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How to ride a car with a box of automatic. How to ride a box of automatic - Tips for driving machine with automatic transmission

Unfortunately, many car enthusiasts, especially beginners, do not imagine how to use automatic box Transmissions. This article will be useful and experienced drivers and those who only think to transfer to the car with automatic transmission.

Many do not know what it is right to her, but to learn this is completely simple. Running the engine must squeeze the brake pedal, and then switch the lever to the mode you need (traditionally "D"). After release the brake and slowly press the gas pedal, your car itself goes off.

In order to start braking, just let go of the gas, and for emergency braking or stop - squeeze the brake pedal. You need to know that cars with automatic gearbox Consume fuel more than cars with MCPP, but it is much easier to ride on such a car.


How to switch transmissions to automatic transmission?

How to manage an automatic transmission:

  • P - Means Parking mode. In this position there is a brake holding a car when parking. The engine functions at idle and is enough for the parking lot in the same place.
  • R - means reverse. You can only include when the car is worth, otherwise the box can be withdrawn.
  • N is a neutral transmission. Everything is clear here: the rotations from the motor are not transmitted to the leading wheels and in case the car is not on the brake, it will easily ride. In this position, just as in the position of the lever p, you can run the motor. When moving auto switching to neutral is not advised. However, if it still happened to reset the gas and only when turns fall, switch to the desired transmission.
  • D - means movement, that is, the position is specifically for the ride. This is the best operation of the car motor under normal conditions.
  • S (or 3) - reduced transmission, intended to ride on roads with minor lifts or descents.
  • L (or 2) - 2nd range of reduced gears. In this mode, it is good to ride in difficult conditions, for example, in the mountains.

Rules of proper use

Each owner of a car with a machine can know how to properly operate automatic transmission:

  1. The main board of driving on an automatic box - automatic transmission exclusively does not tolerate all sorts of sliping the wheels. This rule is particularly relevant in winter timeWhen there is a lot of snow or ice around, at this time driving the car must be carefully. The same rule concerns both drivers - riders who love to ride with slipping even on dry asphalt. Today's cars are often equipped with various anti-slip systems and it is very necessary for automatic transmission. But sometimes this system must be turned off (for example, when your car is stuck). It is impossible to disconnect the wheel slip system, but it can be reduced to a minimum.
  2. When driving, it is impossible to include neutral transmission without solid causes. It is impossible to abuse this mode on the automatic transmission. This mode is customary to be "service" and need to ride without turning on the engine.
  3. No need to take on a tug of vehicles with automatic trailer or other cars. The machine to this is simply not adapted. Of course, any box has a certain reserve of strength and immediately your car will not break, however, systematic riding with large loads will be infinitely neglected. In the event that you are going to very often use the trailer on a car with a box with a machine gun, choose a car in which a significant margin of safety is provided from the very beginning. For example, a powerful jeep. The box of such a car is designed for the solid weight of the jeep itself directly, as a result of this, the weight of the trailer himself will have a minor effect on the automatic transmission.
  4. Do not start the car with the "Tolkach". Separate drivers, naturally, sometimes harvest cars with an automatic box from the pusher, but this will over time lead to breakage of the box.
  5. The car with automatic transmission can not be towed on the leaving. This is the worst thing that can be done for the box with automatic transmission. It is associated with the fact that in the box during the movement should continuously circulate the transmission fluid. In the event that the motor motor is muted, then the propeller lubricant does not occur and this will certainly damage it. In the practical manual for the operation of the gearbox, it is indicated that towing is possible for short distances, up to twenty-fifty kilometers, at no more than 20-30 km / h. However, in practice, in case the service station is further 3-5 km, it is preferable to use the services of the tow truck. Payment of services for the tow truck will be not very high, but the serious consequences for automatic transmission can be avoided.

Apart from this, you need not to forget that the automatic transmission is an exceptionally complex device that needs timely service and replacement transmission fluid. The service should be carried out on time, and in driving conditions on our roads before its offensive. If you take into account all our recommendations, the box will serve for a long time and reliably.

Features of use in winter

For cars, which installed automatic, the rules for use in winter are very significant and at this time the car must be carefully. Because by purchasing a car with the automatic transmission driver, as a rule, does not bother himself with a detailed study of all the details of driving and the specifics of operation of the automatic box, but in vain. The first complications usually appear in winter and repeated attempts to get out of a small snowdrift - only flowers. The recommendations offered by us will undoubtedly help you realize what is proper operation Automatic transmission in winter. To do this, be sure to check out the instructions below:

  1. If you need to enter a slippery turn, try to do it on reduced gear. Before switching initially reducing the speed.
  2. In winter, before traveling, you need to warm your car to operating temperature Coolant. In this case transmission oil In an automatic box, it will time to warm up and acquire the desired viscosity.
  3. In the case of urgent departure, you should warm up the car at least to 40 ° C, and then try to ride no higher than 40 km / h, while avoiding sharp accelerations.
  4. After you run the motor and drive it, 2-3 times move the lever to all the positions, stopping in all position for 2-5 seconds.
  5. At the same time, hold back with the help of a brake. Next, drive the box of your car in some of the work modes.
  6. In winter, including if the car is fine, the first kilometers should be moved in gentle mode.
  7. In winter, during driving often, it often happens that the owner of the car appears a desire to make a car with a tug, or pull the transportation to the tug. All these actions will necessarily lead to various faults during the operation of automatic transmission.

Video "How to switch speeds in automatic transmission"

In this video, it is described what kind of speeds in the automatic transmission and how to switch them correctly.

If you still have questions about the operation of automatic transmission, then ask them to leaving your comment.

The "automatic" implies to absolutely exclude the participation of the driver in manual transmission management, which will greatly facilitate the driving procedure.

ACAP significantly facilitates the driving procedure, because the driver's participation is excluded in manual transmission management.

The planetary mechanical transmission was based on the origin of the automatic transmission. It was calculated only on partial automation of the process of managing the machine and complete control over the situation on the road. To change the gear, two foot pedals were used: one served as a switch from less to a larger transmission, the second pedal was a rearmost lever. Nevertheless, the presence of synchronizers slightly facilitated driving.
American Autonopolists REO and General Motors (GM) simultaneously proposed a variant of the semi-automatic gear change method. The development of General Motors relied on hydraulic control planetary mechanism. The underdevelopment of such a device was led to an unreliable and unsafe control, and a clutch was used to change the gear.
The final phase of the finalization of the gearbox was Chrysler. The introduction of hydraulic mechanisms in the transmission of vehicles served as the creation of hydromefet - the main feature of the gearbox. The innovative invention of this company consisted in a two-stage gearbox with an addition in the form of an automatic overdrive. This looked semi-automatic box of Chrysler with hydraulic mechanism and Overdrive.

How to ride on the machine in traffic jams

The presence of automatic transmission significantly facilitates the driver of the management process. But, the situation on the path is so different and "automat" you need to learn how to use it competently in order not to create adverse or dangerous moments on the road.
The automatic transmission consists of special modes that are translated by the driver by the selector (control lever). Special switches and buttons located on the selector (lever) allow you to apply the desired mode depending on this situation. The selector has four main positions indicated by numbers or letters:
  • "P" ("Parking") - stop. The choice of this position is designed to stop, for example, in the parking lot, the transmission brake is launched, which blocks the further movement of the car;
  • "N" ("Neutral") - neutral position vehicleat which the motor and wheels are disconnected. Using such a mode, the car can completely freely roll, for example, under a slope;
  • "R" ("REVERSE") - the inclusion of the rear movement of the car;
  • "D" ("DRIVE") - the launch of this position involves the movement of the car forward, after it begins the commissioning of all transmissions on increasing due to an increase in speed and descending while reducing the velocity of the machine;
  • "Over Drive" - \u200b\u200bthis position eliminates the launch of the highest transmission. This position is applicable in a high load car, in the process of a long urban ride, where continuous braking and acceleration.
A number of provisions such as sports, economical or winter expect for more efficient car management. Acceleration, braking, fuel savings, riding on snow-covered or slipping road Allows the most productive to use the gearbox with the smallest loss.
The position of the control lever from 1 to 4 includes:
  • "1" - the first transmission. Used on off-road, steep rise. When it starts this position, it is easiest to brake;
  • "2" is the first and second gear. It is applied on a difficult track, on a mountain road. This transmission is very convenient when you need to touch on a slippery track;
  • "3" - the first three programs. Used for the city where there are no hills and slopes, steep descents, and to brake with the use of the motor;
  • "4" - the first four programs. Applicable for five-speed automatic transmission. This position is applicable in standard urban conditions with a rich flow of machines, where there are quite frequent braking or acceleration.
In an automatic transmission (automatic transmission), a lever with a retainer is provided, which will not allow the incorrect position of the selector at a certain situation. At the same time, the driver is difficult to allow an error. Due to inattention, ignorance and lack of experience can be mistakenly used by one or another position of the lever that can serve as a serious breakdown in the gearbox.
Riding within the city provides for intensive use of the gearbox. Continuous acceleration and braking in the process of stopping on traffic lights, standing in careful and extremely attentive attitude to the use of automatic transmission. With a duty of standing in traffic jams (more than ten minutes), it is necessary to translate control lever with "D" to the position "N", especially in sultry weather to avoid intensive heat transfer and overheating oil in an automatic box. But, when switching to this mode, all automatic transmission mechanisms will be included, which during long work can reduce its livelihood.
During a long-term stop of the car, for example, on a railway crossing, you can shift the lever to the "P" position. In general, the gearbox as it may automatically prompt the correct action to prevent errors. The smaller it is to touch, the better and safer. Permanent inclusions and off of different positions can reduce the life of the gearbox.
With short traffic jams or during the stop, it is better to stay in "3" mode and hold the car by brakes. Applying the automatic transmission is forbidden to move to the crossroads "Podcast" with the position included on the "N" lever. This mode is used to tow vehicle or to restart the storm motor.

How to ride a box automatic

Cars, equipped automatic transmissionNow at the peak of popularity. Unlike "Mechanics", ride the "automatic" much more pleasant and more comfortable, especially within the city. Regular modes change and clutch squeezing during stops on traffic lights, in traffic jams sometimes output from the equilibrium of the most persistent drivers.
With an automatic transmission, the machine control is much easier. But, not everything is as easy as it may seem. The automatic transmission is a capricious thing and in imperative and negligence can lead the driver in a difficult situation on the road.
Before you get behind the wheel of a car having an automatic transmission, it is necessary to understand the basic principles of operation of the automatic transmission and clearly know some rules in order to prevent breakdowns in the future or more serious errors on the roads.
In order to move from the place, you need to start the workflow in the automatic transmission. Even in warm weather, you need to wait a couple of minutes so that the oil is correctly distributed inside the automatic transmission. In the cold season, warm the "automatic" you need a little longer, in order to prevent the premature breakdown of the device.
So that the car still started, the position of the lever should be in "P" or "N". Holding the brake pedal and translating the lever to any position (it takes literally a second), you need to start moving. With a means with automatic transmission, you need to use only ODE leg. When repeatedly pressing the brake can switch to "Gas" or the machine will begin to slow down sharply. Such incorrect actions will not only disable "automatic", but can also lead to a serious accident.
Many motorists who moved to cars with "mechanics" to "automat" believe that at the time of the movement of braking engine as such is impossible. In standard ride mode, the car can not slow down using such a power device. And in the conditions of a long descent, by pressing Overdrive, the automation itself selects the desired mode, immediately drops several speeds to decline, which allows you to slow down in such conditions.
However, at a speed of 100-120 km / hour do not do so. The automatic transmission does not tolerate sharp jerks. In such conditions, the load on all elements of the automatic transmission significantly increases, which is definitely due to failure. If the speed is small, and the descent is very cool, the position of the selector in the mode "2" will not allow to disperse the car, the movement will be very smooth and comfortable, providing full safety on the road.

Automatic gearbox does not tolerate sharp jerks
Sometimes there are situations on the track cover the car towing. Machines, equipped with automatic transmission can still be towed, but only when the motor is turned on and the "N" lever mode. The speed of towing should not be more than 50 km / h. At the same time, the towing machine is not worth a long distances. It should be no further than 50 km. Towing is not allowed in case of breakdown power aggregate. Transmission will fail, and its repair will be quite expensive. Therefore, the vehicle with automatic transmission should be converged using a tow truck.
Even if the motor is in working condition, towing a vehicle with a "automatic" is an extreme measure when the situation is completely hopeless. Sometimes you need to run the car by applying towing. Such an extreme measure may cost expensive, but sometimes there are insurmountable sites. For this, the lever is installed in "N" mode and ignition starts.
How to ride on the machine: video lesson
By smoothly by clicking on the "gas", the towing will be able to overclock the car up to 30-40 km / h. After establishing such a speed, the mode "2" and again "Gas" is turned on. After working out the motor, you need to switch the selector to the neutral position "N".
If the motor refuses to start to prevent transmissions overheating, you need to disable the "2" position on the selector. The use of such techniques is sufficiently dangerous for normal work automatic transmission, so you need to use them only in very rare cases.
Before sitting behind the wheel of a machine with an automatic transmission, you need to learn all the control lever modes in what conditions they should be applied. The video ride on the machine describes this functions in fairly detailed in order to prevent damage to the road transmission and do not lead to the creation of an emergency on urban trails.

How to learn to ride the machine economically

In the conditions of rapidly growing prices for fuel, many motorists start saving. Who moves with gasoline on gas, some see the benefits of acquiring electrocars, but you can simply learn how to ride a little economical on your own car, without exposing our technique to various tricks.
Among motorists there are pretty crowded myth, how to ride on the machine, while saving fuel is the 5th gear and speed of 50-60 km / h. Even schoolchildren know that having their own weight, energy needs to overclock the vehicle. And the more such a mass, the more energy you need.
If the machine moves for a long time at a constant speed, the fuel consumption is significantly reduced, but the air resistance force has a very important role.

If the machine is moving for a long time at a constant speed, the fuel consumption is significantly reduced.
If, for example, the car increases the speed twice, then the resistance increases to eight times, since the resistance force is proportional to the square square and has the opposite direction. That is, to support the car, which increased twice the speed, it will take energy not twice as much, but eight times. It follows that the minimum speed on high transmission is the most economical mode for the car. The required speed on the highest transmission can be for each car completely different.
However, the opinion of experts and motorists in this matter varies. A small speed in the range of 55 km / h in the high 4th or 5th gear may adversely affect the motor. Indeed, the consumption of fuel is significantly reduced on small revolutions, but the motor may fail. Therefore, it is important here to properly arrange priorities: or saving on gasoline or on the repair of the motor.
Given the peculiarities of everyone to learn how to slow down smoothly using the engine, and turns to pass with minimal losses in speed. Engine turnover also have a weighty value. Optimally loading the motor, the small fuel consumption is achieved by about 2000 revolutions per minute.
For example, at a speed of 55 km / h at all passenger cars The average value of revolutions is 1400. In this case, the consumption of gasoline will be the smallest, but the parts in the mechanism can suffer significantly. Small fuel consumption will be achieved when revolutions 1800 per minute.
Each car has its own individual features. The driver in the process of movement is required to pay attention to the vibration and detonation of the motor. For better savings you need to go to reduced gear, and then turn on the increased. Do not immediately include high gear, as it can lead to engine breakdown. The minimum speed on the 5th gear is most often provided for small cars.
If the machine is equipped with a diesel or turbine motor, then it is better to get acquainted with all the characteristics in the instructions, as their operation is significantly different from the standard gasoline engines. Experts believe that an important value in savings has a pure radiator, pure spark plugs, clean space under the hood and.

The highest figure in savings is the driving manner
The highest figure in savings is a driving manner. One of the tasks of the motorist is to learn to slow down smoothly, without jerks. It is necessary to adhere to the optimal constant speed and speed of the engine on average 2000 revolutions per minute. Any savings can not be anything if technical condition Car is not at the best level.
Each driver must listen as much as possible to his car, to the operation of the engine. The car is intended for a person, but not the opposite.

Many believe that driving a car that is equipped with an automatic transmission is simpler. But it is not so. The fact is that the automatic transmission requires a special treatment, a special way of management, in comparison with mechanical box Transmissions. In principle, learn how to drive the car is not at all difficult, it is simple, you will have to learn a little different ride, remember a few simple features not to break the aggregate. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to drive a car machine?

What is the main difference between automatic transmission from the manual transmission?

The fact is that there is no clutch assembly on the automatic box, as such. Unlike mechanics where the driver releases the accelerator pedal, squeezes the clutch pedal and switches the transmission, on the automatic box all this is unnecessary, as the computer is engaged in it. It is worth saying that driving a car with an automatic transmission is much more comfortable and easier than analogue with mechanics. But the machine has some disadvantages. For example, a car with an automatic box has a greater fuel consumption, rather than mechanical, in maintenance and repair the machine is also very expensive. On the machine is forbidden to tow the trailer and other cars, as this will lead to a premature breakage of the checkpoint.

Specificity of the operation of the car with automatic transmission

If you are going to drive a machine on the machine, then you should know that the automatic transmission is equipped with programs P - Parking, R - movement by reverse, N - neutral, D - Drive, automatic switching Transmissions. In rare cases, you can meet the program L - what implies the operation of the car in a gentle mode, as well as the designation 1,2,3 - i.e. Movement on a specific transmission. In addition, there are no clutch pedals on cars with an automatic transmission, i.e. There are only "gas" and "brake" pedals. Remember why? After all, the adhesion function and gear shift performs electronics.

In order to start moving on the machine, we start the car, while the switching lever is in P mode before starting the movement, clamp the brake, we translate the gearbox to the position D and release the brake, the car will start moving, press gas and go . The whole charm is that control is carried out only by one foot, i.e. We put the left on the floor, and give the right foot to the gas pedal, or inhibit when there is a need. On the machine, it is absolutely no need to let the gas pedal at the time when switching is carried out, you do not need to switch the gearbox, in the end, you do not need to smoothly put the gas pedal and also smoothly release the clutch when you touch. On the machine, your car will never stand on the mechanics when you, for example, have not sufficiently pressed the accelerator pedal. The machine is significantly softer and faster switches the transmission, it makes it so smoothly that the shocks are practically not noticeable. Ride with a box machine just one pleasure .

But if in drivening a car for you nothing, compared to, we will talk about how you can save gasoline by car with an automatic transmission.

How to ride an automatic engineer?

Learning to ride on the machine, at the same time economically, not at all difficult. It is enough to understand the specifics of the work of this node and do everything smoothly. To begin with, remember that if you want to save gasoline, maximum speed Movements should not exceed 110-120 km / h. If you see the obstacle in front of which it will be necessary to slow down, remove the leg with the accelerator pedal in advance to reduce gasoline consumption and, thus, the car moved into the roll. It is necessary to move and slow down smoothly.

If you want, you can also overcome the machine, do not give it to switch to reduced gear. Suppose, on 3 transmission you move at a speed of 60 km an hour, the engine works at about 2.5 thousand revolutions, it is enough just to release the accelerator pedal, and then just slightly press it so that the machine switches to the next gear and, thus, the engine speed dropped. In addition, it is necessary to forget about such a pamper, like gas to the floor, the machine, thus enters the sports mode, spins the engine up to 4-5 thousand revolutions, trying to achieve the most fast acceleration. Of course, with such a way to save you will not be able to save.

We reviewed the main nuances of how to learn to drive a car machine. Of course, some of the readers will continue to say that the mechanics are practical and better, and in service cheaper. This is just one side of the coin, but here's the fact that the machine is more convenient and faster, they will definitely definitely argue.

An article on how to properly use the box "Automatic" - characters on the automatic transmission panel, starting the motor, movement and stop, possible errors. At the end of the article - video about the use of an automatic box.

At the moment, there are three types of automatic transmissions: "Classical", with a "stepless variator", with "robotic mechanics". Depending on the modification and manufacturer, the specified types of transmissions may differ slightly ( miscellaneous number Gears, a little different course of the lever - direct or zigzag, notation, etc.), but the main functions will be the same for all.

The growing popularity of the automatic transmission is fully explained - it is more convenient to operate (than "mechanics" - MCPP) especially for beginners, reliable and protects the engine from overloads. It seems to be simple! However, the driver's mistakes are still allowed, and even the most reliable mechanism may fail if it is incorrectly operated. Next, we will look at how to properly use the automatic transmission and how to competently exploit it.

To learn how to use the "automatic" correctly, you first need to figure out what the letter characters mean (English letters) and the numbers on the automatic transmission panel with the gear shift handle. Immediately, we note that, depending on the brand of the machine, the numbers and letters may vary.
  • "P" - "Parking". Turns on when parking a car in the parking lot. Some analogue of the parking brake, only with the blocking of the shaft, and not with pressed brake shoes.
  • "R" - Reverse. Turns on to move backwards. Usually it is called - "rear speed".
  • "N" - "neutral". Neutral transmission. Often referred to - "neutral". In contrast to the Parking mode "P", in neutral mode "n" the wheels are unlocked, so the machine can move rolling. Accordingly, the machine can also spontaneously turn to a bias on the parking, if the wheels are not fixed with manual brake.
  • "D" - "Drive". Movement mode forward.
  • "A" - "Automatic". Automatic mode (practically the same as the "D" mode).
  • "L" - "Low" (low). Low gear mode.
  • "B" - The same mode as "L".
  • "2" - Movement mode not higher than the second transmission.
  • "3" - Movement mode not higher than a third gear.
  • "M" - "Manual". Manual control mode with increasing / lowering through the signs "+" and "-". This mode simulates the mechanical switching mode with the manual transmission, only in a simpler version.
  • «S» - "Sport". Sport mode of movement.
  • «OD» - Overdrive. Enhancement (accelerated mode).
  • "W" - "Winter". Movement mode for winter periodin which touch starts from the second transmission.
  • "E" - "Economy". Movement in economy mode.
  • "HOLD" - "Holding". Used together with "D", "L", "S", as a rule, on the machines of the Mazda brand. (Read the manual).
When operating automatic transmission, special attention should be paid to the study of the manual for the operation of a particular car, as some designations can functionally differ.

For example, in the manual of some vehicles, the letter "B" means "Block" - the differential lock mode, which cannot be turned on while driving.

And if B. all-wheel drive car There are "1" and "L" designations, the letter "L" may not mean "Low" (down), but "Lock" (Castle) - which also denotes blocking of differential.

Starting the engine with an automatic box has the following features:
  1. In the car with automatic transmission of only two pedals: "brake" and "gas". Therefore, the leader's left foot is practically not used. When starting the engine, the gas pedal is not pressed, but the brake pedal in some brands can be pressed, otherwise the engine will not start (read the operating manual).

    However, driving instructors advise to take a rule - before starting the engine with the automatic transmission to press the brake pedal always. This will prevent the spontaneous movement of the machine at neutral mode "N", and will also allow you to quickly go to the modes of motion "D" or "R". (Without pressing brake pedals switch to the specified modes and it will not work from the place).

  2. In cars with automatic transmission provides protection - Automatic engine start lock with incorrect transmission lever. This means that the engine with automatic transmission can be started only if the gear lever is in one of two positions: or "P" (Parking), or "N" (neutral). If the lever of the PP will be in any other position intended for movement, the blocking protection from incorrect launch will be triggered.

    This protective function is very useful, especially for beginners, and especially in cities with a large "car density", where cars are in the parking lots and in streams there are tight towards each other. After all, even experienced drivers Sometimes forget to "remove a car from speed" before starting the engine, as a result of which, when starting the machine immediately starts to go and crashes into the nearest car or obstacle.

    You can run the engine with automatic transmission as in "P" mode (Parking) and in "N" mode (neutral), but manufacturers recommend using only "P" mode. Therefore, it is better to establish another rule for yourself - parking and run the engine only in Parking mode.

  3. After turning the key in the ignition lock before starting the starter, it is recommended to wait a few seconds.To give time to turn on the fuel pump and pump up compression.
It should be remembered that on some brands of cars with automatic transmission, the gear shift is not without insertion and rotation of the key in the ignition lock (unlocking of the gearbox). Also, on some stamps it is impossible to pull the key from the ignition lock if the PP lever is in the "D" position. (Read the instruction manual).

Most drivers who are transplanted from "mechanics" to "AUTOMATIC", the first time mechanically perform the actions that they are used to repeatedly perform when driving on a car with a manual transmission. Therefore, such drivers before starting to travel with automatic transmission on the road in general car StreamIt is recommended to pre-train alone.

So, the standard procedure for starting from a place by car with automatic transmission is as follows:

  • Insert the key to the ignition lock.
  • Squeeze the brake pedal with the right foot (left foot when driving with automatic transmission is not activated).
  • Check the position of the gear lever - it must be in the Position "P" - "Parking".
  • Run the engine (when the brake pedal is pressed).
  • Also, when the brake pedal is pressed, switch the PP lever to the "D" position is "Drive" (forward).
  • Completely release the brake pedal, after which the car is touching and starts moving forward at low speed - about 5 km / h.
  • To increase the speed of movement, you must click on the "Gas" pedal. The stronger you push the gas pedal, the higher the transmission and speed will be.
  • To stop the car, you need to remove the right leg with the "Gas" pedal and squeeze (her) brake pedal. The car will stop.
  • If you plan to leave the car after the stop, then when the brake pedal is pressed, move the gear lever to P "Parking". If the stop required in traffic, at the traffic light or pedestrian crossingNaturally, the PP lever to switch to "Parking" is not needed. After you decide again to continue moving, release the brake pedal and click on the gas pedal to increase the speed.
Many modern automatic transmissions have a simulation of a mechanical gear mode "M" (as on the MCPP) to increase / lower the gear using the "+" and "-" buttons on the PP lever. That is, the driver is given the opportunity to manually increase or lower the transmissions, taking this function at the "automat". In this case, the transition to the mechanical gear movement can be performed in motion when the machine is already driving in "D" mode.

To prevent engine damage when switching to manual mode "M" on the go, all automatic transactions have special protection. The transition to manual control "M" is relevant in the following situations:

  • When moving off-road on low transmission to avoid slipping.
  • When moving rolling from a slide, with braking engine. Use for movement in rolling neutral mode "n" is not recommended, since it is harmful to automatic transmission. And the gas in "D" mode is not entirely convenient, as there is a gradual decrease in speed.
  • For convenient passage of turns and other maneuvers, including for sharp acceleration when overtaking.

  1. The most common mistake leading to the crash of automatic transmission is inclusion of the "D" mode - "Drive" (forward) without a complete stop when moving by reverse. And, the same, only on the contrary - the inclusion of the "R" mode (reverse) without a complete stop when moving forward.
  2. The second common error (rather, the error) is associated with the "N" mode (neutral). The fact is that this mode is emergency to unlock the wheels for short-term towing or permuting the machine in the event of any malfunction. And just for this!

    But many inexperienced drivers use neutral mode "N" in traffic jams with short-term stopsWhat leads to hydraulic impact and premature wear of the automatic transmission. In traffic jams, with frequent stops, you need to use the "D" mode along with the brake pedal. If you need to stop - the brake pedal is pressed, if you need to slowly move forward - the brake pedal is simply released, and the car slowly rolls forward. And so you can ride all day.

  3. Third error - transition to neutral mode "N" from the "D" mode on the go, in motion along the track. It is dangerous (especially at high speed), as the engine can stumble, with the result that the hydraulic steering and the strengthening of the brakes will turn off, and the car will become almost uncontrollable.
  4. Another error - towing machines with automatic transmission for a distance of more than 40 km and at speeds more than 50 km / h. In the "Automatic" box, in contrast to the manual transmission, the oil supply system operates under pressure, but when towing it does not work. Accordingly, the details of the "automat" rotate "on dry", without lubrication, resulting in their very rapid wear.
  5. Non-error is attempting to start the car with automatic transmission "from the pusher". And although such attempts often lead to the desired result (the engine is started), it is still on the mechanism of automatic transmission, it acts destructively, and with such frequent operation "Avtomat" may not work out and half of the resource.


It is possible that for someone, the automatic transmission will seem complex and pick-up mechanism, despite the simplicity and convenience of using it. But this is only at first glance. In fact, the "automata" has proven itself as quite reliable units, but, of course, subject to their correct and competent operation. It is especially convenient to use automatic transmission in large cities where you often have to stand in traffic jams.

Video on how to use the "automatic":

Even taking into account more high costThe car with a box automatically provides greater comfort, as well as greatly simplifies the operation of the vehicle (especially if we talk about newcomers).

At the same time, taking into account the seeming ease of operation, the "machine" also needs to be correctly used. In other words, you need to know how to manage the automatic transmission, since certain errors can lead not only to the reduction of the resource, but also to serious crashes of automatic transmission.

In this article we will look at the modes and features of the work, since robotic boxes RCPP () differ from automatic transmission and will be considered separately.

Read in this article

How to switch transmissions on "Automatic"

Let's start with what to use the box is simple and convenient. When driving, such a box itself selects the necessary ratio Taking into account the load on the engine, the speed of the vehicle, the position of the gas pedal, etc.

As for the driver, the main task is to choose the necessary regime using the selector in the car's cabin. In this case, in practice, not all drivers know how the automatic transmission modes switches to control the box and what they mean.

So, consider the traditional hydromechanical automatic transmission (automatic transmission C). Managing an automatic transmission involves the presence of the following modes:

  • P - parking mode, parking. In this mode, you can translate the automatic transmission selector after a complete stop of the car in the event that further ride is not planned (the car is put on the parking lot). Also in this mode you can run the engine (for example, to warm it up).

The only thing to avoid breakdowns, if the car stands on the uneven platform (there is a significant bias), you first need to tighten the parking brake ("Putton"), and then translate the selector to Parking mode.

Without going into details, when set to "P" mode, blocking is triggered in the box, that is, the car will not ride forward or backward. However, if there is a bias and parking brake are not tightened, the entire load falls on a rather fragile blocking mechanism.

By the way, in case of parking on a flat platform, tighten the parking brake is not acute need. This allows the winter in the winter does not use the handbrake, which, in turn, eliminates the appearance of the rear brake pads, subdining brake cylinders etc. (especially in the case of drum rear brakes).

  • D - move forward, transmission switches automatically. This mode is standard for automatic transmission.

When driving in the mode "Drive" in the case of a short stop (for example, on the traffic light), the driver is enough to hold the car by clicking on the brake pedal. At the same time, it is not necessary to translate into the selector into the P mode. Also, when the brake pedal is released, the machine with automatic transmission will not run back in case the road has a slope.

  • R - reverse, reverse. The inclusion of this mode means that the car with automatic transmission will only move back (rear handle).

Note, you can turn on R mode only when the car is completely stopped. Moreover, switching to this mode should be made only when the brake pedal is pressed. This allows you to avoid rolling the car forward or backward if the machine is standing on an uneven site.

  • N is neutral transmission (neutral, neutral). This mode means that the box and the engine are open. The specified mode allows you to produce the engine warming, tugging the machine with automatic transmission without hanging the drive wheels, etc.

It should be borne in mind that if the machine is set to N mode, on a slope without a brake pedal or the handbrake turned on the car will roll.

  • Modes D3, D2, D1 (on different automatic transmission are indicated L2, L, or may be indicated simply 3, 2, 1, etc.) are actually blocking inclusion of increased gears.

For example, D1 or L means that the car will only move on the first gear, D2 means that the box will not switch above the second transmission, etc. Specified modes are necessary for heavy Conditions operation (for example, riding in "tension", movement at low speed, movement in the snow, ice, slippery coatings).

The specified modes show a more pronounced engine braking effect, which makes it easier to ride on mountain serpents, roads with frequent descent and lifts, etc.

  • Additional automatic transmission regimes different manufacturers may be marked: S-sports mode, E - economical, W - winter, etc.

For example, in the gymnaste, the machine will "delay" switching and switch to increased gear when high revolutions Engine. This allows the car dynamically accelerated from the place, perform overtaking.

In the gear shift mode, on the contrary, they will occur earlier, the engine is not "spinning", and the mode itself is suitable for a quiet ride.

In W mode (Winter, Winter) or S (Snow, Snow), the box distributes torque so that the driving wheels do not slip. If simply, the car does not touch not from the first, but immediately from the second transfer.

Winter mode "AUTOMATI" suggests that transfers switches smoothly (on low engine speed). This is necessary in order to achieve the smoothness of switching and eliminate the likelihood of driving. We add that this mode is ultimately not recommended when on the street plus temperature.

We also note that some automatic transmission have the "Overdrive" mode, which disables the transition to the highest transmissions. For example, the 4-speed automatic will not switch to the fourth gear. This mode is well suited for riding within the city, where speeds are low, and the movement implies constant accelerations and stops.

  • We add that the automatic transmission also has the so-called "kick-down" mode (literally, kick or reset down). This mode assumes a sharp reduction in transmission for intensive acceleration if the driver pulls the gas pedal.

The inclusion of "kick-down" is usually made by pressing the accelerator pedal to ¾ of the stroke, after which the automatic transmission switches to the reduced transmission, the engine turnover increases, the machine is actively accelerated. This mode is indispensable under overtaking, sharp rebuilding in the stream, etc.

  • You should also select the possibility of manually shifting gear on many automatic transmission. This feature, well known called Tittronic (Tiptronic), allows the driver to independently increase and lower the transmissions.

As a rule, this function cannot be called completely "manual" transmission, since the PPC operates in a semi-automatic mode, simulating manual control.

Car driving technique with automatic transmission

During the automatic transmission on the machine, and considering the main modes of operation of automatic transmission, it is possible to go through how to ride the automatic box.

Let's start with the main one. It is important to understand that the automatic box is "afraid of" constant sharp accelerations from the place, as well as the slip of the wheels in the dirt, snow or ice. Such conditions lead to the fact that the "automatic" box overheats.

For example, if the machine is dropped, it does not allow any mode to leave any mode, it is better to appeal for a third-party help and simply push the car or pull out on the tug in N.

Let's go back to driving on the machine and how to drive a car with automatic transmission. Driving a car with a box automatic comes down to the following:

  • start using the automatic box must be prescribed by the brake pedal.
  • by clicking on the brake, to start motion, select the selector from P or N to the desired mode (R, D, 3, 2, L);
  • if the parking brake was previously involved, the handbrake need to "lower".
  • having removed the car from the handbrake and letting the brake pedal, the car slowly and smoothly starts the movement (in some cases, for example, if the car stands on the rise, roll back in mode D will not happen, however, and there will be no explicit movement forward);
  • to speed up, you need to click on the gas pedal (accelerator). In the D mode, the machine will independently increase the transmissions during acceleration and lower when slowing down. For a minor reduction of speed without the use of brakes, it is enough to completely release the gas.
  • to achieve an effective deceleration / complete stop, you need to click on the brake. For the subsequent acceleration, it is enough to release the brake again and press gas.
  • you don't need to translate the selector from the D mode to P or N with short stops (these modes are turned on only with a long simple with the operating internal combustion engine from 10-15 minutes or more).
  • taking into account the availability of different modes of operation of the automatic transmission, the driver should be selected by this one that is best suited for specific operating conditions.

Note, it is forbidden to translate the selector to the P and R position until the car stops or in motion. Ignoring this statement will lead to a serious failure of the automatic transmission.

It should also be borne in mind that if there is a need for a long downtime of a car with an engine center (traffic jam, etc.), while marked high temperatures Outdoor air, then the selector must be translated from mode D to N mode to avoid overheating the box - automatic.

First of all, during the operation of the hydromechanical automatic transmission, the operation of such a box should be avoided without prior warming. This means that the "AUTOMA" need to warm up before the trip, and independently of the outdoor temperature.

In practice, this means that after the parking, it is advisable to run and, while after a minor warning of the motor, the brake pedal is pressed, after which the selector selection of modes of operation of the automatic transmission is delayed in each position from 30 seconds. up to 1 minute.

It is important to remember that a large amount of work is covered in the automatic transmission. liquid ATF. (Transmission oil), whose viscosity properties depend on temperature. In this case, the automatic transmission is very sensitive to the quality and viscosity of the oil. It is not difficult to guess that while the box does not warm up, you can not load the transmission strongly. At the same time, before exiting the operating temperatures, the gearbox needs more time than the engine.

  • Another nuance during the operation of the machines with the "machine gun" is that automatic transmissions can get out of standing after long-term slippage. This means that if such a car is thus stuck in the snow or in the mud, it is better to give up from attempts to leave.

Otherwise, "burn" friction, the box overheats, is strongly wearing, contaminated with wear products, etc. The result is expensive repair of automatic transmission, replacement of friction packages, washing channels, etc.

An automatic transmission is strongly worn if the trailer towing or other cars is practiced. The reason again is the overheating of the automatic transmission. Also add that towing the machine itself with the machine is also needed correctly.

Often, the manufacturer prescribes the rules and recommendations regarding towing without hanging the leading wheels in the manual. Most often, towing the machine with automatic transmission can be on a neutral transmission, the speed of movement is 50 km / h, the distance is limited to 50-60 km.

  • We also add that the owners of machines with automatic transmission are often interested, whether it is necessary to use the parking brake on the machine with a machine gun. The fact is that all cars with automatic transmission have a handbrake, but blocking in P mode in parallel.

It should be borne in mind that in the "Parking" mode without using the parking brake all the load falls on the locking mechanism and reduces its resource. Also, it is not necessary to exclude the possibility of breaking the mechanism during the parking lot, that is, the "handler" is actually an additional insurance.

The parking brake should be used if you have to stop the car on the descent or lift. In this situation, the automatic transmission selector is easier to translate into mode D or reverse from mode P only when the parking brake is delayed. It turns out before starting the movement, you must first click on the brake pedal, then translate the selector to the desired mode, and then lower the handbrake.

Let's summarize

As can be seen, the use of the box - the machine does not imply any difficulties, but it is necessary to comply with certain rules and adhere to a number of recommendations.

First of all, this box needs to warm up, on the "automatic" it is undesirable to bounce or often ride with a trailer, in a strong way to load the car, overheating the automatic transfers in traffic jams, etc.

Only compliance with the conditions and rules of operation of the box - the machine allows you to maintain the scheduled resource of the automatic transmission (especially given the sufficiently high cost of repairing the "automaton"), as well as not to experience any problems and failures (shocks, kicks, drums automatic transmission) while driving by car With transmissia of this type.

Read also

Why the box-machine is kicking, twitches automatic transmission when switching transmissions, jerk and strikes arise in an automatic box: the main reasons.

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