free to independently plan his actions, in accordance with the principles of traffic safety.

Oncoming passing

There is another case in the life of a driver - a difficult oncoming traffic. The presence of an obstacle on the carriageway forces you to go around it on the "oncoming". And here the "rule of common sense" applies: the driver, on the lane of which there is an obstacle, must give way to the oncoming vehicle.

Agree, quite a reasonable requirement.

However, not all so simple. According to the traffic rules, on sections of roads with steep descents and ascents, which are necessarily indicated by appropriate warning signs (1.13 "Steep descent" and 1.14 "Steep ascent"), different rules apply. They may seem paradoxical, but this is a misleading impression.

Regardless of the location of the obstacle on the carriageway, the driver moving uphill takes advantage; the driver moving downhill must give way.

Of course, this is a very “dangerous” rule. A driver moving downhill can simply forget about his duty in these conditions to give way to an oncoming vehicle, which at that moment is taking advantage of it.

What were the creators of the traffic rules guided by, how did I regulate the actions of drivers? But what!

  1. Stopping on a hill means that it will be very difficult to get under way.
  2. What if the “handbrake” (parking brake system) does not work for a person moving uphill.
  3. The car going uphill is overloaded. The driver will have additional difficulty starting up on the rise.
  4. Ice on the road. Or wet road surface. In such conditions, you can start to slip.

And in all situations described, congestion is possible.

Yes, and purely humanly: in any case, the driver moving downhill is in more comfortable conditions than his colleague going uphill.

Thus, the "pluses" of this rule are obvious. But there is one drawback here - the driver's memory. Therefore, the "golden rule" for each driver in the described conditions will be the following "double-edged" principle:

  1. Going down - make way for the oncoming (suddenly the oncoming driver remembers his priority right to travel).
  2. Going up - do not rush to take advantage (suddenly the oncoming driver forgot to give way).

Summing up the consideration of this vast topic, one general conclusion can be drawn: if the driver cares about his own safety, then when performing maneuvers for overtaking and advancing, as well as difficult oncoming traffic, he will show maximum attentiveness, courtesy and caution. Naturally, adding to these positive qualities and a clear knowledge of the requirements of Section 11 of the Road Traffic Rules.

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“How many times have the world been told…”, nevertheless, the number of fines, however, like the fines themselves, issued for overtaking, are regularly growing.

To avoid unnecessary waste of money, we offer an article that describes the tricks and secrets of overtaking a car.

Overtaking and facts about him:

About a quarter of accidents occur due to improper overtaking. Violation of the rules of overtaking leads to driving into an oncoming lane, for which numerous fines are imposed.

In more than half of car accidents, drivers simply did not have time to make the final stage of overtaking, which is returning to the traffic lane.

The main cause of accidents is an erroneous assessment of the situation in the overtaking zone, and more specifically, the driver incorrectly estimates the time required to perform a maneuver, as well as the distance that the overtaking car needs to travel.

Basic rules for overtaking:

“Not sure - don't overtake” is a hackneyed expression, but it is precisely this that is a panacea for fatal accidents. Therefore, assess its safety before overtaking.

What does “safe overtaking” mean?

"Beacon" and safe movement

If you value your health and the lives of your fellow travelers, it will be harmless to know that you should not overtake when the car in front is moving at your speed.

It is better to make this car your "beacon", because the transport ahead will promptly report on the condition of the road.

This is better than straining yourself, and even wasting energy, looking at the car hanging on the tail, driving at your speed. Experienced motorists are always looking for a "beacon" travel companion.

In addition to these advantages, the "beacon" does not allow you to relax and slow down.

How to overtake: step by step instructions

1. Approach the overtaken car for about 20 m, turn on the turn signal.

2. "Designate" on the left lane, continuing to drive at the speed of the overtaker. Make sure that you are not in his "dead zone".

The advantages of this maneuver:

This will provide an opportunity to assess the situation.
... this way you prepare the overtaken motorist and do not give him the opportunity to overtake in response.
... you will prevent unwanted overtaking by cars coming from behind.
... you will have time to make sure of safe driving rear cars.

3. Only then can you start overtaking. In poor visibility, it is advisable to blink with a high beam.

4. Before completing overtaking, turn on the right turn signal and at an acute angle return to your lane.

What if it all went wrong?

1. For example, an oncoming car started approaching faster than you expected.
2. Or, the offended person being overtaken added gas.

Exit: Return to your lane or resort to emergency acceleration by downshifting.

Overtaking a "locomotive" - \u200b\u200bconvoys of cars

Quite often there is a ministerial situation when you meet a column of slowly moving cars on the highway. Overtaking in this case is not easy at all. The possible heavy traffic on the opposite lane adds to the difficulties.

In such a situation, overtaking should be performed by the car that is closest to the low-speed car in front. And so on, overtaking is carried out in a chain. But if you decide not to overtake and your driving dynamics is inferior to other drivers, then you need to notify the rest of your plans by turning on the right povortonik.

And what should not be done under any circumstances is double overtaking. Remember that accidents happen because the current motorist is driving tomorrow's road at the speed of tomorrow.

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