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Russian passenger cars. Russian cars from an authorized dealer

The domestic auto industry is constantly under merciless pressure and criticism from consumers and experts. The main complaint always lies precisely in the weak reliability indicators against the background of foreign competitors.

Yes, russian cars really do not have exemplary quality, have a number of comments on assembly, quality and reliability. But recently the situation has begun to change for the better. No revolutionary events happened, but objectively the manufacturers chose the right vector for the further development of the domestic auto industry.

We can already give an example of decent, well-built, well thought-out cars. They are not without drawbacks, they have a number of complaints and problems. But this is a completely different level compared to what it was before the 2000s.

Someone will say that in terms of reliability, the indisputable leaders are representatives of the so-called classics from AvtoVAZ. In fact, this is not the case. These cars have a lot of shortcomings, there are practically no concepts of safety, constant creaks, huge factory gaps, a rusting body, etc. The new generation, as well as models that have survived almost from Soviet times, have reached a different level, are assembled using other technologies and materials , are more closely monitored.

Volga, which has undergone modernization, having changed mainly in terms of appearance. From a technical point of view, it has remained almost the same good old Volga 3110.

The car has been discontinued and discontinued since 2009. But the number of such cars on Russian roads is surprising. The Volga was once positioned as a representative car for the elite, top management and the wealthiest people. But this was relevant back in Soviet times.

IN modern Russia Volga 31105 is perceived as an inexpensive, but strong and reliable car, which is great for summer residents and pensioners. There are more disadvantages than advantages, although due to the massive body and solid structure, the chances of being seriously injured in an accident are much lower than on the same classic from AvtoVAZ or a modern cheap Chinese car.

There is no talk of any serious security systems here.

Lada 4х4

If we talk about the most reliable and strong cars from the Russian car industry, then we cannot fail to mention this legendary three-door SUV. Lada 4x4 or VAZ 2121 was born back in 1977. During this time, he practically did not change in appearance.

Reliability is not synonymous with security. This is important to consider when calling this car reliable. It uses a simple and maintainable engine, a powerful all-wheel drive design, a sturdy body and other privileges of a frame SUV. The car will not give a feeling of comfort, it cannot boast of a scattering of airbags. The latter, if found, are extremely rare, and exclusively from the driver's side, on the steering wheel.

But the Niva has excellent cross-country ability, perfect for fishermen, hunters, summer residents and off-road driving enthusiasts.

The next model, which is rightly included in the rating, where the most reliable and strong cars from the Russian car industry are collected, turned out to be the Hunter produced by the UAZ company.

As in the case of the Niva, the Hunter offers exemplary flotation with extremely poor safety records. Since 2016, these cars have been fitted with Isofix, seat belt indicators, a three-point belt for rear passengers... There are no airbags, and this is a huge drawback for a car that is still in production.

Hunter is easy to repair, has reliable and resourceful engines, durable frame structure... All this allows the model to be classified as a fairly reliable car. But in current rating deservedly takes a place not higher than 8 lines.

Lada 4 × 4 Urban

In fact, the same classic Niva, but only slightly adapted for urban operating conditions. The manufacturer himself calls Urban an urban SUV.

In reality, the car has largely changed in appearance. The technical stuffing remained the same, some additional work was carried out on the suspension. But if you sum up the overall comparison, this is a Lada 4x4, but with a different appearance. Moreover, the latter really refreshed the Soviet crossover, bringing it a little closer to modern conditions and realities.

It cannot be denied that the Lada 4x4 Urban is a fairly reliable, trouble-free and durable car. To the extent that such theses are permissible in relation to a Russian car and a domestic SUV. In terms of safety, everything is pretty bad here, since special systems and solutions aimed at increasing active and passive safety are not used here. A trivial airbag is not easy to find.

The car is characterized by excellent cross-country ability, performs well off-road, feels confident in an urban environment.

If we talk about the more modern and the most modern, while trying to find the most reliable of them, then Priora is deservedly put on the 6th line of the rating. Although some experts believe that Lada Priora russian production deserves a higher position in the top.

Security is thought out and implemented much better than that of the previous representatives of the rating. After the next update, a system of exchange rate stability appeared on the car. Already in the basic configuration for the Lada Priora, ABS and EBD systems are provided, a driver's airbag, child car seat mounts, and hydraulic power steering are available. In more advanced versions, the number of airbags is increased, and the power steering is replaced by electric power steering.

The body is not assembled perfectly, no expensive materials were used for it. But it is quite reliable, strong and resistant to deformation. It will not be able to protect it from serious accidents, but in relatively light collisions, the risk of serious injury is minimal.

Lada Priora is famous for its unpretentiousness in terms of repair, maintenance and operation. Eats up without problems, allows you to count on long-term and trouble-free engine operation. It all depends on the owner's attitude to the car. If properly maintained and not operated under excessive loads, the Priora shows itself as a tenacious and reliable car. A number of problems and malfunctions can be solved on their own.

Touching the most reliable and strong Russian cars, you simply cannot ignore the UAZ Patriot. Many will say that the Hunter is much better due to the exemplary cross-country ability and capabilities of a real SUV. But here you can argue almost indefinitely.

UAZ Patriot, for all its shortcomings, is modern car, created not only for off-road, but also for use in urban conditions. Even if in the latter case, the Patriot does not feel perfect, but he still demonstrates much better adaptation to the city than the same Hunter or VAZ Niva.

For the Patriot, the manufacturer has provided for the possibility of equipping with a whole set of airbags. Systems such as ABS, BA, EBS are installed on the car. ESP appears in more advanced versions. Basic configuration provides only one driver's airbag, and in the extended version, the front passenger will also receive its own pillow.

The UAZ Patriot is not assembled in the most ideal way, since there are gaps, crickets and squeaks. But the body is really strong, powerful and resistant to deformation. They help reduce the negative consequences of accidents and collisions. Also, the car can be called reliable due to resource engines, a durable chassis. Problems will arise, there is no way to get away from them. But a number of breakdowns can be easily eliminated by hand.

On the 4th position in the current rating, which contains the best domestic cars in terms of reliability, Lada Largus turned out to be. Some consumers, as well as experts, believe that this is, if not the most reliable Russian car, then definitely one of the clear favorites.

In many ways, one can agree with this statement, since Lada Largus is the result of joint work of AvtoVAZ and Renault. The French have kindly provided their Logan MCV model, which is also produced under the Dacia brand. In fact, this is the same Logan station wagon, but with the Lada nameplate.

Renault Logan is quite rightly called strong and. Therefore, all the strong qualities of this model migrated to the Lada Largus. It is difficult to say what kind of result the manufacturers themselves expected, but the sales figures, as well as the statistics of road accidents, clearly show that the Largus is a fairly reliable and strong car. Reliability is indicated not only by safety, realized due to different systems, airbags, etc. Reliability most often means operational stability, reliability, a minimum number of technical problems and malfunctions.

Lada largus positioned as a workhorse, which is created for cargo transportation, family trips. It is a popular commercial vehicle and a vehicle adapted for regular use on far from the best Russian roads. Cheap but not angry. The car is assembled with high quality, has a spacious interior, a spacious luggage compartment.

The increased demand for Lada Largus led to the emergence of a crossover version, which is called quite standard for AvtoVAZ. New Lada Largus Cross boasts side skirts, new front and rear bumpers. There are also changes in the interior, but they do not affect the reliability in any way. The appearance of the Cross version made it possible to make Largus even more resistant to our roads, thereby increasing reliability and passability. Hence the quite fair 4th place in the rating.

Experts and ordinary car enthusiasts ranked third with the latest novelty from AvtoVAZ. XRAY, and even in a crossover version, promises to be one of the best projects in terms of reliability.

There are several reasons. XRAY was developed using new technologies using relatively advanced solutions, new engines, and chassis elements. Other materials, other electronics, a number of security systems had a positive effect on the status of this car. The cross version can be put on a par with the regular XRAY, although the Cross additionally has an increased ground clearance, protective pads and other modifications to the body. As a result, improved cross-country ability and better protection from bad roads.

Nominally, 2 airbags are installed on the car at once, an assistant for starting up the hill, ABS, EBD, ESP and TCS systems. There are no particular complaints about the reliability of the engines. But the variator box, available only from a certain level of equipment, raises some doubts. Moreover, it is also interesting that the variator is available for the younger engine, while the more powerful version is equipped with only a 5-speed manual transmission. The latter has a huge resource, minimum problems. You just need to properly service the mechanics.

In terms of reliability, it is still difficult to say and argue that Lada XRAY this is by far the most reliable Russian car among the existing ones. It's too early for such conclusions. The model must show itself in practice, in real operating conditions. Only in a few years will it be possible to see the true face of this machine. Moreover, both regular XRAY and XRAY Cross. Factory jambs will emerge, congenital malfunctions will be discovered, etc. But now we can say that this is a successful and promising project on the part of AvtoVAZ.

Lada Granta and Granta Cross

Lada Granta is in second place in the current rating. This car is available in several body versions. Among them there is also a cross-version based on the station wagon. Moreover, the debut of Grants Cross took place only at the end of the summer of 2018, and production started in May 2019.

Plastic body kit around the entire perimeter, increased ground clearance, new wheel disks at least size 15 will easily help you distinguish between a regular station wagon and a cross-version of this car.

Lada Granta became the successor to another popular Russian car in the person Lada Kalina... But the latter was not included in this rating for some reason. Although this is far from the most bad car in the arsenal of AvtoVAZ, which deserves laudatory reviews. Since Granta entered the market, most consumers focused on this model, bringing it to the 2nd place in the ranking.

Nominally, a driver's airbags are installed on Lada Grant, as well as ABS, EBD and BAS systems. The passenger airbag appears only in the top-end configuration. Not the best indicator, but this is the company's policy.

Lada Granta, which was created as a replacement for Kalina, simply had to not fall below the bar set by its predecessor. Kalina, with all its shortcomings, had a number of advantages. These include reliability, reliability and durability. This can be clearly seen by the number of Lada Kalina cars that still roam on Russian roads. There are probably even more of them than Lada granta.

Granta has largely met the expectations placed on her. The car turned out to be strong, they began to equip it with sufficiently reliable and durable engines. There are no escapes from jambs and factory assembly problems, but there are not so many of them as in the same Kalina.

It is Lada Granta that is rightly considered the first car that marked the beginning of a new branch in the history of AvtoVAZ development. The Russian company has taken a big step forward by creating a car that is close to European competitors. Yes, everything is far from perfect, and there is something to strive for. But this is the right vector with great prospects for the future. And they look pretty light.

Lada Vesta and Vesta Cross

Experts and ordinary car enthusiasts called the Lada Vesta the most reliable Russian-made car. This can be confirmed by the statistics of contacting car services, as well as the severity of malfunctions that owners have to face.

It is also important to note the use of high strength steel in the bodywork. The car completely changed the idea of \u200b\u200bdomestic cars in terms of safety and reliability in accidents and collisions. Yes, someone will say that Vesta is still far from foreign competitors and other representatives of the European C class. But not as far as you might think. Tests and actual operating conditions prove otherwise.

The car easily withstands all the charms of Russian conditions. The car has a strong body, well-organized safety. There are also no particular complaints about motors, as well as gearboxes.

You always want the best and strive for excellence. Lada Vesta is an example and an indicator that the Russian car industry does not stand still, it strives for improvement and modernization. Not everything works out, not all projects turn out to be successful. But work is underway and the right steps are being taken.

The concept of reliability in relation to Russian cars is difficult to interpret correctly. If we abstract from the leading automakers, compare what Russian companies offered earlier and what level they have reached now, then the picture looks quite pleasant and promising. Yes, domestic manufacturers are inferior to world leaders. But they are much better, better quality and more reliable than the representatives of the Chinese market.

If the budget is limited, but you want to buy an inexpensive and reliable car, in most cases it will be more correct to give preference to one of the new products of the Russian car industry. They attract with their cost, easily maintained engines, rather strong and stable undercarriage... For the same money, you can only buy some Chinese car or far from the most best models from renowned foreign manufacturers. In terms of reliability, they are definitely not ahead of Russian cars, and in terms of service and maintenance they will cost much more. The choice is yours.

Russia is one of the largest car manufacturers in Europe. Every year, tens of thousands of vehicles of all sorts leave the conveyors of numerous factories - from budget small cars to large luxury SUVs. And we are talking not only about cars of Russian brands. In recent years, automakers from all over the world have been striving to increase their influence on the domestic market, for which purpose they have opened new factories and assembly lines in Russia.
Now in our country they collect Chinese LIFAN, GEELY, BRILLIANCE and CHERY, French RENAULT, German VOLKSWAGEN, czech SKODA, korean HYUNDAI and KIA, Japanese NISSAN and many, many other cars of the world's leading manufacturers. And how do you make a choice in such an incredible variety? Let's take a look at the main aspects that are worth paying attention to first.

  1. Vehicle type: subcompact hatchback, family sedan, fashionable crossover, passable SUV, practical station wagon - everything is collected in Russia! There are even much rarer models such as a van, a sports hatchback or an all-terrain station wagon. So decide for what needs you first need a car and, based on this, choose its type.
  2. Engine: among the cars assembled in Russia, there are both owners of modest engines with a volume of 1.3-1.4 liters and a capacity of less than 100 hp, as well as proud owners power units volume of 2 liters or more, already producing under 200 hp. The former provide high fuel efficiency (up to 5 liters of gasoline per 100 km of track in the extra-urban cycle), the latter - high speed and high-torque. If you are looking at off-road models with four-wheel drive, you should also pay attention to the torque indicators. It is the moment that influences how well the car will handle off-road conditions when driving at low speeds.
  3. Equipment: the most well-equipped budget models of the Russian assembly are, as a rule, cars of Chinese brands. But Europeans, Japanese and Koreans are distinguished by more advanced and modern solutions. But they also cost more, of course. The latest models of the main Russian brand LADA can be called the optimal ratio of rich equipment and reasonable prices. Cars such as VESTA and XRAY received equipment at the level of the best foreign models, but at the same time retained quite competitive prices.
  4. Safety: When buying a car in the 21st century, in no case should you ignore the issue of protecting passengers. It is desirable that there are at least three basic passive and active safety systems on board the car: front airbags for the driver and front passenger, anti-lock brake system (ABS) and electronic brake force distribution (EBD). Well, the more such technologies are implemented on board the car, the better. Looking through the complete set of the model, pay attention to the presence of such abbreviations as ESS, BAS, ESC, VSM, ESP, AFU, TPMS.
  5. The level of adaptation to Russian climatic and road conditions: all domestic models, of course, at the design stage were prepared for testing on Russian roads and weather. But this is far from an exception. Nowadays, many foreign manufacturers do not skimp on adapting their cars for the Russian market. For some, it is larger and more thoughtful, for others it is less. For example, the Korean model KIA RIO, which is very popular in our country, received an increased ground clearance of 160 mm and a plastic crankcase protection, an increased capacity battery (48 Ah), a heating system with increased power (4650 kcal), treatment of the body and bottom with an anti-corrosion coating, as well as treatment of the radiator material that protects against aggressive external environment.
After theory, it's worth moving on to practice! In our showroom there are several dozen cars assembled in Russia from leading domestic and international manufacturers. You will definitely find a car to your liking with us.

Buying a Russian-assembled car in the showroom authorized dealer "RIA AVTO", you get a car with an ideal ratio of price and quality, because the production established in our country allows companies to save on the transportation of finished products. In addition, the "Russian registration" of the vehicle guarantees the constant availability of high-quality original spare parts. And, finally, the vast majority of such models are undergoing additional adaptation for operation on the territory of our country.

Although Russian car brands cannot compare to German, American and Japanese car companies, they are nonetheless important players. IN Soviet years played a huge role for the country and enjoyed superpopularity. In our time, the popularity of Russian domestic car brands falls, but, nevertheless, according to the statistics of sales of new cars, some car brands of Russian origin remain the most popular in terms of sales.

Despite the decline in popularity and the onset of competition, Russian cars cannot be discounted. Many car companies, after years of decline, are slowly but surely beginning to develop. That is why our domestic cars are worthy of a mention. In general, it should not be discounted either, since our cars have enormous development potential. Despite the huge decline in new car sales in the country, Russian market is still one of the ten largest markets in the world. It is noteworthy that this achievement became possible in a very short time.

With today's article we are opening a series of publications that will be dedicated to all car brands in the world. In each new article, we will talk about the car brands of each country, which is known all over the world for its cars. Of course, we devote the first publication to Russian brands that were 30-50 years ago, some of which are still their new vehicles.


  • Project start year: 2012 - present
  • Headquarters: Moscow, Russia
  • LLC "Aurus"
  • Web site:

The first since the time of Nicholas II, a luxury line of ultra-expensive cars in our country, which can be purchased by an ordinary person, subject to availability money... It is assumed that already produced and still being developed today cars (a polysemantic name, which includes both the Latin word Aurum - "gold" and the particle "rus" - personifying Russia, Russian production) will begin to be sold not only in Russia and the CIS countries , but also cars will be delivered to Europe, Asia and South America.

As of mid-2018, it was known that for production exclusive cars production facilities were built on the territory of NAMI "Central Research Automotive and Automotive Institute" NAMI "", where small-scale assembly of cars is still taking place.

At the same time, the volume of the annual circulation was planned in the region of 200-300 cars, with the possibility of connecting the Sollers capacities with the growth of world demand. In 2019, it was announced that the Sollers-Yelabuga plant was being re-equipped for serial production of the Aurus Senat and Aurus Komendant cars.

Serial production in Yelabuga should begin in 2021. It will include a full cycle: stamping of parts, welding, assembly, painting and production of engines.

Despite the wide range and variety of models: sedan and limousine, convertible, and minivan and even all passenger carsmobiles will be built on a single modular platform. Aurus-41231 (SB) / 41231 limousines, Aurus-4123 sedans, Aurus-4124 crossovers, Aurus-4125 minibuses in versions with long and short wheelbase.

The Russian Rolls-Royce, as the Aurus Senat was nicknamed in the media, became the first car from the line to be shown to the public. A full-fledged limousine Aurus Senat L700 was launched on May 7, 2018.

Today, the official website offers two models for purchase: Aurus Senat and Aurus Senat Limousine - in a long wheelbase version. Further the lineup will expand with the Aurus Arsenal minivan and the Aurus Komendant SUV. Cars can also be armored, as was the armored presidential version.


  • Year of foundation of the company: 1966 - present
  • Headquarters: Togliatti, Samara region
  • Founder / Parent Company: AvtoVAZ CJSC
  • Web site:

This is one of the most famous domestic car brands in the world, which was founded in the 60s and still produces cars. In the Soviet years, Avtovaz was the largest manufacturer of Lada cars, most of which were exported to all of Western Europe. Recall that the first Lada models were based on Italian Fiat cars. Outwardly, some Zhiguli models were very similar to Italian cars.

However, despite the similarities, the first Lada cars were not actually Italian Fiats. It was really our Russian car exterior design, which was written off from Fiat.

The most popular models in the history of the brand are cars of the following series: "408", "412" and "2142".

Production of Muscovites started in the pre-war years, but the car did not enjoy success until 1949, when the first modern model Moskvich 400 entered serial production ... It was thanks to Opel technologies that AZLK released the first Moskvich 400 model, which was based on the Opel Kadett.

The Moskvich brand gained its greatest popularity in the 70s and 80s, when the economy of the USSR was growing. But unfortunately having survived the decay Soviet Union, the brand has not survived to this day. In 2002, Moskvich was declared bankrupt. In 2006, Renault acquired some production lines of the AZLK plant in Moscow, where some Renault models were subsequently produced.

In 2009, the right to the Moskvich brand was acquired by the German volkswagen... The VAG group of companies owns the right to use the name "Moskvich" until 2021.

Moskvich 400 Moskvich 401 Moskvich 423
Moskvich 410 Moskvich 407 Moskvich 423N
Moskvich 430

Moskvich 411

Moskvich 403
Moskvich 424 Moskvich 432 Moskvich 408
Moskvich 426 Moskvich 433 Moskvich 412
Moskvich 434 Moskvich 2138 Moskvich 2733
Moskvich 2315 Moskvich 2140 Moskvich 2141
Moskvich Svyatogor

Yury Dolgoruky

Prince Vladimir


GAZ Nizhny-Novgorod

  • Year of foundation of the company: 1932 - present
  • Headquarters: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
  • GAZ Group
  • Web site:

Gorkovsky car factoryAbbreviated as GAZ, is a Russian automobile company that was formed in 1932. At first the company was named Nizhny Novgorod. Then the name of the manufacturer was changed to "Gorky". But later the company received the abbreviated name "GAZ".

It is our leading manufacturer of commercial vehicles in the country. The company specializes in the production of automotive components, powertrains, automobiles, heavy and medium trucks, large buses and light commercial vehicles ( etc.).


  • Year of foundation of the company: 1941 - present
  • Headquarters: Ulyanovsk, Russia
  • Founder / Parent Company: Sollers
  • Web site:

The Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant has the abbreviated name "UAZ". It is a large Russian car manufacturer. Manufactures trucks, buses, and sports cars. In addition, the company produces military equipment... The most popular model is the UAZ-469.0020. Other popular cars manufactured by the company: UAZ-31514, UAZ-31519, UAZ-3153, UAZ-3160, UAZ Bary (UAZ-3159), UAZ Simbir and UAZ Hunter.


  • Year of foundation of the company: 1969 - present
  • Headquarters: Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan, Russia
  • Founder / Parent Company: Kamaz Group
  • Web site:

The Kama Automobile Plant produces vehicles under the Kamaz brand. The company specializes in other automotive equipment. The company was founded in 1969. For the first time, the serial production of cars began in 1970. It is not only one of the best truck manufacturers in our country, but also one of the best in the world. For a long time, Kamaz vehicles have been the undisputed leaders and winners of the regular ones.

Thanks to these races, Kamaz has gained a reputation for being safe, reliable and powerful cars... The plant is currently producing 260 trucks in a day. The Kamaz company produces 93,600 vehicles per year.


  • Year of foundation of the company: 2003 - present
  • Headquarters: Cherkessk, Russia
  • Founder / Parent Company: Mercury Group
  • Web site:

Derways Automobile Company was founded in 2003 and is one of the first private car manufacturers in Russia in our country. The company specializes in the production of SUVs, compact cars and two-door coupes. The company produces 100,000 vehicles a year. Derways Automobile Company also has a joint production with the Chinese Group company. The most popular cars produced in the partnership are Lifan 320 and Cowboy.

Spetsteh LLC

  • Year of foundation of the company: 1967 - present
  • Headquarters: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
  • Founder / Parent Company: Not available
  • Web site:

The Russian company "Spetsteh" is based in Nizhny Novgorod. The company specializes in the production of wheeled and tracked all-terrain vehicles. In addition, Spetsteh is a major manufacturing player. Also "Spetsteh" is a supplier of components for the "UAZ" plant.

Dragon motors

  • Year of foundation of the company: 1983 - present
  • Headquarters: Ulyanovsk, Russia
  • Founder / Parent Company: Not available
  • Web site:

The production of the Dragon Motors company is located in Ulyanovsk. The company produces off-road vehicles and is engaged in vehicle tuning. The company first introduced its car in 1985, which was called "Laura". The car has received many diplomas and awards. Since then, Dragon Motors has produced many amazing cars. The vehicles of this brand are distinguished by reliability, safety and exceptional individual style. Here are some of the best models OHTA, Astero, Jump, Proto-LuAZ.


  • Years of the company's activity: 1989-1997
  • Headquarters: Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia
  • Founder / Parent Company: Grigory Rysin
  • Website: Not available

Avtokam was a Russian car manufacturer. The company's plant was located in Naberezhnye Chelny. The company was founded by several organizations: L. Ya. Karpova, Ivanovo Heavy Machine Tool Plant and Interlap. Avtokam was incorporated in 1989. For the first time, the production of cars began in 1991. The plant produced the Autokam Ranger and Autokam 2160 models. However, for unknown reasons, the company decided to stop production, after which in 1997 the company ceased to exist.


  • Years of the company's activity: 2007–2014
  • Headquarters: Moscow, Russia
  • Founder / Parent Company: Nikolay Fomenko, Andrey Cheglakov, Efim Ostrovsky
  • Website: Not available

Marussia Motors is a Russian sports car manufacturer. The headquarters was located in Moscow. was founded in 2007. The company has developed sports cars "B2" and "B1". Marussia Motors with the former Formula Racer driver Nikolai Fomenko, more than once became the winner of various competitions. Despite some success in the world of motorsport, the company went bankrupt in 2014. Initially, the brand hoped to solve financial problems with outside help, but without finding support, it was declared bankrupt.

We tried to collect in this article maximum amount popular and well-known Russian car brands. We hope our series of publications will help you learn the history of many of the world's car brands. In the next article, you will learn everything about Korean car brands.

In order to survive in the fierce competition, the Russian auto industry needs fundamental changes. This thesis is confirmed by statistical and analytical studies of reputable organizations such as "Autostat". The current state of affairs does not suit either consumers or producers. According to VTsIOM, motorists drive mainly old domestic cars (manufactured before 2006) due to their availability. More modern models for their class are expensive, foreign ones are not available to most citizens.

Old car companies are experiencing a shortage of modern technologies... New factories lack resources. Individual localized production facilities closely cooperate with world car brands, which allows them to create their own promising developments. Thanks to this, the ability to produce inexpensive and reliable equipment takes on real shape.

Prospects for the development of the domestic auto industry

At the end of 2015, the Ministry of Industry of the Russian Federation, based on research materials from the Boston Consulting Group (an international consulting company), developed the “Development Strategy automotive industry for the period up to 2020 ". The program includes the following steps.

  1. Maximum full saturation of the domestic market with domestic machines.
  2. Increase to the maximum share.
  3. Development of Russian brands popular in Russia and abroad.
  4. Production of key components, localization of production of main products and complete sets of all brands.
  5. Expansion of the patent base and R&D.

The developers of the "Strategy" see 4 possible scenarios for the development of the automotive industry: the current vector, partnership, a closed market, a large exporter. The second way seems to be the most realistic - “Partnership”. It is this scenario that is taken as the basis of state policy, within the framework of which the Russian auto industry should receive about 600 billion rubles. Unfortunately, this strategy does not give "tactical" measures, but it presents the expected results.

  • from 60% to 20% in monetary terms.
  • The production of domestic vehicles will amount to 2.38% of Russia's GDP.
  • For every 1000 population of the Russian Federation, 363 people will buy Russian cars.
  • The number of road accidents will decrease by 25-30%.

The document shows the volume of investments by years in the largest car factories: AvtoVAZ, Gaz, KAMAZ, Sollers. Given the low attractiveness of the Russian car industry for large investors, progress is evident. Cooperation agreements were signed at VAZ with Sollers and Renault, at KamAZ with Daimler AG. In 2010, the Peugeot-Citroen and Mitsubishi Motors plant was opened in Kaluga, Volkswagen launched skoda production Fabia.

The history of the development of the Russian car industry

The beginning of the history of the automotive industry in Russian Empire attributed to the end of the 19th century. The technical novelty did not receive recognition among the nobility. Domestic development almost ceased, resuming only in 1917 at a carriage factory in Riga. Here they assembled products, first on the basis of imported components, and later - on the basis of their own production.

With the outbreak of the First World War, the government funded money for the construction of auto factories in Yaroslavl and Moscow (AMO). During the war, the Riga Automobile Plant switched over to the production of aircraft and missiles. His specialization was used in the USSR in the space industry. The first Soviet passenger car was produced at AMO in 1924. The F15 model was far from world standards. The plant reconstructed and mastered the production of trucks of the US Ford Motor Corporation. In the period 1931-33, it became known as the ZIS. Further development ZIS received during Patriotic War... He was taken to the Urals, where UlZiS and UralZiS were formed.

Under the license of the Ford Motor Company, trucks and cars began to be produced in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod). The GAZ plant demonstrated great productivity, its products were used to equip the Soviet army. At the same time, during the war, the design development of a passenger car was carried out. They ended with the release of an excellent, one-of-a-kind Victory. This car raised the reputation of the USSR automotive industry. The interest in it was so high that export models were created. And sold abroad - it was a breakthrough!

The subsequent stages of the development of the automobile industry of the USSR fell on the middle of the last century. Automobile factories VAZ, GAZ, MAZ, KrAZ, KamAZ, ZIL, UAZ appeared. Of these, enterprises on the Volga (VAZ, KamAZ, UAZ) and in Nizhny Novgorod (GAZ) operate in the Russian Federation. Soviet cars account for two thirds of all passenger cars in the country. These are Volga, Oka, Niva, Moskvich, Zhiguli, Zaporozhets. Trucks of the brands KAMAZ, MAZ, KrAZ, ZIL are known and deservedly popular not only in the domestic market, but also far beyond the borders of Russia. Machines have undeniable advantages:

  • reliable and frost-resistant cars;
  • equipment is provided with inexpensive maintenance and spare parts;
  • high cross-country ability of vehicles is due to the conditions of their operation on the difficult roads of Russia;
  • low, in comparison with foreign counterparts, the cost of cars.

And further. Despite the unsightly appearance, domestic passenger cars are remarkable for their vitality. The indefatigable "Victory", the fast beauty "Volga", the old, reliable hard workers "Muscovites" and "Zhiguli". This means that the Russian car industry, which is now associated with low quality, could achieve high success. The industry needed and. Instead, there was the irreparable failure of 1990-2000.

The current state of the Russian automotive industry

AvtoVAZ, GAZ, KamAZ operate from the old large car factories in the Russian Federation. Over the past 10 years, joint ventures have been established with various foreign companies.

The lag of the Russian auto industry in the production of light vehicles is compensated by the production of heavy buses and special equipment.

AvtoVAZ is actively developing, improving its Lada. In 2015, the Lada car showroom was opened in Hungary. Buses are manufactured by the Lipetsk Automobile Plant. The well-deserved Paziks have turned into modern PAZ low-floor buses. GolAZ specializes in the production of agricultural machinery and large buses. Heavy "Urals" continue to roll off the conveyors of UralAZ. The first private company in the Russian Federation, AK Derweiss, appeared in 2002 in the North Caucasus.

Vehicle type State of domestic production Comparison at the end of 2013 (data from OICA)
Heavy buses Championship in Europe. 173 148 units - China

23 107 units - Russia

12 460 - European Union

Special equipment, The brand is popular in the Russian Federation and in the world: trucks, mainline, military equipment. Its factories are located in Kazakhstan, Ethiopia, Pakistan, and Vietnam. The KamAZ truck is a multiple winner of the Dakar.
Passenger sector GAZelle, Sobol, Sadko, Volga are widely used for commercial and industrial purposes.
SUVs All-wheel drive UAZs are actively working in the army, units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Trends in the development of Russian automotive production

The growth in the production of domestic cars began in 2010, however, at an insignificant pace. The main direction of development is the strategy of production of foreign models. The joint development of Chevrolet-Niva appeared. Foreign concerns are building their own car factories on the territory of the Russian Federation. Examples are Ford Motor Company, Sollers-Naberezhnye Chelny. Foreign cars vehicles bMW brands, Chevrolet, Hummer, Kia are assembled at Avtotor in the Kaliningrad region.

Our products are competitive with. Its export has become possible, and there are prospects in this direction. It is necessary to study and intensively occupy free large markets. Deliveries to Vietnam, Iran, Algeria will amount to 15, 30 and 22 thousand units of chassis and bodies by 2020, respectively. Expanding exports can contribute to the recovery and sustainable development of the domestic auto industry.

As part of the "Strategy", it is planned to raise employment in the industry from 0.8% to the level of advanced "automobile" countries. In the EU, it averages 2%. Experts see good prospects for the automotive industry in the practice of implementing special investment contracts. A chance for the development of the industry in Russia is also given by the reduction in the production of foreign cars.

Russian-made cars can be treated in different ways, but the fact remains that on the roads of the Russian Federation, domestic cars are found no less often than foreign cars popular all over the world. And all because the reliability of the Russian assembly has been tested for many years and enjoys well-deserved trust, and the availability of spare parts for Russian cars does not cause any problems.

In the Tsentralny car dealership, which is an official dealer of famous Russian brands, it is possible to buy a new domestic car with any wallet size! In our salon you will find reasonable prices, "Trade-in", various promotions, discounts and special offers, as well as very loyal conditions - with their help everyone can become the owner of a new car! Our qualified specialists who will answer all your questions will help you to choose a model.

Sale of domestic cars in the "Central" car dealership

We offer great shopping opportunities domestic car with a limited budget:

  • profitable car loan up to 3,500,000 rubles. for a period from six months to seven years, without the required 1st installment;
  • interest-free installments up to 1,900,000 rubles. for one to three years, with a minimum entry fee - from 30% of the cost of the purchased model;
  • trade-in program.

To apply for a loan for Russian cars, you only need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, and in order to receive a 0% installment plan, you must additionally present a driver's license and a photocopy of a work book certified by the employer. A used car, handed over to our salon through Trade-in, can act as an initial payment for an installment plan or a loan. The discount for a used car under the recycling program is 50,000 rubles, and the discount in the presence of an initial loan payment is 40,000 rubles.

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