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Where they are released Skoda Yeti. Skoda plants: compare production in Russia and the Czech Republic

Probably one of the most common fears of Russian motorists of the recent past - domestic assembly. Buyers were afraid of her like a fire, sometimes refusing to acquire the desired foreign cars. Now the situation in the root changed - 80% of the cars sold in Russia are collected from us. And how are collected? And does this process differ from foreign? We answer both questions, after studying Skoda plants in Kaluga and Mlada Boleslav.

Let's start, of course, with the nearest - production platform in the Trebtsevo technopark, which is located near Kaluga, 170 km from Moscow. This plant is common to all three stamps included in the Volkswagen concern, and therefore the name is general corporate - "Volkswagen Group Rus". Collect here not only cars Skoda., but also actually Volkswagen, as well as on the technology of large-sized assembly in a separate AUDI workshop.

The company was built in the literal sense of the word in a pure field in 2007, and already in 2009 passed on the production of a full cycle, that is, welding, painting and directly assembly. Since 2013, Skoda has been gathering here one model - the Rapid Czech brand bestseller, which has replaced the previous generation of Fabia Hatchback. Popular Octavia and Yeti crossover are produced on the basis of a gas plant in Nizhny Novgorod.

Technopark The place is not called a red sense. The leadership of the Kaluga region managed to turn its region into a real production cluster: in close proximity to the motor assembled enterprise, component manufacturers are also located, including the site of world giants such as GESTAMP and MAGNA. Nearby are also the assembly enterprise three more car Marks. Well, to heap, all Samsung electronics for domestic market Produced here.

The Skoda plant meets in a domestic tradition with a clear discipline and strict rules, producing the impression of the defense enterprise. This is a general practice of almost any serious high-tech production. Moreover, Skoda is still quite loyal: mostly strictness concerns the photographing of individual objects inside the plant. At AvtoVAZ, for example, journalists at the entrance to the painting correspond to the serial numbers of the camera and voice recorders, and on the individual industries of auto components, journalists at the output pass the memory cards and receive them back with filtered images. Industrial espionage, even unconscious, no one canceled.

The widespread misconception of Russians is about the fact that world autocontracens are building plants in Russia on the residual principle, dispelled as soon as you enter directly on production. The enterprise in several stages was built according to the highest standards of the Volkswagen concern using the most modern equipment - general investments in construction and development cost the space billion euros.

First workshop - body. Here body Skoda Rapid Acquires the outline of the car, welding into a single whole from different panels. Almost all metal - domestic. Rolled and stamps it at the neighboring enterprise GESTAMP. Point welded operations are made manually using large suspended manipulators. But the main welding of the body is already performing robots, and the welding of the roof is carried out in the most modern way - a laser.

Of course, in almost every stage, quality control is carried out, which is sometimes integrated directly into the process. So, at least once a day, rapid's finished body is selected, which in the laboratory specifically built at the plant is tested and measured on hundreds of checkpoints, including checking with Zeiss laser directly in the welding workshop. Any inconsistency is a reason for stopping the conveyor and a thorough recheccation of the equipment, and the unfit body goes to the emission. True, this happens extremely rarely. The same laboratory is engaged in controlling, verification and coordination of all issues with component suppliers.

Before sending to the assembly, the body twice is ground, painted and covered with an anticorrosive in the form of hot wax and corporate composition of the Volkswagen concern. In terms of color preferences, Russians are conservative - in priority or dark colors, or silver and white. The Volkswagen Polo sedan, walking on the conveyor, a queen with Rapid, is a fashionable brown tint, which has become in demand.

In total, more than 45 countries of the world work at the factory in Kaluga. However, the level of localization is quite high: in addition to the metal, in Russia elements of the release system, fuel tanks, armchairs, front panel and separation plastic salon are produced. Thanks to the Russian production of engines, the total percentage of the Skoda Rapid localization should be up to the beginning of 2017 60%.

The second most important event in the history of the Kaluga plant was launched in the fall of 2015 engine assembly shop, and in reality - separate manufactory. Moreover, the Volkswagen concern is one of the first to decide to establish production of motors in Russia. For localization, the most popular and familiar to "size" atmospheric unit of 1.6 liters was selected in the forcing 90 or 110 liters. from. EA211 series. it modern engine, replacing the "Veteran" of the CNFA series and is, in essence, the TSI motor, only with a turbine removed.

Engine production is also almost completely localized. Blocks and heads of blocks are cast from domestic raw materials in Ulyanovsk, in the Russian branch of the Mexican company NEMAC. And the remaining operations on the final assembly, including the processing of heads and crankshafts, are already performed directly at the factory in Kaluga. Again, not only the established image of the brand is responsible for the quality of the assembly, but also 13 modern robots, which are working here, - alas, all completely foreign manufacturers, like, in fact, almost all equipment of the plant.

After the assembled engine is sent to the "hot test", that is, to check in all possible modes of operation, including launch, idling, performance at maximum loads. In addition, electrical, fuel, oil and cooling system are checked, as well as a gas distribution mechanism, power indicators and torque.

The automotive plant is, among other things, also a first-class employer. Despite the crisis in the industry, Volkswagen Group Rus did not get involved in abbreviations, and simply translated the company to a two-month working schedule. The average salary at the factory is about 30,000 rubles plus a full social package, including free food and delivery. About 8% of staff make up women. Of course, the factory staff can buy Skoda with a very good discount or redeem one of the service machines.

In total, the factory in Kaluga workers collect 90 Skoda Rapid per day. Given not the most simple times, it is enough to ensure that the model is not only Russia, but also the countries of the Customs Union. Everything collected cars Before shipping for sale (by the way, you can buy a car and right at the factory - near dealership) A series of checks are passing: double enlightenment and rain chamber - to search for leaks, roller stand - for testing and braking characteristics, general roads - for real testing of the entire car. So produce Skoda with us. How do they make the Czechs?

An hour and a half to Moscow, three more - by plane to Prague and an hour, of course, driving Skoda to Mlada Boleslav, and you are in the heart of Czech Automotive Life - first plant brandWhere in 1905 the first car was released, then the founding fathers called Laurin & Klement. Mounted not only in history, but also in bronze founders meet guests at the gate of the Czech car city, which begins with the museum and headquarters of the brand. Here you can immediately buy a car.

The fact that the motorization of the world as a whole and Europe in particular is growing unimaginable pace, says the historical statistics of Skoda. From 1905 to 1991, the Czech company produced 5,000,000 cars. And from 1991 to January 2016, it was released ... 13,000,000 cars! Moreover, in 2014, the annual production record was established for the first time - 1,000,000 Skoda cars for 12 months.

Cultural program will leave for the scenes. We only say that the exposition is simply obligatory to visit everyone who will be nearby. We go directly to the plant, which is slightly away.

In size, he, of course, non-performing with the enterprise in Kaluga. More than 50% of all existing models Skoda released here. In addition, they also produce engines and gearboxes, both mechanical and robotic. That is why the plant is more like a small town. There is even his own Wenceslas Square - so employees call the widest central street.

Unlike the Russian enterprise Skoda, anyone who wants to the factory in Mlada Boleslav, having bought a tour in which a visit to the museum and production is included. The cost for adult is 200 kroons (about 600 rubles), for a child - 100 kroons (about 300 rubles).

The first feeling at the production of Skoda in the Czech Republic is a continuing movement. Moves here, it seems, everything, and most importantly - on your own! Even the carts with body panels on the plant ride funny small robots-tractor. Robots - another visual difference between the Czech enterprise. Almost all welding processes are automated, the most important of which are performed by the laser. In the body workshop, people perform predominantly control and auxiliary function of operators.

In the next workshop, as well as in Kaluga, engine production has been establishedAlmost all of which are TSI turbosames. Compared to the body workshop, the automation level here is slightly lower - the robots perform the most complex operations that require high accuracy. People are mainly submitted by mounted parts, after which the engine is sent to the chamber of the bay of technological fluids and to a robot that is applied to the Motor serial number.

Women at the factory in the Czech Republic are up to 20% of the working personnel. The average salary is "clean" in terms of pan-European currency - about a thousand euros: by local standards it is good money. On the basis of the company, a private technical college has been created, which prepares future production frames for Skoda.

Last shop - final assemblywhere painted bodies are moving through the conveyor, ready for the so-called wedding - docking with the chassis. Work is carried out manually, with the exception of stuffing glass roofs and individual elements Salon installed by special manipulators. To help people - special suspended and floor chairs, which make it easier for work. There are the same at the factory in Kaluga.

Most of the models running on the conveyor - Skoda Fabia. A new generation, which for Russia turned out to be dear and was replaced by no less successful, but more affordable rapid. Another difference of European buyers from Russian is the choice of bright and bright colors, in the mass of the transport stream adorning.

In the Czech Republic, in addition to the central enterprise in Mlada Boleslav, there is still a factory in Quasina and the production of transmissions in Vrkhlabi. A total of 25,500 people producing 650,000 cars, about 1,825,000 transmissions and about 730,000 engines, which makes the Czech Republic with one of the largest European automakers, work in the Czech Republic.

What is the result?

If we talk about the difference in the production of Skoda between Russia and the Czech Republic, then in the technological plan it is not very different that in general, they are also confirmed by Skoda's customer reviews in Russia, almost do not have complaints about quality domestic assembly. Nuances - exclusively on scale model row And, of course, automation of work. The most distinguished atmosphere is most. If in Russia, Skoda automotive production is a business project, a branch, quite closed and on removal from the rest of his life, then in Mlada Boleslav Skoda is an integral part of the Czech Republic, a symbol, a whole car Mir, turned into a technolend with a full immersion in the countertime history and brand life. It is not surprising that most of the country's population does not consider buying anything else ...



Many potential owners of this excellent vehicle are interested in where the car is collected Skoda Yeti.. Some buyers selection of the country assembly is no less important than the choice of configuration and color of the car.


Collect Skoda Yeti car in many countries, including at home in the Czech Republic. It is here that produced the greatest number Machines of this brand. Production facilities in this country are represented by three factories, the largest of which is located in Mlada Boleslav. Enterprises specializing in the manufacture of cars from finished components operate in Russia, Ukraine and a number of other countries that we will not talk about now.

IN Russia Skoda. Yeti assemble on two auto facilities, one of which is located near Kaluga. He was opened in 2007 in the Trebteshevo Technopark. There is a large number of Skoda models. The neighborhood is located in the neighborhood, which manufactures some components necessary to adapt cars to Russian roads. Courts come body and internal details from the Czech Republic. It is built, welding and painting.

The second place in Russia, where Skoda Yeti is collected, is gas in Nizhny Novgorod. After unsuccessful attempts to produce modern cars, the company moved to work in the contract collector format. At its capacities, it makes an asseclock of third-party brands, including Skoda cars.

On the territory of Ukraine, Skoda Yeti is collected at the Eurocar plant, located near Uzhgorod. This plant began to function in 2001 and is now one of the most powerful holding plants.

Why collect Skoda Yeti in other countries

It would seem why to spend money on the opening of new enterprises in other countries, if in the Czech Republic already needed for power production. It is more profitable to upgrade and improve already existing plants than creating new ones.

The defining factor of such a policy is profit. The fact is that the finished car brought to Russia is taxed by large taxes than if it were brought to spare parts. The workforce is cheaper than in Europe, which saves money significantly. The assembly can also be reduced, simulating the manufacture of some components. Economic benefits are the main reason that Skoda Yeti is collected in the country where it is planned to sell it.

Lightweight process

The technology of work implies that the car comes to the car mooring company disassembled into three parts. The car kit consists of:

  • body assembled with the salon;
  • motor assembled with the front suspension;
  • rear suspension with a cardan shaft.

The assembly process is performed for seven clocks, each of which takes up to 20 minutes. It takes no more than three hours to receive the finished machine.

Details at the plant are coming by railway From the factories in the Czech Republic. From there come kits created from finished cars. It turns out that the manufacturer's finished car is disassembled at the factory, and then transport it in the form of a set to Russia, where further work is performed.

There is no tangible difference between Czech and Russian production cars. All machines are made of original parts, and the quality of the assembly depends not on the country in which it is performed, but from a particular enterprise and its quality standards. Collect Skoda Yeti under license, so ready cars russian assembly Respond to all European quality standards.

Some car owners still believe that the car manufacturer and the car brand are closely related. To some extent, it is so, but the borders of production are gradually "washed away" with an increase in demand for products of a brand.

So, the machines of the Skoda are the property of the Czech Republic and were previously produced only in the territory of this country. But the situation is changing, and the geography of production caused by the growth of demand for cars of this manufacturer is expanding.

Let us consider in which countries the Skoda plants are located, and which models are produced. We will also touch on the topic, how to recognize the manufacturer's country on a VIN-code and briefly consider the features of the car brand of car.

General information about Skoda

Company Skoda AUTO A.S. - Czech manufacturer who more years produces carsWe are used by the wide demand of millions of car owners. The company's headquarters is based in the settlement of Mlada Boleslav.

In 1926, the brand logo was first presented - "Winged Arrow". At the same time, the first sketches appeared back in 1915.

The year of birth of the brand is considered to be 1895. It was then in the above-mentioned city, two fans of cycling decided to create their own bike, called "Slavia".

The business developed very successfully, which has already allowed in 1899 to launch more serious production of motorcycles, which triumphantly started the "career" and were used during participation in many competitions.

After a few years, the company's creators decided on the need to expand the production and output of passenger cars.

At the present stage, Skoda is considered one of major producers cars. At the factories of this brand, trucks are produced, buses engines and vehicles with / x destinations.

In recent decades, many factories located in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, China and a number of other countries appeared.

In the city where the company was opened, there is a technical school, as well as a university where specialists are preparing to work at the factory. Today, the number of personnel is more than 25 thousand people.

As noted above, under the Skoda brand produced various techniques. Here are just some of the enterprises:

  • Electrician (Electric) and Island (Ostrov) - the release of trolley buses and other electric transport.
  • Power (Power) - goods for the energy sector.
  • Transportation - Production of rail transport (trams, locomotives and other).
  • TS and JS - Production of equipment for the food industry and nuclear power, respectively.

In addition, under the brand of Skoda, machines, trolleybuses, gearbox and, of course, are produced cars (Skoda car).

Main brand plants

The main production of SKODA is concentrated in the following places:

Skoda production has been established in a number of other countries:

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo);
  • Kazakhstan (Ust-Kamenogorsk);
  • China (Shanghai);
  • Poland and others.

Skoda Octavia - plants in Russia and Ukraine

Model Skoda Octavia. Enjoys well-deserved and is considered one of the best-selling today.

The main advantage is the perfect combination of two criteria - the cost and quality of the sedan.

Skoda Octavia refers to class C cars, has a wide selection of engines and rich configuration.

The assembly of the new generation machines is performed on the previously mentioned automotive factorylocated in Kaluga (in the Grabtsevo Technopark).

In addition, the Russian market is saturated with machines from other producers - Ukraine, the Czech Republic and Kazakhstan.

The small percentage of Skoda machines can also fall from other states - India, Slovakia, China and others.

Skoda Rapid (RAPID)

The Skoda Rapid model is considered to be "younger brother" of the car discussed above. The car is aimed at lovers of vehicles that are focused on two criteria - high quality and affordable price.

Despite compactness and relatively low cost, the most advanced technologies are introduced in this car, and even the basic version is saturated with a sufficient number of smart solutions.

The main competitors of the Skoda Rapid are cars, and.

The production of the model is conducted in Russia since the beginning of 2014. The assembly is made on the same Kaluga automotive factory. It is here that cars are gather, which are supplied to all CIS countries.

As for the European Consumer, Skoda Rapid is produced in the Czech Republic at the factory in Mlada Bratislava. As in the case of the Octavia model, the production of cars is established in other countries - Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

The quality of the machines does not cause complaints, because all the details for rapid are supplied from the Czech Republic, and Russian masters collect cars, engage in painting and welding work.

As for the preparation of the car and the sales itself, the specialists of the dealer network are engaged in these issues.

Skoda Fabia.

Recent years in the Russian market and other CIS countries are increasingly claimed compact and economy cars. One of these is Skoda Fabia, which, despite the "modesty", is saturated with various equipment and electronics.

This is a small class car, which was represented back in 1999, and in 2001, replaced the Felicia model outdated at that time.

In 2007, the world saw Skoda Fabia second generation, and after seven years (in 2014) the version of the car was updated to the third generation.

The production of the car has been established in Russia, at the VW concern factory, which is under Kaluga. A small percentage of cars with direct Czech assembly falls on the Russian market.

Interestingly, the company-producer of the first generation Skoda Fabia was exclusively the Czech Republic. At the same time, all cars were produced on the original equipment of the plant in Mlada Bratislava.

As for other markets (including some CIS countries), the production of the film of the first generation was established in Ukraine and Poland.

The following (second) generation was gathered already in the expanded number of countries. Already mentioned list added auto plants in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as China.

In Russia, Skoda Fabia is going, starting from the second generation. The place of production is the same plant under Kaluga.

Skoda Yeti.

Skoda Yeti - compact crossover, first presented at the Motor Show in Geneva. The production of the car started in 2009, including Russia (from November of the month).

From the first days of the emergence of the car was warmly adopted by the public and earned many flattering reviews. Two years after the start of release from the conveyor, a 100 thousandth car had a complete car, and in 2015 they were already released half a million.

In fact, this is the first crossover of the concern, which deserves respect, thanks to comfort inside the cabin, original appearance, and practicality.

This model successfully combines the best features of the crossover (four-wheel drive) and hatchback (availability). It is not surprising that the car has fallen in the soul and even today is actively sold in many countries of the world.

Skoda Yeti - a family car having a rich configuration, elevated level Comfort and big luggage compartment. On such a car, you can go on any journey and not worry about the capacity.

The production of Skoda Yeti, like the rest of the "brothers", has been established in the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation (near Kaluga). At the same time, the first generation of the car was produced only in the homeland.

Skoda Roomster.

The Skoda Roomster model is a car intended for lovers of outdoor activities. For the first time, the machine was presented in 2006, with the subsequent release on the base of the wagon and van.

In fact, it is the main competitor of Yeti to the title family car And the only minivan today in the Skoda lineup.

Externally, this is a small machine that is distinguished from the crowd, the practicality and large internal space. Although, not all the connoisseurs of Skoda cars are delighted with such an embodiment.

As for the assembly, the situation is similar. For the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, this model is collected in Russia, near Kaluga.

Below is a summary table on which it is indicated where the Skoda car collect.

How to determine the country the manufacturer on the wines code?

Many car owners do not know that on the VN-code of the car you can learn a lot of interesting, including the country-producer of the vehicle.

Below will look at two options.

For Skoda Felicia. To determine the car manufacturer's country, you must look at the 11th code symbol:

  • The assembly line in Mlada Boleslav - 0-4.
  • Quasins - 5.
  • Vrkhlabi - 7-8.
  • Quasins - 9.
  • Ukraine - V.
  • Russia (Kaluga) - K.
  • Mlada Boleslav - N.
  • Poznan (Poland) - X.

Full channel winning code see below.

For Skoda Octavia the next situation. On the first group consisting of three characters, you can understand the manufacturer code.

So, T - Europe, M- Bohemia and B - Skoda car.

  • Mlada Boleslav - from 0 to 4.
  • Quasins - 5.
  • Uphewy -7, and since 1999 - 8.
  • Sarajevo - 9 (since 2002).
  • Poznan - X.

Full decoding of the wine Skoda Code Octavia See below.

Founded in the Czech Republic in 1895 and fully owned by Volkswagen Group, starting from 2000, the Skoda Auto brand is one of the oldest car manufacturers In the world and, like countless other historical automakers, Skoda also started its work as a bicycle manufacturer. The Mlada Boleslav appeared for the first time in the city of Mlada Bicycles as a modest bicycle repair workshop, Skoda AUTO in the first days was known as Laurin & Klement Co.

Today, the Skoda cars are collected in a number of countries in the world, among which the main and most common manufacturer of models is the homeland of Skoda - the city of Mlada Boleslav, as well as two more in the Czech Republic. In Russia, the Skoda assembly plant is functioning: in Kaluga. Let us consider in more detail where the assembly of certain models and modifications of Skoda occurs. But for starters, let's see what plants are collected different models Skodes sold in Russia.

Skoda assembly plants

Where are Skoda Fabia collect?

Committed with each of its generation even more different kinds of equipment and electronics, Skoda Fabia is also becoming easier every year. Main competitor Ford Fiesta.Renault Logan, Opel Corsa., This model first saw the light in 1999 as a replacement of the outdated Felicia model. The second generation was replaced initial in 2007, and in 2014 Fabia came out in an updated third generation.

The Skoda Fabia assembly is made on the Russian Automobile Plant of the Volkswagen Concern near Kaluga. In addition, in Russia, there is a small row of "Fabiy" of the original Czech assembly. But the first generation of Fabia in Russia was a "purebred cezh" - cars were produced only on the original automobile plant in Mlada Boleslav, and for other markets also in Poland and Ukraine. Second generation Skoda. Fabia has been going on a much wider list of countries, including all the same factory in Mlada Boleslav, as well as 2 auto plants in India, a plant in China, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also from the second generation for the first time I saw the light of Fabia Russian assembly - the car began to collect in the workshop near Kaluga.

Where are Skoda Octavia collect?

Model Skoda-Oktavia model - Oktavia is, perhaps, the perfect combination of price and quality for the C-class car. Octavia has a fairly wide set of both engines and complete sets. Skoda Octavia of the current generation is collected at the same factory under Kaluga in the Grabtsev technopark, where and Fabia. In addition, on Russian roads there is a lot of "Skod" of the original Czech assembly at the Mlada Boleslav plant. The earlier generations of the car were also gathered for Russia at the factories in Ust-Kamenogorsk (Kazakhstan) and the Eurochar in Ukraine. Also now gather for other markets in India, China, Slovakia and other countries.

Where are Skoda Rapid collect?

Oktavia's younger brother - Skoda Rapid - aimed at family motorists who are looking for high quality cars by affordable price. The company claims that Rapid "includes rather smart solutions and advanced technologies." It is also the first model in the line of new Skoda models with the latest manufacturer design notes. Skoda Rapid in a row of models is Fabia and Octavia and is the main competitor to VW Polo, Hyundai Solaris and Kia Rio.

Skoda Rapid is collected in Russia since the beginning of 2014 - the assembly workshop is under Kaluga. Meanwhile, almost all cars of this model are produced in the CIS countries - only for Europe the assembly of Skoda Rapid on the main automobile plant in the Czech Republic is established. In addition to the Russian and Czech assembly, rapid plants are located in Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

Almost all the details of Rapid are supplied to Russia, and in Kaluga there is already a subsequent assembly, welding, painting, pre-sale preparation and, of course, selling ready cars in Skoda cargo chairs.

Where are Skoda Superb collect?

The most expensive car in the model line Skoda and the real pride of the company - Skoda Superb. business class is for sale much less than him junior brothers In force, of course, its price. Recently, Skoda Superb is gathering for the market of our country in our country, and before that Superb was supplied to Russia exclusively to their Czech Republic.

Where are Skoda Yeti collect?

The first crossover of the Skoda concern - Skoda Yeti is a rather unusual model with an original appearance. However, the car combines the convenience and availability of hatchback together with practicality full drive Crossover. The result for the manufacturer became a real success, making YETI perfect family car and one of the best-selling in Russia. It is quite enough space inside, especially for rear passengersWhile the trunk can swallow an impressive number of purchases.

Skoda Yeti, as well as his older and younger to take (and sisters) in the line, produced in the Czech Republic, and going to Russia - everything is in the same technopark near Kaluga. Meanwhile, the assembly of the first generation of Yeti was produced in the Czech Republic.

Where are they collecting Skoda Roomster?

Another contender for the title of an ideal family car and the only one today in the model row Skoda Minivan, Skoda Roomster is a small machine that is distinguished from the crowd. Although not everyone can be a fan of a special style of Skoda, this style is definitely quite practical and helps to increase the space of the salon inside.

And again, nothing new about the assembly of Skoda Roomster - as well as all other representatives of the brand, Rumster is collected in Russia at the Kaluga Auto Plant.

Summary Table: Where does Skoda cars collect?

Model Skoda. Country assembly
Skoda Fabia. Russia (Kaluga);
Early generations are also - Czech Republic and Ukraine
Skoda Octavia. Russia (Kaluga);
Early generations are also - Czech Republic, Kazakhstan and Ukraine
Skoda Rapid Russia (Kaluga)
Skoda Roomster. Russia (Kaluga);
Skoda Superb. Russia (Kaluga);
Early generations are also - Czech Republic
Skoda Yeti. Russia (Kaluga);
Early generations are also - Czech Republic
Stopped outdated and not sold in Russia Skoda models
Skoda 100 Series. Czech Republic
Skoda Citigo. Czech Republic
Skoda Felicia. Czech Republic
Skoda Favorit. Czech Republic

Skoda Yeti of the first generation in the exhibition pavilion.

I think that if not all, then very many car owners when buying a car are wondering where their car is assembled. Stripping from the brand, the manufacturer's country is clear to everyone, but still many people think that the car is assembled precisely in the country to which the brand belongs.

Autocontraceans think completely differently, for savings and convenience, they have long have their own production capacity In large countries of the world. Therefore, in this article we will announce the factories on which the Czech Skoda Yeti Czech Parcourt has been going to many russian market. And also in the krastts, explain the main economic benefits from the assembly in the "consumer countries".

Plants in the Russian Federation, on which comes from the Skoda Yeti conveyor

First russian production It was discovered in 2007 near Kaluga (Technopark Grabtsevo). There are several models of Skoda, including Yeti. This plant carries out all the assembly stages and at each stage cars are tested testing. If the check reveals any imperfections, then the car threatens either alteration, or, and recycling.

Nearby, by the way, there is another plant, but it is engaged in the release of various details and components that help the Czech car to get used to our roads and other features of the Russian market.

And recently, another production was opened - this is the plant "Gas", which is located in Nizhny Novgorod. Until recently, only the large-sized assembly was carried out on it, and now the car passes the whole cycle "Houses": body welding, painting and assembly.

Economic benefits from assembly in other countries

Of course, and, by the way, provide the work of thousands of people. So is it really not profitable to modernize your plants, rather than open them in other people's countries? It turns out - no.

The fact is that transportation of finished cars from the Czech Republic is subject to large tax. And if there is a plant in the country-consumer, then the part of the car is transported under the type of details, and here they are harvested in a matter of hours and cars ready.

Do not be afraid immediately, because the car is not saw before transportation. As a rule, the body with a lounge is taken separately, rear suspension And the front with the engine.

The entire assembly process takes place under strict observation and is carried out under license. Therefore, each vehicle Complies with the European Quality Standard.

And the plant that supplies components, supplies cars adapted for russian roads The suspension and many more details that are so needed for comfortable trips to our imperfect roads.

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