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Autonomous engine heating. Types of engine preheaters for diesel

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For probably five years now, motorists have not believed that a device to facilitate starting a motor in winter time Is a luxury. A warmed-up car is an important condition for its normal operation. Heating the internal combustion engine allows not only to reduce fuel consumption and the load on the battery, but also to almost completely avoid wear of the components of the power unit. To implement such a function domestic motorists more and more often they use Webasto and Eberspächer products, and we will analyze the features of each of them.

Design: which autonomous liquid engine heater is better for a passenger car

While some car owners are talking about whether it is necessary others prefer to use independent water heaters. At its core, it is a stove that runs on light or heavy fuel.

Its own pump pumps fuel into the combustion chamber of the device, where a fuel-air mixture is formed. It is ignited by a ceramic pin. If someone has not yet decided which engine heater is best to install, it is useful to know that ceramic requires less current to heat than metal. This saves battery power.

Long-standing competition

Both companies are from Germany. Both Webasto Gruppe and Eberspacher Climate Control Systems manufacture heating technology for cars and other vehicle... At the beginning of the century, there was serious competition between these manufacturers.

Eberspächer has positioned itself as a cheaper solution with its Hydronic range of heaters. However, practice has shown that such devices are inferior in reliability to Webasto. The reason for this picture was software upgrades that Eberspacher engineers introduced to increase the power of their products. But the firmware often clashed with the control electronics, which led to a high probability of malfunctions.

Structurally, the units also had differences. And again, Hydronic did not excel here, too. The flame tube mesh was constantly clogged when using poor quality fuel, causing problems with the glow plugs. As a result, to buy an autonomous engine heater and which unit is better to choose from - in those days, such questions did not cause difficulties.

The situation has changed in recent years. Now the cost of both products has leveled off, and the quality is at the same level. And with the release of the new Eberspacher Hydronic S3, the competition has almost leveled off.

Design features

Starting with the second generation Hydronic 2, the engineers not only eliminated the problematic issues with the firmware, but also changed the design of the device. It has become smaller and more efficient. This means that the main factors when choosing a liquid heater are the dimensions and functionality of the two brands.

Both firms produce models that run on both diesel and gasoline. Of particular interest to experienced users is the design of the basic part - the flame tube. Both manufacturers in the field of the fire diffuser install a special tablet, which is a pressed metal sponge.
Eberspächer has taken two more solutions here:
  • An additional mesh was installed on top of the tablet to maintain the shape of the part during operation.
  • The cylindrical mesh in the fire tube was removed from the structure; in the early models, it had to be periodically cleaned.

In both heaters, a ceramic glow plug is located above the pellet. The connection system of some models differs quite significantly. For example, Webastov's Thermo Top Evo is equipped with only two connections to the cooling system.

Hydronic has three such pipes, which allows the unit to operate in several modes. This factor sometimes plays a decisive role in the question of which engine preheater is better to put in the car system. There are also three ways to connect the device:

  • Traditional - one of the pipes is muffled, and the heater will heat the internal combustion engine circuit and the cabin radiator.
  • Heating up the cabin in priority - first of all, the interior radiator heats up to 67 ° C, and the engine system is disabled during this period. After that, the motor circuit opens and both systems are heated.
  • Warm up the engine in priority - the system is connected by analogy with the second method, but here the motor first warms up, and only after that both circuits work, including the interior.

The devices are switched on from standard remote controls, buttons in the cabin, mini-timer or from mobile phone through an alarm with a GSM module. Additional equipment is supplied for a separate price, and its installation is complex, so usually the work is entrusted to the masters.

Another positive aspect of the design is the ability to start the device without turning on the ignition and maintain a comfortable temperature in the cabin. At the same time, fuel consumption is reduced to 17 liters, compared to standard autostart systems.

New generation Eberspacher

The third generation Hydronic S3 Economy is lightweight, about two kilograms, as well as the presence of a stepless power adjustment of the unit. The manufacturer took care of the reliability of the case, improving the protection against salts and moisture, which immediately affected the service life of the unit.

The engineers did not forget about the comfort of motorists by developing the new EasyFan control unit. To understand which autonomous heater for engine coolant is better, it is worth mentioning the advantages of the newly made controller:

  • Warm-up time is shortened.
  • Automatic activation of the settings of the fan and dampers of the climate system of the car at the initial stage of the heater.
  • After the end of operation of the device, the dampers take the position of the start settings.

The package includes new angled pipes that can rotate 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees. These parts, together with redesigned brackets, allow the Hydronic S3 to be quickly attached to the vehicle.

We decide: which liquid engine heater is better to put on a passenger car

For an ordinary consumer, such a factor as ease of choice is important. And here the leading place is occupied by Webasto, offering only two types of boilers with a capacity of 4 and 5 kW for cars with an engine volume of up to five liters:

  1. Webasto Thermo-Top EVO Start.
  2. Webasto Thermo-Top EVO Comfort +.

Eberspächer will not be able to make a quick choice. There are six boiler varieties available, which include spaced and non-spaced versions (compact and standard) and the Comfort series. Each option includes 4 and 5 kW heaters. This factor allows you to more finely select a heating system for your own car.

Hydronic boiler classification

  • Compact - the model is marked with the letter "C" at the end of the factory index. In the diesel version, liquid and fuel pumpthey are located in the heater housing. In the gasoline version, the fuel pump is installed separately due to the possible airing of the feed pipe at elevated temperatures.
  • Standart - the device of this category contains the letter "S" in its name, for example, B4W S. The fuel and circulation pumps are installed separately from the unit. This makes it possible to use the device in the most inaccessible places in the engine compartment. By the way, Webasto has followed the same path. Therefore, it will not be easy for a beginner to choose which one is better to put a heater for a car engine - additional information is needed.
  • Comfort - such a unit can be configured for priority heating of the passenger compartment or for priority heating of the engine. The price of such an instance is higher than the cost of a standard heater.

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Already mentioned above new model 2017 Hydronic S3 Economy with low noise level and stepless heating degree control. The average power consumption of a device with a liquid pump is only about 50 W, so if it is correct , there will be no operational problems in winter.

Additional equipment for heaters

Both companies offer a large selection additional equipment to control the heating device. In addition to salon timers, it is possible to purchase:

  • Remote control by phone with a free smartphone app.
  • Remote radio control.
  • Telephone remote control system with Android and iOS apps.

Salon timers Webasto also have a diagnostic function. In turn, Eberspacher has implemented only one solution - a diagnostic device EasyScan for service stations. But the control of Hydronic can be activated through an additional signaling channel.

Maintenance and repair

Today's prices for the products of these manufacturers are practically the same. Therefore, many buyers are interested not only in the question of which is the best to buy an autonomous engine heater, but also in the cost of repairs and the possibility of warranty restoration of the device.

Practice has shown that Webasto is more costly in repair cases than Hydronic. The latter has a lot of opportunities for minor repairs, while Webasto uses the practice of modular replacement, which significantly increases the cost of the process itself.

The warranty obligations for both companies are two years from the date of installation of the device on the car. But the terms of guarantees are different - the Webasto one is fuller, for example, the glow plug is provided with a certificate, while the Hydronic does not.


Ebersprecher products are cheaper, moreover, if you wish, you can save on the control panel, the price of which reaches 12,000 rubles. The heaters function no worse than their eminent competitor - Webasto, and the third generation Hydronic S3 Economy is also much quieter.

The Eberspacher range allows you to choose optimal configuration heating system of the power unit. There are certain nuances and differences in warranty obligations that should be carefully studied. Here it all depends on trust in a particular brand.

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Preheater engine will allow the owner of a car equipped with such a device, with the arrival of cold weather, to save a lot of time, nerves and energy. If you are faced with the task of choosing and installing an engine preheater for your car, we are ready to help you understand this issue.

An engine heater is a necessary attribute of a car that is operated in severe winter conditions. In this article, we will consider the types of pre-heaters, their strengths and weaknesses, and also give recommendations for installation, connection and operation.

You can watch a video instruction on installing a 220V pump pre-heater for an engine at the bottom of this page.

Of course, in our country there are enough craftsmen who are able to make a pre-heater with their own hands. But we strongly recommend not to engage in "amateur performances", but to give preference to high-quality factory products from manufacturers who have positive reviews from motorists.

First, let's define what an engine preheater is. This is a special device that heats up the liquid in the car's cooling system (antifreeze) and makes it easier to start the engine at low temperatures.

The need for pre-heating disappears if the car constantly spends the night in a warm garage, as well as if the winter in the region is mild and the temperature rarely drops below -5 ° C.

Prestarting heaters fundamentally differ in design options and power sources, and are divided into two categories:

  1. Electric engine preheaters are devices powered by an external power source. They are simple, therefore they have a low cost, and, as a rule, they are connected to an ordinary household outlet with a voltage of 220V.
  2. Autonomous engine preheaters have a more complex design, and their price is noticeably higher than for electric ones. They are powered either from the vehicle's fuel system or have their own fuel tank.

Electric engine pre-heaters

The electric engine pre-heater is quite simple. Its design is a tungsten coil placed in a cylinder block. The heater is connected to an ordinary 220V socket, as a result of which the coil heats up and heats up the coolant.

Depending on the complexity and price, the electric pre-heater can be equipped with additional options:

  • device for recharging the battery;
  • fan;
  • timer-thermostat;
  • remote control.

Price electric heater a 220V motor largely depends on the presence or absence of certain functions.

The disadvantages of electric engine heaters include high power consumption. Do not be surprised if, in just one night, the heater winds an additional 10 kW / h on the meter.

As for the manufacturers, the products of the Norwegian company are the most demanded in our country. Defa.

Autonomous engine preheaters

An autonomous engine preheater is much more convenient than an electric one, since it does not tie the driver to a 220V outlet. Its principle of operation is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bnatural circulation of liquid (thermosyphon).

This means that the antifreeze warmed up in it rises up (according to the law of physics about a decrease in the density of the heated substance), leaves the heater and enters the engine cooling system. There it cools down and enters the heater again. This is how a closed cycle is formed.

For the first time such mechanisms appeared in Scandinavia and some other northern countries. Gradually, they got to Russia. The main task of this technique is to maintain a constant temperature of the antifreeze at about 20 ° C.

Installation of an autonomous heater is carried out in one of 2 ways:

  1. Connecting to the car power supply system;
  2. Connection to the cooling system.

The engine type (petrol or diesel) does not play any role.

The principle of operation of the autonomous engine heater is quite simple:

  • an air-fuel mixture is supplied to a small combustion chamber, which is subsequently ignited by a candle;
  • the hollow walls of the combustion chamber are a heat exchanger (antifreeze circulates through them);
  • as a result of fuel combustion, the antifreeze in the heat exchanger heats up to the required temperature;
  • after heating, the pump supplies warm antifreeze to the small circuit of the engine cooling system.

The advantage of an autonomous engine heater is that, in addition to making it easier to start the engine, it provides almost instantaneous heating of the car interior, as well as defrosting of the windows. Installation of such an installation is possible in almost any convenient place under the hood.

The most popular manufacturers of autonomous heaters are companies Webasto and Eberspacher... They manufacture heaters for both diesel engines and gasoline engines.

In addition to standard functions, the list of available options for stand-alone models includes:

  • timer-thermostat;
  • remote control;
  • control connection to a mobile phone.

DIY engine preheater

Can I make an engine preheater with my own hands? The video below shows just one of these homemade products.

The fact that many do not want to spend money on installing an electric heating of the engine and intend to do it on their own is not surprising. Russia has never complained about the lack of self-taught inventors, so there are many examples of such crafts.

Homemade heaters are made from a variety of materials. Most often, at home, they try to warm up the engine with devices:

  • based on a blowtorch;
  • from a tungsten spiral;
  • from wire, and other improvised means.

All homemade engine heaters have two big disadvantage - this is a fire hazard (cases when cars and garages caught fire because of such devices are not isolated) and their low efficiency. So it is better not to save on the purchase of a high-quality pre-heater.

You can install the engine preheater with your own hands, since this process does not require any special knowledge and skills. Of course, a visit to a car service is always preferable, because there the whole range of work will be performed by professionals who will save time, as well as give a guarantee for work.

If you do not want to take money to the station or there is no way to stay without a car for a while, you can install the engine heater yourself (usually the installation instructions are included).

Video instruction for installing an electric 220V heater with your own hands, see below. The installation procedure for the heater is as follows:

  1. Draining antifreeze (it must be drained to 2 liters);
  2. Disconnecting the stove pipes from the engine cooling system;
  3. Installation of a heater and its connection to the system;
  4. Assembly (you need to tighten the unscrewed nuts);
  5. Pouring antifreeze.

The whole process will take no more than 2-3 hours.

The advantages of installing an engine preheater are obvious:

  • noticeable extension of the motor's resource;
  • saving fuel on engine warming up;
  • saving time;
  • environmental protection.

By the way, if you do not have an engine heater installed yet, you can familiarize yourself with simple tipshow to start a car in frost.

Video instructions for installing a 220V engine heater from "Longfei"

Preheat the engine in winter period can be simple and easy if you install a heater. If you are not yet aware of such a possibility, let's look at this information in more depth.

Such heating can be carried out using electric heaters that operate both from the vehicle's mains and from the socket.

To begin with, the electric heating of the 220V engine is carried out with the installation of a preheating system.

Such devices work by connecting to a household network.

The engine coolant increases its temperature due to the fact that it is heated by a thermocouple. The circulation of the heat carrier begins through the system of a small circle of cooling. As soon as the required temperature is reached, the thermostat is connected to work in order to disconnect the heater from the network.

Thus, heating the engine electrically prevents the coolant from overheating. The temperature system is automatically regulated, so such a device can be left on overnight without worrying about possible overheating.

In general, everything is very simple. However, in order to understand the general essence of the work, let's take a closer look at what such a system consists of.

On sale you can find several types for heating the engine using 220 volts. Which boilers to choose ?!

DEFA WarmUp heating system

This Norwegian device, although simple, is very reliable.

Heating elements are designed for many engine models and are installed in the engine plugs.

The work process is simple: "Boiler" - heats up the coolant, and with it the oil is heated. This device can work even without a control module.

Those who prefer comfort can use the complete set of Defa heating and install:

  • a heating module in the cabin, which is fast;
  • a battery charger that will ensure that the battery is fully charged throughout the winter;
  • module for managing the entire system;
  • smartStart control panel, works from a distance of up to 1200 meters;
  • special cable for 220V network.

The price of a 220v engine heating system from Defa depends on the configuration and brand of the vehicle.

Take a look interesting video about defa preheaters:

There are similar analogs and domestic productionbut the quality is lame!

Other electric heaters

On the market you can buy boilers for heating the motor of other famous brands, eg:

  • Start-M;
  • Severs-M.

How do these electric boilers work?

When the device is connected to a 220V outlet, the coolant is heated in its body and with the help of a valve, due to the pressure difference, directed circulation (antifreeze) through the heating and cooling system of the vehicle is obtained.

And the thermostat is designed to prevent overheating of the device itself and the cooling liquid.

How to install heating yourself?

In the purchased kit there is an installation manual that will help you install the pre-start electric boiler yourself.

All instructions are different depending on the device model, but the installation principle is usually as follows:

  1. drain the coolant;
  2. fix the electrical appliance to the cylinder block;
  3. instead of a temperature sensor, put a tee fitting and screw the temperature sensor into it, and put a branch for the hose through which the heated liquid will flow;
  4. instead of the drain plug (tap) on the cylinder block, put a branch for the hose for the cold liquid that will go into heating;
  5. tighten the clamps on the hoses;
  6. pour (antifreeze).

Useful video, 220V engine heating, operating principle and installation on a VAZ 2110:

Methods for heating a diesel engine in winter and which type of heater to choose?

There are good equipment on the market for heating a diesel engine in winter. Mainly produced kinds of electric heaters, powered by the car network for heating fuel system diesel engine.

What types are there:

  • heaters for fine filters, installed inside the filter;
  • flow heaters, mounted in the fuel line;
  • bandage heaters, put on the filter housing;
  • heaters of the posistor type, installed in the fuel intake in the fuel tank;
  • autonomous engine heaters (liquid), mounted in any cars.

Watch the video, Heated filter separator:

Video review of heaters diesel fuel Nomakon:

When choosing a heater, I recommend paying attention to the engine design and parking conditions. Self-contained heaters require a supply of fuel in the tank and an excellent condition of the battery. Storage heaters are beneficial for frequent use.

pay attention to electric heaters from the 220V network. An electric option is a win-win for a diesel engine. They are inexpensive. They are especially relevant in cases where the car is located in the garage or at home.

Can be purchased to save budget models Severs, Electrostart or Defa.

Efficiency of engine heating using the Webasto system

Those who are not constrained in funds can use the engine heating, as it allows you to get rid of a number of unpleasant moments in the winter. This system is produced by German manufacturers in two varieties.

In general, the device is a small combustion chamber. It is mounted in the engine compartment and connected to the cooling system. When antifreeze is heated, the engine heats up. Through the cooling system, the liquid moves through the radiator of the stove due to the operation of an autonomous pump.

Liquid pre-heater - device and principle of operation

Know! The system helps maintain the optimum temperature in the cabin, no matter how many degrees outside. However, with such a system, fuel consumption becomes slightly higher.

However, if you try to compare the possibility of prolonged engine warm-up in the absence of a heating system, then this consumption is compensated. At the same time, the driver gets maximum comfort and convenience, since he will have to forget about such a problem as a cold steering wheel and seats.

Engine preheater allows you to heat the power unit in order not only to ensure its easier start, but also to reduce the load on the battery, the starter, as well as rubbing vapors inside the motor itself. Currently, there are two main types of engine preheaters. The first one is a self-contained liquid one that runs on fuel. The second type is electric, powered by a household electrical network with a voltage of 220 V or a standard 12V onboard network.

Both autonomous and stationary heaters have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before answering the question of which engine preheater to install, you must additionally familiarize yourself with their descriptions and features. Below is a list of popular pre-heaters that will help motorists choose the most suitable sample for it. And based on the possibilities, establish by comparing the indicators of each.

Liquid engine heater

A self-contained liquid apparatus is, according to statistics, the most popular type of engine preheaters. In fact, it is an additional stove that runs directly on gasoline or diesel fuel (on the same fuel as the engine itself). The device is an electric heater based on a ceramic pin, which, in turn, is connected to a standard battery. Due to its physical characteristics to achieve high temperature heating ceramics do not need a large current.

Another unit of the system is an additional pump that pumps fuel from the tank into the combustion chamber, where it is ignited due to contact with the aforementioned glowing pin. The resulting heat is transferred to a heat exchanger. On the other hand, with the help of a pump, antifreeze of the car engine is pumped, thereby heating up. Positive feature of such a liquid engine heater is that warm antifreeze is naturally pumped to the radiator of a standard stove. This allows you to heat not only the engine, but also the internal volume of the machine. Moreover, the interior fan does not turn on immediately, but only when the temperature of the antifreeze reaches approximately + 30 ° C (the exact temperature differs for specific models).

When the temperature of the antifreeze reaches approximately + 70 ° C (again, it depends on the specific model), the 12 Volt engine preheater, as motorists sometimes call it, goes into the so-called half mode, that is, it reduces power, and then completely goes into Standby mode. If the antifreeze temperature has dropped by about 20 ° C from the optimum, then the heater turns on again and a new cycle starts.

Experts recommend using a liquid engine heater from the moment when the ambient temperature drops to + 5 ° C. This is due to the fact that the clearances of a cold engine are larger than those of a heated one, which means that the wear between its rubbing pairs will be higher. Accordingly, the lower the engine start temperature, the higher the wear of its parts will be. The gaps are completely leveled at a temperature of approximately + 90 ° C. Accordingly, the use of an engine heater can significantly reduce engine wear, especially in the cold season.

The fuel consumption of the autonomous liquid engine heater is about 600 ... 700 ml per hour.

Its additional advantage is the autonomy of control (by a timer in the cabin, remote control or a GPS module). Please note that the installation of a liquid heater for a fuel-powered engine is quite complex and responsible. In particular, air should not be allowed to enter the system, which can lead to system failure and even fire. Therefore, it is advisable to exclude the independent installation of this system, and entrust the corresponding work to the masters in the car service. This is all the more relevant since when insuring a car, insurance agents always take into account the presence of a heater in the design of the car, and the corresponding documents for their installation (who, when and where installed). And in the event of an insured event, this can create additional troubles for the car owner.

It should be noted that the operation of a liquid heater involves the use of electrical energy from a storage battery. Hence, the following conclusions should be drawn:

  1. The battery must be, if not new, then at least in good technical condition, that is, it is normal to hold charge / discharge.
  2. The battery must be well charged beforehand, because even after a few minutes of heater operation, it can significantly discharge the battery, making it impossible to start even a warm engine.
  3. The battery must have a good reserve capacity, that is, the operating time without recharging from the car generator.

When choosing good car battery, there are many factors to consider. In particular, its type, capacity value, cold cranking current, brand, price. The best batteries in 2019 are

If the warm-up took place in the normal mode, and the engine was started, then you should not immediately move from a place. Remember that the oil in the gearbox and various systems (for example, CV joints, bearings) is cold and thick. Therefore, it is necessary to stand in place for a while in order to allow these process fluids to become more fluid. Well, the first kilometers of the way in frosty time, it is advisable to drive in a leisurely mode and at low engine speeds.

Summing up the information, it should be noted that autonomous liquid engine heaters have the following advantages:

Separate units of autonomous and electric heaters

  1. Autonomy, that is, they do not depend on any external power sources, they can be used at any parking lot.
  2. High operating efficiency, while cyclic operation is allowed to maintain the antifreeze temperature in a given range.
  3. Ease of use, the presence of several control modes (depending on the configuration of a particular model).

However, these units also have disadvantages:

  1. The operation of the heater presupposes a good, charged battery. If it is old and does not hold a charge, then either you need to refuse to use the device, or replace the battery.
  2. Complexity of installation. In this case, it is imperative to observe not only safety regulations, but also the correct installation. It is advisable to carry out the installation in a special car service.
  3. The high cost of the equipment.

Please note that in accordance with the European Agreement on International Transport, it is not possible to install autonomous engine preheaters on vehicles intended for the transport of dangerous goods.

Electric engine pre-heater

In this case, the design of an electric heater means that it will simply be cut into the cooling system, and, while heating up, will heat the coolant. Moreover, the device works from a household network with a voltage of 220 volts. The heater plug is usually hidden in a special niche in the bumper area of \u200b\u200bthe car. Accordingly, it needs access to a household outlet to operate. The first inconvenience is obvious. The second drawback is that in this case only the engine itself warms up, and the interior remains cold.

However, there are sets of 220 V engine pre-heaters, which include additional "goodies". In particular, many manufacturers also offer a thermal heating module with a fan for heating the passenger compartment. It usually works before the start of a full-time car stove... Another useful element is battery recharging. The charging process comes from an external source, and this only contributes to the subsequent easy start of the engine, and this will not damage any battery. In the most "sophisticated" versions, the set includes a remote control with a timer. However, in this case, it is necessary to understand that the remote control will not independently connect the wires to the outlet, so they must be connected first by yourself, and only the system is controlled remotely.

There are different models of heaters that work in different conditions. Therefore, the heating time of the coolant will be different for them. On average, in half an hour, a heating device is able to heat up a cold liquid to a temperature of + 50 ° C ... + 90 ° C.

From a safety point of view, an electric heater is much safer than a stand-alone one. However, the above warnings are also valid for him. It is desirable that the system has a control timer and temperature feedback (it turns off the heating element when the maximum set temperature level is reached, and turns it on again when the minimum set temperature level is reached). If there are no monitoring devices, then it is imperative to periodically monitor the heating procedure, since there is always a risk of engine overheating and even its fire as a result!

As in the previous case, after starting the engine, the movement should be moderate so that the process fluids in various car systems become more fluid and do not wear out the corresponding actuators.

The advantages of a 220 V engine preheater include:

  1. The standard car battery does not discharge.
  2. Fuel is not consumed from the tank.
  3. Low price compared to an autonomous heater, the basic configuration is available for almost any car owner.
  4. A simple installation that you can handle with your own hands.

Of the shortcomings of an electric heater, it should be noted only that a household electrical outlet is required in the immediate vicinity of the car (usually through an extension cord, but this still “ties” the car to a specific place). It is this drawback that leaves its mark on the features of using an electric pre-heater for a car engine. It is most often used in garage conditions... You can, of course, unwind the carrier in the parking lot or from the window of the apartment, but this brings obvious inconveniences.

The best autonomous engine heaters

The editors of our website reviewed the engine pre-heaters, which are most popular among domestic motorists. It included both autonomous and electric heaters. The rating is not of a commercial nature and does not advertise any device presented in it. The purpose of this list is to help car owners answer the question - which is the best engine preheater. Let's start our review with autonomous heaters, as the most common ones.

WEBASTO Thermo TOP E / Thermo TOP C

Heaters of the German company WEBASTO are leaders in this market segment. Among its products there are heaters in various configurations with different software. Some of the most popular models are Thermo TOP E and Thermo TOP C. Looking ahead, it is worth noting that these options differ only in power output. For TOP E, it is 4.2 kW, and for TOP C - 5.2 kW. Accordingly, TOP E is recommended to be installed on small and medium-sized machines (engine size), and TOP C can be installed on big motorsfor example off-road vehicles.


Prestarting heater "Webasto" works according to the classic scheme described above. The coolant pump forcibly pumps heated antifreeze through the system. The electronic part of the heater is highly automated. In particular, it automatically turns on the interior heater fan when the coolant temperature is sufficient. In addition, the software is configured in such a way that ensures maximum system safety. In particular, it diagnoses the general condition of the system, and does not start in the event of a break in wires, hoses, pump failure, and so on. That is, in terms of security, this is one of the best systems.

The standard equipment includes a direct heater, a circulation pump, a mini-timer and a remote control. The power consumption of the TOP E system is 22 W, and the TOP C system is 32 W, which they take from the car battery. This is comparable to the operation of a single low beam lamp. The volumetric flow of the circulation pump is 500 liters per hour (counter pressure value 0.14 bar). It can be used for gasoline and diesel engines (when purchasing, pay attention to the design). Fuel consumption in full load mode is: for gasoline - 0.57 / 0.67 liters per hour (TOP E / TOP C), for diesel fuel - 0.47 / 0.59 liters per hour. Heater weight - 3.2 kg. The established time frame of work is 10 ... 60 minutes. IN basic configuration the heater starts automatically based on the information received from the available timer.

Note that there is additional option (switch "winter / summer"), allowing it to be used in the warm season to reduce the temperature in the cabin (instead of the air conditioner). This can be done by turning on the fan and ventilating the passenger compartment. In more "advanced" versions, the heater is equipped with a remote control operating at a distance of up to 500 ... 600 meters. One of the modifications of the remote control - Telestart, informs the car owner whether the signal has reached the executive bodies or not.

Heaters "Webasto" meet European safety requirements, but it is better to entrust their installation to car service workers. And you need to use them either outdoors or in a room with good forced ventilation. The product is guaranteed for two years from the date of installation on the vehicle. The only drawback of this device is its high price.

Currently, a more modern version of the heater from the Webasto company - WEBASTO THERMO TOP EVO START, is more common on the market. They are available for gasoline and diesel engines. The article number of the heater for the gasoline engine is 1325916A. The part number of the heater for the diesel engine is 1325915A. The average price of a gasoline heater as of the beginning of 2019 is about 40 thousand rubles, and a diesel one is about 35 thousand rubles.


The Eberspächer group of companies produces various heating equipment for vehicles of different sizes and capacities, including engine heaters. In particular, for passenger carsmobiles, the Hydronic S3 series is available. It includes four heaters - B4E and B5E for gasoline engines, and D4E and D5E for diesel engines. They are all powered by a 12 volt battery. Output power regulation - stepless. Their weight is the same and is 2 kilograms. The overall dimensions are also the same - 215 mm × 91 mm × 124 mm. Their liquid pump capacity is 600 liters per hour.

Other specifications by model:


  • B4E... Heating capacity - 1.8 ... 4.3 kW. Electric power consumption without pump - 24 W, with pump 42 W. Fuel consumption - 0.57 liters per hour.
  • B5E... Heating capacity - 1.8 ... 5.0 kW. Electric power consumption without pump - 32 W, with pump 50 W. Fuel consumption - 0.67 liters per hour.
  • D4E... Heating capacity - 1.3 ... 4.3 kW. Electric power consumption without pump - 24 W, with pump 42 W. Fuel consumption - 0.53 liters per hour.
  • D5E... Heating capacity - 1.3 ... 5.0 kW. Electric power consumption without pump - 32 W, with pump 50 W. Fuel consumption - 0.59 liters per hour.

Prestarting heaters of the Hydronic engine are distinguished by their high efficiency and ease of operation. The device works according to the classical method described above. With it, you can warm up the coolant, as well as the car interior. Including . At start-up, the heater takes 135 W of power from the battery.

The heater is controlled via an electronic unit. In addition to direct control, it is designed to track emergency situations and turn off the device. So, the permissible operating voltage range from the battery is 10.5 ... 16 Volts, when the voltage goes beyond the specified limits, the heater is turned off. Similarly with pressure, if the pressure exceeds 2.5 bar, the device switches off in emergency mode... The permissible ambient temperature for a switched on heater must be between –40 ° C and + 60 ° C for petrol heaters and –40 ° C to + 80 ° C for heaters intended for installation on diesel engines.

Please note that Hydronic pre-heaters are sensitive to the quality of the fuel used. In particular, E85 ethanol must not be used in gasoline heaters. With regard to diesel heaters, it is imperative to use the so-called winter diesel fuel when the ambient temperature drops to –20 ° C and below. Also, you cannot use biodiesel with diesel heaters.

Prestarting heaters "Hydronic" are distinguished by simplicity and ease of control. In addition to the control panel itself, the optional EasyStart Text + telephone remote control system can also be used. With its help, the heater can be controlled using tone dialing, SMS messages or using a special mobile application. However, the telephone control system is not included in the basic package and must be purchased separately.

Each of the listed heaters has its own article. In particular, B4E -201963050000, B5E - 201952050000, D4E - 252694050000, D5E - 252652050000. There is also an additional installation kit for sale, which can be bought by the article number - 252652800000. The average gasoline heater in the basic configuration is 18 thousand rubles, and the diesel one is about 28 thousand rubles as of the beginning of 2019.

Teplostar 14TS

Domestic preheaters "Teplostar" are manufactured in the city of Samara, and are competitors to similar foreign models. Several such devices are currently being produced. The first one - Teplostar 04TC - is intended for installation on gasoline engines... The second is Teplostar 14TS-Mini-GP (is a more modern, improved and reduced version of the popular Teplostar 14TS-10 heater). It is intended for installation and operation with diesel engines.

The Teplostar 04TC gasoline heater works according to the classical principle described above. That is, it can be used to heat the engine coolant and the air in the car. The maximum heating power of the appliance is 4 kW. Power consumption is about 65 W from battery. The operating voltage of the heater is 16 V / 12 V / 10 V (maximum / nominal / minimum modes). Please note that when operating in maximum mode, the device needs a lot of voltage. Therefore, in order to ensure its normal operation, it is necessary to install a high-quality battery in the car and constantly maintain it in a fully charged state. Or operate the heater only in nominal or minimum mode (nominal will be quite enough). The capacity of the electric pump is 680 liters per hour. Gasoline consumption - 600 ml per hour. The weight of the heater with all components is about 8 kilograms.

The pre-heater starts up in manual or automatic mode, the electronics implies the use of one of three programmed start modes. The operating time of one cycle is 40 minutes. Operating temperature range - from -45 ° С to + 80 ° С. In warmer months, it can be used to ventilate the interior. And for preventive purposes at hot temperatures, it is recommended to turn on the device for 10 minutes every month.

The pump and other "rough" elements of the heater are mounted in engine compartment... And the control panel can be mounted either on the dashboard ("desktop" version), or in the roof lining in the area windshield ("Ceiling" option). The device can be controlled either from a stationary control panel or from a remote control (optional). The remote control works at a distance of up to 150 meters, and has no feedback (that is, it is not known whether the signal reached the heater and whether it turned on).

The design provides for four permissible operating positions when installing the heater. However, the manufacturer directly recommends delegating the installation of the device to car service workers. The heater is operated electronic unit with display. It displays information about the settings, as well as information about possible breakdowns... They are displayed in the form of specific codes, information on which can be found in the accompanying documentation. Also, the electronic unit monitors the safe operation of the heater and stops its operation (or does not allow it) in emergency situations.

Heater Teplostar 14TC-Mini-GP is a diesel analogue of the device described above. It provides heating of the diesel engine and heating of the vehicle interior. Using the electronic unit, you can set not only the start time of the pre-heater, but also the duration of its operation in the range from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Control is carried out either using a stationary or using a remote control unit. It is also possible to control the heater using a mobile phone, but for this you need to additionally buy a special modem.

There are heaters with an operating voltage of 12 V and 24 V. Here are the technical characteristics of a 12-volt device, as the most common. Output power: maximum / rated / minimum - 14/9/4 kW. Fuel consumption: maximum / nominal / minimum - 1.3 / 1.1 / 0.2 liters per hour. Power consumption of the heater: maximum / nominal / minimum - 110/95/74 W. Installation weight - 16 kilograms.

The price of a gasoline and diesel engine heater is approximately the same, and as of the beginning of 2019 it is about 25 thousand rubles. Diesel heater can be bought in any online store under the item number - SB2630.

Autonomous engine heater "Binar-5S"

Autonomous engine heater "Binar-5S" is produced by the same domestic company "Teplostar" from Samara. Can be used on gasoline and diesel engines working volume up to 5 liters. The minimum operating temperature is -45 ° C. When the coolant temperature reaches + 85 ° C, the heater switches to low power mode. After 20 ... 60 minutes of operation (depending on the temperature of the coolant in the engine) or after receiving a forced command from the car owner, the heater turns off.

There are various versions, in particular, for operation with a voltage of 12 V and 24 V. In the first case, the fuel consumption is 0.7 liters per hour, in the second - 0.62 liters per hour. In this case, the outgoing productive power is 5 ± 0.5 kW. And consumed from car battery power - 42 watts. The weight of the entire equipped set is 4.8 kg. The package includes all fasteners and other items required for easy and quick installation on its seat in the engine. The heater can be installed on any domestic and imported cars with the corresponding engine size, it has all permits and licenses for this.

The advantage of using the "Binar" engine heater is the convenience of its control. So, it can be controlled using:

Heater "Binar"

  • remote timer (traditionally included in the delivery set);
  • central locking / alarm control panel (if there is a corresponding free channel);
  • voice calls through mobile devices and corresponding applications installed on iOS, Android operating systems;
  • SMS messages from a mobile phone;
  • GSM modem (must be purchased separately), in this case the heater can be controlled theoretically from anywhere in the world where there is appropriate coverage.

The electronic control unit has a large list of additional commands and interlocks that ensure the safe operation of the device. In particular, he periodically conducts self-diagnostics, monitors the state of electrical and fluid systemsto which it is connected. In an emergency, it turns off and reports the accident to the car owner. The heater has a factory warranty of 18 months.

Popular electric heaters

The DEFA Warm Up preheater is popular not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. Produced in Norway by the eponymous company DEFA. The company specializes in the manufacture of such devices and has hundreds of heaters for specific machines in its product catalog. To choose a heater for your car - go to the official website of the company or its representative in your country.

Prestarting heater DEFA Warm Up

Despite the differences in size, the design is the same. The design is based on cylindrical and tubular heating elements. The first ones are built into the engine block in place of the technological plugs, and the second ones are mounted in the rubber pipes of the small circuit of the cooling system. However, cylindrical models are still more popular. They allow raising the coolant temperature by 40 ... 50 ° С. An additional advantage of Defa heaters is the ability to purchase a battery charger in the kit. That is, during the heating process, not only the engine heats up, but also the battery is recharged. This is especially convenient if your car has a "weak" battery. Moreover, the charger turns on immediately after connecting the device to the electrical network, regardless of whether the engine heater is on or not.

The DEFA Warm UP engine heater can be controlled in one of three ways. The first is direct or manual. In this case, it is imperative to control the heating process, in particular, the temperature of the coolant. The second is programmable, with feedback. In particular, the heating system is activated when the ambient temperature reaches the set value (one of five provided values). In this case, the engine heats up and the air in the passenger compartment is warmed up. The third is remote, using the appropriate remote control.

Installing the heater in the basic configuration will not cause problems even for a novice car enthusiast. The problem can arise unless the installation additional equipment as charger for the battery. In this case, it is advisable to seek help from a car service. The heater is guaranteed for 12 months.

The instructions for the device indicate that the design of the heater implies the use of its own protective equipment, in particular, interlocks and fuses. Therefore, you can leave the system turned on for as long as you like, while the engine does not overheat and this does not threaten unpleasant consequences. However, following prudence, it is still not worth leaving the heating device unattended for a long time and not using it for a very long time and for "prevention".

Based on the reviews found on the Internet, we can conclude that the DEFA Warm UP heater is an excellent solution for preheating the engine in a garage. The only drawback of the system is its high price compared to domestic counterparts. But ease of use, workmanship and reliability are on top. As an example, let's take a popular heater for the VAZ 2110. Its article number is 411365. And the price as of the above period is about 3500 rubles.

Prestarting heater "Severs"

The most popular model of the Severs-M heater has the number 103.3741. The device is manufactured by the Leader company in the Russian Federation, in the city of Tyumen. In addition to the heater itself, the delivery set includes a connecting cord and an installation kit (depending on the car model). Heater power - 1.5 kW, intended for installation in an engine with a working volume of up to 3 liters. The length of the connecting cord is 2.2 m, the time for heating the coolant to a temperature of + 60 ° C is 1.5 ... 2 hours (depending on the ambient temperature), the temperature of the thermostat switch-off is + 85 ° C, the temperature of the thermostat switch-on is + 50 ° C, the weight of the heater included is 0.8 kg. Antifreeze circulation is controlled by a built-in valve. In the model line of such heaters, there are also models with other powers, in particular, 1 and 2 kW.

When choosing, it is convenient that the manufacturer directly indicates for which machines a particular heater is used. To do this, the catalog specifies the kit number for a specific machine (or group of machines). Therefore, before purchasing, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the relevant information on the manufacturer's website or in the online store. The catalog list also contains a universal mounting kit for imported cars that are not included in the catalog.

The operating mode is manual and automatic. Automatic mode is performed based on an electronic programmable unit. You can set the time of its inclusion, as well as the duration of operation - from half an hour to four hours. At the same time, the unit provides control over the internal parameters of the heater, so you can not monitor the device, in an emergency it will turn off automatically. However, the instructions clearly state that before installing the heater and during its operation, it is imperative to monitor not only the normal level of antifreeze in the cooling system, but also to check the integrity of the clamps and connections in order to exclude coolant leakage.

An additional advantage of the Severs engine preheater is its ease of installation. The instructions provide a step-by-step algorithm, following which even a novice car enthusiast will cope with the installation. The device has a 2-year factory warranty. Judging by the reviews of domestic motorists, this heater is a simple, reliable and inexpensive device, so it is definitely recommended for purchase.

The price of the Severs-M heater for the above period is about 3000 rubles.

Electric heater "Homeless"

Another stationary electric heater produced by the same domestic company "Leader" from Tyumen. This device is intended exclusively for domestic VAZ engines. In particular, the model PEZH-MV-220-051 (voltage - 220 V, power - 0.5 kW) is intended for installation on VAZ-2108-09 cars with carburetor engine, as well as on a VAZ 2110/12 with a 16-valve injection or carburetor engine.

Heater "Homeless"

It is installed instead of the cylinder block plug, which has a landing diameter of 35.8 mm. Installation involves the use of a spacer bar, the legs of which rest against interior block. The round sealing ring provides a seal between the flange of the heating element of the heater and the walls of the cylinder block. This allows the heater to be installed on engines made of cast iron or aluminum.

The plug has a third grounding wire, therefore it is advisable to use a so-called “euro socket” with three contacts for the heater operation. The advantage of the "Homeless" engine preheater is that it heats directly the jacket of the engine of the cooled block, which increases the efficiency of its operation.

Real tests have shown that the "Homeless" heater shows average efficiency, which is largely due to its low power. However, it is quite possible to use it at light frosts (for example, down to -10 ° С) or at low positive temperatures. This will allow the warm air to run into the cabin from the stove faster, which will increase the comfort of the driver and passengers in the cabin.

There is one subtlety of installing this heater. The fact is that when installed on VAZ engines, most motorists have a problem with dismantling the plug. And the saddest thing is when she falls inside. And here you cannot do without special devices for extracting it. Therefore, it makes sense to install the heater yourself only if you are confident in your abilities and skills. Nevertheless, many car enthusiasts give their cars to a car service for these purposes.

The price of an electric heater "Homeless" as of the beginning of 2019 is about 1,500 rubles. The article by which you can buy it is peg-mb-220-051.

Longfei Electric Heater

Longfei heaters are manufactured in China (in English, the manufacturer's name is written as LONGFEI). The line of heaters includes devices of various capacities - 1.5 kW, 1.8 kW, 2 kW, 3 kW. However, it was the 3-kilowatt heater, which has its own name "Prince", found the most widespread among motorists. However, the choice must be made on the basis of information about the displacement of a particular engine. The device can be used in cars and trucks... There is an official certification that allows domestic motorists to use the heater legally.

The advantage of the Longfei Knyaz pre-heater is that the heating is controlled by an electronic unit. In particular, it includes protection elements based on relays rather than fuses (as in earlier versions). In addition, the control unit includes a timer and a thermal relay, with the help of which you can, firstly, set the time when the device will turn on and start heating the coolant in the engine, and secondly, you can programmatically set temperature regime and the boundary temperatures to which the device will heat the antifreeze. The kit also includes an electric pump that ensures uniform pumping of coolant through the system, thereby ensuring its uniform heating. Pump capacity - 8 liters per minute. Thus, the average time required to warm up the engine is 30 ... 60 minutes.

Electric heater "Longfei" can be installed on the engine by yourself, without seeking help from a car service. The delivery set includes all the necessary equipment and fasteners for this, in particular, clamps, with which it is attached. The section of the mounting pipes is 1.7 cm. The minimum declared service life of the heater is 2 thousand hours of heating. Weight - 780 grams, dimensions - 80 mm × 77 mm × 118 mm. The factory warranty for the product is 12 months. Thus, the Longfei heater is definitely recommended for use by car owners, whose cars are stored in garages, or in places where there is access to connect the device to a 220 V / 50 Hz household network.

Prestarting heater "Longfei" with a capacity of 3 kilowatts can be bought in any online store under the article number 53000W. Its average price as of the beginning of 2019 is about 2800 rubles. Similarly, a 1.5 kW heater can be purchased under the item number 91500W. Its price is 2500 rubles. Heater 1.8 kW - 91800W. Its average price is similarly 2500 rubles. As for the 2 kW heater, you can buy it under the article number 72000W. Its price is 2800 rubles.

Please note that when buying a particular engine heater (regardless of whether it is autonomous or electric), you should always be interested in the availability of a certificate for it. The fact is that from time to time home-made devices are sold in car markets, positioned as know-how. It is better to refrain from such crafts, since they are not only ineffective, but also simply dangerous, since they can lead to large-scale negative consequences, such as failure of individual car systems, a short circuit and even a fire. Therefore, buy only tested and certified products. If you have experience with any engine heaters - share information about it in the comments. This will help you to choose the best engine preheater according to our readers' version.


The use of an autonomous or electric heater allows not only to provide easy starting of the engine in the cold season, but also to significantly reduce its wear. And this has a beneficial effect on the service life of individual engine parts, including engine oil, which together leads to monetary savings. In addition, an autonomous heater (and an electric one, if additional equipment is available) increases comfort, since the interior of the car is pre-heated before the driver and passengers enter them.

There is no specific answer to the question of which engine preheater to choose. It depends on the storage conditions of the car and the financial capabilities of its owner. An electric heater is more suitable if the car is stored in a garage. In all other cases, it is better to buy an autonomous engine heater.

The engine preheater is installed on different kinds equipment, ranging from civilian cars and ending with heavy trucks, special vehicles, etc. Equipping with a preheating device for the engine and the passenger compartment makes it possible to lighten, increase the service life of the power plant and significantly increase the comfort of operation in winter.

On machines that do not have a pre-installed heater, it is possible to separately purchase and install a similar solution. At the same time, engine heating can be installed on almost any car model. The main thing is to choose the right device from those options that are on sale, as well as perform high-quality installation.

Next, we will consider what kind of engine pre-heaters are, we will study the principle of operation of pre-heating. We will also try to answer the question, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this or that type of heaters for the engine and interior of the car from the general group of similar devices.

To begin with, there are several types of ICE heaters, which differ in principle of operation, purpose, performance, dimensions and a number of other parameters and characteristics. As a rule, heaters are often divided into:

  • liquid autonomous;
  • electrical;

Now let's look at these solutions in more detail. So, the most common option is an autonomous liquid engine preheater. Many drivers are well aware of such devices by brands, Teplostar, etc.

Please note that autonomous pre-heaters are divided into liquid and air. Liquid heating is intended for heating the engine before starting, as well as for heating the passenger compartment. The air heater allows you to heat only the interior, that is, the problem of cold starting the internal combustion engine in this case is not solved.

Moreover, both types of heaters are autonomous. The devices take fuel (gasoline, diesel fuel) from the main tank or a separate tank (comes with an autonomous heater). This fuel is then burned in a small combustion chamber.

These solutions are economical, since the fuel consumption is low, a minimum of electricity is also consumed, the heaters are distinguished by a reduced noise level during operation. One should also note the versatility, since the heater can be installed on a gasoline, diesel, gas or engine, engine with, etc.

As a rule, autonomous preheaters are installed in engine compartment, after which they also connect to. The air heater does not need such a connection. The device is installed in the cabin, since its task is not to heat the coolant, but to supply heated air into the air ducts.

How does the autonomous engine preheater work?

Let's start with the fact that the water heater is a ready-made installation kit. The main elements are:

  • boiler with a combustion chamber;
  • liquid radiator;
  • fuel supply lines;
  • pump for pumping fuel;
  • liquid pump;
  • thermal relay;
  • heater electronic unit;
  • governing bodies;

So, after the start signal arrives at the device, electric current begins to be supplied to the executive motor. Such an engine drives a special fuel pump, which is part of the heater design. The fan also starts working in parallel. The pump pumps fuel, after which the fuel is evaporated in the evaporator. Air also enters the heater.

The result is a fuel-air mixture that enters the combustion chamber and is ignited by the spark on the spark plug. The thermal energy that is generated after combustion is transferred to the coolant in the cooling system through a special heat exchanger.

The coolant itself circulates in this case. Circulation becomes possible due to the operation of the booster pump, which is part of the heater design. Thus, the liquid heated and circulating through the cooling jacket is able to transfer heat to a cold engine.

After the heating of the coolant reaches 30 degrees Celsius, the fan of the standard heater (stove) in the passenger compartment is automatically turned on. As a result, heated air is supplied to the vehicle interior. Then, when the antifreeze or antifreeze heats up to 70 degrees, the intensity of the fuel supply to the heater is reduced to save fuel. If the coolant cools down to 55 degrees again, the whole process described above will be repeated.

If we talk about air heaters, in this device the burner heats only air, while not heating the coolant. In automatic mode, the device is "oriented" by the air temperature in the passenger compartment or cabin. In other words, the heater maintains one or another air temperature set by the user, and also works for as long as the driver has programmed.

Both liquid and air heaters are equipped with various controls, which allows you to control the device not only from the vehicle interior, but also remotely. Among the main functions, one should highlight the possibility automatic activation pre-heater by timer, starting the heater remotely from a remote control or using a mobile phone.

How electric engine heating works

The electric heater is a coil that is screwed into the engine block. An electric spiral is installed instead of a plug in the block. The principle of operation is quite simple. A current passes through the spiral, the spiral heats up, which as a result allows antifreeze or antifreeze to be heated. Coolant circulation and heat distribution occurs naturally (due to convection).

Note that such heating is less effective and also takes a long time. It is also important to understand that although an electric engine preheater is a more affordable and simpler alternative, it loses to air and water heaters to a large extent.

The fact is that the electric heating of the engine is not autonomous. The device is powered from an external outlet, which in many cases becomes a significant disadvantage. Another disadvantage is that such a solution consumes a lot of electric current.

To ensure that the coolant heats up to a certain temperature and further maintains this temperature, the owner himself sets temperature Range... Simply put, a timer is included, which allows you to set the desired temperature. After the coolant is warmed up to the desired value, the spiral is turned off.

Then, when the temperature of the liquid drops to a certain threshold, the device will turn on again in automatic mode. We also note that the electric heater allows you to warm up not only the engine, but also the interior. After heating the coolant, the standard stove fan is turned on, after which warm air comes out of the ducts. It is also possible to implement in parallel pre-heating power unit.

Heating the engine with a heat accumulator

This type of engine heaters is less common than other counterparts. Similar solutions on the market are presented by the systems Gulfstream, Autotherm, etc.

The principle of operation of these heat accumulators boils down to the fact that after heating the coolant as a result of engine operation, antifreeze or antifreeze accumulates in a special container, where it remains hot for up to 48 hours. At the next start of a cold engine, warm liquid enters the cooling system, which allows you to quickly warm up the engine and interior.

Engine preheater: pros

As you know, engine wear is most intense at the time of its start. Wherein low temperatures affect the viscosity of the engine oil (grease thickens), lubricating and protective properties deteriorate.

As a result, after a cold start, friction increases; in the first seconds, the loaded parts experience oil starvation. Elements, and are often the fastest to wear out. At the same time, the possibility of avoiding a cold start and rapid heating of the internal combustion engine to operating temperatures suggests that the engine is operated in a gentle mode.

As you can see, the presence of an autonomous or electric heater allows you to increase the service life of the engine, reduce fuel costs and improve environmental friendliness. power units... It is also possible to achieve an increase in comfort during vehicle operation in winter.

Read also

What is Webasto. The principle of operation of autonomous pre-heaters. Pros and cons of a liquid heater and an air heater (hair dryer).

  • Features of the choice of preheaters Webasto and Hydronic. Features, installation and cost, warranty. Which heater is better.

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