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Fifth Volkswagen Passat. Choosing a Volkswagen Passat B5 with mileage What about the engine

Passat B5 interesting because it was built according to the precepts of its ancestors -Passat B1 sample 1973 and Passat B2 1981, with a longitudinally located engine and strong unification withAudi. Next generationsB3 and B4 , had a transversely located motor and were built on their own platform, but onB5 they returned to the idea of \u200b\u200b"audio-like": the machine is closely relatedAudi A4 with the same indexB5.

And Passat B 5 turned out very interesting car: the most spacious in the class, with excellent handling and comfort, but at the same time has lost a bit of "nationality", for which two generations of her ancestors loved so much, because the relationship with the premium brand does not pass without leaving a trace.

On the picture: Volkswagen passat (B5) "1996-2000

So, a strange solution in the form of a multi-link suspension in front and a twisted beam in the back has slowly gained fame as exemplary unsuccessful in terms of reliability of operation and cost of repair. But the excellent ergonomics and a very spacious interior, and even with excellent finishing materials, migrated to and on, standing in line with the traditional qualities of the car in the form of a wide range of configurations, options for motors, drives, transmissions.

In the photo: Volkswagen Passat Variant (B5) "1997-2000 and Volkswagen Passat Sedan (B5)" 1997-2000

And I must say that the build quality was also premium, and in the sense that was invested in this concept throughout the sixties and nineties of the XX century, and not now. The car is really well made and you can feel it even in the smallest detail. Everything is perfectly done, not just the materials of the interior and exterior, here they really tried to do it for centuries. The only thing that prevented this from being realized was the desire for technical excellence and the desire to be at the forefront of progress. What does it mean modern cars, You, probably, . And how things are with the old Passat, read below.

Body and interior

I must say right away that the body here is really galvanized. Unlike the sixth and seventh generations, a zinc coating is present on almost all elements and allows even a year or two not to see traces of rust even if the paintwork is damaged, unless, of course, the body element already rusts somewhere from the inside.

Taking into account the age of the cars, this no longer guarantees an excellent condition of the body, but through holes are rare and most often indicate the presence of chronic damage, poor-quality paintwork and complete neglect of anti-corrosion protection in general. But the number of copies in decent condition is large enough and you can definitely find a copy in good condition, if you do not limit yourself to the minimum price level.

Just pay attention to the condition of the internal seams of the body - the danger of galvanizing is that the seams are protected much worse than the outer panels, and body problems that will appear in the coming years may be hidden behind the front appearance. But the presence of external point defects can not be very much feared - they may spoil appearance, but not associated with serious design problems, rather, they talk about sloppy operation in winter or frequent trips on dirt roads.

The problem areas of the body are quite expected: these are the rear arches, the front of the sills, the attachment points for the upper arms of the front suspension, the attachment points for the rear beam and shock absorbers, the "aquarium" engine compartment, the leading edge of the bonnet, the bottoms of the doors and the tailgate for station wagons. Corrosion also loves the side members near the bumper mounts. Feature B5 - frequent damage to the bottom and sills due to the low fit. Pay close attention to all places that can be damaged in this way, often there are problem points and even patches on the bottom. Take a special look at the front subframe and niche rear wheel, they should be checked for both corrosion and geometry violation. Damage elsewhere is most likely due to poor quality body repairs.

However, there are enough problems with the body, in addition to corrosion. The plums of the engine bay niche are sometimes called the "vegetable garden" - there really can grow moss. Constant humidity and difficulty in cleaning create conditions for the development of corrosion and also provoke electrical problems and the ingress of water into the interior. Water can enter the passenger compartment in other ways - most often it brings condensate drain in cars with air conditioning or the front hatch drains.

In the photo: Volkswagen Passat Variant (B5) "1997-2000

Headlight cost

price for non-original

from 2 002 rubles

Less often, door seals are the culprits, they have not a very good shape, and if damaged, water will be able to get to the cabin. Banal problems with pasting the windshield can also happen, but no one is immune from this. The windshield on the B5 is quickly erased even the "original", not to mention the Chinese, aerodynamics is to blame. By the way, Chinese body parts for it are very good quality, fortunately, cars on its base are still assembled there. Headlights, bumper and dashboard are at risk due to the fact that they are regularly removed when servicing the engine and cooling system. In addition, the dense arrangement of radiators makes them wash very often. Check the fasteners carefully, and if there are extra gaps, you will have to find out that the fault is body repair or the careless work of locksmiths.

Salon is one of strengths cars. Good materials, excellent ergonomics, a wide range of options. And good execution. Most of all complaints are caused by the poor choice of the backlight color, the small resource of the backlight of the switches and air vents and the breaking lock of the glove box.

1 / 3

2 / 3

3 / 3

And there is also not the most reliable climate system - in addition to purely electronic failures of the "climate", there are problems with the reliability of the radiator of the stove and the evaporator of the air conditioner, antifreeze leaks occur at the slightest overheating, and refrigerant leaks from the air conditioning system on the B5 occur constantly. Most often this happens due to damage to the radiators or its hoses - they do not tolerate the constant removal of the front end for service. However, breakouts in the condenser also occur regularly. In a word, an inoperative "condo" on B5 is rather the norm, and the fault is not at all age.

On the picture: Volkswagen interior Passat Variant (B5) "1997-2000

The cable drive of the windows also creates problems, since the cables are changed relatively inexpensively. Otherwise, without any special surprises, the car is old, you need to be prepared for both the sitting seats and the worn steering wheel, many cars actually have mileage for half a million, if not a million. Just be careful, the correct repair of the interior on the B5 is not a cheap undertaking.

Electrical and electronics

In general, the reliable electrical system of the machine has several serious miscalculations. I already wrote about the water in the "aquarium" above, as well as about the ingress of water into the salon. These body problems quickly lead to the appearance of numerous failures of electronic components, especially since there are many of them at the feet of the driver, passenger and under the seats, and the tightness is not at all outstanding.

In addition, the wrong choice of the fuse rating of the climate system by the manufacturer leads to the fact that it melts the switching unit in the passenger compartment, and as a result, repairs can cost a pretty penny. Fortunately, fires rarely happen, the plastic is not flammable there, but the car can remain motionless for a long time - often the reflow area covers four or five nearest contact pads, and the smoke with a smell will not please.

In the photo: Volkswagen Passat Sedan (B5) "1997-2000

By and large, there are no more serious problems, but an electrician's nerves can still be spoiled, since the electronic filling is complicated here, the climate, the comfort unit, the multimedia system, and the immobilizer unit can fail, which is especially unpleasant. Only a very expensive specialist fixes these problems cheaply, but the garage electrician will soon create a bunch of new ones, and it's good if the car doesn't turn into real estate.

There are also purely resource difficulties of electricians, which are already manifesting themselves with might and main. In particular, the door wiring and the engine compartment harness require attention. Resistors, relays of interior and air conditioning fans fail, plus an active antenna, heating, buttons and a thousand other "smart little things" die. If the car was well maintained, now the electronics does not cause much trouble, but most of the copies managed to be in the hands of "collective farmers" with the inevitable confusion and layering of problems and mistakes.

Suspensions, brakes and steering

Front cost brake pads

price for original

2 696 rubles

The Passat B5's suspension is the traditional bogey of this model, but honestly, it's not all bad. Quite a complex multi-link on the B5 - in fact, the first version of this kind of suspension for Volkswagen. And even in spite of a serious modernization of the design in comparison with the original version of 1994 on the Audi A4 and serious changes in 2001 when the B5 + appeared, one cannot do without "childhood illnesses". During the release of the model, the design was changed almost constantly, the characteristics of its individual units improved. In the course of restyling, we modernized the attachment points of the pivot arm suspension, switched to the so-called "thin fingers" of the levers, changed the levers themselves, the design of their ball bearings, the material of the fingers, and the design of the anti-roll bar.

In the photo: Volkswagen Passat TDI Sedan (B5 +) "2000–05
In the 1990s and early 2000s, the suspension, which requires investment and high-quality repairs, caused a shock among European second-hand buyers who were accustomed to "eternal" structures. By today's standards, the costs no longer seem astronomical.

Think about it: a complete set of eight levers for complete replacement a good quality front suspension costs from 18 to 30 thousand rubles. The upper price bar is from Lemforder, lower - for example, from HDE, but there are other decent options. Unfortunately, the state of the machines is such that all elements need to be replaced, and all partial options will only lead to new money spending in the near future.

If the entire suspension is repaired, then even on bad roads it will be able to please with a resource for a long time, in any case, there are reviews about the resource of most of the levers over 150 thousand kilometers, with the replacement of one or two levers that accidentally failed in the process.

Especially economical B5 lovers have long mastered the repressing of ball joints, since there are enough options with a suitable finger diameter, for example, from Muscovites and Opel. A little locksmith work, and now you can change penny parts for 300-600 rubles instead of a bulkhead. You need to be more careful with the "collective farm": not all of the Kulibins' creations are reliable and well thought out, although there are also genuine masterpieces with locking nuts and even reinforced steel upper levers.

It is worth noting a large number of suspension options: different motors and drive types have their own units, which greatly complicates the selection of components and often requires work immediately on the right and left, otherwise the wheel alignment angles are violated. It is clear that all this raises the cost of maintenance and contributes to the legend of the unnecessary hassle of suspensions. In especially neglected cases, you can find in the suspension a set of elements from the later Audi A4 or even A6 - there are enough kulibins, and the more recent suspension options are really more reliable.

The rear suspension on front-wheel drive cars is completely indestructible, because there is a simple twisted beam. By the way, the car's handling is still a reference, so from this point of view, everything is fine. All-wheel drive vehicles are equipped with a double wishbone suspension with an additional steering lever, in fact it is a multi-link suspension. It is very strong, in any case, there are much less complaints about it than about the front multi-link, and the silent blocks are almost always changed here. But if the levers are damaged, the replacement price will be too big - about 10 thousand rubles each.

In the photo: Volkswagen Passat W8 Sedan (B5 +) "2002–04

The service life of the shock absorbers is not too large, especially given the low landing of the car and the tendency to swing. Native components lose their effectiveness after 40-50 thousand mileage, and with non-native ones, part of the charm of a complex chassis is lost. The springs, especially the rear ones, do not have a high resource either, and the price bites. And the front wheel bearings are also overloaded and often have a resource within hundreds of thousands of kilometers. In general, you need to monitor the suspension not only for the multi-link.

TO brake system there are practically no complaints, except that the richness of execution options will "please". It is often impossible to find even the pads the first time, let alone the caliper repair kits, because there are at least six of them here. All in all, a paradise for parts dealers and a hell for buyers. ABS units may have electrical problems due to soldering, but the condition brake pipes and hoses on the oldest cars are sometimes already emergency, it is worth watching carefully.

The steering is distinguished by a not very large resource of the rack - with runs "over 200" it often begins to gradually lose fluid, and the power steering pump has a completely finite resource, but in general there are no particular complaints. Backlash is often associated not with the rack, but with the broken steering column hinges.

Power steering high-pressure pipes are susceptible to corrosion, moreover, in the risk zone, there is a bend in the hoses near the radiator mount. If there are traces of oiling, it is better to change it right away, otherwise you will also have to change the pump, and it's good if you do without an accident, without the help of an amplifier, the steering wheel on the Passat is very heavy. The relatively small resource of the steering rods and tips is an inevitable feature of the vehicle layout with its very overloaded front end.


Here the Passat B 5 is also good. Fortunately, longitudinal motors are combined with very strong manual transmissions and automatic transmissions, and all-wheel drive versions also have no particular difficulties. Most of the transmission units now suffer primarily from purely resource problems, wear of anthers, drying out of lubricant, damage to bearings and CV joints.

Machines with manual gearboxes often have the problem of wear on dual-mass flywheels, the part is expensive for old car, and often re-ground flywheels from older engines are used without any dual-mass and clutch with a conventional damper. The checkpoints themselves are usually ready to work and work.

Cars with automatic transmissions are also not uncommon, there are mainly two types of transmission.

Four-speed automatic transmissions, which were installed mainly before restyling with eight-valve gasoline engines and diesels - from the 01N series, produced by VW itself. This is a very respectable design and, I must say, very successful. She has a separate crankcase main gear and good mechanics and electronics of the box itself. The main troubles are associated with the resource of the blocking linings of the gas turbine engine and the slow contamination of the box itself with wear products. In addition, with age, rubberized rings cease to hold pressure, and the gaskets begin to leak, and the box loses oil.

In addition, there are quite a few plastic parts in the box, including bearing cages and clearance washers. Over time, they crumble, and in case of abnormal sounds from the box, you should immediately check if there are any pieces of plastic in the pallet. The resource of the box solenoids is also limited. On average, the resource of this automatic transmission, provided that the oil is changed every 40-60 thousand kilometers, is no less than 200-250 thousand, but it may be necessary to change the linings of the gas turbine engine and clean the valve body in the process.

Repair is inexpensive, if you do not bring the structure to complete destruction. A certain amount of hassle can also be caused by the electronics of the box, speed sensors and a loop. Like all automatic transmissions, this one does not like overheating and lowering the oil level, but it will delight you with a resource if you take good care of it.

On the majority of cars, there is a much more interesting from the "driving" point of view "five-step" ZF 5HP 19FL. Such automatic transmissions can be found on many cars, this is one of the most successful "automatic" in principle. It combines high efficiency, dynamics and a resource that is not bad at present. Here, too, the linings of the gas turbine engine wear out intensively during sudden accelerations and there are also problems with the gradual contamination of the valve body, but in general, these boxes successfully nurture their 200-300 thousand kilometers before serious repairs, you only need to repair the gas turbine engine with a mileage of 150 to 180 thousand kilometers and regularly change base pressure solenoid without waiting for drum damage.

As practice has shown, these boxes easily tolerate active driving even with the most powerful of the "Passat" motors. Unfortunately, on B5 they lack cooling, overheating becomes a frequent cause of failure ahead of time. And the oil change must be done often - much more often than in four-stage gearboxes.

Spare parts are widespread, inexpensive, and repairs have been mastered even in the outback, because these automatic transmissions were installed on both Audi and BMW. There are also copies with runs over 500 thousand, which went in the same hands and required only an oil change, yes.


Passat B5 engines also got good ones. And even though the design of the later series of EA827 / EA113 motors is no longer as simple as that of their ancestors on the Passat B 3 / B 4, but in terms of mechanics, everything is done very well. Of course, the layout is a lot of trouble - the motor protrudes strongly forward, which is why the radiators are very close, close to the fan, and even the crankcase is too low and often suffers due to driver errors - it breaks or crumples. Compact radiators not only get dirty quickly, but also many operations on the engine, including the replacement of service belts and sensors, require the removal of the entire front part - the bumper, headlights and radiators with a panel.

Any violation of the geometry - and now the fan damages the radiators, and the hoses and wiring in the front part additionally suffer, and the appearance deteriorates with inaccurate reinforcement work. In general, the layout of the engine compartment is very tight, as it is narrow due to the use of multi-link suspension on the front axle.

Gasoline engines before restyling are mainly 1.6 and 2.0 eight-valve engines of the old EA827 series and 1.8 engines of the related EA113 series, already with a new cylinder head with 20 valves. Yes, these engines had five valves per cylinder. The age of the units is already decent, often, in addition to general wear and tear, there are problems with wiring, cooling system hoses and power supply.

In the photo: Volkswagen Passat 1.8T Sedan ZA-spec (B5 +) "2000–05 engine

Eight-valve engines are some of the most successful VWs, simple and with good traction. Moreover, the 1.6 unit was installed on the VW Golf and Skoda Octavia for a long time, it was remembered by many as almost perfect motor, simple, reliable and cheap. The two-liter version differs only by even better traction on the bottoms, otherwise the design is just as streamlined and comfortable. The power, however, is small, 100 and 120 liters. with., but with a two-liter engine, traction is already enough, and the younger engine in combination with a manual transmission provides quite reasonable dynamics in the city.

The timing belt is simple and reliable, repair is not affordable, even if you change it after the recommended 60 thousand kilometers, and not through the "routine" 90. The resource before overhaul is usually three hundred thousand kilometers, but very many motors will not be able to realize it due to the arising problems with the intake and lubrication system.

With lubrication, everything is simple: a blow by a crankcase usually entails either crankcase deformation and oil starvation, or simply oil loss and major repairs. And the shape of the motor crankcase is not very successful, in turns, even at full level and high revs the "oiler" can blink, and when low, it can really ruin the motor. The crankshaft, by the way, is very reliable, often endures such troubles without consequences, only replacement of liners and grinding is required. But the control system and the intake can kill the motor slowly but surely in indifferent hands. Intake leaks, sensor and ignition module failures cause accelerated wear of the piston group.

In the photo: Volkswagen Passat TDI Sedan ZA-spec (B5 +) 2000–05 engine

Motors 1.8 are distinguished by a more complex timing design with a hydraulic tensioner, the use of a second camshaft drive chain, which is sometimes forgotten to be replaced, and on the most powerful engine options after restyling, it also has a phase shifter clutch.

The turbocharged version, of course, has a much more complex control system and is noticeably more difficult to maintain, but in general it has no less resource. The large load on the connecting rod and main bearings of the crankshaft for the 1.8T engine already creates certain difficulties here - with SAE 30 oil, they can be cranked even with a slight loss of pressure, for example, due to a short oil outflow in a corner. The hassle adds and new system crankcase ventilation with PCV valve, it requires regular replacement. In the event of a failure, oil consumption usually increases, the intercooler becomes dirty and detonation occurs. As a result, the total resource is not less than that of eight-valves, but the cost of servicing such a motor is slightly higher.

Turbines on different engine versions also differ, but basically it is BorgWarner K 03, and on B5 + and "Americans" you can find both K04 and MHI TD 040-13. One thing unites them - there are no bad ones among them, all are very reliable. With a working lubrication system and cooling after annealing, the turbine resource is over 200 thousand kilometers.

But there are nuances that have ruined a lot of supercharged 1.8. First of all, this is coking of the oil supply tube - it is very poorly laid, as well as a drop in oil pressure during lateral acceleration. The first problem is treated either by regularly cleaning the tube, re-laying it and installing a heat shield, and the second by raising the oil level in the crankcase above the maximum by a centimeter or two, this is about a liter and a half volume.

Photo: Volkswagen Passat W8 Sedan (B5 +) "2002-04 engine

Turbine cost 1.8T

price for non-original

66 512 rubles

In addition, we must not forget that the supercharged motor dies from any problems in the power system. Low gas pressure due to a "tired" fuel pump, dirty intercooler (it is small and stands in the left wheel well, gets dirty quickly), leaks in the intake, sensor failures, oil entering the intake ... There are a million reasons, and they all require a high level of maintenance motor, and the problem of the intercooler can be solved by installing a front, larger volume. True, in this case, the response of the engine to the gas pedal worsens.

For those who want more power and are afraid of turbo engines, the V 6 and VR 5 engines are intended. Before the restyling of 2001, the VR 5 2,3 engines had 10 valves and a power of 150 hp. sec., after the valves it became twice as large, and the power increased to 170 horse power... The problems here are the same as those of the newer VR 6 engines in the Touareg and Superb - a complex timing chain with a floating resource, a complicated cylinder head design, a high cylinder block mass, a tendency to overheat when the cooling system is dirty. But in general, these are not bad engines for those who are ready to service an old and complex engine.

In the photo: Volkswagen Passat W8 Sedan (B5 +) "2002-04 engine

But for lovers of large aspirated there is a better option, the V 6 2.8 engine. By the way, this is not a VR 6, there are two separate cylinder heads, similar in design to a 1.8-liter engine - a timing belt drive and a rear chain. But the problems and features are exactly the same as for the 1.8 engines, adjusted for size and weight. By the way, instead of this engine, when repairing, they often put three-liter Audi engines of the same series.

Diesel eight-valve engines 1.9 and 2.0 are also revered as some of the best. In addition to the standard diesel troubles, only high cost pump injectors, there are losses of oil pressure on the camshaft, as a result of which shafts and rockers wear out, and a tendency to increase oil consumption in the most forced versions with a capacity of 120+ horsepower with mileage.

Now most of the problems of any engines on the B5 and B5 + are related to their age, the features of specific structures are of little importance at an age of over 10 years and an average mileage of more than two hundred thousand kilometers. But the margin of safety inherent in those series of motors is still noticeable, and even after overhaul, they can please the owners for a long time.

What should you choose?

Once this car confidently won in comparison with any classmates, and now it looks very good. Even in comparison with modern counterparts, and even more so - with cars a class lower. The body and interior are well preserved, the electrician feels worse, but there are no global difficulties in maintaining a normal state either. Motors and transmissions in general have a good resource, although the most running 1.8T engine must be recognized as quite expensive to maintain.

Well, the suspensions, which many are so afraid of, if not saving money, are very reliable and provide a high level of comfort. In an extreme case, there are "collective farm" repair options, so with the current cost of spare parts and competent repairs, the owners of B5 should not be ruined.

There is only one serious minus of the car - this is VW Passat, and it is often bought by people who hope to get a very reliable and cheap car in service that does not require anticorrosive, with cheap spare parts, etc. As a result, “collective farming” begins with unsuitable spare parts from disassembly, cutting at car washes and maintenance, thousands of expenditures on spare parts after serious breakdowns, and as a result - attempts to sell the car at a higher price to the next “connoisseur”.

In the photo: Volkswagen Passat Sedan (B5 +) "2000–05

VW parts sellers are said to have made a fortune on this model, and that's close to the truth. This is one of the first VW cars to become very demanding to service, with a large range of parts, and poorly tolerated in rough use. But for the comfort and high performance of the chassis, you have to pay at least a little.

If you are not ready, then look for a cheaper and simpler car, for example, Passat B 4, or Vectra B. If you are ready, then the risk can pay off, especially with careful selection and proper maintenance.

owner of Volkswagen Passat B5 2004 release

The only breakdown is the twisted liner. Except for the motor, nothing broke from the word "absolutely" (two cracked windshields do not count, no one is immune from this). The car got in a good package: Alcantara with leather steering wheel inside, turn signal repeaters, fog lights and finishing "chrome" outside, which pleases. Additionally, I put cruise control. I am pleased with the attitude of other drivers in Russia: when I drive faster than the flow (for example, 130-140, and the flow is 100-120), absolutely all cars, including more expensive ones, calmly let me through. Calm and respectful attitude, despite the age. Traffic police almost never slow down (the account goes 1 time in 2-3 years). I am also very glad that in Scandinavia and the Baltics, where I travel quite often, I feel "at home" on this Passat. I don't want to change it for anything - in terms of comfort, the car still overtakes the same Jetta and Octavia. Passat B8 and new Superb, in principle, not bad, but with a price of 2 million they somehow no longer fall under "cars for the middle class." I also came up with an idea: if we carry out an analogy with games, then Passat B5 is more likely for those who prefer Civilization to any Need for Speed \u200b\u200band GTA. It’s not that Big Car Theft doesn’t seem interesting to them - they’ve just played enough of it before.

Back in 1996 year Volkswagen released another Passat, which turned out to be not just another, but completely different. As a legacy from the previous model, the new Passat received only a name; Volkswagen developed everything else from scratch. The new B5 has become not at all a "people's" car in terms of service, but has received a number of advantages over the old generation.

What is the difference?

When creating a new model, the manufacturer focused on design, quality of materials and comfort of movement. For the B5, they took the 1994 Audy A4 platform. Along with the platform, Volkswagen also inherited a front multi-link aluminum suspension, several longitudinal engines and a couple of other components. The body was created taking into account passive safety and aerodynamics, and was produced completely galvanized (12 years warranty), so corrosion problems are usually not observed (if there were no accidents, of course), with the exception of the only place - the back plate area. The new Passat began to look and drive much more solid and prestigious, and after restyling in 2000, the model received updated bumpers, front and taillights and began to look even richer. The changes affected the front suspension and interior (the most noticeable change is the bright blue instrument lighting).

The first owners often bought a car in a rich configuration, so it is easy to find copies with a full "minced meat" on the market. Although even in the base there is climate control, ABS, front power accessories and two airbags.

Which engine should you choose?

In total, the engines that were installed on the Passat B5 are already 17 units (10 gasoline and 7 diesel), but in "our area" the most widespread are gasoline 1.8 with a turbine. Not so often there are two-liter, 2.8 V6 and turbodiesels with a volume of 1.9 liters. The rest of the motors are rare. Due to the longitudinal arrangement of the engine, the procedure for replacing the timing belt has slightly risen in price (the craftsmen have to disassemble almost everything in front of the car, and the work itself costs $ 100), the belt must be changed every 120,000 km (or immediately after purchase, because faith honestly, there is no speedometer). A set of spare parts for replacing the timing belt will cost from $ 120 to $ 300, depending on the manufacturer (according to the quality). Be sure to change with the belt water pump - she will not last two terms ($ 50-80).

When buying, be sure to check the turbine (if any), or bargain for an extra $ 800-1000 for a replacement. The average service life of a turbine at Pasaty is about 150,000 thousand thousand kilometers, but this period depends on the quality of service and the way the vehicle is operated. For long-term work, some things must be observed:

  • Always pour high-quality synthetic oil into the engine;
  • The engine service interval should not be less than once every 7-10 thousand km (although the manufacturer recommends an interval of 15 thousand km, in our reality it is better to shorten it);
  • Every 30 y. km, clean the turbine oil pipe (it is advisable to change it every 60 thousand km, and after purchase it is mandatory);
  • Change the air filter at least every 15-20 thousand km;
  • Do not turn off the engine immediately after a dynamic ride; it is necessary to allow the turbine to "rest" at idle speed for a couple of minutes (or install a turbo timer).

Unfortunately, not all owners follow at least half of these rules. Signs of an imminent "death" of the turbine: whistle or howl and extraneous noise during its operation, oil on the body, diminishing howl after stopping the engine. TO typical breakdowns 1.8T and V6 engines include ignition coils that regularly fail and an electrohydraulic tensioner of the phase change mechanism, whose resource usually ends after 150 thousand mileage (on 1.8T AEB engines until 2000, this mechanism was not installed). The two-liter engine loves to eat oil. An alternative to the 1.8T engine can be the VR5: a 5-cylinder engine that has the same power, but without a turbine. It pulls well from the bottom, and instead of a belt, it has a more reliable timing chain (darkens this idyll, only a more noisy engine).

If you decide to buy diesel engine, then it is worth considering that the diesel a car rarely bought to drive 15,000-20,000 km / year. If you are sure, then you need to opt for a turbocharged 1.9 liter. These engines turned out to be quite reliable and with proper care calmly walk up to 400,000 km. Possible problems:

  • Turbine - the problems discussed above for gasoline models;
  • Fuel pump is a bad diesel fuel, especially if water gets in, then repairs are expensive;
  • Cylinder-piston group, if the previous owner was a racer (110 forces are not enough for dynamic driving and the engine has to be spun up);
  • It is necessary to flush the tank and clean the nozzles annually;
  • Candles usually run no longer than 60 thousand km.

Gearboxes Passat B5

Before restyling mechanical box there was only one switch - a 5-speed, after 2000 it also appeared with six speeds. The mechanics are usually no problem, and the grip during "human" operation "survives" up to 200,000 km of run.

The machines on the VW Passat B5 were of two types:

  • The old 4-speed - "thoughtful", but terribly reliable (do not forget to change the oil together with the filter every 60 thousand km)
  • A newer 5-speed Tiptronic, with the possibility of manual switching, which is the main problem of this box. After 150 thousand mileage, the valve block and transmission packages often fail.

For mysterious reasons automatic boxes gears with high mileage (over 200,000 km) can "die" from a banal oil change. Therefore, many owners are reinsured and dream that the box will serve until sale without changing the oil and filter.

Is the Passat B5 suspension expensive?

The driving performance of the B5's suspension is praised by everyone - it is comfortable, it holds the road perfectly, it enters the turns wonderfully! Such characteristics were obtained thanks to the complex multi-link front suspension (for one wheel - 4 levers), but you have to pay for it. Today, everything is not as bad as in 1996-1999, then the lower levers rarely went more than 30-40 thousand and there was no such choice of alternative spare parts. After restyling, the durability situation has improved slightly. Many are frightened off by the myth that the front suspension on the Volkswagen Passat B5 needs to be changed as a whole - this is not true. The main source of the myth is official dealers who are reluctant to bother with replacing individual levers, and you can earn more on a complete replacement. You will have to buy a full set of levers and ends of the front suspension if it is already completely "killed" (when buying it is easily checked at any service and you can safely knock down the price by $ 600-700) or if you are going to drive this car for a long time (the set is cheaper, than each part separately, and you will gradually change individual parts as needed). The quality of spare parts can be divided into three categories:

  • The original - the quality is high, but the price is even higher. In addition, it is easy to run into a Chinese counterfeit, which you buy for big money;
  • LEMFORDER, HDE, Ruville - German manufacturers who value their name and monitor the quality of products (LEMFORDER gives a guarantee of 80 thousand km for a set of levers and you can buy this set for $ 500);
  • China, Turkey, Taiwan - the quality leaves much to be desired, and on the packaging there may be loud inscriptions: GERMANY, ITALY, USA, which show where the Brand is registered, and the production will turn out to be you know where and you know how.

Based on the above, it is recommended to choose the golden mean... The rear semi-independent suspension on front-wheel drive cars is almost eternal, usually it is changed from old age, as cracks appear on the rubber parts. On all-wheel drive versions, the rear suspension is independent, but it does not cause any special problems and travels about 100,000 km. By the way four-wheel drive on the Passat a copy of the Quattro system on the Audi. During operation, it does not cause any problems (oil in the gearbox and transfer case is filled at the factory for the entire service life), and the cross-country ability in winter and dirty times increases dramatically.


Volkswagen Passat B5 is a decent car that has earned such popularity for a reason. When choosing a used car, carefully diagnose all the problematic points that were considered, and you will have a real chance to buy a great car. Otherwise, owning a Passat can be a burden even for a good family budget.


If an electrician starts to "glitch" in the car: the windows themselves open, central locking and the alarm lives its own life - it means the moisture has reached the comfort block, which is located near the driver's left foot. The solution is deep floor mats.

The year 1996 was a special sensation for Volkswagen fans. During this period, the fifth generation of this brand of car with a sedan body, which had the factory marking B5, saw the light. Car opened new stage in the history of the line. With the release of modern generation, the German manufacturer decided to seriously approach the category vehicle luxury class.

Volkswagen Passat B 5 has become more technological, and also in its status has come close to prestigious cars. To ensure a solid level of technical performance, the main parameters of the steel are:

  • powerful engines;
  • excellent handling;
  • comfortable lounge;
  • solid interior and exterior;
  • high level of reliability.

The Audi A4 autocar was used as a platform for creating the fifth generation. The front suspension made of aluminum was borrowed from it, as well as the location of the power units of the longitudinal type. The body of the new model of the German car provided an excellent level of safety and low aerodynamic resistance.

The next year, the Passat was expected to be upgraded. In 1997, the car was released with all drive wheels, and in 2000, Volkswagen underwent a planned restyling. The main task of the modernization was to increase engine power and improve environmental performance.

This model of the Passat marked the transition to a new design solution. She was shown on a special Concept One uniform. The new generation Volkswagen can be described as a large luxury representative, which looks somewhat controversial. This is due in part to the streamlined outline low level with small optics on the front and stern. It is because of this that the car has an uncharacteristic appearance.

The B5 was originally offered in two body styles. The first was a sedan and the second was a station wagon. The main parameters of the model:

  • length - 4669-4704 mm;
  • scale to width -<1740 мм;
  • height - 1460-1499 mm;
  • the distance from the ground to the bottom of the car is 110-124 mm.

As for the interior, it is worth noting its solidity and representativeness. The instrument panel has two large dials. Between them is the information display of the trip computer. The steering wheel has a rex spoke design as well as the brand logo.

The interior decoration of the German representative is made of high quality materials, including:

  • plastic;
  • decorative inserts;
  • leather.

The car seats have a wide profile and a decent range of adjustment. They are perfect for people of all sizes. Luggage compartment AT 5 designed to carry 475 liters of luggage. If you fold the backrest down - 745 liters.

Model equipment

The fifth generation car has a rich basic equipment. Most experts questioned the strict interior of the model, which does not differ in design solutions. However, the classics, combined with the quality of performance, as well as practicality, pleased many. In addition, the ergonomics and sound insulation of the Volkswagen were not questioned.

The car has significant roominess, which allows you not to feel cramped while in it. Nevertheless, the owners of this model point out several disadvantages. First of all, these are not the corresponding dimensions of the rear-view mirrors. Many point out that the limited visibility in the fifth generation models causes some inconvenience. In addition, the disadvantages include problems with the central locking (found only in the modification - a station wagon) and insufficient heating of the seats.

but it is worth noting a modified suspension and modern electronic devices ... Basic equipment B5 consists of:

  • 4 airbags;
  • electrical accessories;
  • climate control;
  • tinted glass;
  • adjustable driver's seat.

In addition to the basic one, there are three more variations to choose from: Comfortline, Trendline and Highline.

Power units

The fifth generation engine line has always been the pride of this brand. Volkswagen Passat B5 was equipped with both diesel and gasoline power units. The most popular are:

In addition, the manufacturer offers three variations of the gearbox: five- and six-speed mechanical type, as well as an automatic. The fifth generation is significantly different from the previous one. Good handling of the model, according to experts, is achieved due to the multifunctional front suspension.

The B5 looks solid and dynamic. The round shape of the rear lights complements the sporty appearance of the vehicle. The salon is equipped with a variety of decorative panels "wood", as well as details in leather and chrome steel.

Specifications Passat B5

The fifth generation Volkswagen is still a popular model today. Even despite the considerable age, the car remains in demand now. Before the appearance of this model, the Passat really belonged to the group of simple machines.

Equipped with advanced electronics and the presence of other technologically sophisticated parts makes the choice to be taken seriously. In this case, the following is taken into account:

  • tuning costs;
  • the need for testing;
  • repair of B5;
  • prices for auto parts;
  • unit condition;
  • possible breakdowns.

As for the body characteristics, the car body is fully galvanized. The presence of rust indicates a poor-quality restoration of the coating after an accident. The German manufacturer gave a 12-year body warranty. The fact indicates that its corrosion resistance remains at a height ... This has already become a tradition for German cars.

What's inside?

One of six gasoline-type units can be found under the hood of this model. For this brand, a five-cylinder engine in the form of a V-shape with a volume of 2-3 liters was offered. Its capacity is 150 liters. sec., as well as 250 Hm maximum torque. The category of four-cylinder units consists of atmospheric and turbocharged engines. Their volume ranges from 1.6 to 2 liters with a generation of 101 -150 horsepower. The rotating thrust of the unit ranges from 140 to 220 Nm.

The leading position is occupied by a 2.8-liter engine, which develops a power of 193 horsepower. The torsional thrust of the unit is 290 Nm. The vehicle was equipped with a front-wheel drive transmission by default. In addition, the 4Motion technique was available. The fifth generation Passat accelerates to the first 100 km / h from 7.6 to 15 seconds, depending on the modification. The maximum speed of the model is 177-238 km / h.

The B5 is based on the PL45 platform, the power unit of which is located longitudinally. The steering system is equipped with power steering, and the brake package includes full disc brakes. It is worth noting that they are equipped with ventilation in front. The rear suspension is represented by a semi-independent scheme, which is equipped with a torsion beam on front-wheel drive cars, and with a full one - an independent "multi-link". The front is a double wishbone design.

The main advantages of the model

The owners of the Volkswagen Passat B5 describe the model as a car with a stylish design, a spacious interior and reliable construction. Serving a fifth generation representative costs an adequate amount. It should be noted that the vehicle also has:

  • large luggage compartment;
  • optimal fuel consumption;
  • high level of noise insulation;
  • high-quality finishing materials.

The suspension for domestic roads turns out to be quite rigid, and there is also a small clearance to the roadway. The interior of the cabin creates a feeling of high cost and chic, it seems that the B5 is a class higher than it really is. The Passat stands out favorably against the background of its competitors. This is due to the solid interior and a large selection of additional equipment.

The petrol units of the model are equipped with a distributed injection system, and the diesel itself is equipped with TDI communication, which is equipped with unit injectors. The car's engines remain quite decent and reliable today. As a rule, malfunctions occur as a result of improper operation, as well as untimely maintenance.


In accordance with factory standards, it is worth changing the oil every 15,000 km along with all filters. However, domestic experts advise performing the procedure after 10,000 km. The functioning of the turbine, as well as the uninterrupted functioning of all parts of the unit, directly depends on the quality of the oil, so it should only be synthetic.

  • type of built-in engine;
  • technical condition of the unit;
  • forms of driving the car owner.

The average consumption of the engine of the most popular unit is 1.8 T, and in urban conditions is 15-16 liters.

Immediately after purchase B 5 it is recommended to replace the timing belt. According to the regulations, the procedure is performed every 120,000 km. This must be done for safety reasons. On many cars, the odometer readings do not correspond to the real mileage, so one can only guess about the real numbers.

Possible problems

During the operation of the vehicle, breakdowns and malfunctions often occur. In the category of malfunctions and possible problems of the fifth generation Passat, first of all, it is necessary to include suboptimal engine operation at idle. This fault is actually very easy to fix. The main cause is usually a clogged throttle valve.

In addition, a water fuel pump breaks down almost every 50,000 km. This is due to the use of poor quality antifreeze, which destroys the pump oil seal. However, the most vulnerable point of the B5 engine is the turbine. In order to extend its period of operation, the engine must idle for several minutes before turning off the car.

If we consider diesel units, then most of the breakdowns of gasoline engines are not characteristic of them. But even in this case, you cannot do without troubles. The main problems are:

  • rapid pipe wear;
  • breakage of antifreeze;
  • inflatable valve failure;
  • drop in compression.

The most serious malfunction is considered to be the breakdown of the tension roller. ... This leads to a breakage of the timing, as well as friction between the valves and the pistons.

What is the result?

Manufacturers AT 5 represent the brand as a folk brand. Nevertheless, the pricing policy of the parts is not at all democratic. This could be expected, since the car's mechanism is quite complex in technical performance. The fifth generation Volkswagen Passat is a fairly common brand, so there are no problems with spare parts, which is good news.

Model B5 is a direct result of the achievements of the German holding. Summing up, we can say that this is one of the best cars in the history of Volkswagen. The main advantages of the vehicle include:

  • high level of reliability;
  • excellent handling;
  • high-quality finished salon;
  • high marketability.

Basically, all breakdowns and malfunctions occur due to the fault of users, as well as improper maintenance and untimely replacement of components. As mentioned above, it is THAT that plays the main role.

What do we end up with? The fifth generation Volkswagen Passat is a reliable, comfortable and high-quality car, the price of which remains quite reasonable. For many years in a row, it holds the position of the best family car. Among the huge number of foreign cars, it still stands out for its presentable appearance. This is a car that is really worth the money.

Volkswagen Passat B5 is the fifth generation of the business sedan of the same name, one of the closest competitors of Toyota Camry and Nissan Teana. The car is considered the best car in the class, as it beats its rivals in most parameters. Passat B5 production began in 1997. In 2000, the car underwent a major restyling, and was produced in an updated form until 2005. Now Passat B5 in Russia is one of the most popular middle class cars with mileage.


Volkswagen Passat B5 is the official consumption rate per 100 km.

On the example of the updated model 2000-2005:

Gasoline engines:

  • 1.6, 102 liters. sec., 12.7 seconds to 100 km / h, 10.7 / 6 liters per 100 km, front-wheel drive, mechanics
  • 1.8, 150 liters. sec., 9.2 seconds to 100 km / h, 11.4 / 6.4 liters per 100 km, front-wheel drive, mechanics
  • 1.8, 150 liters. sec., 10.5 seconds to 100 km / h, 13.4 / 7 liters per 100 km, automatic, front-wheel drive
  • 1.8, 150 liters. sec., 10, 5 seconds to 100 km / h, four-wheel drive, mechanics, 8.9 seconds to 100 km / h, 11 / 6.3 liters per 100 km
  • 1.8, 170 l. sec., automatic / mechanic, front / four-wheel drive
  • 2.0, 115 l. sec., mechanics, front-wheel drive, 11.2 seconds to 100 km / h, 11.8 / 6.3 liters per 100 km
  • 2.0, 115 l. sec., automatic, front-wheel drive, 12.4 seconds to 100 km / h, 13.3 / 7.5 liters per 100 km
  • 2.0, 115 l. sec., mechanics, four-wheel drive, 11.6 seconds to 100 km / h, 12.3 / 7 liters per 100 km
  • 2.0, 130 l. sec., mechanics, front, 9.9 seconds to 100 km / h, 11.5 / 6 liters per 100 km
  • 2.0, 120 l. sec., mechanics, full, 11.7 seconds to 100 km / h, 12.8 / 7 liters per 100 km
  • 2., 3, 170 l. sec., automatic, front, 10.8 seconds to 100 km / h, 14.9 / 6.9 liters per 100 km
  • 2,3, 170 l. sec., mechanics, full, 9.6 seconds to 100 km / h. 13.9 / 7.4 liters per 100 km
  • 2.3, 170 l. sec., mechanics, front, 9.1 seconds to 100 km / h, 12.8 / 7.1 liters per 100 km
  • 2.8, 193 l. from. mechanics, full, 7.8 seconds to 100 km / h, 15.1 / 7.9 liters per 100 km
  • 2.8, 193 l. sec., automatic, full, 9.8 seconds to 100 km / h, 16.3 / 7.9 liters per 100 km
  • 4.0, 275 l. sec., mechanics, full, 6.5 seconds to 100 km / h, 19.4 / 9.5 liters per 100 km
  • 4.0, 275 l. sec., automatic, full, 7.8 seconds to 100 km / h, 19.4 / 9.2 liters per 100 km

Diesel motors:

  • 1.9, 101 l. sec., mechanics, front, 12.4 seconds to 100 km / h, 7 / 4.5 liters per 100 km
  • 1.9, 101 l. sec., automatic, front, 14.3 seconds to 100 km / h, 9.4 / 5.2 liters per 100 km
  • 1.9, 130 l. sec., mechanics, front, 9.9 seconds to 100 km / h, 7.5 / 4.5 liters per 100 km
  • 1.9, 130 l. sec., mechanics, full, 10.4 seconds to 100 km / h, 8.2 / 5.2 liters per 100 km
  • 1.9, 130 l. sec., automatic, front, 12 seconds to 100 km / h, 10 / 5.5 liters per 100 km
  • 2.5, 163 l. sec., automatic, front, 10.2 seconds to 100 km / h, 11.6 / 5.9 liters per 100 km
  • 2.5, 163 l. sec., mechanics, front, 9.1 seconds to 100 km / h, 9.8 / 5.2 liters per 100 km
  • 2.5, 180 l. sec., mechanics, full, 8.7 seconds to 100 km / h, 10.6 / 5.9 liters per 100 km
  • 2.5, 180 l. sec., automatic, full, 9.6 seconds to 100 km / h, 12.8 / 6.8 liters per 100 km

Volkswagen Passat B5 owner reviews

1.6, 102 liters. from.

  • Konstantin, Moscow. Car of 2000, with a 1.6 engine with a capacity of 100 horses. In my opinion, this is the best option for those who need a large and comfortable car, and at the same time economical. In the city, fuel consumption reaches 10 liters per hundred, on the highway it reaches 8 liters.
  • Valentina, Lipetsk. I have a Volkswagen Passat since 2003, it is used daily, and in cold weather and summer heat. I tried the wheelbarrow everywhere - first my husband drove, then me. We are tourists, have traveled all over Siberia, visited the mountains, etc. We hit 200 thousand, the 1.6 engine was enough for us. In any case, you can accelerate to a cruising 200 km / h. Fuel consumption 10 liters.
  • Oleg, Vorkuta. I bought the Passat because I love German cars for their reliability and conservatism. They have verified ergonomics and simple original design when it never gets old. The fifth generation Passat is just one of those cars. I have a version with a 1.6 engine and a manual transmission. This is the most basic version, and it has a need for me to set the options. Fuel consumption is 9-10 liters per hundred, six liters on the highway. Reliable and unpretentious sedan. At first he used it purely for himself, and after 100 thousand mileage he went to work in a taxi. In general, the Passat has proven itself in many areas, it is a very hardy car.
  • Olga, Taganrog. I have a Passat B5, supported. 1999 model, with 1.6 engine and mechanics. This version consumes 8-10 liters in the city, and in the suburban cycle it comes out on average 7-8 liters / 100 km.
  • Dmitry, Smolensk. This is a standing car, I do not regret that I took a supported model with a mileage of 200 thousand. Found a completely refurbished version, with the most basic 1.6-liter engine. Fuel consumption 10-12 liters per 100 km.
  • Alexander, Kazan. I liked the car, I will praise it for its high-quality and spacious interior, high-torque and economical 1.6 engine, comfortable suspension and powerful brakes. In short, a typical German car. And with each thousand run, the Passat becomes even stronger and more formidable, and as for me, this is a universal car for every day and for any roads. Fuel consumption 10 liters per hundred.
    With engine 1.8, 150 hp from.
  • Vsevolod, Minsk. Supported car, produced in 2001. At the moment, the mileage is 150 thousand km. The car is reliable, there were no problems with maintenance. Car design is quite simple, some repair work can be carried out without a firm STR. In my configuration there is a 1.8-liter engine with a capacity of 150 horsepower. Quite economical and high-spirited turbocharged engine. With it, fuel consumption reaches 12-13 liters with dynamic city driving.
  • Dmitry, Novosibirsk region. The car is comfortable, dynamic, for every day it will do. I have a dead copy, but still on the move, is doing well. That's what German quality is. With a 1.8 150 hp engine. from. fuel consumption 10-12 liters.
  • Elena, Zaporozhye. I bought a new car from a company dealer. It was in the early 2000s, I don't remember exactly. But I remember that I bought at a big discount, which was just for the 1.8-liter 150-strong version, and I took it. Fuel consumption 9-12 liters / 100 km. I'm happy with the car.
  • Oleg, Veliky Novgorod. I liked the car, everything is so versatile and neat. It looks strictly inside and out, there is nothing to complain about. Finishing materials make this car respectable. Their quality is up to the mark, as is the car itself. I have a new model, with 1.8 engine and automatic. 150 forces Passat enough in excess, in the city consumes about 12 liters per 100 km.
  • Maxim, Voronezh. The Volkswagen Passat was my dream car. Since childhood. Here I passed on the right, and bought my first swallow. Friends said, well, what are you doing - you have to start small, ride on cans and Volga, etc. But I did it of my own free will, and did not listen to anyone - I wanted it and took it. And I do not regret it, but everyone only envies me of the campaign. I bought it supported in a car dealership, with a guarantee, everything is as it should be. I chose a version with a 1.8-liter engine and automatic transmission. There are more powerful versions, but I can't get enough of this. Fuel consumption is 12 liters per hundred, on the highway it turns out 8-10 liters. The Passat met all my expectations, I waited for him for a long time, and waited.
  • Volodya, Donetsk. The classic sedan, with its austere appearance resembles the sedans of the 80s. Perhaps this is his plus. In addition, the Passat is considered one of the best in the class, along with the Toyota Camry - by the way, I read the test drive of the magazine Behind the wheel, found an issue of the early 2000s. There the cars were about equal, and I'm not surprised. But he was convinced of this on himself only now, when he took possession of this legend. 1.8-liter engine delivers 150 horses, modernly it according to our measurements. Fuel consumption maximum 15 liters during dynamic driving. In general, machine like, on the eighth soon change my Volkswagen Passat.
  • Konstantin, Lipetsk. The car is comfortable, it has all the options. Therefore, I took it. Moreover, it is powerful and dynamic. In short, this is the best maintained copy for such and such money. With a 1.8 engine, the car eats only 12 liters, but the aggressive driving dynamics seems to pull all 20 liters.
  • Igor, Donetsk. Volkswagen Passat - one of my first business-class cars. All supported. Before him there was a Toyota Camry from the first generations. The German sedan is more modern, but made to look like it was from the 1980s. Gray and angular interior, manual transmission, in short design and boring interior. But the chassis is excellent, which is why I appreciate the German cars. Fuel consumption 10-13 liters with a 150 horsepower engine. Fans from the Volkswagen club said that this engine was considered the most technologically advanced in the class. In general, this is the fifth generation Passat - the most worthy car of that time.
  • Vasily, Dnepropetrovsk. I liked the car, the fuel consumption is 10-12 liters with a 1.8 liter engine. Several of my friends at one time chose this particular version, and I was a little late - I bought this only in 2016. A wheelbarrow with a mileage of 150 thousand km, it goes perfectly. Brakes, engine, transmission - everything is in order.
  • Andrey, Moscow region. A car for all occasions, it suits me perfectly. Although it is a business class, but with it you can go to the country, and go fishing and wherever you want. Engine 1.8, power 150 forces, mechanics plus front-wheel drive. Now I'm trying the Passat in a taxi. Fuel consumption 10-13 liters.

1.8, 170 l. from.

  • Mityai, Vologda region. I have a Passat in 2000, I bought a killed copy for restoration. I spent a lot of effort and money, but now the car is like new, and you can heap. 170-horsepower engine allows it, and plus all-wheel drive - generally a song. Consumption 12-13 liters.
  • Alexey, Leningrad region. The car suits me in full, at least until it breaks down, and thanks for that. Turbocharged engine of 1.8 liters, with it consumption of 10-11 liters / 100 km.
  • Maria, Donetsk. I bought a supported Passat, the 2003 model is written in the data sheet. I liked the powerful 1.8 petrol engine, it produces 170 horsepower. The unit is turbocharged at an opportune fit this machine. With him, the dynamics are amazing, acceleration to the first hundred takes 8-9 seconds, and the maximum speed is 240 km / h - my husband measured it, he loves this with me. We have a version with all-wheel drive and automatic, fuel consumption from 12 to 15 liters per hundred.
  • Dmitry, Yaroslavl. I have the most top-end version, with all-wheel drive and manual transmission. Almost a real sports car. Engine 1.8 170 l. from. enough as if better not where. The car is dynamic and at the same time comfortable, with powerful noise insulation, in general I liked it. Fuel consumption on the highway is 10 liters, and in the city it turns out up to 15 liters per hundred.
  • Catherine, Peter. I got the car from a friend, he gave it to me, one might say. In short, the car is worth its money, and goes very fast for its 170 horses. Fuel consumption 12 liters in the city.
  • Rita, Smolensk. Supported car, hitting about 80 thousand mileage. More or less a fresh copy, in good condition, why not take it. Moreover, with a powerful 170-horsepower engine, with a turbine and all the things. There are all options, comfort is provided. Consumption 11-12 liters.
  • Oleg, Taganrog. Volkswagen Passat B5 - in my opinion, the best gift you can imagine for my 50th anniversary on January 1. We put together and bought a supported copy, right for the new 2017. Emotions overwhelmed us as soon as our expert called and said that the car had already passed the diagnostics, was in perfect condition, the previous owner did not lie and in short, you can buy. You don't need to invest in the car; the previous owner probably invested a fortune in it. As new, I agreed even without bargaining. With a 1.8 engine, 170 horses, fuel consumption 12-13 liters per 100 km.
  • Svyatoslav, Lipetsk. I checked the car properly, took it to the diagnostics, made sure that all the rules, and only after that I unfastened it. The previous owner and I were satisfied, the deal was fine with each other. But then the car started to crumble. A whole bunch of waste, on the suspension, brakes and the engine also junk. In general, not an option. Consumption of 12 liters per hundred, this is the only plus, I decided to change it to a Toyota Camry of the previous generation.
  • Marina, Simferopol. We liked the car, my husband and my children, there were no problems with the installation of a child seat. Fuel consumption with the engine 1.8 170 forces 10-12 liters per 100 km of run. Reliable and comfortable car.
  • Vitaly, Nizhny Novgorod region. One of the best business-class sedans, in my opinion, even better than the previous generation Toyota Camry. Well suited for our rough roads - due to its moderately stiff suspension, and at the same time almost does not heel. In the city it consumes 12 liters, 170 horses are enough for the city and on the highway, the car is driven no worse than the new Volkswagens.

2.0 gasoline

  • Alexander, Leningrad region. I have a Passat in 2002, now the odometer is 150 thousand km. I try to keep the car in good condition, now I'm doing the pre-sale layout, it's time. Served me faithfully, an excellent sedan, for centuries, so to speak. Fuel consumption 12 liters per hundred. Gasoline engine, 2 liters, 115 horsepower. I have a version with manual gearbox and front-wheel drive.
  • Nikolay, Donetsk. The fifth generation Volkswagen Passat is a typical mid-range of the early 2000s. All and sundry were chasing him. Now it is a budget city sedan, solid and comfortable. I have a version with a 2.0 motor, 120 horsepower. With a manual transmission, consumption reaches 10-14 liters per hundred.
  • Svetlana, Magnitogorsk. My Passat will soon be 15 years old. The car is ashore, like the apple of an eye. I repainted the body four times already, galvanized the thresholds so that there was no corrosion. In general, I try to make the Passat look like new, but age still takes its toll. A car with a 2.0 engine and a manual gearbox consumes 12 liters / 100 km.

1.9 diesel (all)

  • Alexander, Irkutsk. I chose the most economical version with a diesel engine, such a Passat has a consumption of only 8 liters per hundred, I somehow did not expect, but then I quickly got used to it. I rarely go to a gas station. 100 horses is enough, the dynamics is really not very good, but for the role of a taxi it's just a dream and not a car.
  • Elena, Sevastopol. My diesel Passat produces just over 100 horses, and at the same time knows how to heap from traffic lights. Look what, he gives everyone a good light. Fuel consumption with mechanics is 11 liters per 100 km.
  • Dmitry, Sakhalin Region. The car is just for the family. I mean a version with a 1.9-liter diesel engine that produces 130 horses. The dynamics are enough to drive steadily at 80 or even 200 km / h. The cabin is quiet enough - I installed an additional Shumka. Fuel consumption is 12 liters in the city and up to 10 liters in the suburban cycle. Comfortable and inexpensive sedan, which is very popular in the secondary.
  • Valentina, Vorkuta. You won't be lost with such a machine. Especially if it is a Passat with a diesel engine. Long range and excellent dynamics are the two main advantages of this particular version. A car with a 1.9 engine, with a capacity of 101 power, consumes 10 liters of diesel fuel per 100 kilometers.
  • Igor, Krasnoyarsk. I liked the Volkswagen Passat, I have been using it for a year now. Used, but still a very nimble car. I will praise the bouncy 1.9-liter diesel engine with 130 horsepower. A car with such a motor very quickly reaches the first hundred, and the urban consumption is 9-11 liters.
  • Irina, Dnepropetrovsk. Passat was presented by her husband. The car is fine. We have a version with a 1.9 engine, with a return of 101 liters. with., consumption 9-10 liters.
  • Svyatoslav, Belgorod. The most technologically advanced car in the class, by the standards of that time, of course. Friends say that Toyota Camry is better, but I don't think so. Well, or each car is the best in its own way. The German captivates with the verified ergonomics of the cabin, better materials, economical engines. For example, I have a 1.9-liter version that produces 130 forces. Eats 10-12 liters / 100 km.

2.5 diesel

  • Oleg, Moscow region. I bought the Passat in 2002 in the top-end version, with a 2.5 diesel engine, 180 horsepower, four-wheel drive and an automatic transmission. Full stuffing, there are absolutely all the advanced options of the time. The dynamics are gorgeous, the fuel consumption was thought to be more, but it turned out to be only 12 liters on average. In the city, at least 10 liters are obtained, and on the highway it reaches 14 liters.
  • Olga, Magadan. I work in the police, transferring prisoners on the Passat. A reliable and fast vehicle with a 2.5-liter diesel engine. Fuel consumption in the city is 10-12 liters.
  • Stanislav, Tula. My diesel Passat produces 160 horses with a volume of 2.5. Probably someone will say that now at least 250 horses can be removed from such a displacement. But the belief is that 160 power is more than enough for this sedan. Moreover, these are diesel forces, which, together with a gigantic torque, form a hellish mixture, which is not worth joking with. Against this background, fuel consumption seems ridiculous - only 12-13 liters per hundred.

2.8 gasoline

  • Maxim, Peter. In this Passat I feel like a mad Max. This is the most top-end Passat, I bought this on a supported market. In this version, all the cars are in a dead state, but I was lucky - nothing had to be restored. Hurricane dynamics of an atmospheric engine with a volume of 2.8, produces honest 190 horses, and more is not needed. Fuel consumption of 20 liters is just a seed compared to the pleasure this car gives.
  • Marina, Taganrog. My husband gave him a ride on his Passat. That I just didn’t get up on it, because this car was created for pleasure. The mechanics fully unfolds all 190 forces, and this is very well felt at the traffic lights - the car seems to be firing. Consumption up to 20 liters / 100 km.
  • Alexey, Izhevsk. I practically live in the car, and do not part with it. My wife punished me and kicked me out of the house, I will not say why. So I spend the night in the car. Already almost used to it, besides, there was more time to test the powerful 2.8-liter engine and all-wheel drive. There is an automatic transmission. With such an arsenal, the car quickly reaches 250 km / h, and accelerates to hundreds in 7-8 seconds. Fuel consumption 10-15 liters on the highway and in the city.

If you are impressed by the Volkswagen brand, but you have doubts about the final choice of a particular vehicle, this review will help in resolving this issue. It will focus on the most popular aftermarket car from Wolfsburg that has won acclaim from its owners. He is called the star of his time, because even after several years of intensive use of the sedan or station wagon, the Passat B5 retains its relevance and excellent technical condition. Despite some disadvantages, the combination of the characteristics of this car will interest its potential buyers, since its competitors cannot offer such parameters together with a reasonable cost.

A bit of history

For the first time, the Volkswagen Passat B5 was introduced back in 1996. The public liked the new model, as this car was created on a reliable platform from "Audi A4", which was popular among the population. Therefore, these vehicles have a lot in common: the engine, the layout of units and assemblies. So, in the Volkswagen Passat B5 model, the power plant is located longitudinally, and not transversely, like in other cars. In addition, the fifth generation "people's car" has permanent all-wheel drive, which provides it with decent cross-country ability and controllability compared to the plug-in version. At the same time, buyers of the first modification were offered two body variations - a station wagon and a sedan. They were distinguished by the spaciousness and rigidity of the load-bearing elements, which guaranteed the safety of passengers and the ability to move significant loads.

Body facelift

In 2000, Volkswagen Passat B5 was expecting a restyling. decided to modify the appearance of the car in such a short time due to the high demand for this model. Consumers were captivated by the excellent steering of the car, the comfortable interior that was in line with the trends of the times, and its consistent design. The visual renewal of the car body, which the German company went to, was associated with attracting the attention of young people, since it was believed that the Volkswagen Passat B5 was intended for a mature age category. As a result, the changes affected only the exterior of the vehicle and its body parts, the car began to look more solid and attractive than its predecessors. At the same time, dynamic characteristics, directional stability and handling have not changed - the car has remained desirable for every driver.


This VW model has a rich basic equipment, although many experts have criticized the ascetic interior of the car, which does not stand out for design solutions. On the other hand, the owners liked this severity of the classics, which, combined with the quality of performance and practicality, made the car a favorite of everyone who got behind the wheel. Ergonomics and sound insulation in the Passat B5 sedan also did not evoke criticism. The back seat easily accommodates three people with a height above average. The roominess margin of the cabin is enough in order not to feel cramped in the knees or in height.

However, the owners of these cars also note some disadvantages. They indicate insufficient dimensions in the Passat B5 sedan. Feedback from drivers confirms that the limited visibility in the fifth generation models caused significant difficulties. Many people changed their small standard mirrors for those that could provide the necessary view. Also, the disadvantages of the car include:

  • problems with the central locking and boot lid drive (found only in station wagons);
  • insufficient heating of the front seats during the operation of this option (observed with significant wear of the seats, when the foam rubber pushes the wiring elements and rubs them against the frame).

Power units

The line of engines of the Passat B5 car has always remained the pride of this model. After all, it was equipped with both gasoline and diesel power plants for the fifth generation of Volkswagen. The most popular of these was the 1.8 L engine, while the most powerful was the 4 L V-shaped. The rest of the versions are very rare on our roads, since these cars were not officially supplied and came to the territory of the state from the European aftermarket. Few buyers were ready to go abroad for a Passat B5 car, while photos of online auctions have never been credible. There was another option: contacting intermediaries, but then the idea of \u200b\u200bdelivering a vehicle from Europe lost its relevance due to the rise in price.

Component cost

Repair of all engines that were installed on Volkswagen and were distinguished by their reliability sometimes caused significant difficulties. It's all to blame for the finickyness of the quality of the fuel and the complexity of the design - so, in order to remove the timing belt, it is necessary to disassemble the entire front of the vehicle. Considering that it is necessary to change this consumable at least once every 120,000 km, then together with it, forced preventive maintenance or installation of all the rollers is carried out. The rest of the engines are quite economical and do not consume much oil. They show their best side both in urban conditions and on the highway. In addition, the version of the Passat B5 Turbo Kompressor C200 can surprise with excellent dynamics - 163 horsepower is more than enough to accelerate a one and a half ton car.

Suspension and performance

It should be noted that the units and assemblies of the vehicle are not designed for roads of unsatisfactory quality. The weak point of the suspension is the levers, which wear out in pits and potholes. The designers have failed to adapt the localized versions of this car to the harsh road conditions. This problem is especially acute on the Passat B5 front-wheel drive sedan: reviews note that a semi-independent beam is installed there, which requires maintenance at least once per 100,000 kilometers, while in the 4WD version it has a sufficient margin of safety for traveling on muddy roads ... Here, the suspension is stiff, and even on small potholes makes the driver and passengers. For our conditions, something more comfortable is needed, capable of “swallowing” irregularities and potholes with its smooth ride. But in the passage of turns, the springs and shock absorbers do not disappoint - the drivers of the Passat do not know anything about the rolls or longitudinal swing of the body, which occurs when the chassis is soft.


If you have opted for the Passat B5 car (station wagon or sedan), then you should take into account its high cost even in the basic configuration. This price is due to consumer confidence in the common platform for them from "Audi", which is reliable, but high cost of service. By purchasing this Volkswagen, you get a well-equipped and comfortable car that has excellent dynamic performance and handling. At the same time, the search for components will not cause difficulties, since the service centers of this manufacturer are located in almost all corners of the state.

What should you watch when buying a car hand-held?

At the same time, when choosing a worthy copy in the secondary market, you need to pay attention to the most vulnerable parts and assemblies of the vehicle. Usually they include:

  • for a car in a sedan body - a trunk lid, which corrodes heavily at the joints;
  • (not reliable enough). Even with minor accidents, changes in the geometry of the body led to a weakening of the fixation of the unit in these units.

If the car accelerates quietly, then, most likely, this is one of the latest models of the German concern. Decent sound insulation was found only on the 1999 versions, it limited the penetration of the noise that the gasoline engine emits. The Passat B5 could not be completely protected from the noisy diesel unit.


Now this car can be found in a satisfactory technical condition for 200,000 rubles. If you are lucky and a well-groomed sample is presented during the inspection, then up to 300,000 rubles may be requested for it. Nevertheless, a visual inspection at the service station must be carried out even for vehicles such as the Passat B5. Photos or copies of checks and maintenance books will help determine the ins and outs of the car and its history - they should be available from the neat owner. Knowledge of these nuances will allow you to adjust the total cost or carry out timely preventive maintenance on the necessary units.

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