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How to start the car if the battery is dead? Helpful advice! Is it possible to start the car if the battery is dead: all the ways.

Modern vehicles with installed equipment provide a decent level of comfort and safety on the road. However, many owners of such cars do not know how to act if faults of a daily nature are suddenly discovered. For example, they don't know how to start the car if the battery runs out at the most inopportune moment.

The battery can sit down for several reasons. Imagine the situation: you have not used the car for a while, and when you got behind the wheel again, you encountered an inoperative battery. A defective battery prevents the doors from being opened and the car starting. If you use a regular key together with an automatic key fob, there should be no problems when opening with a faulty battery. If the key has not been used for a long time, the larva could easily rust, and it will be impossible to insert the key there.

Don't be in a hurry to get upset. There are a number of proven methods that will help open the car and ensure the start of the battery without calling specialized services.

How to understand that the battery is dead

There are a number of signs that indicate battery problems. Most often, symptoms begin to appear prematurely, before the battery approaches the zero charge mark. If you diagnose the problem in a timely manner, you can avoid getting into an emergency situation.

In many cases, dead battery problems are easier to prevent.

The following symptoms of a discharged battery are distinguished:

  • The alarm starts to work incorrectly. When you press the button on the key fob, the protection turns off very slowly, the doors do not open periodically, the locks central type they just don't work;
  • The audio system in the car turns off immediately after the engine is turned off due to a too sharp voltage drop;
  • Problems with the brightness of the light in the passenger compartment, a decrease in the brightness of the headlights while driving;
  • During the start, the engine starts after a jerk of the starter, then the device freezes for a second, after which it starts working in standard mode. In case of problems with the battery, the engine always starts slower than with a working battery;
  • During warming up, the speed indicators often jump. The problem stems from the fact that during this mode of operation, the car engine increases energy consumption from the battery, which is practically empty.

How to open a car with a discharged battery

There are several ways to open a car with a discharged alternator. The first method involves working under the car, so it is advisable to have with you not only an additional generator, from which the dead battery will be recharged, but also a jack, as well as two wires with a cross section of 2 centimeters and a length of about a meter. The sequence of actions in this case is as follows:

  1. Using a jack, we lift the car;
  2. We get to the engine after removing the protection;
  3. We find the positive terminal and clamp the wire on it using the "crocodile" clip;
  4. We connect the negative wire to the car body;
  5. We connect the wires to a working battery. Make sure the terminals are connected correctly;
  6. After connecting the alarm, open the car from the key fob;
  7. We open the hood, take out the discharged battery and charge it.

There are several easier ways to open doors. When the glass at the front door was not fully raised, you can put a thin iron rod with a hook at the end into the resulting free space. With the help of a hook, we hook up the handle and carefully pull the entire structure up. If the handle opens to the side, we do the same manipulations, but we press on the handle, and do not pull it.

The following method is used extremely rarely. Using an ordinary hammer, the glass in the car from the driver's side is broken. It will not be superfluous to protect open areas of the body so as not to get hurt by the resulting glass fragments.

To implement the next method, you will need a wooden wedge. The wedge is about 20 centimeters long and about 4 centimeters wide at the base. A meter-long metal rod should also be prepared. A wooden wedge is carefully inserted between the upper rear corner of the door and the pillar of the car and gradually hammered in with a fist until a gap of about 2–3 centimeters is formed. A metal rod is inserted into the slot, with the help of which the lock blocker turns.

Most often, a peg up to 20 centimeters long is used to open a jammed door, but it is not recommended to use a key in this case

Another method involves having a drill or screwdriver on hand. We select a suitable drill and cut out the lock larva. We add that after using this method, you will have to change the larvae in all the doors of the car.

The above methods are more suitable for domestic cars. Modern foreign cars are equipped with special anti-theft systems, for example, it is no longer possible to insert a wire between the glass and the seal.

How to open the door of a foreign car

In order to minimize the likelihood of a situation arising when the door has to be opened by emergency methods, it is worth periodically opening the locks with a regular key. This will prevent the lock from rusting, and if the automatic switches off, you can always open the car in manual mode.

In foreign cars, access to the salon occurs by a small bend in the door area. To implement this method, you will need a long wire, a screwdriver and a piece of any fabric. It is advisable to make a bend in the area of \u200b\u200bthe car rack - the fabric is initially inserted there, after which a screwdriver is inserted (a rag will help to avoid damage to the car surface). The door is gradually bent with the tool until the wire crawls through the gap.

The driver's door is bent with a screwdriver, and then the wire is inserted there

Video: we open Renault with a charged battery

Ways to "reanimate" a dead battery

Even an expensive and high-quality battery after a while starts to lose charge by itself. Basically, the following factors provoke the problem:

  • The battery has been serving for more than 4-5 years, and over time, the available charge decreases;
  • For some reason, the battery is not recharged during the trip;
  • There are places with current leakage in the car network;
  • When the engine was turned off, the headlights or audio system were left on;
  • Critical exposure to extreme temperatures.

It is possible to start the car with a dead battery, so we will consider several ways to solve the problem.

With the help of acceleration from an external force

To start the car, it is enough to set it in motion. This can be done by:

  • Acceleration up to 5 km / h when pushing;
  • Ask another driver on the road to take your car in tow.

From the "pusher"

The acceleration of a car in this case is gaining with the use of human power. This method is best used on a road with a slight incline to facilitate the task. Push only by the rear pillars or by the trunk of the vehicle, otherwise there is a high probability of serious injury. Only a car with mechanical box.

Starting a car "from a pusher" is quite popular in our country, but this method is only suitable for cars with manual transmission

After the car reaches a speed of 5-10 kilometers per hour, it is necessary to engage the gear and smoothly release the clutch.

By tug

For towing, you need a special cable with a length of at least 5 meters, as well as another vehicle on the move, which will act as a tug.

The vehicles are connected by a cable, after which the tug accelerates your car up to 10-15 km / h. When the specified speed is reached, 3rd gear is engaged and the clutch is smoothly released. If the car starts, you can disconnect the towing cable.

A tow rope should be in the trunk of every vehicle in case of emergencies

When starting the battery with the help of a tug, it is extremely important to coordinate the actions of both drivers and to discuss the signs that will be given to each other while driving. Uncoordinated towing can turn around serious damage for vehicles and creating an emergency on the road.

"Lighting" from a donor car

You need another auto-donor, which has a fully functional battery. The ignition of the 12-volt unit is carried out exclusively from a 12-volt donor. In case your battery has a voltage of 24 volts, you can use two donor batteries of 12 volts, which will be connected in series.

The method includes the following steps:

  1. Cars are parked next to each other, but do not touch.
  2. At the donor car, the engine is turned off, at the second car, the wire is removed from the negative terminal. When carrying out work, the polarity is observed; if this rule is violated, the probability of failure of all electronics in both cars is high.
  3. The positive terminals of the batteries are connected to each other, then the minus is connected to the donor and only after that to the car, which needs resuscitation.
  4. The donor car is started for 4-5 minutes and left in the switched on state.
  5. Then the second car starts up, it should work for 5-7 minutes.
  6. The terminals are disconnected, but the car is left running for another 15-20 minutes to allow the battery to recharge.

Video: how to properly light a car

Using a starter-charger

This method is the simplest and safest. A special device is connected to the network, the mode switch is set to the "start" position. The negative wire of the starting-charger is connected to the engine block in the vicinity of the starter, the positive wire to the positive terminal.

Depending on the model, electrical circuit ROM may differ, but the principle of operation is always the same: the device is connected to the network and supplies current to the battery terminals

The ignition key turns in the car, if the car starts up, the starting-charger can be turned off.

Rope on the wheel

This method is useful if there is no tug car nearby and there is no one to push your transport.
In order to start a car in this way, you need a rope (about 5-6 meters in length) and a jack. With the help of a jack, it is necessary to make sure that the drive wheel is raised above the ground. The rope is tightly wound around the wheel, after which the ignition and transmission are switched on. For the car to start, it is necessary to pull strongly at the end of the rope.

Video: how to start a car with a rope

A bottle of wine

The most extraordinary way that really works. It will help to start the car in remote conditions, when there is only wine at hand.

It is necessary to open the wine and pour a glass of the drink directly into the battery. As a result, the alcoholic beverage will provoke an oxidative reaction, and the battery will begin to produce a current that is enough to start the car.

The wine method is only suitable for extreme cases, after such a start, the battery will have to be replaced with a new one.

Unfortunately, starting the battery with wine is only possible once.

How to start a battery on automatic transmission

To start a car with an "automatic", methods with lighting from another battery are suitable, as well as the option with connecting the battery to the ROM. You can also try to lower the battery in a warm bath or simply replace it with a new one if you have one at hand.

The use of external force will not help to start a car equipped with an automatic transmission

Have you tried all the methods but got no result? Try to warm up the vehicle in a warm box.

Longer battery life

10 tips will help not only to increase the battery life in a car, but also to avoid emergency situations that are associated with the discharge of this unit in a vehicle:

  1. If the battery will not be used for a long time, be sure to charge it;
  2. The electrolyte should be poured to such a level that the plates are not exposed;
  3. Full battery discharge - main reason shortening its service life;
  4. Watch the tension of the alternator belt, and if loose, replace it immediately;
  5. Make sure that there are no leaks in the car's electrical network;
  6. Before leaving the car, be sure to turn off all electrical appliances;
  7. In winter frosts, take the battery home at night;
  8. Do not allow the battery wires to oxidize;
  9. In winter, it is better not to leave the battery in a discharged state;
  10. IN winter time years, it is advisable to use special covers for the battery, which will help prevent discharge.

Remember that it is much easier to control the battery charge and replace a worn out battery in a timely manner than to face emergency situations later, start and open a car using improvised methods.

If the battery is dead, then you can reanimate the car. And you need to know effective ways to solve such problems. After all, the power source can be discharged at a distance from home, from a car repair shop.

How do you know if your battery is dead?

  1. Indicators located on dashboard, burn dimly.
  2. The presence of clicks, crackling in the engine compartment.
  3. Changing the sound of the motor.

What is the reason for the discharging of the car battery? Many actions lead to similar consequences. But experienced craftsmen identify several reasons:

  • Load on the electrical network with the engine off. So, often motorists do not turn off the light or the car radio.
  • The motor transport is equipped with powerful units. Such devices include spotlights, modern acoustic systems.
  • Terminal problems. Over time, oxides appear on the leads, which impair contact.
  • High percentage of current leakage. To establish the magnitude of the current leakage, contact the master. Improper connection of devices and audio systems leads to their increase.
  • Partial or complete breakdown of the generator. Occurs due to improper use of vehicles.
  • Moving at low speeds. Such a problem is faced by residents of large cities who get to their destination in traffic jams.
  • Temperature drops and frosts. Under the influence of negative temperatures, the electrolyte becomes thicker. Therefore, the impulses supplied by the generator are not perceived. People who live in the northern regions of the country face such a problem.

How to start a car with a manual transmission with a dead battery?

How to start a car with a dead battery? Masters identify 6 proven methods by which vehicles and a dead power source are reanimated.

Availability of electrical network

If the battery is dead in the garage or in the local area, where there is constant access to the electrical network, then a standard charger is used for recharging.

Charger manufacturers supply units that are automated, adjustable models.

Before charging the discharged power supply, it is dismantled. An inspection is required to assess the condition of the battery. If necessary, the conductive leads and ventilation openings are cleaned. The level of the electrolyte composition and its condition are also checked.

An efficient storage battery is supplied to a charger, which is connected to the electrical network. If the regulated battery is discharged, then the voltage is set with special care. The voltage should be 14V. As soon as the car battery is fully charged, the current will drop to zero.

No access to the electrical network

In the network there are requests "the battery is dead and how to start the car without a charger." To solve this problem, 2 methods are used: from a pusher or from a tug.

In order to implement the first method within the city, 2-3 people are required. They are necessary to accelerate vehicles to the required speed. One driver is able to push the car, if the engine is warmed up, it is located on a slope.

How to implement the "pusher" method?

  1. Assistants are dispersed behind the vehicle.
  2. The owner starts the engine, pumps in fuel.
  3. The transmission is set to neutral.
  4. As soon as the car is accelerated to 10-12 km, the clutch is squeezed out, the 3-4th gear is engaged. After that, release the clutch and gas.

If all the actions are performed correctly, then the question of how to start the car if the battery is dead, and if it is partially discharged, will not arise.

Start a car from a tug

Another vehicle is required to implement this method. Indeed, in this case, the engine starts when accelerating to 15–20 km / h.

Novice drivers do not use it, since the probability of a collision, an accident is high. And the main reason is the lack of coordination of actions.

Actions when towing are similar to those performed with the "pusher" method.

For towing, a special cable is used, the length of which is 4–6 meters. Otherwise, it is problematic to avoid a collision. Before fixing the cable, inspect the fasteners. His condition must be satisfactory.

Automatic transmission

What to do if the vehicle is equipped with an automatic transmission? The implementation of the "pusher" option is problematic. After all, this technique is equipped with one pump through which oil is supplied. It works only if the car is running.

How to start a car if an automatic transmission is installed?

  1. The drive belt is carefully removed.
  2. A special cord is wound around the freed head.
  3. The speed is set to neutral.
  4. The ignition switches on gently.
  5. The driver pulls the cord.

This method of starting a car with an automatic machine is used if the engine volume is 1–1.5 liters. Otherwise, you won't start.

For owners of motor vehicles, which are equipped with volumetric engines, they are started by means of ROM, the "lighting" method is also used.

It is not worth starting the car with automatic transmission by towing. After all, the torque does not affect the piston group. Therefore, vehicles and do not start.

Using a donor battery

A dead battery is not a problem if a donor battery is available. You can use the "lighting" method both for cars with a manual transmission and with an automatic transmission.

The essence of this method lies in the fact that special wires are drawn from the donor battery to the power source. After the charge has arrived, you can start the motor.

The use of someone else's power source is allowed. But the process of dismantling and installation will take a lot of time.

Features of the "lighting" method

  • To implement this method, wires are required with a cross section of 16 mm2. The wires are distinguished by the presence of a pincer clamp by means of which they are connected to the conductive leads.
  • The machines are located so that there is no contact between them. When determining the distance, the length of the wires is taken into account.
  • The electrical system of 2 vehicles is cut off. One car, the battery of which needs to be recharged, has the negative terminal removed.
  • The red wire connects to the positive terminals of the two vehicles. After that, the black wire is connected in the same way to the negative terminal of the donor car and the body of another car.
  • Start a car. It so happens that the launch is carried out immediately. In the event that the launch did not work immediately, then a longer recharging will be required.
  • It is necessary to start vehicles after the engine of the donor car is turned off. Otherwise, the starter will be damaged.

Using the starting charger

ROMs are used to launch modern and domestic vehicles. With its help, the engine is started, in which the starter will rotate in autonomous mode for about 10-15 seconds.

Charge the battery using the ROM for 20 minutes. Then you can start the engine.

Since the cost of this unit is quite high, it is purchased by those drivers who move in winter.

Starting vehicles through the starter

There are situations when you need to know how to start a car without a battery. This happens when electrical system functions poorly. In this case, even with a charged power source, the car will not drive.

In order to get to the workshop, the engine is started through the starter. To do this, use a screwdriver to close the bendix output and the retractor output.

This technique is not used with a dead power source.

Battery operation and maintenance

There will be no problems with starting the engine if you follow simple rules. Using maintenance-free batteries checks are carried out in accordance with the recommendations that are spelled out in the technical documentation.

Using serviceable power supplies, you must:

  • Clean the case from dust, dirt and electrolyte residues.
  • Check the electrolyte level regularly.
  • Clean conductive leads from oxides, check the reliability of their fixation.
  • Check the level of density of the electrolyte composition.

The battery check frequency is set individually. It all depends on:

  • Operating conditions.
  • Downtime.
  • Using chargers or ROMs.

If battery problems occur frequently, it is recommended to purchase a new power supply. The selection takes into account:

  • Capacity.
  • Dimensions.
  • Polarity type.
  • Additional characteristics.
  • Manufacturing company.

If possible, it is worth purchasing a battery that has the same characteristics as the model installed in the vehicle. After all, it has parameters ideally suited for operation.

Problems associated with starting vehicles with a dead battery arise among experienced drivers and beginners. Therefore, keeping in mind information relevant to engine starting methods will save you the complexity. If possible, then in the luggage compartment of the car it is worth placing a ROM, wires for lighting.

Interesting videos with ways to start a car with dead batteries.

The situation when a battery that has served faithfully and faithfully stopped fulfilling its basic duties one fine morning is familiar to every driver. A couple of "vigorous" turns of the starter are replaced by extremely slow and strained cranking, and then a complete collapse follows - turning the key, we hear only the characteristic clicks of the relay.

In this case, all the usual control lamps on the dashboard either barely glow, or do not light up at all.

Most often, such situations occur after a long idle time of the machine. Vigilant car owners, foreseeing a similar situation, put the battery on recharge. But what if there is no time for this procedure, since you need to go now, and not in a few hours?

We will try to cover all the common ways to start a car if the battery is completely dead. There are many of them, but the suitability of these methods depends on many factors. Some are relatively versatile, others can be used under certain circumstances. In a word, such a situation cannot be called hopeless.

How to identify a dead battery

Since a modern car is a very complex device with a large number of interconnected units and mechanisms, almost every breakdown can indicate the inoperability of many components. The same is the case with a car battery. If you failed to start the car, the reasons may be different, and not always obvious.

Of course, the "dead" battery is the first thing that comes to mind, and in most cases it is. If the driver is experienced and attentive enough, then he can determine ahead of time that the battery is dead in the car - it rarely breaks down suddenly. There is a whole list of signs on the basis of which it can be guaranteed that the battery is the culprit for problems with starting the engine. The main thing is to learn to recognize these symptoms, which will allow you to avoid getting into unpleasant situations, recharge the battery in time or buy a new one if it cannot be resuscitated.

Let's list the most important signs that the battery is dead in the car:

  • the alarm started to work differently, with gaps and interruptions;
  • after pressing a key on the remote control, the car reacts with a great delay;
  • more frequent cases of central locking and problems with opening car doors;
  • the car radio turns off spontaneously shortly after the engine is turned off;
  • when the engine is running, the interior lighting and the lights on the dashboard are much dimmer;
  • when they do not give the expected brightness;
  • during the start of the power unit, after the first turn of the starter, there is a short pause, after which the starter turns the crankshaft as usual, but the engine starts longer than usual;
  • if after starting a cold engine idle speed for a short period of time begin to "float".

All these symptoms indicate that the car battery is not fully charged. If this happens after long trips or full recharging of the battery from the network, it is probably in a state that requires immediate diagnosis.

If you ignore these signs of a dead car battery, the firmware may "fly off", or the on-board computer will start to "freak" at the most inopportune moment. Well, the worst option is a complete battery failure. In this case, an attempt to start the engine will only be accompanied by clicks of the start relay.

Some models (usually sports ones) are equipped with a voltmeter that shows the current voltage level in the vehicle's on-board electrical system. In case of problems with the auto-accumulator, the arrow of the device will rest against the red zone. On sale you can also find batteries equipped with a built-in charge level indicator, which will itself warn the driver about problems with the charge.

How to start the engine if the battery does not show signs of life

One way or another, but the situation with a completely dead battery can and should be addressed, especially if current circumstances require it. There are many ways to start a car if the battery is dead, so the chances of success are very high. However, much depends on design features car, so you need to choose the most adequate method:

  • using several methods of lighting;
  • the use of a starting and charging device;
  • fast charge start of the engine;
  • use of a "curve starter" or "slings";
  • drunk battery method.

Let's reveal the nuances of using all these techniques.

Lighting up

The rather strange name of the method of starting the engine is actually justified, since in general terms it really resembles lighting cigarettes from one another.

To do this, you will need two sufficiently long wires. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • the donor car must approach the acceptor as close as possible, sufficient for the wires to reach from the terminals of one battery to the second (it should be noted that it is better not to use wires that are too long, since at startup a significant part of the charge will be spent on thermal heating of the wiring);
  • we connect the batteries with wires, while each of them must connect single-pole terminals: positive with positive, negative with negative. In this way, you can connect your on-board electrical network to someone else's battery;
  • now you can try to start the engine in the usual way (with a key or a button);
  • as soon as the engine starts, the wires can be disconnected, and the battery will be charged by the generator.

The method is quite simple. Even a beginner can start a car with a dead battery in this way. But it has one significant drawback: you need to disconnect the wires while the power unit is running, which is fraught with voltage surges in the on-board electrical network. There are frequent cases of failure of their electrical appliances, but the most unpleasant thing is that an expensive computer may suffer.

Wireless lighting

If you know your battery is bad, having a couple of wires in the trunk is a good idea. But in a normal situation, this accessory is rarely carried in the car. However, the lighting method is also possible in this case - it consists in installing a knowingly working battery instead of a faulty one.

To remove the battery, you only need. Having installed a working battery in a regular place (and this is not always possible, since both the seat itself and its orientation may differ), we start the car, after which the donor battery can be removed and installed your own.

The power unit should not stall during this operation, since the entire electrical part will be powered by the generator. But here, too, there are some difficulties - when removing the battery on a running power unit, it is important to prevent accidental shorting of wires to the opposite terminal. The same care should be taken when replacing your battery. It is important not to touch both terminals at the same time. The problem with power surges that can harm electrical equipment remains unresolved. The ECU will probably not like this method, but it will calm down after you turn off the engine and start again. You cannot do this right away, because your battery did not have time to charge, and driving with an inoperative on-board computer is also dangerous. But there's nothing you can do about it. But this method, like the previous one, can be called universal.

Pusher launch

This method is considered technically the simplest, which does not require the use of any tools other than physical strength. Two or three ordinary guys can create enough force to accelerate the car and start the engine. And if the car is on a gentle and sufficiently long descent, the task is even more simplified: you only need a starting impulse, the driver will do the rest on his own.

But to start a car equipped with an automatic transmission in this way, if the battery is dead, it will not work. It is only suitable for manual transmission.

The algorithm itself is easy to learn even for a novice motorist:

  • the driver turns the key and turns on the ignition;
  • the gearshift lever is installed in second gear, the clutch pedal is squeezed out to the stop;
  • now it's the turn of friends or passers-by who need to accelerate the car to about the level of easy running;
  • at this moment, you need to smoothly release the pedal - if there are no other problems besides battery ones, the engine will start;
  • we immediately turn on the "neutral" and stop the car, and we must express our gratitude to all assistants.

Note that another vehicle connected to your tow rope can be used as a pusher. This will not change the algorithm. But it is important, after the car has started, to brake in time so as not to bump into the car driving in front.

Starting the motor via ROM

The start-charger is a type of charger, design and specifications which allows the use of such a device as a source of electricity for starting the engine. The ROM is quite expensive, so ordinary car owners rarely buy it, but at any service station it is probably available. If you are lucky, and the starting-charger is in your hands, you can start the power unit with it as follows:

  • we connect the device to the household network;
  • we throw the terminals onto the contacts of your battery (it is important not to confuse the wires, usually the red one connects to the positive terminal, black - to the negative one);
  • we put on the ROM the value of the starting current, about 16-20 A;
  • we start the engine;
  • we remove the terminals and give the ROM to the owner.

As you can see, this is even easier than lighting a cigarette.

Using a lithium-ion battery

Regular batteries are acidic. Lithium-ion batteries are used in various mobile gadgets. But there is a more powerful option - such devices are called boosters and are a variant of ROM, if you remove the letter "Z" from this abbreviation. In other words, their only purpose is to start the car if the battery cannot handle it.

Although the cost of the booster is high, it is very popular in regions with cold climates, where battery care is difficult due to freezing temperatures. Basically, this is a kind of battery that charges from a household outlet in the garage or at home. But there is also a significant difference from their older counterparts - it is light weight and compact dimensions, which allow you to carry the booster with you if the battery does not work very reliably.

The startup algorithm is similar to using ROM. Unfortunately, at the moment, providing the possibility of long-term retention of a powerful charge by lithium-ion batteries is a technically impossible task, but with the function starting device boosters cope with a bang.

The usual one, it turns out, can also be successfully used in cases where the native battery does not show signs of life.

And although the charger is not applicable as a booster, they can try to quickly charge a dead battery. To do this, connect it to the charger and set the maximum possible charge current (usually the upper limit is limited to 15 A). It remains to wait about 20 minutes, then try to start the car.

It is likely that the accumulated charge will be sufficient for starting. If not, you should repeat the procedure. Increasing the charging time to half an hour. Of course, this method is applicable only when other methods are not available, and the car owner has free time. Note that such short and extreme recharging is harmful to the battery. Therefore, it is not recommended to use a fast charge frequently.

If you are a big fan of historical films, you have probably seen how you once started the engine if there were problems with the battery. Today, to see such exotic things with your own eyes is a great success. However, according to russian roads there is a huge number of cars that can be started in this way.

All of them (old VAZs, Muscovites, Volga) have a handle in the form of a three-knee tube with small sockets at one end as part of a set of tools. This device is called the "curve starter". It is inserted into a special hole in the bumper and then into a groove in the flywheel, which is rigidly connected to the crankshaft.

You can start the car in this way alone. To do this, switch the gearshift lever to neutral, tighten the hand brake, turn on the ignition and get out of the car to start turning the crankshaft manually. The method is quite energy consuming. You need to start twisting as sharply as possible to provide the necessary inertial moment. If the engine is “on the ointment”, two or three full revolutions are enough, and the engine will start successfully.

Launch by the "sling" method

This method can be called a modification of the previous one, since in this case, the crankshaft is again spun manually. But instead of a "crooked starter", a transmission is used.

The startup procedure looks like this:

  • one of the driving wheels is jacked up (it can be both front and rear);
  • to facilitate spinning the wheel, turn on the direct gear (fourth or fifth);
  • we wind a towing sling (rope 5-10 meters long) on \u200b\u200ba wheel hanging in the air, making sure that when spinning the wheel rotates in the direction of the forward movement of the machine;
  • turn on the ignition;
  • we grab the end of the line with both hands and pull it sharply.

If our efforts are enough, the engine should start. However, this method is only slightly less energy consuming than the previous one. Also cold power unit thus, it will not be possible to start, as well as a powerful engine (with a volume of more than 1.5 liters), a car with an automatic transmission, as well as a car equipped with a diesel engine.

There is a bike on the network that a similar method exists for a car with an automatic transmission - it is necessary instead drive belt wind a sling on the crankshaft pulley and pull it sharply. In fact, this is an obvious stupidity: the generator will not start without a belt, which means that if the battery is completely discharged, the motor will start, if it can be started, it will immediately stall.

Startup with an alcohol-based liquid

This method can be called a record holder in terms of the degree of damage done to vehicle components (primarily to the battery). Therefore, its use is justified only in the most difficult and desperate situations, when all of the above are inapplicable, and you must go.

Its extremeness lies in the fact that it is disposable: if you can start the car, then you will not save the battery. However, if he is on his last legs, then it is not a pity for him, because you still have to acquire a new one.

The essence of the method consists in pouring a weak alcohol solution into the battery. Ordinary dry wine will do. If there is a stronger drink, dilute it with water and shake it.

Having unscrewed the battery cans, pour in about 150 ml of our alcohol-containing liquid, tighten the plugs and try to start. The probability of success is above average.

It is not difficult to explain the mechanism of action of an alcohol solution: alcohol promotes a short-term significant increase in the acidity of the electrolyte, which contributes to the dissolution of salts from the plates. If you are lucky, this means that the removal of deposits was enough for a successful, but last, start.

This is Kulik Ilya, hello everyone! And now about how to start a car if the battery is dead.

Renouncement battery (Battery) is a fairly common phenomenon in the operation of vehicles. For drivers who are not constrained in funds, such a problem is not acute: I removed the old battery and put in a new one. Well, what if the battery failed in a remote area, say, on a picnic or fishing? Or the driver is not rich and uses the battery to the last?

Then problems may arise: the battery failed in the most inappropriate place or at the most inopportune time.

Therefore, it is advisable for each motorist to know what methods can be used to start a car, with a dead battery, as well as which of these methods and in what cases to use. After all, if you act incorrectly, then the battery will fail or explode, doused with acid engine compartment... The entire electrical system of the car, including the on-board computer and other expensive electronics, can also be seriously damaged.

First, I will give a brief general help on car batterywhich can be useful for novice motorists.

Today, any household battery (even in your mobile phone) is a chemical source of electricity, or rather its voltage (measured in Volts - V). It is the voltage level that is an indicator of the charge or health of the battery.

In most cars today, the battery acts as an auxiliary source of energy, which is needed for a short period to start the engine or use the onboard power supply when it is not running. The rest of the time, the electric current is generated by the generator, which simultaneously maintains the required voltage level in the battery - acting as an on-board charger.

The power of most modern batteries is 12 V, and for heavy diesel vehicles (TC) 24 V. But these are nominal designations. In fact, batteries for cars have a reference voltage of 12.65 V, but in practice, few batteries will give such a value.

Usually it is kept in the region of 12.4 - 12.2 V (charging at 80-60%), which is quite acceptable. But if the voltage drops below 11.9 V (charging at 40%), then from this point there may be a decrease in battery performance and problems with starting the engine, especially when cold conditions accompanying discharge.

What contributes to battery drain?

One of the important questions is the reasons for the battery discharge. There may be many, but here are the ones that are most common:

  • Forgetfulness of the motorist - when the unit is not turned on, the on-board electrical network is left under load: the lights are not turned off, heating, radio, etc.
  • Auto power grid under heavy load - additional powerful electrical appliances are installed on the car: an audio system, searchlights, etc.
  • Contact terminal status - both battery terminals must be tightly connected and free from oxides.
  • Significant current leakage - there are always some current leaks. But they should not exceed 10mA, which can be checked by an auto electrician. He will also identify and eliminate increased leaks: incorrect connections of electrical assemblies and electrical appliances, wiring damage, etc.
  • Problems with the generator - there may be many reasons: worn out generator brushes, breakdown of the regulator or mounting fuses, the starter winding is rotten, the diode bridge is burnt out, etc. At the service station, the generator must be regularly checked for deviations with a voltmeter.
  • Generator drive problems - Insufficient tension of the drive belt on the generator leads to a decrease in the output power. This belt should be regularly checked for tension and any unacceptable slack corrected.
  • Driving at low aggregate rpm - this is a problem of residents of megalopolises, with frequent traffic jams, when the engine runs for a long time at less than 1500 rpm, which is why the battery lacks recharge from the generator.
  • Very coldy - at -30 ° C, the battery electrolyte thickens so much that it completely ceases to perceive the charging pulses from the generator. And if in cold weather you move in traffic jams for a long time, with the heating turned on, then in such conditions, even a new battery can be completely seated.
  • Temperature drops - if the driver has a habit of warming up the battery by extreme methods (in a basin with hot water, for example), then as a result of this, thermal deformations of the active coating of the plates and its partial shedding can occur, which leads to accelerated wear of the battery.

Experts, even if all the rules for operating batteries are observed, recommend replacing them after three or four years of operation. But few people adhere to this recommendation, because in warm weather even a worn-out battery can work quite tolerably, creating the illusion of no problem.

But with the onset of cold weather, many drivers find themselves in situations where the battery is not able to give the starter enough impulse for it. And if there is no way to quickly change the battery to a new one, but you need to go, then the motorist can use one of the following methods to start the engine with a failed battery.

What could indicate that the battery is dead?

First of all, you should control the indicator level of charging. These indicators are on many models of the batteries themselves (in the form of a round window with a green or red glow) and on the car dashboard.

Here are some sure signs of a dead battery:

  • Starter sounds alternate from ordinary to lingering and "tired";
  • Crackle relay in the engine compartment;
  • Dashboard does not light up or glows dimly.

Battery problems can be of different levels:

  • The starter spins for a long time, and with a successful start, the engine often stalls - such a picture can be observed in severe frosts, but the battery itself is charged within normal limits and at the factory it is necessary to give the generator time to recharge the battery.
  • All onboard electronics work poorly, intermittently, and the lighting is noticeably dimmer, the starter grumbles sluggishly, but the car does not start - these are signs of an incompletely dead battery, which indicates that the car will not start on its own and something needs to be done additionally.
  • The electrical system of the car is "dead" and the starter does not respond by turning the key - in this case, it is clear that the battery is deeply discharged (unless the terminals are removed from it) and in this case, not even all additional measures will help to start successfully.

Attention! If you know that your battery is worn out, then you should include another battery in the trunk tool kit (you can also use a BU, but holding a charge), a "cigarette lighter" or a charger.

Method 1: if the battery has failed with the available access to the mains

The smallest problem with a "tired" battery happens when he refused to start the car in a garage or similar conditions where there is access to the mains.

In this case, you need to recharge with an ordinary charger (charger) for car batteries. What it is? Schematically, such a charger is a simple electric current converter: the charger converts the usual mains 220 V AC voltage into a constant voltage, and lowers it to 14-16 Volts.

The device can be either fully automatic or adjustable, with various sensors and control viewers: current, voltage, etc.

To recharge the battery, you need to remove it from the engine compartment and inspect it for the integrity of the case, the cleanliness of the terminals and the ventilation hole, the level and purity of the electrolyte (it must always be clear and the volume is above the level of the plates).

If the inspection of the battery did not reveal any violations, then the charger is connected to the terminals and then it is connected to the network. If the charger is adjustable, then the voltage should be set at 14-16 V and the current strength at 10% relative to the available energy capacity of the battery and wait 10-15 hours - the time required for a full charge. At its end, the current on the indicator will be zero.

That's it, you can turn off the charger and install the battery on the car.

How to determine the current strength? This value is individual for each battery and it is indicated on its label: battery energy capacity. If, for example, it is equal to 60 Ah, then on the memory you need to set 10% of this number - 6 A.

Tip: If you do not have time for the standard procedure, then the charging time can be reduced by increasing the current strength to values \u200b\u200bof 25-30 A, then charging will take place in 30-40 minutes. But such a forcing of the process negatively affects the battery, reducing its resource and it should be used only in exceptional cases, when time is more expensive than money.

Attention! It is necessary to turn on the charger in this sequence: battery - charger - MAINS, and not vice versa, otherwise fuses may fly into the charger. It is recommended to charge the battery in a ventilated non-residential area, since during the procedure, the electrolyte heats up and part of it actively evaporates.

If the battery fails on the road without access to the mains

These are the most problematic cases, especially if the business takes place outside busy highways. But even for them there are methods of solution that allow starting the engine in the field with outside help and even doing it yourself.

Method 2: how to start a car with acceleration from external force

Even today, this is probably the most common method in the vastness of the entire CIS. It has two options:

  • From the "pusher".
  • From the tug.

Starting the engine from the "pusher"

To start a car using a similar method, you need to find several people who can accelerate the car by pushing it to the required speed.

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How many people are needed for this? It depends on the weight of the car, its warming up and the road surface. In order to successfully push a medium-weight passenger car, 2-3 adult men will be enough on an even and horizontal asphalt surface.

If your car stalls in a warm state on smooth asphalt, and it is not very heavy, then only one driver can push it, especially if there is a passing road slope.

How to push a car? This must be done, resting against the rear pillars and the luggage compartment - this is the safest way and if the car starts moving, then no one will get under the wheels.

Here is the algorithm for your actions:

  • The pushers are located behind the car and await the command.
  • The driver turns on the ignition and pumps fuel into the system.
  • The transmission is shifted to neutral and a push command is given.
  • When the car picks up a sufficient speed (at least 10 km / h, and preferably 12-15), the driver squeezes the clutch and turns on the 3rd or 4th speed (gear).
  • At the moment selected by the driver, the clutch is smoothly released, and the gas pedal is pressed a little, while the engine should start.
  • After a successful start, you need to quickly depress the clutch again and go to neutral, otherwise the engine may stall again.

Drivers should understand the dependence of the required pushing force on the gear level: the higher it is, the easier it will be for people to accelerate the car, so it is better not to use 2nd speed here.

Starting the engine from a tug

To start a car using a similar method, you need to find a vehicle that is able to accelerate your car to an acceptable speed (10-20 km / h).

How does this option differ from the previous one? The fact that there needs to be a special consistency of both drivers. The acceleration speed here will be higher and you need to make sure that when the clutch is released, the jerk is not too sharp, because because of this, the tow cables often burst, and the car sometimes skids, which can lead to an accident.

In other respects, the actions during towing are similar to those for the "pusher" option, except that with good acceleration, the second gear can also be used.

Well, special attention should be paid to the towing cable: it must be strong and at least 4 meters long, otherwise the towed vehicle can “kiss” its towing vehicle's rear in “gratitude”. Also, pay attention to the fastening of the tug, because if it has metal parts at the ends, then flying off in tension can damage the car or people nearby.

Both described options can be applied to all vehicles with manual transmission. Moreover, if you have injection engine, then the battery must have at least a small charge sufficient to pump fuel into the system. Carburetor cars can be started in this way even with a "dead" battery.

However, this method will not work for cars with automatic transmissions (or CVT transmissions).

Method 3: what to do if you have an automatic transmission

The "pusher" method on machines where the automatic transmission is installed will not work, because it is constructively impossible - such units have only one pump - for supplying oil, and even that one functions when the unit is running.

Here's what can help:

  • Remove the drive belt (outermost).
  • Wind the cord or tape around the loose head.
  • Set the lever to P or N.
  • Turn on the ignition and pull the tape.

The car can start, but in general, this technique is not very reliable, and is suitable only for cars with an engine volume of less than one and a half liters. If the volume is larger, then you should use one of the appropriate methods ("lighting" or ROM) described below.

I also want to clarify on the automatic transmission that there is information on the network that such cars can be started from a tug if you drive for some time with acceleration up to 50-60 km / h, and then switch the lever from N to position D. What is there reliably, it is that there are known cases of automatic transmission failure after such experiments. Do not forget that the automatic transmission is an extremely vulnerable unit and any violence against it can result in great losses.

Technically, I will add that when towing a car with an automatic transmission, the torque is not transmitted to the unit and piston group inactive. In this case, the car, of course, does not have the ability to start.

Method 4: start the car from the donor battery

This method, popularly called "lighting", is suitable for any car, but it assumes the presence of another car with a charged battery. Its essence is that the battery from the donor car, through special wires, is connected to the battery of your car and transfers it its charge, which is necessary to start the engine.

Alternatively, you can simply install someone else's working battery in place of yours, and then remove it, but the "lighting" method is still faster.

Here's what you need to do to start the car using the "lighting" method:

  1. You must have a special set of wires (cross-section from 16 mm2), which are popularly called "crocodiles" because of the spring-loaded pincer clamp for terminals on both ends of each wire. We also need the keys in the car, just in case with a head of 10.
  2. Install the cars so that the length of the wires is sufficient, but the cars must never touch each other - this is a must.
  3. In both vehicles, the entire electrical system is switched off. The donor car is muffled, and the negative terminal is removed from your car.
  4. Connect the positive crocodile wire (usually red) to the positive terminals of both machines.
  5. Connect the negative wire (usually black) with one "crocodile" to the negative terminal of the donor, and with the other to any unpainted part of your car: the part must be massive (body, engine).
  6. Try to start a car with a problem battery - sometimes it works right away, at this stage. If it did not work, then this means that the discharge is quite significant.
  7. Start the donor car and wait 10-20 minutes. Stop the donor engine and start your car. This time it usually works out.

That's the whole procedure. Shoot the crocodiles, thank the donor. But you must remember that such a method is acceptable if your problem is only in the battery, and not in the electrical circuits, otherwise the donor may be damaged.

Attention! It is by no means possible to start a problem car with the donor's engine running, since this can lead to damage to the donor's starter - at least the fuses will fly exactly.

Attention! If you have diesel car (for example, Kia Sid Turbo-Diesel, etc.), then it needs to be "lit" also from a diesel engine, since the starting current of gasoline cars is insufficient to start a diesel engine. But in the reverse order (if the donor is a diesel), you can start.

Method 5: how to start a car using a starter-charger

There is another good way to wind up a car with a low battery, which is also suitable for many cases. This refers to the use as a donor not of the battery of another car, but of a special starting-charger (ROM).

ROM is a portable source of electric current that can provide several engine starts, with a starter rotation duration of up to 15 seconds, in an autonomous mode.

Moreover, this device, if it is possible to connect to the mains, is able to quickly recharge your battery - in just 20 or 30 minutes. It is much more convenient to connect the ZPU - through the cigarette lighter of the passenger compartment, although it can also be connected directly to the battery.

The problem is that ZPUs are not particularly cheap devices, but nevertheless they are quite popular. Why? And because it allows drivers, in severe frosts (and in Russia there are many places with severe winters), not to drag the battery every time into a warm room, but simply "light up" the starter from the ZPU and that's it.

Method 6: starting the engine with a sling on the wheel

This is a rather interesting method that does not require the help of strangers, access to the mains, or special devices.

What is needed for this? Little:

  • An ordinary jack.
  • The sling is 5-6 m in length.

To start, you need to jack up any wheel from the drive axle (when all-wheel drive any wheel will do) and wind a sling around it. Then the ignition is turned on, the highest speed (4th, 5th or 6th) and a jerk is made for the wound line to give it torque.

This method is not suitable for cars with an engine capacity over one and a half thousand cubic meters, as well as for those equipped with an automatic transmission.

Attention! When starting the engine with a lanyard, the differential lock must be disabled. Cars for which it is impossible to disable the differential and those that have full permanent drive will not be able to start in this way.

Some people think that jerking a line on a wheel requires good health and masculine strength, but in fact, dexterity and the right effort at the right moment are important here. You can see the evidence of this, and at the same time more detailed details of the method, in this video, where an ordinary office lady copes with the sling, although not the first time:

Method 7: how to start a car with a bottle of wine?

This method belongs to the category of exotic, but it is quite effective. You can use it in a completely hopeless situation when you are left alone in an open field and do not even have a jack with a sling, but only have a bottle of wine.

With the help of this bottle, you can revive the battery and give a sufficient charge to the starter. How does this miracle method work?

Wine, best of all dry, with a minimum content of sugars, is poured directly into the electrolyte, which initiates a violent oxidative reaction. As a result of this chemical reaction the resistance of the battery decreases, and the voltage rises sharply, which is what we need.

However, it is possible to start the engine only at the moment of oxidation, and it passes rather quickly, so efficiency is important here. And one more thing: only 150 or 200 grams is enough to initiate oxidation. wine. You will drink the rest already at home for the repose of the battery, since this method works only once, permanently disabling the battery.

But sometimes there are times when the opportunity to start a car and leave is more expensive than buying a new battery.

How to start a car through a starter

What else? You may also have a situation when the battery is intact and charged, but the ignition behaves as if it is completely "dead" and many mistakenly sin on the battery.

The reason for this may be various malfunctions in the electrical system, but in this case you can start the car to get to the service station directly through the starter, closing the retractor terminal and the bendix terminal on it with a regular screwdriver, for example.

This method does not belong to the category used with a dead battery, but I mentioned it just in case, so that you know that a similar problem may arise, and I will tell you more about the malfunctions of various nodes of the machine's electrical network in other publications.

You can see clearly how the car starts up through the starter in this video:

  • The codes of the connected interior electronics can be erased when the battery terminals are disconnected, therefore, if you are not sure about the possibility of their recovery, then it is recommended to completely disconnect the battery only in a service station.
  • At very low temperatures (below 20 ° C), starting the car from the cigarette lighter donor may not work.
  • During any operations with battery charging: recharging, "lighting", etc., try to avoid excessive sparking, because during the process this can lead to an explosion of the battery due to the ignition of electrolyte gases escaping outside. The explosion is usually not violent, but this will completely destroy the battery and may spill corrosive electrolyte.


Now you will feel more confident behind the wheel knowing that in the event of a battery failure, the engine can be started from the cigarette lighter, the starter-charger, simply from the pusher and even with a sling or a bottle of wine.

Tell us how you started the engine using your methods and if you know any other, then write about it all the more! It is interesting for everyone. In the same place, ask questions to which you will definitely receive a qualified answer.

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Automatic transmissions are not uncommon for a long time, almost half modern cars equipped with this type of transmission. It could be more, but not all motorists choose automatic transmission. And there are reasons for that - the higher price of the car and the expensive replacement of the box if it breaks down. Some more buyers are alarmed by the negative answer to the question of whether it is possible to start the car with an automatic machine from the pusher (we will analyze this in more detail a little later).

Despite some minor flaws, cars with automatic transmission are much more convenient to use in urban environments and on highways, which attracts drivers. It is much easier to withstand the traffic jam for many hours when you don't have to jerk the gear lever or keep your foot on the clutch pedal until you turn blue. With automatic transmission, you can relax and rest, periodically pressing the gas, and sometimes simply releasing the brake pedal.

Types of automatic transmissions

At the moment, there are three types of automatic transmissions:

  • It completely separates the engine and wheels. They are not directly connected to each other, and the torque is transmitted by turbines through a special fluid. Modern boxes are additionally equipped with electronic devices that allow setting various operating modes. And it is also possible to imitate manual gear shifting, although it will be generally controlled by the automatic machine;

  • Robotic mechanics. Such a box is not very popular with drivers. It is adapted mainly for a calm and smooth ride, but it is much more difficult to cope with acceleration. By the type of control, this is an ordinary machine, not related to mechanics. A typical robot is equipped with one clutch, which is not enough for smooth gear shifting. There is often a feeling of "thrown clutch" when accelerating. The machine seems to convulsively jumps over the gears and does not have time to work them out to the end, which causes slight "jabs". A robot with two clutches has recently been developed (e.g. DSG for Volkswagen and DCT for BMW). Here things are much better and the car copes with acceleration, but the service life of such a transmission is so unpredictable and often short that there is even an official petition of many thousands from the owners of such "experiments" demanding a free DSG replacement even after the warranty expires. Moreover, in Europe, such a complaint was considered and fulfilled, agreeing with the imperfection of the automatic transmission, but in Russia the manufacturers are still in no hurry to admit the low reliability of the robot;

  • Variable speed drive (continuously variable transmission, CVT). In fact, this is the same hydraulics, only without fixed gears. A car with this automatic transmission will move smoothly without changing the sound of the engine and gradually increase the revs without throwing them off from gear shifting, as in the hydraulic version. This is an economical option in terms of fuel, but the working resource is small and it may be necessary to replace the main components of the box before reaching 200 thousand kilometers.

How to start a car on a machine for dummies

Any action taken for the first time inspires fear and uncertainty. And even such a simple manipulation as starting an automatic car can be difficult for a beginner.

The specificity of the automatic transmission needs protection against improper start. And such protection was invented immediately, along with the box. Therefore, a person who first sat behind the wheel of a machine gun and does not know the basic rules for starting can suffer for a long time with ignition.

Consider how to start a car automatic step by step:

  • When starting the engine, the gear lever must be in the "P" (parking) or "N" (neutral) position - this is the only way the blocking system will miss the start signal. In other positions, turning the key will either be impossible completely, or nothing will happen during its turn. When choosing between "P" and "N", it is better to use the P parking mode - in this case, the car is protected from rolling down a slope, and the oil is better distributed inside the transmission. As for the neutral gear, its manufacturers advise to include it only in case of emergency towing;

  • In the question of how to properly start the car, it is not enough just to switch the lever - in most models there is additional protection in the form of a brake pedal. Until it is squeezed out, the engine will not start. This is a kind of indicator of the driver's readiness to move and protects against accidental rolling of the car when starting in neutral mode. You need to depress the pedal simultaneously with the turn of the key;

  • At any modern car, whether manual gearbox or automatic, there is a steering wheel and lock from theft. If the first two steps are performed correctly, and the key does not turn and the steering wheel does not turn, then this is a protective function. To unlock, you need to insert the key into the ignition and try to turn it lightly while turning the steering wheel to the right and left. With synchronized actions, the stupor of the units will subside and everything will work again.

How to start a car automatically from a pusher

The Internet is filled with a wide variety of information about cars. What can you not find here - and how dangerous false information can be! Many sites write seriously that it is possible to start a car automatically from a pusher. At the same time, they give a bunch of theoretical knowledge that this is really real. They usually have no practical evidence, only rumors and speculation.

Let's begin with that there is no direct contact between the engine and wheels in the automatic transmission... The torque is transmitted by means of a working fluid and auxiliary computer programs. In order for the car to start moving, it must be started. Otherwise, the systems just don't work.

The same goes for the reverse "pusher" process. The engine will not receive a signal from the fact that the wheels start spinning. But the box will take the whole blow and it will no longer be restored.

Yes, there is a legend that if you accelerate the car in neutral gear to 60 - 70 km / h, preheat the automatic transmission fluid to 50 degrees, and suddenly turn on "D", the car will start. But it's better not to check it - the result is pretty predictable. In general, a car with Automatic transmission cannot be started from the pusher.

How to start a car with a dead battery

This problem is often encountered in winter. On especially frosty days, many car owners cannot cope with starting the engine on their own.
Cars equipped with a manual gearbox can be started from a pusher or a flexible hitch. There are many options.

But what to do if the battery runs out, how to start a car with a gun? Unfortunately, there is only one option - to bring the battery back to life and try again. Here "lighting" from a neighbor, a warm bath for the battery, charging the battery, if you have a device, replacing it with a new one will do.

If all else fails, you can try to warm up the car itself by transporting it by tow truck to a warm box. It is better not to overtake in tow, at least because the brake boosters do not work in an uncooked car, and it becomes almost impossible to depress the pedal on the way.

How to start a car automatically without a starter

The Internet also offers options for fabulous engine starts. Looking at the question really, the answer is also quite simple - not at all. You need to take the car to the service and change the starter.

ACKP does not imply extreme types of engine starting. And the only answer to the question of how to start a car with an automatic transmission will be a standard car manual.

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