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Porsche Cayenne of the third generation - ZR test drive. Porsche Cayenne of the third generation - test drive ZR Typical appearance with slight modifications

Hard work for Porsche designers - in everything to follow once and, apparently, forever, the accepted corporate identity. With such a dogmatic approach, p-dings are inevitable. For example, the Porsche 959, for all its coolness, can hardly be called beautiful car... And, of course, a textbook example is the Porsche Cayenne. If the purists of the brand hated the very fact of its appearance in 2002, “eroding” the sporting reputation of the brand, then the rest simply did not like how the designers “pulled” the image of the Porsche 911 onto the body of a large and tall SUV. But the first Cayenne quickly gagged - when it turned out that on the highway it is faster and more obedient than other sports station wagons and still copes well with any off-road. But the second reason to grumble disappeared, it seems, only now. The awkward face "a la Porsche 996" was quickly corrected for the car, but only in the third generation the designers finally succeeded in the feed. And in general, with each generation, the Cayenne visually becomes more and more lighter, although the dimensions change slightly. This time, the car has grown only 6 cm in length, 2 cm in width and became one centimeter lower. And the wheelbase has not changed at all.

But in fact, the “third” Cayenne is a completely different car. More precisely, two at once: Audi Q7 and Bentley Bentayga. All three are built on the same MLB platform. And this is an almost aluminum body (steel only in the most tense places, such as the roof pillars, the central tunnel and the engine shield), new suspensions with three-chamber pneumatic bellows, steering rear axle and electromechanical active stabilizers. In general, there is enough hardware that is the same for all machines.

However, there will be no agony of choice among this trinity. This is understandable from the first k-ilometer of the Portuguese serpentine. If the Q7 is above all comfort, and the Bentayga is the top comfort, then the Cayenne is the top sport! Sharp steering, instant car reactions, almost complete absence of roll, neutral understeer and unreasonable grip in corners - this is the Cayenne S, the average in today's line. large crossovers Porsche. It seems that you are not even driving a sports universal, but a real coupe - your hands, the vestibular apparatus, the brain refuse to believe that this is a two-ton and almost five-meter car. Only eyes say: "Look how far below the asphalt!"

The chassis is even more striking than the capabilities of the 440-horsepower turbo “six”, which accelerates the Cayenne S to 100 km / h in 4.9 seconds. Also because there is a Cayenne Turbo. And that's 3.9 seconds! This is where the launch control can darken your eyes. Most importantly, its chassis is tuned even better. Turbo, even though with a large V8 hanging in front of the front axle, turns even more lively, steers even more accurately. 550 horses are more noticeable and recklessly steer traction, despite the wider tires. And these optional ceramic brakes ... Standard cast-iron discs do well too, but after the "ceramics" it seems that they have long and hopelessly overheated - the brake pedal is so much heavier and rougher with them.

On the other side of the scales, comfort - Porsche does not even try to be like Bentley, no matter what chassis mode you turn on (by the way, there is no Comfort position, instead - Normal). Passengers feel every bump, hole, crack in the asphalt. When the coating deteriorates, there is a problem with hitting the touch buttons on the display and the central tunnel. Even when cruising, tires and wind are audible, and three-layer glass does not help. And the steering wheel is really heavy, not only in the parking lot, but everywhere and always. Especially on "esque". If it's not difficult to meet a used Cayenne with a lady driving in Moscow, then the new one will probably have fewer of them. Also because there is now a Macan.

But there will certainly be an abundance of male buyers. Diesel Cayenne (the most popular in Russia) will be available only at the end of the year, “just” Cayenne is not particularly favored with us (and okay), but they say that the first quotas for the Cayenne S (from 6 521 000) and Cayenne Turbo (from 9 800,000) have already been selected. Although "live" cars will appear only in May.

When, in the already distant 2002, the Porsche brand began selling its first SUV under the 955 designation, the adherents of tradition literally exploded with noble anger: what is it, how is it? A mud mixer from Porsche? A common genotype with a simple Volkswagen, and even assembly on one conveyor? The sky has fallen to the ground! Undermining the foundations and shaking the foundations!

But buyers on both sides of the Atlantic did not pay any attention to these philippics. Because the Porsche designers offered the buyer a truly universal car, at first glance recognizable as a worthy representative of the brand, powerful, fast, with excellent handling, but at the same time not afraid of bad roads and very roomy.

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And in Russia, where Porsche sports cars were treated with great respect, but held mainly for an impractical extravagant toy, on which, in fact, there is nowhere to drive and nowhere, they completely accepted the appearance of a new luxury SUV with a bang. And it was the Cayenne that became the foundation on which the building of the Russian brand's success was built. This was the case in 2004, when Porsche had only two dealerships in Russia, and this situation continues today, when their number has reached 21, and such popular models as Panamera and Macan have appeared in the company's lineup. In an interview given by the General Director of PORSCHE RUSSLAND LLC, Dr. Thomas Stärzel, to our publication, he did. And in this case we are talking about the hero of our test, the second generation Cayenne with index 958.

Second edition, improved

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When the car was officially presented to the world at the Geneva Motor Show in March 2010, it immediately became clear that the Porsche engineers and designers did the work on creating the "second edition, improved and supplemented" in their usual manner, that is, they tried to make the differences between the new product and her predecessor were not conspicuous. Indeed, it is enough to look closely at any representative of the glorious family of "nine-eleven" (in English - Nine-Eleven, in German - Neunelf) to identify it as a Porsche 911. And it does not matter what the factory index of the car is - 901, 930, 964, 993, 996 or 991, and how technically different it is from the classic 1963 sports cars.

So the Cayenne has changed little: the shape of the windshield and rear windows, the roof, headlights (the shape of which was clearly inspired by the Carrera GT lighting technology) and the roof of the body became different, daytime running lights appeared. The widespread use of magnesium and aluminum alloys allowed the body to "lose weight" by 250 kg. Naturally, the changes also affected the range of motors and the interior. And still, a person who is not very well versed in cars, most likely, will not be able to say "old" is a Cayenne or "new", but he will indicate the brand and model with 100% accuracy.

On Cayenne, all in Gabana

He will correctly name the brand because it is simply impossible to confuse the Porsche design with any other. Check out this gently humped, side-molded bonnet that slopes down smoothly, hinting at the everlasting 911. Take a look at its leading edge and the mouth of the radiator grille, which personally reminds me of the head of a giant manta ray. On the huge side air intakes of the brake cooling system, on the harshly frowned drops of the front lighting caps, on the tightened profile of the sidewalls ... This is a Porsche, in every feature, despite the overall massiveness of the body and the proportions typical of a mid-size crossover.

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And our “non-expert” recognizes the Cayenne because in 12 years the car has become a cult, has become a visible attribute of financial success and high status, displacing both, and, and in this capacity. It seems to me that this became possible precisely because of the sporty nature of the car. Because there are other expensive and high-profile models on the market, but ...

It is no coincidence that urban folklore included “On Cayenne, all in Gaban, I am driving around the city” (I am aware that in Zhitomir, and that Valentin Strykalo wrote this - but the phrase went to the people). What does the heroine of an ingenuous song do on Cayenne in her girlish dreams? That's right, it drives. And "all taxi drivers and minibuses give way, blink" ... As a rule, executive cars are not very inclined to "drive" them, and sports supercars do not take root in our country because of their tenderness and demand for quality road surface. But on the Cayenne you can even drive. But back to the exterior.

Who has four eyes

In 2014, the Cayenne underwent a slight restyling. The main thing that he received was new modern lighting equipment. As a child, we had a popular teaser: "He who has four eyes looks like a diver." I don’t even know if the four separate navigation lights under each hood made the Cayenne look like a diver, but they look extremely original and aggressive. Well, one more note: chrome is absent on the body of the model as a class. Only the large Porsche lettering on the tailgate and footrests (not available on all versions). Indeed, why does a real athlete need lame?

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Well, inside ... Often salons expensive cars compared to the offices of respectable executives, furnished with leather furniture. So, although there is a lot of high-quality leather with even stitching in the Cayenne cabin, I absolutely do not want to compare it with the cabinet. Rather, it reminds me of the wheelhouse of a space yacht from a fantasy novel. Firstly, no wood is used in the interior, only leather, brushed polished metal and carbon fiber. The tree is for the big-bellied oligarchs, whose owners prefer to read stock exchange statements, lounging on the back couch and turning on the massager. The Cayenne is designed for the owner to pilot his treasure himself.

Just look at all this scattering of buttons, levers and handles that covered the center console and transmission tunnel! Moreover, the size of these controls clearly hints that the designers did not at all anticipate the possibility of operating the device with fur gloves. But the tactile sensations of the button are extremely pleasant.

You're in luck, I'm not like everyone else

Well, what about the chairs? These are not even chairs, these are pilot lodgments! And with a lot of adjustments. You can not only move the seats in the longitudinal direction and change the angle of the backrest, but also change the length of the cushion, strengthen or weaken both the lower and lateral support, lumbar support ...

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Moreover, both the seats and the steering column, which are adjustable in angle and reach, are equipped with servos, so that the ideal setting can be achieved even on the go.

In general, the interior design literally screams: "You're lucky, I'm not like everyone else!"

Take at least a key and an ignition switch. On the one hand, Porsche has abandoned the contactless key fob and the push button to start the engine. But they did not exchange for a regular key fob with a switch-off sting. That is, there is a keychain, and what kind: the designers gave it the look of .... a Porsche car! And this key fob needs to be inserted into a special slot (and this slot is not located to the right of the steering wheel, like everyone else's, but to the left), but to start the engine it still has to be turned.

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Or the dashboard. Five separate wells, and the central one, the largest, has a tachometer. The speedometer stuck to the left, and on the move, frankly speaking, is readable ... but in general it is practically unreadable, since the markings on it are 50-100-150-200-250. And that's all. This is, of course, absolutely the right solution for the racetrack. There, after all, it is important to switch gears at optimal speeds and not to twist the motor, and then they will tell you your speed, according to the timing. But in the city ...

But the designers thought about this and placed a small display at the bottom of the tachometer, which displays the speed in digital format. Approximately the same approach is implemented in the chronometer-stopwatch crowning the center console: its main function is needed only on sports tracks, and so that a stylish device does not turn into a decoration useless for everyday life, there is also a digital display on which the current time is displayed.

The tongue of the round thing

Steering wheel. Tell me, can you sports car to be an uncomfortable steering wheel, especially if it was developed by the brand's specialists with great racing experience?

And, although it belongs to the type that I do not like very much, which rigidly sets the position of the hands, I must admit: in the Cayenne such a decision is absolutely justified and appropriate, and the very shape of the ergonomic nodules does not cause any inconvenience. Moreover, the volume control of the audio system and the phone is implemented in the most convenient way of all that I have tried, using the knurled wheels recessed into the spokes. Moreover, these wheels fit perfectly under the thumbs, and the axes of their rotation are inclined, so that the most natural movements are required from you. Well, the cruise control is placed on a separate steering column lever. Glory, glory to the Porsche ergonomists!

But the steering wheel is not just a round thing that you have to turn to make the car change direction. It is also a communication system through which the Cayenne communicates with its driver. But this is already “for those who understand”, who have learned “cayenne” at a good level. Indeed, we are accustomed to the American-style "empty" steering wheels of midsize SUVs. This setting also makes sense: it provides maximum convenience when maneuvering on extreme terrain, where, as you yourself understand, you have to crawl at the speed of a snail. But in high-speed corners this setting is not very convenient ...

Porsche Cayenne cost

from 4,770,000 to 11,929,000 rubles.

Recently, many cars have got artificial loading steering wheels. But this option is also far from ideal: the car just mumbles to you "turning ... turning ...", without giving any additional information. The Cayenne is a completely different matter, and by the way the steering wheel is poured, you can absolutely accurately assess the correspondence of speed and angle of rotation.


In general, the controls of the Cayenne require a long and thoughtful study. Only the suspension and transmission have three modes, and you can combine them! In general, the Cayenne usually offers several options for any task. For example, the gears of the Tiptronic S transmission can be sequentially switched manually "in a formulaic" way, using the paddle shifters, or in a rally manner, by moving the selector to the left position and pushing it away from you or towards you. The choice depends on your habits and driving conditions.

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On a highway or on a mountain serpentine, it is more convenient to wield petals, but on a grader or country road that requires intensive taxiing, in Offroad mode, it may be more convenient to use the selector.

In general, the Cayenne is as inexhaustible as an electron.

For example, I discovered the lockable drawers-safes under the front seats after the shooting, quite by accident, when I was examining the car before handing it over for any forgotten things.

Cayenne, get on your skis!

It is also important to understand that the Cayenne is not just powerful and fast car with sports genes. In many ways, the secret of its popularity lies in its versatility and practicality. Yes, it is assumed that its owner will drive himself. But you never know where he will go and whom he will have to take on board! So the trunk in the car is very decent, 540 liters (and by folding the backrests of the rear row, you can bring the volume up to 1,780 liters).

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But why would a wealthy owner want an SUV? For example, he may be interested in skiing. And going for a ride with three friends, he can fold only the middle part of the back row, putting in the trunk both skis and sports bags. In this case, of course, rear passengers will not be able to use the armrest or the cup holders hidden in it, but the ability to individually adjust the microclimate and seat heating will remain at their disposal.

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Well, the high status of both the owner and his car will be emphasized by the emergency kit, packed not in a banal nylon handbag, but in a vintage-look wardrobe trunk made of thick saddle leather with an emblem embossed on the valve.

Dream of Khabar

Cost of 18-way adaptive sports seats

131 767 rubles

Well, now let's dream a little ... Imagine that you are a successful businessman who just recently decided to buy a Porsche and, of course, chose the Cayenne. This is exactly what I had on the test - just a Cayenne, with a three-hundred-horsepower V6, the most affordable in the lineup, for 4,770,000 rubles.

So, you load your luggage, family and skis into the Cayenne and hit the road. But first you need to get through the crowd of Moscow traffic jams and overcome the first two dozen kilometers of "Vladimir" with Balashikha, traffic jams and traffic lights. And the first thing that the newly made "cayenne owner" understands is that the car in urban conditions behaves extremely intelligently, without frightening the driver with prohibitive power, nervous reactions and hellish growls. He just easily keeps in the stream at any speed, but if necessary, readily makes lightning-fast changes.

Porsche cayenne

At the same time, the suspension can be safely left in Comfort mode (the car still remains very collected and accurately responds to any steering movements), but the box can occasionally be switched to Sport or Sport Plus mode, if desired - if the traffic situation requires you to rebuild especially energetically or if you were the first at a traffic light and want to get away from the puffing diesel exhaust Kamaz. After a while, to select the desired mode, you will not even need to look at the block of buttons on the transmission tunnel ...

This you can

After Noginsk, you will finally break out into relatively free areas of the M7. Here you can either simply turn on the active cruise control, set the maximum non-penalized speed, and roll in a relaxed mode, enjoying your favorite music in the speakers of the BOSE audio system. Although I strongly suspect that a man with an adventurous streak will decide to rely on the warnings of the radar detector and the navigation system, press the trigger and at every opportunity will “blame all the money”: he is behind the wheel of a Porsche! We understand, we understand ... How, of course, “on Cayenne, all in Gaban ...” Well, in this case, not “in Gaban”, but in Toni Sailer, Phenix and KJUS. We understand, although we do not approve. Better wait for the turn to Saransk, and then to Bogorodsk.

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There, on two-lane roads, with the inevitable overtaking into the oncoming lane, the Cayenne will show you everything it is capable of (although accelerating to maximum speeds you definitely won't succeed). Instead, you can fully appreciate the Porsche Stability Management (PSM), Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus (PTV Plus) and Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC) roll control.

But now you have reached your destination, and the whole parking lot is already full of cars. Ha! Do not forget that the Cayenne is sporty, but still quite a real SUV. So you will definitely find a free "parking snowdrift", where you can safely crawl by turning on the Offroad mode, and the Surround View system will help you to gently crawl past the unsuccessfully set "behi".


  • You hate digital clocks and speedometers;
  • You don’t drive a car yourself, a chauffeur drives you;
  • You already own a Cayenne Turbo S.

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Porsche Cayenne 2019-2020 video tests

Video test new porsche models Cayenne 2018 on the Autoreview channel

Video test drive of the new Porsche Cayenne 2019 on channel

Video review of Porsche Cayenne in a new body from Alan Enileev and Pavel Bludenov

Porsche Cayenne 3rd generation video on the Big Test Drive channel

Porsche Cayenne ›Logbook› The first 300 km.

Do you want a joke about three hundred?)))

It turns out that this is my fourth SUV ... so there is something to compare with. Porsche's honor will have to be defended against Range rover Sport 5.0SC, Mercedes G63 AMG, Mercedes GLS 63 AMG.

In terms of smoothness, the cayenne wins over all these four. He is the softest. However, I think that this is the prerogative of only the younger version, the pipe will be tougher. Although, I could be wrong.

In general, what if we just evaluate it on the Doug scale of my corporate scale in each category ... It will be easier this way, since lexicon I have very limited and writing beautiful long texts is not mine.

1. Mercedes GLS 63 AMG 7/10
2. Range Rover sport SC 7/10
3. Mercedes G63 AMG 5/10
4. Porsche Cayenne 3.0 4/10
Everything is logical here. From the cayenne and was not required to blame, but for his strength, he rides norms. I am sure that turbo can even not be played with these slopoks. Although, surprisingly, GLS and RRS did not drive badly and, perhaps, would argue with each other.

Multimedia and electronics
1. Porsche Cayenne
2. Porsche Cayenne
3. Porsche Cayenne
4. Mercedes GLS, Mercedes G

998. Lada Vesta
999. Range Rover
Yes, multimedia in Porsche is not an icon of automotive electronics, but it is much better than the Mercedes and even more so the Indian OS from Land Rover (at least in the pre-styling version). To be honest, I got Pts multimedia in cayenne. A customizable home screen ... it's so easy! All widgets at hand. I don't use buttons at all.

The cool factor.
It is dominated by G. It makes no sense to continue. You are a kid of All Russia, period. Stop though. The Camry 3.5 is capable of shattering this pillar of stability.

Well, what a very strange post I got about first impressions. Rather, it's some kind of super objective rating. You can, of course, add a few more points, but then you get too long stand-up. Better to let the second part be.

Test drive Porsche Cayenne (Porsche Cayenne) 2018-2019

If you think that when creating a new car the manufacturer is based on the opinion of idle journalists, then you are deeply mistaken. Impressions, suggestions and criticism of the masters of the pen, of course, are taken into account, but nothing more. Journalists and experts do not drive most of the tested vehicles. To ride them is for ordinary people who change their car not weekly, but only once every 5-6 years. From their opinion, the manufacturer just repels.

Apparently, all current owners of the Porsche Cayenne crossover are completely satisfied with the design of the car. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to explain the fact that the new Cayenne from a hundred meters cannot be distinguished from the old one. Is that from behind, the differences are noticeable with the naked eye. Thanks to the jumper between the rear lights, which is gradually becoming a common element of all models of the German company. Although the idea, let's face it, is not new: take a look at new Audi A8 and A7. What is really there - fused taillights have long appeared on the Kia Sportage and not so long ago on the X-Line all-terrain hatchback.

Thoughts about Koreans disappear as soon as you get into the salon. The high and wide center tunnel that dominated the previous generation Cayenne remains in place. But the rest of the interior architecture has changed almost completely. The protagonist on the front panel is the huge display of the media system. It is so large that there was no place for the ventilation system deflectors on either side of it. They had to move downstairs. Lacquered panels with touch buttons are no longer a novelty for us: we have seen and used the Panamera. Since then, nothing has changed. Sensors still respond to the touch with sound and physical feedback, and the gloss is still instantly splattered with fingers.

Given the dynamic capabilities of the new Cayenne, it seems that with the newfangled touch controls, the Germans even overdid it a little. At autobahn speeds, you have time to blindly drive 100 meters and only after that you finally get into a virtual button. On shaky dirt tracks - and even worse. No, whatever one may say, but the Porsche engineers have not yet found the perfect compromise between physical buttons and touch keys. But where there is no place for any compromises and cannot be, it is in the quality of materials used for interior trim. There is absolutely nothing to find fault with.

Do not find fault with ergonomics in its traditional sense. Comfortable driving, cleaning area windshield huge, non-fixed selector "machine" works as it should. Even the sports seats of the Turbo version, despite their sporty look, turned out to be very comfortable and unobtrusive on a long journey. The traditional instrument cluster is also good. The most necessary information you snatch about the speed and engine speed at a time. The only surprise was that there were not very many places for storing small items in the new Cayenne. Apparently, the owners of the German crossover prefer to carry everything with them and not make a kind of storage room out of the car.

Specifications Porsche Cayenne

We turn the "coin" located to the left of the steering wheel, and a 340-horsepower supercharged gasoline engine with a volume of 3 liters comes to life under the hood. For the current Cayenne, this is the minimum. Increase in comparison with the weakest gasoline enginethat was installed on the previous generation crossover is impressive - plus 40 horse power and minus 2 seconds in acceleration to hundreds. Now the second hundred kilometers per hour on the speedometer appears within 6.2 seconds after the start.

The Cayenne S version with its 440 hp engine is even faster. But even its 5.2 seconds to a hundred pales in comparison with the acceleration of the Cayenne Turbo. But once upon a time other supercars could not dream of four seconds.

The most powerful 550-horsepower crossover was given to us only on the second day. We managed to ride it quite a bit. But if you leave aside your own interests, then there is not much point in a trip in such a Cayenne. IN last years we have the greatest demand for diesel versions, and with the change of generations, the vector of consumer interest will hardly change direction.

The diesel crossover will have to wait about a year, but for now all the attention is on cars with a gasoline "heart". The base Porsche Cayenne drives so well that you probably don't want more. From lock to lock, the steering wheel makes only 2.3 turns, so you can't let go of it at all in the running ligaments of turns. And this is very handy - the limit for adhesion properties is very high. Rather, the driver will not stand it than the car will move even a centimeter from the given direction.

It is a pity, but there were some drawbacks. Despite the optional air suspension for the base Cayenne, the crossover swayed harder on the asphalt waves. Next time, you will definitely need to drive the version with a conventional suspension. I do not exclude that it will pass road flaws better. Not too impressed by the sound of the engine. Such rapid acceleration must necessarily be accompanied by a much more juicy song. The Cayenne S no longer has problems with soundtrack. The voice of the motor is still invigorating.

The suspension will not let you relax either. In contrast to the usual Cayenne on the "Esca", three-chamber air bellows are already in the base. But the settings, according to the Porsche engineers, are different. And you can feel it. The Porsche Cayenne S rides harder. On asphalt roads teeming with seams and patches, the matter does not come to discomfort, but I don't want to go to the dirt road. Steering the Cayenne S appears to be tuned in the same way as the base crossover. In civilian modes, the steering wheel is taut, and on winding country lanes it is impeccably informative.

Although no ... It turns out that the information content can be even more. We realized this as soon as we got behind the wheel of the most powerful version of the Turbo. The Plus electric booster made the steering wheel lighter and more transparent. The Porsche Cayenne Turbo is a bit different. It was as if it was specially created so as to stand apart. A huge crossover, but with 550 "horses" raging under the hood, it is perceived as a real supercar. Steering deflection by a millimeter - the car immediately changes direction. Pressing the gas pedal by a millimeter - plus 20 km / h on the speedometer. It's hard to believe that behind the shoulders of the driver and front passenger there is a spacious second row of seats, where three passengers can comfortably accommodate.

Yes, the new Cayenne has become more spacious than its predecessor. Potential buyers, apparently, asked about this as well. The trunk has also increased in size. People from Porsche spoke with pride about the volume of 770 liters, forgetting, however, to clarify that a very impressive underground was taken into account. On those Cayenne that will be sold in our market, there will be a spare wheel. Trunk volume will naturally decrease.

We will not talk for a long time about the off-road capabilities of the Cayenne. They are, and, given the habitat of the German crossover, they can even be called redundant. Even without the "drop-down", which was abandoned during the change of generations, the Cayenne is not extinguished on rough terrain. The main thing is to forcibly raise the car to the maximum possible 24.5 centimeters and not interfere with the electronic assistants to do their job. With a standard "diagonal", for example, she copes with ease. The new Porsche Cayenne can also play a dozen laps on the race track. On a perfectly flat asphalt, where there is an opportunity to reveal all his remarkable potential, he is in his element.

But something tells me that real owners of Cayenne will not go to the race track. The German crossover will dwell in a stone jungle, where its dynamic capabilities will hardly appear. The question of comfort also remains open. Heats, seat ventilation, four-zone climate control are all very good, but whatever one may say, the Cayenne's suspension is stiff. For us - journalists and other experts - this is a thrill. But will those who pay their money for a not cheap car be happy with such settings? Or potential buyers Have you asked yourself to make the new Porsche Cayenne tougher?

New Porsche Cayenne video test drive:

The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,

The 2019 Porsche Cayenne sales start date has already passed, as dealers have been giving away the slightly modified car since February. However, there is still debate among motorists about whether the Cayenne is really as good as it is advertised. The considerable cost of the novelty makes you think hard about the value for money.

Like many Russian motorists, I am also a fan of this German brand. Is the 2019 2020 Porsche Cayenne really good? Does it really meet the high price that the manufacturer set for it? In this review, I will try to provide answers to these questions.

Typical appearance with slight modifications

As befits the German brand, the 2019 Porsche Cayenne has a strict, uncomplicated appearance that cannot be called luxurious. There is nothing to be done here, since this is the credo of all German brands put together - simplicity, modesty, which are inferior to high quality.

Porsche gts
tuning cayenne
diesel wheel materials

The exterior has not changed much. The photo of the 2019 Porsche Cayenne clearly shows that the radiator grille has undergone a radical update, which has become much larger. Inside it, special dampers are installed that open and close at a signal from the engine control unit, which helps its additional cooling.

The front bumper has changed. He acquired graceful, neat forms. Front and fog lights remained the same. Unless its inner content has become modern and high-tech. These are now bi-xenon headlights with integrated LED daytime running lights. The most expensive version of the 2019 Porsche Cayenne Turbo S is equipped with the most expensive lED headlights Porsche Dynamic Light systems.

The rear is equipped with new LED position lights with a 3D effect. The tailgate was redesigned and the exhaust system improved.

Don't miss the latest reviews and.

Pristine cabin space

In my opinion, the interior of the restyled 2019 Porsche Cayenne remains largely intact. Inside, you can see the same three-spoke steering wheel, center console, dashboard, gearbox panel. However, for more detailed consideration a photo of the new Porsche Cayenne, you can see that the steering wheel has become much more comfortable, a decorative insert appeared on it and additional options management.

Improved ergonomics dashboard... Changed the angle of inclination control devices, deflectors. The angle of the screen has changed on-board computer... You can also notice high quality materials, the main of which is artificial leather. For an additional fee, you can order a salon made of genuine leather, however, such a pleasure will not cost cheap.

The 2019 2020 Porsche Cayenne belongs to the elite class due to the ergonomic seats made in the style of a sports car. They have excellent lateral support and deeper seats. The soundproofing of the cabin has been made at a very high level. Actually, this is how it should be in high-class cars. The basic hardware is impressive. Available:

  • parking assistance sensors;
  • power steering;
  • rearview mirror equipped with auto-dimming;
  • tinted glass;
  • ventilated back row seats;
  • heated front seats;
  • modern security systems;
  • airbags, curtains of safety;
  • help system at the start.

Specifications will delight buyers

The power equipment of the car is the dream of every motorist. Only the most high-class, modern and advanced equipment, which is distinguished by excellent qualities. Thanks to this approach, the creators managed to significantly improve the technical characteristics of the 2020 Porsche Cayenne. On russian markets the car came out with such power equipment.

So far, three complete sets of Porsche Cayenne will be sold on the domestic market. For the basic version, you will have to pay at least 3.8 million rubles. The price of the 2019 Porsche Cayenne in the Cayenne Platinum Edition will cost our customers RUB 8 million. The most expensive version will cost about 11 million rubles.

And this is not the limit. According to the official representative of the company, you will have to pay for each individual option or additional Sport Chrono package. As shown by the test drive results of the 2019 Porsche Cayenne, this package allows accelerating the acceleration dynamics to hundreds of km / h by 0.1 seconds.

The hybrid version of the car, which includes a 3.0-liter petrol engine with 416 hp, will have a separate cost. This version will be able to accelerate to a hundred in just 5.9 seconds. A lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 10.8 kWh works in conjunction with the main engine. More details about the capabilities of the 2020 Porsche Cayenne can be found in the video.

The market is overflowing with offers

The 2019 Porsche Cayenne has a large number of competitors. Audi Ku7 and BMW X5 are advancing on the "heels" of the luxurious handsome man. The first rival has a modern, presentable appearance, spacious interior and rich equipment. The main feature of the Audi is its body, which is made of high-strength aluminum sheets. Due to this, the creators managed to reduce the weight of the car and improve its aerodynamic capabilities.

Feature and advantage of the second competitor BMW X5 is the impeccable build quality and finishing materials. Also, the machine is highly reliable and safe. Of the modern options, "German" has:

  • exchange rate stability system;
  • parking assistant;
  • rear view camera;
  • climate control;
  • immobilizer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Here I relied on the reviews of the owners of the 2019 Porsche Cayenne, who have already managed to evaluate all the pros and cons of this car from their own experience. I'll start with a pleasant one. The undoubted advantages of the car are:
  1. Comfortable, comfortable lounge.
  2. Excellent quality materials.
  3. Excellent sound insulation.
  4. Remarkable build quality.
  5. Good dynamic driving performance.
  6. Excellent stability, reliable suspension.

The whole photo session

Almost unchanged in appearance, the third generation model has been seriously updated in terms of engineering and can now even compete with sports cars.

In Crete, where the test drive of the novelty took place, the car park is the poorest: the average age of cars is approaching the second ten, and sometimes there are even rarities, which are another ten or two years older. It is clear that in the midst of such "modesty" our Porsche Cayenne look like newcomers from another world - well-fed and rich.

I met only one expensive car. Before the start of the mountain serpentine, a brand new BMW M4 overtook me and began to lay turn after turn. And I am driving the initial 340-horsepower modification, where there are almost a hundred fewer "horses" than the Bavarian coupe. Plus my Cayenne weighs more, of course. But I have four-wheel drive (and the road is wet) and, of course, a perfectly tuned chassis. As a result, I "hang" on the rear bumper of the "emka" and it cannot come off in any way, although it is clear that the driver is trying his best.

Miracles on the bends

I enter a steep, "gagged" bend with excess speed, and the crossover does not even think to "plow", remaining on the trajectory, it would seem, contrary to the laws of physics. With each turn I get more and more impudent and come to light slides of the front end, but the addition of traction screws the car into a turn as if nothing had happened. The only thing that slows me down is the BMW in front, which slips more and more frequently on the wet road. In the end, the sense of prudence prevailed over the excitement and I let the "dzhigit" go forward, so that he would not fly off the road from excessive efforts ...

The initial 340 hp engine in the range. enough for the new Cayenne. The crossover instantly responds to the fuel supply, not detecting even a hint of a turbo pause, and the “automatic” switches with lightning speed and smoothly. With the help of a small "wheel" on the steering wheel, you can change the modes: from "standard" to "sports", "sports plus" and "individual". And each of the modes is organic. Moreover, you can rush on "ears" even in "standard", and "sport plus" turns the Cayenne almost into a supercar. The accelerator pedal becomes a bare nerve, the "spitting" exhaust when resetting "automatic" begins to switch with jerks, the sharp steering wheel becomes heavy, and the suspension "dubs".

I liked the simple "sport" more, without a plus. Because with the "plus" the suspension wants to be softer. However, even in the "standard" mode, the car repeats the profile of uneven Cretan roads in too much detail, and on cracks and patches, heavy 21-inch wheels "kick" hard. It's strange, because the new Cayenne is equipped with an ultra-modern three-chamber air suspension, which, in theory, should combine excellent handling with high smoothness ...

Technical features

The third-generation model has a completely new chassis, in which, in addition to the unique "pneuma", there are different-sized tires (before the front and rear were the same size), electronic active stabilizers powered by a 48-volt network, as well as new Porsche Surface Coated Brake discs tungsten carbide coated for faster response and longer service life. In addition, the crossover "lost" by 65 kg with a significantly expanded base configuration. Don't forget about controlled rear wheelsturning at speeds up to 80 km / h in antiphase with the front ones by an angle of up to three degrees, which improves maneuverability and reduces the turning radius by 60 cm.Above 80 km / h, the rear wheels work in sync with the front wheels, thereby increasing the stability of the car.

The engines are also completely new, and they are all more powerful and more economical than the previous ones. So far, only gasoline units are offered (hello from Dieselgate!). The initial modification has a 6-cylinder 3-liter turbo engine with 340 hp under the hood, followed by a 2.9-liter V6 with twin turbocharging, developing 440 "horses", and at the top of the line - a 4-liter turbocharged V8 with two turbines , issuing 550 hp to the mountain. With this engine in the presence of the proprietary Sport Chrono package, the 2-ton crossover accelerates to 100 km / h in just 3.9 seconds, making it one of the most dynamic SUVs in the world.

The gearbox for all modifications has also been updated. It is still 8-band, but it switches softer and faster than before. System all-wheel drive now uses an electronic multi-plate clutch providing rear-wheel drive behavior. As for the off-road capabilities, they are still high, although not a priority. With air suspension, the ground clearance can be increased to an impressive 245 mm, and the ford depth is 525 mm. The Cayenne also has a new dedicated interface menu that allows you to choose settings that optimize many systems for driving on rough terrain.

And, of course, the model has acquired a huge number of all kinds of electronic assistants, including a parking assistance system with all-round cameras, adaptive cruise control with Stop-and-go function, lane control, lane change assistance, night vision, and electronic InnoDrive navigator, who uses navigation data to calculate the optimal acceleration and deceleration phases for the next three kilometers and thus regulate the engine. In short, the new Cayenne is equipped to the highest standard, and its interior is gorgeous.

Down with buttons!

The interior of the new Cayenne is identical to the modern Panamera, except that the center deflectors of the dashboard are normal here, and not with electronic control, which I personally think is a plus. The fact is that in the Panamera the logic of their work in the “automatic” did not particularly suit me, and it is still a pleasure to adjust the deflectors through the touchscreen. Otherwise, everything is the same high quality, monolithic and ... requires skill due to the abundance of touch keys, as well as a tactile 12.3-inch central display with excellent graphics.

The car has constant Internet access and offers online navigation with information about road traffic real-time, LTE phone module, online voice control, Wi-Fi hotspot, four USB ports, the new Porsche Connect services and much more. It is convenient to use all this equipment in the parking lot, but while driving, it is better to focus on driving, since it is more difficult to aim your finger at the symbols on the screen than to grope for real buttons. When I asked a question from Porsche about the safety of operating the touch interface while driving, the answer was that regular owners tend to use preset settings and are not distracted while driving. Well, let's get used to it.

The new adaptive sports seats are unconditionally good. They envelop the body and perfectly hold it in turns, without restricting movement - in my opinion, they are not as tight and rigid as before. The rear, according to the sensations, did not become more spacious, which was to be expected, since the wheelbase has not changed. However, it is so spacious here, and is it really so important how the passengers feel? After all, the Cayenne is built to please the driver. I do not think that the volume of the trunk will be the reason for choosing or refusing this car, but if anyone is interested, I will let you know that it has become 100 liters more. And I will quickly take a place at the wheel of the next modification ...


I change into a 440-horsepower version of the Cayenne S - and I don't recognize the car, because here the chassis perfectly smoothes the profile of the road surface even in the tightest mode, although the sharp irregularities of the crossover are still harsh. I don’t know what this metamorphosis is connected with, because both examples are equipped with air suspension. The engine, of course, is even more "evil", and again there is no problem with its operation, as well as with the gearbox, as well as with the brake system coated with tungsten carbide.

Finally, I knock out the Turbo version almost with a fight - they are all snapped up. I turn on "drive", I press the accelerator pedal - and I understand why the Italian colleagues did not want to get out of this car. Actually, this is not a car, but an airplane, or rather, a fighter! A fighter of kilometers, mountain serpentines and all kinds of competitors. Everything said about the modification of the Cayenne S is true about him, only multiplied by two. Acceleration impresses on the seat, ceramic brakes bump, as if hitting a wall, and in turns the degree of grip on the asphalt exceeds the self-preservation instinct of the overwhelming majority of drivers. All in all, I choose Turbo!

However, all modifications of the Porsche Cayenne are good, and even the initial 340-horsepower version is able to deliver maximum driving pleasure. As for its suspension ... Perhaps it was a lack of a particular instance, because the cars were pre-production. Whether it is true or not, we can check when we take new SUV for a test in Russia. It will happen soon, because the new product is already at the dealers. Prices for the model start at 4,999,000 rubles

Specifications Porsche cayenne s

Dimensions, mm


Wheelbase, mm

Turning circle, m

12.1 (11.5 with rear wheel steering)

Ground clearance, mm

Trunk volume, l

Curb weight, kg

engine's type

V6 petrol, biturbo

Working volume, cubic meters cm

Max. power, hp / rpm

Max. moment, Nm / rpm


8-band automatic

Max. speed, km / h

Acceleration time 0-100 km / h, s

5.2 (4.9 with Sport Chrono Package)

Fuel consumption (average), l / 100 km

Tank volume, l

75 (90 optional)

Author Dmitry Zaitsev, columnist for the "Avtopanorama" magazine Edition Auto panorama №3 2018 A photo manufacturing firm

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