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Yellow antifreeze. Characteristics, as well as with which you can mix

Good day to all! A rather relevant and interesting topic has matured, which I propose to discuss in the comments. And we will talk about whether it is possible to mix antifreeze.

Moreover, it is set by Internet users a large number of questions on this topic. I will try to answer the main ones. This will allow you to finally understand the issue of the correct selection and combination of coolants for your car.

By choosing for the motor, or buying and all sorts of other fluids, the driver should always think about how their use will be combined with the car. After all, if the composition does not meet the requirements of the automaker, this can potentially lead to serious and undesirable consequences.

The same goes for antifreeze. Many people think that mixing different compounds can harm the car and the whole ... So it is or not, and what you need to know about mixing coolant, we will find out.

Liquid cooling system

Liquid or water-based engine cooling systems are incredibly popular and common among car manufacturers. Initially, ordinary water was used for such purposes. The advantage was that it was easy to obtain, even in extreme situations.

At the same time, water as a coolant (coolant) has its disadvantages:

  • corrosion starts quickly;
  • when using dirty water, it is imperative to flush the system;
  • low temperature threshold of freezing;
  • fast boiling;
  • active evaporation;
  • frequent engine failure;
  • the need for constant monitoring of the cooling system;
  • a large amount of sediment when using untreated water, etc.

The producers realized that you can't go far on the water. First, glycerin and alcohol were added to the water. The composition has improved and modernized. As a result, we got a special coolant called antifreeze. In the post-Soviet space, the concept of antifreeze is also actively used.

We will understand the classification a little so that you can further understand whether it is possible for motorists to mix compositions in certain situations. Namely:

Some are sure that in no case should you mix antifreeze and antifreeze. Others believe that even if you mix red with green, red with blue, or yellow with any other coolant colors, absolutely nothing terrible will happen. So we'll find out who is right.

A bit of classification

Currently, for automobile engines, or rather for their cooling systems, 6 compositions are used:

  • antifreeze;
  • G11;
  • G12;
  • G12 +;
  • G12 ++;
  • G13.

They can be of different companies, of the same color, of different shapes, types, etc. That is, color is not a fundamental criterion here. Therefore, one type of composition can be blue and green, yellow and red, etc.

Let me tell you about each composition separately.

  • Antifreeze. An old type of antifreeze, developed during the Soviet era specifically for soviet cars as a response to imported antifreeze. Consists of the usual aqueous solution using complex alcohols. This includes ethylene glycol and special protective additives;
  • G11. Traditional coolant based on ethylene glycol, water and additives. Silicates, phosphates, as well as borates, nitrites, etc. are used as additives. They do not differ in long service life. The main color is blue;
  • G12. Carboxylate car antifreezes, where, in addition to components from G11, carboxylates are added. These are compounds of a fairly effective carboxylic acid. The coolant serves for a long time, the composition is mainly painted in red or pink;
  • G12 +. Hybrid fluid based on water and ethylene glycol, carboxylate, silicate, nitrite and phosphate additives. The composition of the coolant may vary depending on the manufacturer and its geographic location. Mostly red in color;
  • G12 ++. The so-called hybrid fluids. Organic base and silicates are used. Much similar to G12 + antifreeze, but with a longer service life;
  • G13. The new kind Coolant, where ethylene glycol was abandoned and replaced with propylene glycol. Such a component is harmless, which is why it quickly gained popularity. It happens most often in pink and purple.

But you must understand that any of the antifreeze presented can be painted in completely different colors. It does not depend on the composition in any way. Color is a purely decorative component.

Initially, manufacturers wanted to stand out by changing the color of a standard white liquid. But gradually everyone started using different coloring options. For this, dyes are used.

Mixing issue

If you think that it is completely safe to mix red with red, but blue and green car antifreeze should in no case be combined with each other, do not jump to conclusions.

First of all, I advise you to read the material on choosing the best anti-freeze. Here to this article. All vehicles are advised to select only the highest quality formulations. And it is not so important whether we are talking about antifreeze, or is it , flushing agent or some for rust. We put quality first. And it will be better if you constantly start using the same antifreeze.

It is better to mix compounds in winter and summer in emergency situations, when there is simply no way to find the original coolant. If you buy a concentrate, then you simply have to mix it with water. But not from the tap, but from a special, purified and distilled one.

As you understand, coolants differ in composition and additives used. And many of them can coexist in one liquid without provoking the appearance of a precipitate and without forming a gel from antifreeze.

If you mix coolants that differ in manufacturer and color, no disaster will definitely happen. But it is not worth experimenting without an urgent need. In the worst case, the resulting mix will not last as long as you originally expected.

Motorists are interested in mixing:

  • compositions of the same color;
  • mixtures from different companies;
  • G11 and G12;
  • G12 and G12 +;
  • G12 and G13;
  • Coolant from different companies (for example, Sintec and Felix)
  • antifreeze and antifreeze;
  • G11 and G12 ++;
  • G12 ++ and G13;
  • red and blue;
  • blue and green;
  • pink and purple.

The list is endless, since there are a lot of potential combinations.

But you should rely on generally accepted rules. They will be the basis for making a decision regarding the mixing of different coolants in emergency situations.

These rules read as follows:

  • do not mix coolants that are class 11 and 12;
  • it is allowed to combine G11 with G12 + and even with G13;
  • if necessary, you can combine 12 and 12+;
  • in the case of a combination of 12 with 12 ++ or 13, it is better to refuse such a mixture;
  • in parallel, it is not forbidden to combine 12, 12 ++ and 13.

Agree that it is quite difficult to keep such formulas in mind. But sometimes it is better to have the appropriate knowledge in order to avoid mistakes.

Drawing conclusions

Practice clearly proves that drivers can mix coolant from different brands and manufacturers in the reservoir with the same class and chemical composition. In such situations, it is unlikely that a dangerous for the cooling system is formed car engine sediment.

So in order: any antifreeze is a mixture of ethylene glycol (polypropylene glycol), water, dye and additive package. By the way, TOSOL is also antifreeze. Initially, it was a nomenclature designation of antifreeze specially developed for VAZ cars during the construction of a plant in Togliatti. The Italians were not satisfied with the quality of the "Antifreeze 156" that existed at that time in the USSR, they demanded to create a new antifreeze. TOSOL is an abbreviation: Technology of Organic Synthesis OL (alcohol according to chemical nomenclature). Now this name has become just a household name. Those. Antifreeze is a type of antifreeze. Each manufacturer uses its own additive package, including even in the line of one manufacturer, antifreezes may differ in the amount and composition of additives used. Additives can be anticorrosive, anti-foaming, reducing the effect on rubber, etc. In the 70s, European manufacturers decided to create a coolant classification. Three classes have been developed. G11 - ethylene glycol is used, as a rule, the cheapest coolant, with a small additive package. This class was assigned a green color. By the way, colors were introduced in order to distinguish liquids different classes... Before that, the slurries were colorless. G12 - ethylene glycol and carboxylate compounds are used. Due to the fact that the anticorrosive film is created only in the places of the foci, and does not cover all internal surfaces, the heat dissipation when using this antifreeze is more efficient than that of the G11. Ideally suited for high-speed and temperature-loaded engines. Due to a more perfect package, slurries of this class are more expensive. This class was assigned a red color. G13 - polypropylene glycol is used. This is a more environmentally friendly product (not poisonous, decomposes faster). Europe is chasing environmental friendliness, so they create such products. The most expensive coolant. This class is assigned a yellow or orange color. In Russia, no manufacturer makes G13 class fluids. Not mature enough to chase the environment for that kind of money. But most Russian and Asian manufacturers do not adhere to this classification. Take the same TCL: it has both green and red slurries of class G11, but they differ in the additive package (red is more perfect). Therefore, the manufacturer has introduced color separation in order to differentiate the product for the end customer. Take, for example, the original Honda antifreeze - it is made in green (well, they wanted it so), but by its properties it corresponds to the G12 class. This is where the confusion comes from. As for corrosion: it all depends on the additive package, as well as on its balance. At first, almost all less high-quality slurries equally protect against corrosion, but over time, the additives are worked out for cheap products, decompose and only glycol and water are circulated in the cooling system, naturally, there is no question of any protection. Therefore, if you fill in TCL and change it every 6-12 months, nothing terrible even for Honda engines will happen, but you can buy expensive antifreeze and change it every 3-4 years. It's up to the buyer. About mixing: it is allowed to mix slurries of classes G11 and G12 from the same manufacturer. In this case, color change is possible. IN emergency cases (in long trip for lack of other options), you can mix slurries from different manufacturers, but replace as soon as possible with a fresh one with full flushing. Due to the different composition of the additives, they can begin to interact and precipitate, deteriorating the properties of the coolant. About European manufacturers: now 90% of the European additive package market is occupied by BASF. For decades they have been producing the so-called masterbatch for classes G11 and G12 (just a package of additives). This product has its own trade mark Glysantin. Manufacturers such as Castrol, Mobil, Agip, Addinoil, etc. buy bass superconcentrate, add water and ethylene glycol, pack it in canisters and sell. There is one basis everywhere.

There is a misconception among car owners that the quality of antifreeze directly depends on its shade. Most often the following "classification" is provided:

The best is red antifreeze, which has a shelf life of 5 years;

Average quality - green antifreeze, its service life is 3 years;

Simplest" - blue antifreeze, which include Tosol, its service life is one to two years.

There is also an opinion that all refrigerants of the same color are completely identical, respectively, they can be mixed with each other. In order to increase the assortment, antifreezes of different shades are produced: green, blue, yellow, red, despite the fact that they are completely identical in their composition.

In reality, all antifreezes and antifreezes have no color. The amount of dye added is minimal - only a few grams per ton of antifreeze. Color does not in any way affect the properties of antifreeze.

What happens if you mix antifreezes of different shades from different manufacturers?

When mixing antifreezes of different shades, nothing terrible will happen - if, of course, they are produced in full compliance with established standards. As a rule, car owners are faced with such a situation when the antifreeze in cars is over, and there is no place to buy the same or impossible.

For example, G11 green antifreeze can be mixed with a similar green G11 antifreeze, but of a different brand.

The most important thing is to have the same standards by which liquids are produced.

Accordingly, G12 can be mixed with G12 from another manufacturer.
It should be noted right away that the antifreeze produced in our country is the usual G11 antifreeze, which can be easily mixed with blue and green antifreeze from another manufacturer.

Can I mix different colors of G11 antifreezes

Mixing antifreeze of different shades and different categories of G11 and G12 does not bring any special harm. However, there are subgroups G11 and G12, and the third fluid option is G13.

If we take only the first subgroup, then mixing such antifreezes will cause the additives to acquire both anti-corrosion and protective properties. Of course, no car owner will be able to control the whole process of mixing liquids from and to.

Most likely, the compositions will not react and the precipitate will not fall out, however, it is advisable to remember that the addition of various additives that are not designed for a particular car and its "interior" can adversely affect the cooling system.

The reason for this lies in the green antifreezes, which form a film on the pipes of the system, which does not allow the engine and other components of the machine to cool properly. Simply put, if blue or green is added to the red antifreeze, then the temperature regime decreases due to changes in the characteristics of the fluids.

It should be noted separately that when adding a small volume - up to one and a half liters - this effect may not be.

Can green, yellow and red antifreezes be mixed

Blue, green and red antifreeze are mostly composed of ethylene glycol and distilled water. In yellow and violet, on the contrary, the bulk of the composition falls on distilled water and propylene glycol.

Accordingly, in liquids absolutely different base - monohydric alcohols, one of which - ethylene glycol - is toxic, while propylene glycol is safe. For this reason, propylene glycol has been added to antifreeze to eliminate the toxicity of the composition.

In addition, G13 antifreeze includes two types of additives - protective and anti-corrosion.

When mixing red or green antifreeze with yellow, the following happens:

It is not known what kind of reaction propylene glycol and ethylene glycol will react to;

The additives that are part of the yellow or purple antifreeze are designed only for interaction with propylene glycol, respectively, how they will behave with ethylene glycol is unknown;

In addition, the question arises of the compatibility of the additives with each other.

For this reason, it is not worth mixing the refrigerants G11 and G12 and with G13 with each other - there is a high probability that sediment may form, which can lead to malfunctions in the car.

If your car systems run out of coolant but need to top up, it is best to use distilled water.

In the summer, antifreeze can be completely replaced with distilled water, but with the onset of cold weather it is changed to a special coolant. Water at temperatures below zero will simply freeze, which will lead to malfunctions of all components and assemblies of the car.

Mixing antifreezes of different shades - green, red, blue, purple and yellow - is possible only if they have a completely identical composition and additive package.

If these nuances are observed, then no harm will be done to the cooling system. In other cases, mixing antifreeze is unacceptable.

For cooling purposes power unit cars, as well as protecting the inner walls of the engine, use a special fluid called antifreeze. When adding coolant to the tank, you need to know and be sure that the composition of the existing and new fluid is compatible. Otherwise, engine problems are inevitable. The answer to the question of which antifreeze can be mixed with each other will be given in this article.

Antifreeze functions

These include:

  • maintaining a certain comfortable temperature;
  • car engine cooling;
  • lubricant for the water pump;
  • reliable engine protection against hypothermia and overheating, destruction and corrosion of metal parts.

There are a large number of manufacturers on the market. The knowledge of what to look for when choosing and whether it is possible to mix antifreeze from different companies is necessary for every motorist.

Antifreeze composition

Liquids of different brands and manufacturers include:

  • propylene glycol or ethylene glycol;
  • distilled water;
  • additives in the form of various substances that differ in composition and quantity.

Manufacturers use inorganic and chemical compounds to improve the properties of antifreeze in order to:

  • lowering the freezing point;
  • lubricating effect;
  • protection against corrosion.

What antifreeze can be mixed with each other

The components that make up different coolants can interact with each other when mixed. As a result chemical reaction anti-corrosion qualities will suffer and, as a result, parts will fail faster, possibly the appearance of scale, precipitation in the form of salts. It is strictly not recommended to mix liquids with different chemical composition. According to professionals, the compatibility of imported coolants is much higher. However, this does not mean that they can be mixed without thinking about the consequences.

Colors of coolants

What colors of antifreeze can be mixed with each other? This question worries many motorists. Initially, the liquid has no shades, that is, it is colorless. added for better visibility in cases of leakage. There are no standards in what color to paint antifreeze, and manufacturers independently make their choice:

  • The companies Prestone, Peak have two types of antifreeze colors that do not depend on their main characteristics. Liquids are produced that have a red and green tint.
  • Antifreeze from the Russian manufacturer G11 differs in color depending on the tolerance class, it is blue, green and yellow.
  • For Japanese manufacturers Raky, Aga, the color of antifreeze depends on their freezing point. Up to -20 degrees - yellow, up to -30 - red.

In some cases, the color scheme directly depends on the marketing policy of the company and may change over time. Thus, the opinion that those with the same color gamut have a similar composition is a delusion. The answer to the question of which antifreeze can be mixed with each other is ambiguous. Compatibility with the same color is not guaranteed.

Which antifreeze to choose

Manufacturers produce antifreeze designed for different operating conditions and vehicles. Therefore, individual technologies are used and different additives are used in order to achieve certain parameters. Thus, the same manufacturer, but different brands are incompatible with each other.

After purchasing a new car, antifreeze of the exact brand recommended by the manufacturer is poured. In the future, use the coolants specified in technical descriptions your car. After purchasing a used car, it is best to completely replace the existing antifreeze. The cooling system is flushed if there is dirt or rust in the coolant. Water is used for flushing and then new antifreeze is poured.

Is it possible to mix antifreeze of the same color, but from different manufacturers

To answer this question, consider their types. There are the following color variations of antifreeze:

  • Blue. It is believed that such a cooler has a short service life and is intended for vehicles produced in the Soviet era. The composition contains substances of inorganic nature, as well as their combinations. Silicates, which are part of the cooler, cover the internal metal parts of the engine and thereby impair the heat transfer processes, which negatively affects the operation of the cooling system.
  • Green. The composition is somewhat different from the previous one and contains additives of a chemical nature. The advantage lies in the fact that this type of liquid envelops with a protective film interior engine and adequately copes with corrosion processes, due to the presence of carboxylic acid in its composition. Among the shortcomings, the following should be noted: it requires replacement every two years, the resulting film increases thermal conductivity and, crumbling, clogs narrow parts.
  • Red. It is considered the most advanced antifreeze in composition. The quality of operation of a car engine is improved as it contains organic substances. A positive feature is a long service life, a high volume of carboxylic acid, due to which heat dissipation is improved, no film formation, and also a fight against corrosion phenomena. This one is recommended for cars with parts made of brass or copper materials.
  • Purple. The composition is similar to the previous species. The difference is that instead of ethylene glycol, propylene glycol is used in production, a less toxic substance.

If you have information and understand the individual nuances of the composition of coolers, then the question of whether it is possible to mix antifreeze of the same color, but different manufacturers will not be taken by surprise. As already mentioned above, the composition of the additional substances added to it affects the color of the coolant.

When mixing antifreeze, what happens

Mixing different cooling solutions leads to engine breakdown colors... And to the question of whether it is possible to mix antifreeze of different colors of the same brand, the answer is the following: it is not worth doing this, since very often there are unscrupulous manufacturers who produce low-quality goods under the guise of original products. Before you start mixing coolants, you should master the information about antifreeze that has been used previously, namely:

  • about the qualitative and quantitative composition;
  • about the type;
  • about the manufacturer.

One brand? Blue and green coolant is similar in composition. In exceptional cases, you can replace them. It is recommended to mix red antifreeze only with silicate-free coolants. IN rare cases in the summer months you can simply add distilled water. However, it should be remembered that any water contributes to the formation of rust and plaque. IN winter period this procedure is prohibited.

Can antifreeze from different manufacturers of the same color be mixed? In answering this question, professionals believe that this is possible, but still do not recommend doing this. Differences in additives in mixed coolants can adversely affect your vehicle.

What to look for when buying a cooler

When buying antifreeze, pay attention to the following points:

  • temperature indicators;
  • lifetime;
  • colour.

In order for the car to be in good condition choose the cooling solution responsibly. Less experimentation, choosing which antifreeze can be mixed with each other. When purchasing a cooler, stop your choice on those characteristics that are suitable specifically for your car.

Can I mix different colors of antifreeze

Antifreeze is a liquid used to cool parts of a car engine, and also protects when operating in severe frost conditions. It is used in all types of equipment and is characterized by the presence of additives that color the composition in a certain color. Depending on the substance added to the antifreeze, an orange or violet, blue, green and red liquid is distinguished. Cooling solutions are divided into: traditional, hybrid, carboxylate, lobridic. The choice of a certain brand of liquid with anti-corrosion properties sets the condition for using only it. However, it often happens that there is no solution at hand for an emergency replacement of the required solution and the question arises of using a different brand with an already filled one.

What is the difference in color antifreeze

Coloring the coolant in a certain bright color indicates its chemical composition. This is an agreement between sellers and manufacturers, used as a marketing ploy or other considerations. Inorganic inclusions give green, blue, orange, purple, red or blue tones. Often the same type of cooler is produced in different colors or different types may be of a similar shade. In contrast to the domestic Tosol of an exclusively blue color, foreign manufacturers offer liquids with the Volkswagen name in different color options corresponding to a specific type.

Antifreeze color can change during use and depends solely on engine operation. A brown or other dark shade indicates a large accumulation of waste from the corrosive processes of the cooling system and engine parts. It is highly discouraged to operate a car with such a liquid, as it is fraught with a breakdown of the heart of the car. It is necessary to immediately drain the damaged antifreeze, replace it with a new one after a complete cleaning of the system. Such darkening of antifreeze is caused by the use of a low-quality product, plain water, lack of preventive regular flushing of the cooling system, etc.

In the case of using a quality product, you should be wary with a low mileage or a short time of using antifreeze to change its color. Most often, this indicates the presence of a certain amount of corrosion, scale or other deposits in the cooling jacket or the entire system. The rate at which the color of antifreeze changes indicates the condition of the engine and its level of contamination. A different situation occurs when a straw-yellow tint of the cooling solution appears, which indicates the expiration of the life of the dye or the possible overheating of the motor. In this case, it is allowed to drive with the available fluid, but it is recommended to change it as soon as possible.

Coolants are divided into:

  • Saline;
  • Glycolic;
  • Alcohol;
  • Glycerin;
  • For heating systems.

Salt antifreeze is based on hydrochloric acid or common kitchen salt - calcium or sodium chloride. The proportion of these substances is 25%, which ensures that salt-based antifreeze can withstand low temperatures down to -20 ° C. An increase in the content up to 30% guarantees the safety of the engine in conditions with frost down to -55 ° С. Weaker 20% hydrochloric acid liquids are used in environments with the lowest reading down to -35 ° C.

The danger of salt antifreezes is that for an alloy of brass, copper or aluminum, when boiling, corrosion increases from salts accumulated on the lattices, which catalyze the process of metal destruction. High temperatures also contribute to corrosion.

Glycol antifreezes are based on tri-, di- and monoethylene glycol. These coolants are produced in the vast majority of products domestic brands... Depending on the percentage of active substance in the water temperature conditions for engines with such a solution, they can vary in the range from 0 ° С to -65 ° С.

Their advantage is that when frozen, they do not change their volume, turning into a mushy composition. When more than a dozen other additives are added, antifreeze will become a high quality coolant. The absence of at least one of these additives will provoke the death of the engine or pump.

The peculiarity of the alcohol solution lies in the low freezing point, however, in comparison with ethylene glycol formulations, they are not able to cause a decrease in the temperature of the aqueous coolant. The most common area of \u200b\u200bapplication is as a glass cleaning fluid or for air brakes. The use in the engine system is excluded due to the property of alcohols to ignite at elevated temperatures.

On the basis of glycerin, a solution is obtained with a low freezing point. The maximum limit for such compositions is -40 ° С. With negative thermometer readings, these liquids turn into a gel-like mass. Due to their high flow rates, they are less popular as a motor coolant than ethylene glycol counterparts.

Antifreezes for heating systems are made on the basis of glycerin and propylene glycol. The peculiarity of these substances is in the lower toxicity index than that of ethylene glycol solutions. The cost of such coolants is somewhat more expensive than the latter.

Antifreeze Standards

Automotive coolants fall into two categories:

  • SAE (based on propylene glycol);
  • ASTM (uses ethylene glycol as a base).

These types are generally accepted and the norm in the United States. Other countries have their own gradation:

  • AFNOR - France;
  • ONORM - Australia;
  • CUNA - Italy;
  • BS - England;
  • GOST - Russia.

The classification is developed in accordance with most cars and the specifics of the engine structure, as well as the predominant climatic conditions exploitation vehicle... Manufacturers of branded cars, for example Toyota, Volkswagen, General Motors, can boast of distinctive standards, which put forward their own requirements for the type and properties of antifreezes.


It is created on the basis of inorganic components, such as phosphates and silicates, and contains organic ingredients. In addition to these elements, a small amount of carboxylic acid and borates is contained. Refers to the G11 standard, which means it is hybrid. The term of use is limited to 3 years.

The peculiarity of these antifreezes lies in the ability to envelop the inner walls in the cooling path, which contributes to more effective fight with foci of corrosion. This credit goes entirely to the inclusion of the carboxylic acid.

The main disadvantages of this coolant are considered the need to change at least once every 2-3 years, the creation of a small deposit that clogs the thin channels of the cooling system, and a decrease in the heat removal rate due to the formed film.

The percentage of carboxylic acid, which can be contained in different proportions, brings this solution closer to the G12 class. Distinguish between "G11 +" and "G11 ++" green antifreezes. 4


A solution is created from organic carboxylic acids. The peculiarity of the substance is the creation of localized whips in the places of occurrence of corrosive foci. The thickness of the protective film does not exceed 1 micron. It is characterized by a long service life - 5 years before the next shift. Belongs to the G12 class according to the Volkswagen classification. Differs in better protective properties against cavitation and metal corrosion than silicate or hybrid analogs.

In addition to excellent properties in the fight against defects formed on metal surfaces, red coolants cannot be used as a preventive measure or as a protection for the cooling system. They are best used in brass and copper radiators, and can even be hazardous for aluminum structures.

Purple (Yellow)

An organic base and a small proportion of inhibitors of mineral composition are combined in lobrid antifreeze. This composition forms a film on the metal surface of the cooling system, which is spent on combating corrosion foci. Silicates and organic acids are included in lobrid fluids. The main advantage of this class of antifreeze when used in a new engine is that the service life is practically unlimited. In the Volkswagen classification, this type of solution is referred to as G12 ++.


The traditional antifreeze contains a combination of nitrates, amines, nitrites, borates, phosphates, silicates, which are used as corrosion inhibitors of engine parts. Most motorists in our country have used domestic Antifreeze for a long time, but today this product is considered slightly outdated morally.

Firstly, thermal resistance is limited to 108 ° C, which is insufficient for an engine operating on average at temperatures up to 150 ° C.

Secondly, the service life of inorganic inhibitors does not exceed 2 years.

Thirdly, the silicates released during the use of classic cooling fluids prevent effective cooling due to the coating of the inner surface of the system with a silicate layer. This leads to a deterioration in heat transfer performance.

The listed disadvantages apply to all modifications of the traditional Tosol.

Can I mix different colors of antifreeze

The main rule when mixing antifreezes is to ensure compliance with the standard. In this case, it is not necessary that the fluids be produced by the same manufacturer. It is enough to verify the quality of the product used and the solution to be added. If a liquid of class G13 is used, then it is imperative to mix it with any product of class G13.

Mixing antifreeze different color allowed if it matches one class. For example: liquid of class G11 is produced in blue and green, Antifreeze - in red or blue. It is allowed to mix one class of red and blue Antifreeze, or liquid type G11 blue and green. G13 class antifreezes are available in orange and violet colors, so they can also be combined without affecting the motor.

Coolants G11 and G12 contain ethylene glycol, and propylene glycol is used for the production of antifreeze according to the G13 standard. These are monohydric alcohols that are different in nature, which are not allowed to be mixed. Since the first two groups are green and red, and the second orange or purple, then a mixture of yellow with green or red, and red with purple or orange antifreeze for the car will be dangerous.

When mixing red G12 standard antifreeze and green G11 fluid, there is little danger when pouring into radiators on aluminum alloys. The first type of solution has low protective properties for this particular metal.

In the opposite process, when red G12 is poured into the liquid G11, no catastrophic consequences are observed. However, the heat dissipation of the cooling system may decrease. Protective film over time, it is capable of precipitating.

Despite the tolerable consequences for the engine, the peculiarity of antifreeze should be taken into account in the set of additives for a specific car and purpose. Probably, different brands and types have a set that can "conflict", causing undesirable consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to use such a mixture in an emergency and change completely as soon as possible.

How to dilute antifreeze with distilled water

A decrease in the level of antifreeze in the engine cooling system is a frequent occurrence. The option of buying a new product will be fraught with significant financial investments, and the use of small portable portions does not promise the motor a long life. The only economical option is to dilute the antifreeze with distilled water. This additive will evaporate over time.

The optimal proportion of distillate and ethylene glycol is 1: 1 or less water. At the same time, you should not pour a large amount of distilled liquid on the eve of winter, since the resulting mixture will not be able to protect against low temperatures... It is necessary to take care of a complete fluid change. Distilled water in small quantities will not make the system "weather"; it is not necessary to replace it. When distillate is added, the chemical composition of the initial antifreeze does not change, while maintaining its cooling properties.


Different manufacturers offer antifreezes in their own colors, so the composition and type of additives must be taken into account. The ideal option would be complete replacement used coolant or dilution with distilled water. If different antifreeze standards are mixed, clean immediately and keep the engine out of operation. Even the most expensive Tosols will not be able to take care of the iron heart of the "foreigner"; for this you need to use branded solutions or look for the most suitable ones. The purchase of antifreeze in certified centers will protect against counterfeiting or low-quality products.

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Car owners are often disappointed in their purchases, and for many reasons ...