All about buying and selling cars

Should I take an old diesel. Should you buy a diesel from Volkswagen - the main pros and cons

We compare the cost of the "capital" of gasoline and diesel cars... Buying a used car always comes with a certain risk. Even if we take into account all the factors: year of manufacture, mileage and external condition of the car; you will not receive guarantees that you will not have to repair the motor.

This issue is especially relevant for those people who buy a supported car for long-term and frequent use, for a period of 5 years or more. It's always nice if a car that has served you faithfully continues to work. In this case, you just need to sell it and get a new one. Some models will not even lose much in price over 5 years of ownership. But this is the ideal option, which we will not consider. What to do if, while the car was in your ownership, the engine needed repair, and not just repair, the engine needs to be “turned off”. There are 2 options here.

You can, again, sell the car. Big money for him, of course, you won't be able to take it, but you will certainly save yourself from a headache. The second option is to invest and renovate. In this option, you can expect a variety of surprises, for which it is better to be prepared immediately after buying a car. It is important to know when choosing a motor how difficult its repair is. Diesel engines are much more expensive in capital repairs, and now we will talk about the difference in their repair. The design of a modern diesel engine has relatively weak spots - these are the high pressure fuel system injectors Common rail... They need to be changed after about 100-150 thousand kilometers. Sometimes this happens even earlier if you come across low-quality fuel at a gas station. Next, you need to repair the worn out turbine. If this is done at the wrong time, then the oil will imperceptibly fall into the intercooler, and from it into the engine cooling system, which will gradually kill the piston group. Take the popular 2010 Toyota Corolla as an example. Officially, it was sold with a 1.3 or 1.6 liter gasoline engine. There were also cars with diesel engines in Russia, for example, the popular D4-D engine with a volume of 1.4 liters. The cost of each Common Rail injector is approximately 8000 rubles for chinese counterpart and 16,000 rubles for the original nozzle. For a 4-cylinder engine of these nozzles, 4 pieces are needed, respectively, only parts for capital repairs of the fuel system are needed for 30,000-60,000 rubles. Repairing the turbine and replacing the intercooler will cost another 30,000 rubles. Plus, it is necessary to calculate the set of gaskets, repair rings and other little things, which can amount to 10,000 rubles, or even more. At the very minimum, a serious motor repair will cost 70,000 rubles. Plus the cost of work is another 20-30 thousand. Alternatively, you can take a contract motor. The price for it will vary from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. Plus 20-25 thousand replacement with the installation of your own attachments... The gasoline engine will be much simpler and cheaper. The most difficult part will be the VVT-i phase redistribution system, the repair of which will cost 10-15 thousand. Thus, in the service for a turnkey repair, you can keep within 50,000 rubles. Sure diesel cars more economical, but for a consumption of 5-8 liters, you may have to pay with expensive repairs after several years of operation.

Perhaps only the lazy has not heard of a diesel engine today. Thanks to a fairly wide advertising campaign, the housewife knows that most cars can be bought with a diesel engine. In this article we will look at what a diesel is and how it differs from ...

First, a little history. About a hundred years ago, a certain Rudolf Diesel came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding an engine with compression ignition. After all, it is a well-known fact that a gas under strong and sharp compression significantly increases its temperature.

It was this phenomenon that Diesel was going to use. But the engine built by him came out quite heavy, complex, and not particularly efficient. Because of what it did not gain wide popularity, although it was sometimes used in the navy.

Only after the end of World War II, the brainchild of a diesel engine began to be used in vehicles. Mainly in heavy trucks and tractors. Segment passenger cars, consisted entirely of cars with a gasoline engine.

Why did this happen, you ask? The gasoline engine was more practical. Because the principle of operation of a diesel engine is that ignition does not occur from a spark, as in a gasoline counterpart, but from compression, and the compression must be very strong.

Approximately 2 times more than gasoline engine... And more compression means more load on the parts, as a result, the parts need to be made stronger and larger.

Another disadvantage is the course of the combustion process itself. Unlike gasoline, which burns quite gently, burning in a diesel engine is like an explosion. From this and the characteristic diesel "rumble" of the engine.

The next item is fuel equipment... It is quite complex both in production and in customization. Very high requirements for the precision of the high pressure fuel pump (high pressure fuel pump) manufacturing, adjustment only with the help of special stands, the need to use a turbine to improve the boost, and much more, does not make diesel cheap at all.

And here the question naturally arises, why is such an engine needed at all?

All the same, you need it. High pressure during the combustion of the mixture gives a very impressive output torque from the lowest rpm. Which is just perfect for trucks.

However, the pluses of a diesel engine are still more pluses for trucks than for cars. For them, they are rather disadvantages. After all, torque from the bottom is of course a significant plus, but what to do with the upper rev range.

How to ensure a sufficient level of speed and dynamics if the operating range of the diesel engine is 2-3 thousand rpm? It is necessary to increase the speed. This is where the problems begin.

To burn more fuel, you need more air... In a gasoline engine, mixing occurs at the intake stroke, therefore there are no problems here. However, in a diesel engine, everything is a little different.

First, only clean air enters the cylinder, then it is compressed, and only after that diesel fuel is sprayed through the nozzle, burning immediately during the spraying process. It turns out that the atomization of fuel, and its mixing with air, and combustion occur almost simultaneously.

Should I take diesel engine?

On low revs it does not create any discomfort. There is enough time for all processes. However, with their increase, the situation changes. At some point, some of the fuel simply does not have time to get the required amount of air and burn. As a result, there is a drop in power, and part of the fuel escapes into the pipe.

To cope with this unpleasant feature, the engines began to be equipped with a turbine, which additionally pumps air. Also, to use it, you have to change the shape of the combustion chamber to provide turbulence and improve mixing of the mixture, plus additional nozzles are added. All this makes the engine heavier, and is by no means cheap.

So if the use of a diesel engine is more than justified on heavy trucks and SUVs, as well as on everyday delivery vehicles, then for most passenger cars on which it is offered to be installed, diesel is just a marketing ploy.

The conclusion is obvious. If you need a car that needs to carry loads, drive to unknown places, or just for a leisurely economical drive, diesel will suit you. But if you like to “press down on the pedal”, start from a traffic light, and “lay down the arrow”, then the diesel engine will greatly upset you ...

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In some European countries, a fine is imposed for a long warm-up, and no matter how cold it was outside, so most foreign manufacturers do not recommend warming up their cars. main reason this is environmental pollution.

Below we will try to figure out whether it is necessary to warm up a diesel engine with a turbine, we will indicate all the advantages and disadvantages of warming up, as well as the nuances of the engine's operation at different times of the year.

Features of diesel warming up

In the opinion of many, it is better not to warm up the engine with a turbine on the move, just because of the turbine, since it turns on only at the required crankshaft speed, which appears at high speed. And it is forbidden to develop high speed on an unheated engine. Driving with the turbine turned off can lead to overheating of the engine, resulting in overheating of the cylinder heads and their rapid wear.

The diesel engine needs to idle for at least 5 minutes, this is enough for all components to be lubricated normally (unless, of course, the glow plugs are in working order). The developers advise to warm up the candles twice. The extinguishing of their indicator on the panel indicates that the voltage in them has turned off, although most people think that this happens if the maximum temperature is reached.

Excessive heating will lead to the appearance of resin deposits on the valve, because of this, the valves may begin to lock in the future.

Many experts argue that it makes no sense to warm up the engine for a long time if high-quality oil and cooling fluid are filled in. It was found that with a cold engine, there is practically no depreciation of the elements if the car is traveling at low speed. The revolutions, accordingly, also do not exceed two thousand, due to which the required temperature can be reached quickly.

Diesel fuel evaporates much worse when heated. After starting the unit in a cooled engine, the fuel begins to settle on the surface of the cylinders and does not completely burn out. As soon as the temperature reaches the norm, the fuel assembly in the chamber burns out evenly and completely.

Remember that the components of the internal combustion engine do not heat up equally, some of them need more time. The heating time also depends on what material the parts of the unit are made of (usually pistons, cylinders, shafts are made of aluminum alloy, everything else is made of metal).

Good lubrication of rubbing elements and optimal setting of clearances are carried out exclusively after the internal combustion engine reaches the required temperature.

Warming up the engine in winter and summer

It is strongly recommended to warm up the engine in summer. The movement should be started only a minute after the engine has started, since it is during this period of time that all elements are lubricated with oil. To reduce the excessive load on the engine, it is better not to make sudden movements and move smoothly until the temperature approaches fifty degrees.

Diesel engine operation winter time year requires full warming up, since the oil in the engine and gearbox begins to thicken at low temperatures. The oil should become liquid and only after that you can gain high speed. The duration of the warm-up depends on the air temperature; the lower it is, the longer it will take to wait.

You should start moving when the temperature reaches 60 degrees. In this case, it is recommended not to gain more than two thousand revolutions, and the speed should not exceed twenty km / h until the normal temperature is reached. In addition, it is better not to turn on the salon stove until the engine heats up to sixty degrees, otherwise the air flow coming from it will be cold.

All of the above tips will help the driver save time and avoid further problems with the diesel unit, as well as significantly extend its life.

Pros and cons of warming up

When asked whether or not a diesel engine with a turbine should be warmed up, most manufacturers say that modern units have an injection system that allows them to start moving immediately, since oil from the surface of the liners is not washed off by the fuel due to the correct implementation of fuel spray. But still, in cold weather, diesel fuel becomes viscous and less fluid and therefore requires warming up.

Domestic manufacturers, on the contrary, advise starting movement only after the engine warms up to forty-five degrees.

Speaking about the disadvantages of warming up a diesel engine, first of all, the following phenomena should be noted:

  • Emission of harmful substances;
  • Too much fuel consumption;
  • Rapid wear of the components of the gas exhaust system;
  • The glow plugs are under high stress.

The advantages of diesel warming up:

  • The oil is distributed optimally, the most important systems of the machine wear less, due to the fact that all the main parts are thoroughly lubricated. For example, myself power unit can work much longer;
  • The vehicle moves smoothly and without jerks.

It is necessary to select the correct diesel fuel for a particular season. In addition to winter and summer fuel, there is also arctic fuel, which is needed only for the most low temperatures from -40 degrees Celsius. When using summer fuel in winter, diesel fuel will turn into a kind of jelly, which will make it impossible to warm it up, in addition, this will lead to clogging of the air and fuel filters.

To optimize the temperature in the combustion chamber during extreme cold, you can try switching the ignition three to five times. Then it will be easier and faster to warm up the engine.

In winter, it will take five to ten minutes to warm up a diesel engine with a turbine, and in summer about 2 minutes. No longer needed, as this will lead to overheating of the engine.

In order to carry out warming up, you must first start the engine, during the first two to three minutes it must operate on idle and only after that you can get under way. It will not be able to reach the required temperature during this time and will continue to heat up on the fly.

Why is oil heating necessary

The functioning of the engine is greatly influenced by octane number Fuel assemblies, fuel quality, presence of additional additives. For an easier start, many use prestarting devices, glow plugs, etc. But still, how efficiently diesel injectors will spray fuel depends only on the temperature of the power unit.

If an automatic transmission is installed in the car, then it is necessary to warm up the engine, since the oil in the box must warm up to the required temperature.

In terms of their design, diesel engines differ from gasoline engines, first of all, in that they have not such large gaps between the piston and the cylinder. A diesel engine has an increased compression ratio, which places heavy loads on the cylinders and pistons. The rapid wear of these components lowers the oil, which thickens at low air temperatures and requires heating.

Oil for units with a turbine should be supplied even better for lubrication of the turbocharged compressor, since the operation of the turbine itself depends on it. The oil warms up at idle, do not overload the engine until it is fully warmed up.

Authors: Vladimir Egorov, Andrey Dalimaev
Source: website

What is a Diesel Vehicle?

Diesel vehicles use an engine that has a different combustion cycle than a gasoline engine.

AT gasoline engine, the fuel is mixed with air, enters the cylinder and ignited by the spark plug. In a diesel engine, air is forced into the cylinder and first compressed without fuel. This compression heats the air to such a high temperature that when fuel is then injected into the cylinder, it ignites.

By using higher compression levels and higher combustion temperatures, diesels operate more energy efficiently. As a result, diesel vehicles perform better than their gasoline counterparts. In addition, in a liter diesel fuel about 10% more energy than a liter of gasoline. These two factors help modern diesels achieve about 50% better fuel efficiency than their gasoline counterparts. Diesel vehicles currently account for nearly half of all new car sales in Europe and a small but growing market share in the US. In Russia, in 2009, the market share of new cars occupied by diesel was only 5.6%, according to the agency "Autostat".

Diesel advantages

  • Higher fuel efficiency (20-40% more than gasoline vehicles).
  • Diesel engines last longer and get better high cost when resale.
  • Diesel engines can use biodiesel as fuel.
  • Diesel provides more torque; great for quick acceleration and towing.
  • More power reserve per tank.

Disadvantages of diesel

  • In Russia, diesel fuel is of very low quality.
  • The range of diesel models is limited.
  • Diesel fuel is not available at all petrol stations.
  • Diesel vehicles are generally more expensive.
  • Emissions exhaust gases nitrogen oxides and particulate matter are usually higher.
  • Considering the advantages and disadvantages of a diesel engine, we can conclude that the latter are not significant and can be overcome.

Diesel Hybrid Dreams

Toyota, Ford, Volkswagen, Peugot and Citroën produce concept vehicles that combine a diesel engine with a hybrid system. The Citroën C-Metisse diesel hybrid unveiled at the 2006 Paris Motor Show is pictured below. Combining two fuel efficient technologies in one vehicle can give phenomenal results.

Unfortunately, the extra cost of combining a diesel engine with a hybrid system comes at a high price. Most analysts predict that the hybrid diesel will be a specialty product.

Japanese manufacturers have reliable diesel engines. And what is the most reliable diesel engine reliable in Japan?

Let's take a look at the most common modern diesel engines in the Japanese car industry.

What are these diesels, how weak and strengths Japanese diesels. They now dominate mainly in Europe, but quite often they began to appear in Russia.

But, unfortunately, they also have problems when their runs exceed one hundred thousand kilometers, and even for some up to one hundred thousand.

Discretionary supplies diesel engines from Japan due to their capricious attitude towards fuel. Them fuel system quite weak to the use of our diesel fuel.

Another problem is the availability of spare parts. There are practically no non-original spare parts from reliable manufacturers. Chinese ones appear, but their quality leaves much to be desired and does not at all correspond to Japanese quality.

Hence, their very high price is dictated, much higher than for German spare parts. In Europe, there are many factories producing spare parts of decent quality and at prices significantly lower than the original ones.

The most reliable diesel engine from Japan

So what's the most reliable diesel engine from Japan? Let's rank the TOP 5 of the best diesel engines.

5th place

In fifth place, you can safely put a 2.0 liter Subaru engine (Subaru). Four-cylinder, turbocharged, opposed, 16-valve. Common Rail intake system.

I must say, this is the world's only boxer diesel engine.

Boxer engine, this is when reciprocal pairs of pistons work in a horizontal plane. This arrangement does not require careful balancing of the crankshafts.

Weak sides of this engine, it is a two-mass flywheel, it broke down even up to five thousand kilometers. Crankshaft cracking, destroyed until 2009 crankshafts and shaft support.

This engine is very interesting in its design, with good characteristics, but the absence of spare parts for such engines negates its advantages. Therefore, we assign the fifth place of honor in the Japanese range of diesel engines.

4th place

The fourth place is taken by the Mazda 2.0 MZR-CD engine. This diesel has been produced since 2002, and is installed on Mazda 6, Mazda 6, MPV cars. It was Mazda's first Common Rail engine.

Four cylinders, 16 valves. Two versions - 121 hp and 136 hp, both developing a torque of 310 Nm at 2000 rpm.

In 2005, it underwent a modernization, with an improved injection system and a new injection pump. Reduced compression ratio and adaptation of the engine with a catalyst for the emission of harmful gases. Power became 143 hp.

Two years later, a version with a 140 hp engine came out, in 2011 this engine disappeared from the line of installed engines for unknown reasons.

This engine quietly nursed 200,000 kilometers, after which it was necessary to change the turbine and dual-mass flywheel.

When buying, you should carefully study its history, and it is better to remove the sump and look at the oil sump.

3rd place

Also Mazda engine, Mazda 2.2 MZF-CD. The same engine with increased but increased displacement. Engineers have tried to eliminate all the jambs of the old two-liter engine.

In addition to the increased volume, the injection system has been modernized, and another turbine has been installed. On this engine, they installed piezo injectors, changed the compression ratio and radically changed particulate filter because of which there were all the problems of the previous model of the two-liter engine.

But the global struggle for the environment, both in Europe and in Japan, adds gimoro to all engines, and a system is installed on this, with the addition of urea to the diesel fuel mixture.

This all reduces emissions to Euro 5, but as always, in Russia, this adds problems to all modern diesel engines without exception. This is simply solved with us, the particulate filter is thrown out and the afterburning valve of the unburned exhaust is muffled.

The rest of the engine is reliable and unpretentious

2nd place

Toyota 2.0 / 2.2 D-4D engine.

The first two-liter Toyota 2.0 D-4D CD appeared in 2006. Four-cylinder, eight-valve, cast iron block, timing belt drive, 116 hp The engines were indexed "CD".

Complaints about this engine were very rare, they all boiled down only to the injectors and the exhaust gas recirculation system. In 2008, it was discontinued, and instead a new one was launched, with a volume of 2.2 liters.

Toyota 2.0 / 2.2 D-4D AD

They have already begun to make a chain, there are already 16 valves for four cylinders. The block was made of aluminum with cast iron sleeves. The index of this engine became "AD".

The engines are available in both 2.0 and 2.2 liters.

Most good feedback about such an engine, and good performance, and low fuel consumption. But there were also complaints, the main one was the oxidation of the aluminum head at the point of contact with cylinder head gasket, approximately in the period of 150-200 thousand km. mileage.

Replacing the block head gasket does not help, only grinding the cylinder head and block, and this procedure is possible only with the removal of the engine. And such a repair is possible only once, the motor will not withstand the second grinding of the head and block, the depth will be critical with the possibility of meeting the valves with the head. Therefore, if the motor traveled 300-400 thousand kilometers, with one grinding, it is only for replacement. It's a very decent resource though.

Toyota in 2009 solved this problem, with such malfunctions they even got new motors under warranty at their own expense. But the problem is very rare, but it does occur. Mainly for those who do not lightly ignite the 2.2-liter engine on the strongest version of this model.

Such engines are still produced and installed on various car models: Raf4, Avensis, Corolla, Lexus IS and others.

1st place

Diesel engine Honda 2.2 CDTi. The most reliable subcompact diesel engine. A very efficient and very economical diesel engine.

Four-cylinder, 16-valve, variable displacement turbocharged, common rail injection system, sleeve aluminum block.

Bosch injectors are used, not capricious and expensive Japanese Denso.

The predecessor of this engine was built back in 2003 with the 2.2 i-CTDi mark. It turned out to be very successful. Trouble-free, dynamic and economical in fuel consumption.

Modern considered honda engine 2.2 CDTi appeared in 2008.

Of course, typical malfunctions did not pass, but they were all extremely rare. Exhaust manifold cracks, but they appeared in the first issues, the Japanese reacted and this was not observed in subsequent issues.

Sometimes there were malfunctions of the timing chain tensioner. Also sometimes the turbine shaft play appeared prematurely.

All of these malfunctions arose from excessive constant loads and poor maintenance.

Honda installed this engine on models Honda civic, Accord, CR-V and others.

By far, this engine has the lowest number of failures and breakdowns in relation to all other engines from Japanese automakers.

We give him five points out of five, assign him the First place of honor and wish you to have a similar one on your car.

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