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What kind of oil to fill. What is the best engine oil to use in your car? Additional selection options

The choice of oil depends on the type of engine, mileage, operating temperature and other factors. Let's see how modern lubricants differ from each other, what are the features of their use in certain conditions, and what kind of oil is better to pour into your car.

1 Modern lubricants - what are their features?

Today, there are several generally accepted parameters that are definitely worth considering when choosing the optimal lubricant composition for an engine. It is believed that the only correct selection criterion is following the manufacturer's recommendations, which can be found in the technical documentation.

However, modern engines are capable of working with different types and compositions of grease, therefore, before choosing suitable option, you need to know the main parameters by which they differ, namely:

  • Viscosity classification. Viscosity is a mandatory parameter that should be considered when choosing an engine oil. It was developed by the SAE system and has the corresponding coefficients and designations, for example, 0W-30, 10W-30, 20W-30, etc. The viscosity parameter determines the density and ability of the lubricant to perform its functions in various ranges of low or high temperatures.
  • Production basis. Today, oil can be synthetic, mineral or semi-synthetic. Starting the engine in cold weather, its warming up time and other factors that allow it to function normally depend on the base and the amount of additives.
  • Compliance with the quality standard. There are three recognized standards - European (ACEA), American (API) and Asian (ILSAC). They are usually indicated on the packaging along with the viscosity index and the type of lubricant. Compliance of a lubricant with one of the specified standards is a prerequisite when choosing a composition, regardless of engine type and mileage.
  • Manufacturer. Typically, car companies recommend certain brands from trusted and recognized manufacturers that have been tested and are free of hazardous additives. The choice of a manufacturer is a matter of taste and financial capabilities of each motorist, but among the recognized leaders of the European market lubricants there are such brands as Shell, Helix, Total, ESSO, Castrol, ZIC, Mobil.

Another parameter worth paying attention to is the manufacturer's recommendations for the replacement interval. If the instructions say that the oil must be changed after 10 or 20 thousand kilometers, then for normal work engine, it must be changed strictly within this recommended interval, even if oil manufacturers promise increased service life, increased characteristics of their product, etc.

2 What oil to choose for a car - all options

The technological features of the production of any engine oil, be it synthetics or mineral water, are almost identical. Any oil contains a certain base component, which is mixed with an additive package in the appropriate proportion. Additives, in turn, can be anti-corrosion, detergent, antioxidant, antifoam.

Thus, "mineral water" contains in its composition a minimum of antifoam and anti-corrosion additives, while the composition contains many depressing elements that provide the lubricant with a constant viscosity index of at least 10W. Mineral oil standard designations are 10W-20, 10W-40, 15W-30.

As for synthetics or semisynthetics, the presence of a larger amount of specific additives allows the production of fluids with a lower viscosity index (for example, 0W-30, 5W-40), which are capable of operating at lower or higher temperatures. The main advantage of using synthetics, as opposed to mineral oil, is a lower oxidation capacity, that is, during engine operation synthetic oil less oxidation and better protective properties for various metal engine parts.

All mineral oil is practically not used on modern types injection engines, due to its unstable performance and the absence of any additional additives. Therefore, it can be poured into cars mainly with carburetor types engine.

In winter, it is better to use a fully synthetic low viscosity lubricant; in the summer season, you can safely fill in semi-synthetic engine oil.

If a gasoline engine has a high mileage (over 200 thousand), we recommend that you find out what kind of oil was in it before the replacement, but, in any case, it is better to pour only semi-synthetics, due to wear of the oil seals and the piston group of the engine, and, if necessary, carry out a comprehensive flushing the engine. It is also not recommended to mix liquids from different manufacturers and, moreover, with different properties.

3 Replacing on your own - how to fill a new composition?

The lubricant can be changed in a specialized service. But if you purchased high-quality engine oil from a trusted manufacturer, in which you are sure, a new oil filter, then it is better to pour the composition into the engine yourself. To do this, the car needs to be driven onto an overpass or inspection pit, be sure to put it on the handbrake and make sure that it stands as level as possible.

Let the engine idle for 10-15 minutes to warm up to the desired working temperature... Then open the filler cap and add a little flushing fluid... Close the plug, start the engine again and let it run for a few minutes until the oil pressure indicator light on the panel lights up. Unscrew the special washers on the pallet in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crankcase and let the waste drain from the pallet into a previously prepared container.

Once the waste material has drained off, tighten the drain plugs. Now remove the oil filter and replace it with a new one, and then fill with new oil to the recommended level. Start the engine, let it idle a little, and during this time, make sure that nothing is flowing anywhere. If everything is in order, then stop the engine. After the engine has completely cooled down, check the oil level on the dipstick several times and, if necessary, top up to the required indicator.

Replacing the lubricant with your own hands allows you to be confident in the quality and type of liquid poured. Often on services, unscrupulous employees fill in a cheaper and lower quality type of liquid instead of the one that was brought to them. Check the oil level at least once a week, under no circumstances allow it to drop and replace it strictly within the time interval recommended by the manufacturer.

Good day to all readers! Do you know which oil is better to fill in the engine? Actually, this is not such a simple question. Right choice lubricating fluid determines the operation of the car in difficult conditions... It also increases or decreases the resource of the motor. Therefore, choose engine oil carefully.

Types of engine oils

Before you start talking about what kind of oil to pour into the engine, it is worth understanding what lubricants exist. All engine oils are divided into three large groups:

  1. Synthetic.
  2. Semi-synthetic.
  3. Mineral.

It would seem that everything is simple - choose which engine oil is better and pour it into the engine. Moreover, making a choice from three types is not so difficult. But, in practice, everything is more complicated. Because it is not entirely correct to compare oil indicators separately from the car.

That is, the question of what is better than synthetics or semisynthetics cannot be given a specific answer without knowing the characteristics of the engine in which it will be used. Therefore, it is better not to listen to experts who undertake to give advice on how to choose an engine oil without knowing elementary characteristics car.

For example, what is the mileage of the car. In fact, engine wear is one of the determining factors when choosing an oil. But more on that later. Now let's see how different types of lubricants differ.


This is the most advanced and expensive type of motor oil. Synthetics is a completely artificial product that is obtained as a result of the synthesis of molecules of petroleum products. This grease has the highest viscosity index and stability.

Therefore, it is able to ensure smooth engine operation at extremely high and low temperatures. Synthetics are the best oils in existence. But you have to pay for everything - it has the highest price among other types.


It is a mixture of mineral and synthetic oil. Mixing ratio 50-70% mineral water and 50-30% synthetics. It incorporates the advantages of both types, but at the same time, the cost of lubricant is significantly lower than that of pure synthetics.

Semi-synthetics are also capable of working at low and high temperatures, albeit with lower limit values. In addition, it needs to be changed more often than synthetics.

Mineral oil

Completely organic product. The oil is the cheapest, but at the same time, it has the worst technical characteristics. Mineral water is quite unstable - therefore it quickly loses its properties at low and high temperatures. For example, it thickens in cold weather. In part, additives solve this problem.

But unlike synthetic, in which additives are introduced at the molecular level, they are added to mineral water under normal conditions. Therefore, they are quickly developed and precipitated. It is not recommended to select this lubricant for the engine.

Brand selection

Perhaps, first of all, you need to decide on the brand of oil. Technical characteristics can be left for later - in the line of each manufacturer, you can choose the right fluid.

If you are already a follower of a certain brand, and it suits you, there is no point in changing it. If the selection is made for the first time, the rating of the best motor oils will help.

It should be borne in mind that it is simply impossible to say unequivocally which lubricant is better. The following parameters come into force:

  • engine age;
  • operating conditions;
  • what was uploaded before;
  • driving style.

And also many others. Even the fact whether the machine is warming up or not will affect the lubrication performance. But, as a guideline, it is worth considering the brands that occupy the first places in the ratings.

  1. Mobil is one of the most popular brands. Oils of this brand have approvals from all automakers, for example, MOBIL Super 3000 X1 5W-40 is approved even by VAZ, and the latest specifications for API and ACEA. The only negative is the high price.
  2. Castrol is an English brand. it a good choice, which provides high stability and withstands work with a bang from replacement to replacement without filling. Like Mobile, it belongs to expensive brands.
  3. Shell is another British brand. Excellent lubrication performance at a reasonable cost.
  4. Lukoil is a domestic grease that meets international standards. Pleases buyers with low cost and high performance.
  5. Liqui moly - German mark. As you know, the Germans have the most stringent requirements for product quality. Well protects the engine from wear. By the way, lubricants of this brand are not recommended to be mixed with products of other brands.

The brands listed are usually found in all engine oil ratings, tests and comparisons. The choice of these brands guarantees the stability of the fluid throughout the entire service life and high-quality performance under the stated conditions.

Popular motor oil manufacturers also include:

  • Zic - South Korean oil, good price-quality ratio;
  • Petro Canada is a Canadian brand that performs well at low temperatures;
  • G-energy is an Italian brand that has good stability, protects the engine from corrosion and friction;
  • Xado is a Dutch brand that produces liquids of various price categories with consistently high quality;
  • Gazpromneft is a Russian manufacturer. Produces mineral water, synthetics and semi-synthetics. Effective additives are used in automotive oils to extend engine life.

Thus, there is plenty to choose from. There is oil for every taste and budget. But, when choosing, first of all, you need to focus on the manufacturer's approval. Appropriate marking on the canister guarantees compatibility with the engine and efficient operation in difficult conditions.

Where are different types of oils used?

Mineral water is practically not used in modern cars. This is the lot of old carburetor engines. Of course, such units will work on other types as well, but this makes little sense.

Modern cars were originally designed for the use of synthetics - it is she who is poured into the engine at factories. But, with an increase in mileage, the engine wears out and one unpleasant phenomenon appears - increased oil burnout. Those. the engine starts to eat it actively. The use of semi-synthetics with mineral components can reduce this effect.

So, what we have in the bottom line:

  • synthetics - for new cars;
  • semi-synthetics - for cars with mileage of 60-100 thousand km;
  • mineral water is the best oil for old engines, originally designed for this type.

Major differences

Let's highlight the main differences between different types of motor oils:

  • cost;
  • stability;
  • replacement frequency;
  • resistance to external factors.

The fundamental difference between all types of lubricating fluids is their stability and resistance to external factors. Those. how long the lubricating fluid can maintain its characteristics.

If you take mineral water and synthetics of the same viscosity, for example 10w40, then synthetics last much longer than mineral water, while maintaining their characteristics. It is worth considering this when deciding which oil to pour into the car.

Switching from mineral water to synthetics

Often there is a situation when, after buying a used car, the new owner decides to change the car oil. In fact, an oil change is highly desirable - it is not known how long has passed since the previous change.

So, there are usually two options:

  1. Pour in the same oil as it was.
  2. Replace with the best.

And here, many beginners make a gross mistake. For example, there was mineral water in the engine. Naturally, in the joy of buying, a person wants to fill in a high-quality liquid, and often the choice falls on synthetics - it's the best.

As a result, leaks appear in the engine. Why is this happening? When the engine runs on mineral water for a long time, a mass of deposits appears inside, as well as an oil film. Synthetics have a completely different working principle. The liquid washes out and dissolves everything it can. Therefore the engine is much cleaner.

And with such a change, synthetics first of all eats up all deposits. As a result, oil begins to leak from under the oil seals and gaskets. In addition, the degree of engine wear must also be taken into account. If the mileage has exceeded a hundred thousand, it is better to pour semisynthetics.

Oil selection services

On the one hand, choosing a car oil seems to be an easy task. But if you dig a little deeper, it turns out that lubricating fluids have a lot of characteristics that affect the choice. And, as you know, an unsuitable lubricant can easily ruin the engine. The simplest example is described above - a thoughtless and abrupt transition from mineral water to synthetics.

If you do not want to go into the technical details, specifications and labeling of different automotive oils, you can go the other way. Good manufacturers decided to meet the needs of motorists and made an online selection of oil by car brand.

For instance:

  • - selection from Motul;
  • - selection service from Mobile;
  • - online selection from Liquid Moli.

This list can be continued for a long time - almost every manufacturer has it.

To use the selection, just go to the desired site and enter the details of your car or wine code. The system will issue the correct engine oils for the vehicle. Even if you don't want to buy it, the result will serve as a kind of guideline for choosing.

The SAE viscosity grade is the main characteristic that determines the performance of a fluid at low and high temperatures. It should be understood that SAE has nothing to do with the technology of its manufacture.

The class can be:

  • summer, for example 20, 30;
  • winter, for example 5w, 15w;
  • all-season, for example 10w40.

Summer and winter automotive oils have already lost their relevance, because all-season allows you to operate the car at any time of the year without losing its properties.

The viscosity index determines the dependence of the grease density on the ambient temperature. The value in front of the letter w indicates the fluidity index of a liquid at negative temperatures. The lower the value, the more severe the frost is, the engine can be operated. For instance:

  • 10w40 - the minimum temperature for maintaining the optimal viscosity for starting the engine is -25 ° C;
  • 5w40 - the minimum start-up temperature is -30 ° C, it is better to pour such oil for the winter.

The value after the letter w determines the retention of viscosity when used at high temperatures. For instance:

  • 5w40 - the recommended ambient temperature is +35 ° C;
  • 14w40 - the maximum operating temperature is +45 ° C.

Thus - first of all it is worth paying attention to this marking. By the way, the longer the viscous chain (difference in limiting temperatures), the more often you need to change the lubricating fluid. For example, 5w50 will require replacement every 5-6 thousand, and 5w40 - every 10 thousand.


By the way, an interesting experiment was conducted by a magazine while driving. In the usual figure eight, a liquid with a temperature viscosity index of 50 was poured. The car manufacturer (VAZ) recommends using oil with an index of 40.

As a result, an increase in engine wear and a drop in engine power was found. So that's it. Therefore, you should not think that the higher the viscosity of the liquid, the better it will be for the car.

And if diesel

Diesel oil is more demanding on the additive package than for gasoline engines. Why is this so? It's all about the principle of the motor. More combustion products remain in the engine, and the diesel fuel itself contains much more sulfur than gasoline. In addition, the process of lubricant aging is actively observed in diesel engines.

Therefore, diesel oil must:

  • contain more detergents;
  • include antioxidants;
  • be more stable.

According to API, oil is designated C or C / S, according to ACEA - B or C.


A very important selection criterion is tolerance. What it is? Many car manufacturers carry out internal certification of various oils. And this makes life much easier for a motorist, because the tolerance determines which engine oil is compatible with the vehicle. If there is a corresponding marking on the canister with the lubricant, you can take it.

For example, MOBIL 1 ESP Formula 5W-30 has the following approvals:

  • Volkswagen 504 00/507 00;
  • Porsche C30;
  • BMW LL-04;
  • GM dexos2TM;
  • Peugeot Citroen Automobiles B71 2290 and B71 2297;
  • MB Approval 229.51;
  • Chrysler MS-11106.

Here is such a universal oil.

API and ACEA standards

In case anyone does not know, any engine oil sold in international markets must meet these standards. Very convenient, actually. The specifications detail the compliance of fluids for different motors and the years of their release. Therefore, it is easy to understand which oil to fill in the engine and which one should not.

According to API, oils are classified as follows:

  • S - gasoline engine;
  • C - diesel;
  • S \\ C - universal oil.

After the letter responsible for the type of engine, there is another Latin letter - it is responsible for the oil belonging to a certain specification. The closer it is to the end of the alphabet, the better.

ACEA classification:

  • A - light gasoline;
  • B - light diesel;
  • C - universal;
  • E - freight transport.

After the letter, there is usually a number indicating the level technical characteristics and the year the specification was adopted. Numeric designation is analogous to the alphabetic specification in the API.

Thus, to understand which car oil is best to use, you need to consider the above criteria. Naturally, it takes time to understand the technical intricacies. But your car will thank you.

Hope the article was helpful. Don't forget to leave comments.

Today we will move a little from the usual structure of such ratings - “the best mineral / semi-synthetic / synthetic oil”. The reason is simple: a specific engine first of all needs the oil viscosity specified by the manufacturer, and modern engines use low-viscosity lubricants (this is usually a high-temperature viscosity of 30, on many engines - 20). Discussing anything other than synthetics in this context is silly. The division into categories "oil for gasoline / diesel engines" looks no less strange, given that 90% modern oils are approved for use in engines of both types, it makes sense to discuss purely "diesel" oil in relation to passenger cars only in the segment of oils designed for engines with particulate filters.

Therefore, today we will divide engine oils according to the categories of their specific application, and not according to virtual and meaningless parameters:

  • Oils with high temperature viscosity 40 (5W40 in our rating) is the best option for engines produced in the 90s - early 2000s. For the regions of the Far North, it makes sense to consider 0W40 oils, this can significantly facilitate starting the engine in winter.
  • 5 W30 today it can be considered universal: this viscosity is used both in budget foreign cars and in engines of premium cars.
  • 0 W20 - low-viscosity motor oils used in a large number of modern engines. Moreover, pouring more viscous oils into them is categorically not recommended: piston rings, which have a specially reduced elasticity to reduce mechanical losses, cannot cope with a more durable oil film, and oil burns begin to grow.
  • High temperature viscosity 50 it is relevant for owners who strictly operate their cars - it is not for nothing that oils 5W50, 10W60 have received the name "sports" in everyday life.
  • 10W40 -the standard choice of owners of old cars, as a rule, is budget semi-synthetics of outdated quality classes - SH, SJ.
  • Diesel with particulate filters should have minimal oil waste, which, at the same time, should not give a noticeable solid sediment (low ash content). This parameter is critical, therefore, only oils that have the appropriate certification can be poured into the engines of such cars. Overwhelming majority light diesel engines this type uses oils with a viscosity of 5W30, and we will consider them.

When asked which engine oil is better, many car owners will shrug their shoulders or refer to the recommendations in the car manual. Some will even note that the choice of oil is the prerogative of the driver, and the main difference between "synthetics" and "mineral water" is the service life. But this approach to defining quality is too superficial. Below we will consider the issue in more detail.

General Provisions

To accurately determine the oil for your car, you should look at the manufacturer's instructions. Who but the creator vehicleknows his needs. The manual indicates the types of oil that are ideal for the engine and allow you to extend its life.

In addition to general advice, the manufacturer gives recommendations regarding summer and winter lubricants. At the same time, you should not wait for clear instructions here. As a rule, preferences for the level of viscosity are prescribed in the documents, without specifying the brand. Therefore, which oil is better ("synthetic" or "mineral water") and whether it is worth pouring it into the engine, will be decided by the car owner himself.

When choosing an engine oil, it is worth paying attention to a number of criteria, including the level of vehicle and engine wear, in particular. For example, if you use "mineral water" for a long time, then cracks may appear on the rubber seals. Over time, damage sites become clogged with dirt or lubricant deposits. What happens if you add synthetic oil after the mineral water? The dirt that has accumulated in the cracks is washed out. As a result, this leads to a leak from the engine, and then to the need to replace seals and oil seals.

So, let's summarize the intermediate results, which oil is better to buy, and then pour it into the engine. If the car is old, then it better fit "Mineral water". In this way, premature engine repair and additional costs can be avoided. In this case, the lubricant composition will have to be changed more often. As for new cars, the best option would be "synthetics".

How to choose diesel oil?

After considering the general points on the choice of a lubricating composition, it is worth moving on to studying the issue in more detail. When buying oil for a diesel engine, you should proceed from the following points:

  • Many car owners prefer semi-synthetic oils. In fact, this is the same "mineral water", but it has undergone additional chemical treatment. The main advantages of semi-synthetic oils are more low price (when compared with "synthetics") and a decrease in the frequency of oil changes.
  • When choosing which oil is best for pouring into a diesel engine, it is important to focus on several criteria. Among them are the manufacturer's recommendations, the modes in which the car is operated, as well as the level of engine wear.
  • The poor quality of roads in the Russian Federation and CIS countries makes car owners change their engine oil more often. The reason is the harsh operating conditions of the engine. Therefore, you should not blindly follow the regulations. If you change the oil ahead of time, then the car will clearly benefit from this.
  • For diesel engines equipped with turbocharged supercharging, in addition to the choice of oil, it is important to pay attention to the frequency of its replacement. Turbocharging requires more frequent oil changes.

The result is one. Regardless of the selected oil, it is recommended to change it in a diesel engine, following the manufacturer's recommendations. The decisive factor when choosing an oil should be its quality.

How are engine oils classified

If you have decided what kind of oil you will pour into the engine, and have studied their main types, understand the classification of products.

SAE classification is an international standard for determining the viscosity of an oil. Most often, it is in this classification that the manufacturer gives recommendations on the choice.

According to the viscosity level, all oils are divided into three types - summer, all-season and winter. Each has its own markings. For example, winter oils can be recognized by the W marking and the numerical index installed next to the Latin letter.

Many car owners believe that for a 10W, 20W or 30W oil, the minimum temperature is -10, -20 and -30 degrees below zero, respectively. This is not true. The calculation of the minimum temperature indicator occurs according to a different formula. From the numerical parameter in front of W, you need to subtract the number 35. The resulting value is the minimum allowable temperature for a particular product.

Which oil is best for your area? What to pour into the engine? If the temperature in winter does not drop below 30 degrees of frost, then 5W is suitable (it is better to take with a small margin). But again, the considered formula is more suitable for mineral oils.

On the intricacies of choosing a motor oil, on viscous additives,.

The next type of motor oil is multigrade. The peculiarity of its labeling is in the presence on the packaging of winter and summer parameters. One option is SAE-5W-40. The last figure "40" is taken from the summer variants of oils, therefore, when choosing an oil for the warm season, you should focus on this figure.

How to choose a brand of oil

To simplify the choice, we will analyze the market and its features, consider the pros and cons of oils for each season. Consider three options:

  • Motul 8100 X-clean 5W40.
  • Shell Helix Ultra Synthetic 5W-40.
  • Bardahl (Bardakhi) Xtec 5W30 C3.

The listed oils have slight differences in quality and different prices. Of the above "trinity" Shell is considered the most budgetary option, which, in terms of its characteristics, is inferior to the above-mentioned competitors Bardahl and Motul, but still protects the engine quite well. The main thing is to make a replacement in a timely manner, and problems will be excluded.

The advantages of the mentioned brands include:

  • Reduced fuel consumption.
  • Increase of efficiency of work by five times (when compared with the action of ordinary "mineral water").
  • Ease of starting the engine in frosty conditions.
  • Popularity of brands among well-known manufacturers such as Ferrari.

There is only one drawback - the high price.

Consider the following oil - LIQUI MOLY MoS2 Leichtlauf 15W-40. Its advantages include protection of the motor from wear, excellent characteristics, when the engine is running in a wide temperature range, as well as an acceptable price. The disadvantage is the impossibility of combining this brand with other oils.

The next product worthy of attention is the off-season mobil oil 1 5W-50. Its advantages include quality, versatility, frost resistance, as well as the possibility of pouring into diesel engines turbocharged. The only drawback is the high cost.

When is the replacement

Having found out which oil is better to choose in order to then pour it into the engine, it is worth deciding on the frequency of its replacement. This is important, because each type of oil has its own recommendations for replacement (service life). The following is worth noting here:

  • Mineral oils should be changed more often, because they are based on refined products. They cannot "cleanse" on their own. The recommended replacement frequency (indicated by the manufacturer) is every 8-10,000 km. But it is better to change the "mineral water" more often - once every 5 thousand km.
  • "Semi-synthetics". As already noted, the main feature of semi-synthetic oil is additional chemical treatment. Thanks to this, the oil resource increases to 10,000 - 15,000 km. If you do not replace it in a timely manner, the engine will wear out faster. Here, the maximum mileage to which the replacement must be made is 7,000 km.
  • Synthetic oil is a product that is considered the record holder for durability. According to manufacturers, it can be changed every 20 thousand km. Accordingly, the cost is higher than for "mineral water" or "semi-synthetics". In practice, it is better to replace it twice as often - no later than every 10 thousand runs.

It should be noted that the above parameters apply to gasoline engines. Diesel engines have different approaches. In particular, they have to change the oil more often. Even in the case of using "synthetics", the maximum mileage before replacement is 10,000 km. The reason is special design features and the principles of operation of diesel engines.

How to change engine oil yourself,.

Knowing which oil is better to pour into the engine will make it easier for you. It remains to follow the recommendations in the article and take a balanced approach to the choice of engine oil.

Types of engine oils for a car

The 3 main types of engine oil

Synthetic / Fully Synthetic
Synthetic oil is a synthesis of base oils based on synthetics, as well as additives that give it useful properties (increased wear resistance, purity, protection against corrosion). Such oils are suitable for operation in the most modern engines and in extreme operating conditions (low and high temperatures, high pressure, etc.).
The peculiarity of synthetic oil is that it retains its properties for a long time.
Experts do not recommend using it for engines with high mileage, in other cases the operating life of the fluid is quite long. The quality of the composition directly depends on the additives used. At the same time, the price of such oil is quite high.

Mineral / Mineral
Mineral motor oil has a mineral base as it is a petroleum product and is produced by distilling fuel oil. It is distinguished by the instability of its characteristics and a high degree of volatility. Mineral oils can also be made from industrial crops. Since the technology for the production of "mineral water" is relatively simple - the price of such oils is much lower than that of synthetic oils.
Most often it is used for motors with a range of more than 100 thousand km. Performance characteristics oils of mineral origin are not allowed to withstand too high temperatures, and they also require more frequent replacement.

A semi-synthetic oil is obtained by mixing two different bases in the following proportions: 30-50% synthetics and 50-70% mineral oil.
Semi-synthetics are more stable than mineral oil, but inferior to synthetic. But if the car has a significant mileage, then you can use semi-synthetics, since synthetics give a high carbon content. Semi-synthetics can also be used when the car is not operated at low temperatures (below twenty degrees Celsius), if the other characteristics of the oil are suitable for this car. Change semi-synthetic oil will have a little more often than synthetic.

For the selection of engine oil by car make

The main element for oil producers is oil, which is supplemented with various additives such as minerals, polymers, oligomers or synthetics.

Additionally, the composition includes various additives:
-viscous... allow you to maintain the required consistency in all weather conditions, improve the properties of the oil as a lubricant;
-antioxidant... due to a decrease in the action of oxides that arise during combustion, additives increase the service life of the motor;
-anti-corrosion... prevent the occurrence of rust;
-washing... are responsible for maintaining cleanliness, do not allow dirt particles to get on the filter and engine elements.

Engine oil marking

In order to streamline and simplify the procedure for selecting oil for a specific type of engine according to the required characteristics and tasks assigned to it, a number of international standards have been developed.
Engine oil has two main parameters by which its classification is carried out:
- its scope (diesel engine, old gasoline engine, modern turbodiesel, etc.)
- viscosity-temperature properties.

The world's leading manufacturers use the following generally recognized classifications of engine oils:
SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers
(marking of engine oils by viscosity);
API - American Petroleum Institute
(connects the performance properties of oils with engine operating conditions);
ACEA - Association of European Car Manufacturers. ;
ILSAC - International Committee for Standardization and Approbation of Motor Oils;

Domestic oils are also certified for GOST.

What can you see on the oil canister label?
SAE viscosity grade.
API and ACEA specifications.
Car manufacturer approvals.
Batch number and production date.
Pseudo-labeling (not a generally recognized standard labeling, but used as a marketing ploy, for example, fully syntetic, HC, with the addition of smart molecules, etc.).
Special categories of motor oils.

On the canister, along with other markings, the chemical composition is also indicated.

SAE - carries information about the density of the composition and the recommended temperature range for use.

SAE 15W-40

The letter W is an abbreviation for the English word Winter.
In this example, the fluid is intended for year-round use.
Most oils today are “universal” oils, i.e. suitable for both winter and summer use. Their SAE class is written in two numbers, separated by a hyphen, with the letter W in between. Letter W means that this oil is suitable for winter use, and the number in front of it - this is an indicator of low-temperature viscosity (roughly speaking - what frost this oil can withstand). The smaller it is, the easier the engine starts in severe frost.
When the letter is complemented only by one digit (SAE 5W) means winter oil.
Second digit - This is an indicator of high-temperature viscosity (i.e. how much summer heat the oil can withstand).
If the oil is only suitable for summer use, then its designation will be without lettersuch as SAE 30.

Remember: before the letter W, the value of the viscosity level is indicated at maximum negative temperatures, after - at positive temperatures.

Engine Oil Decoding - SAE Numbers

Low temperature viscosity readings mean the following:
* 0W - the oil is suitable for use in frosts down to -35-30 degrees. FROM
* 5W-oil is suitable for use in frosts down to -30-25 degrees. FROM
* 10W - oil is suitable for use in frosts down to -25-20 degrees. FROM
* 15W - oil is suitable for use in frosts down to -20-15 degrees. FROM
* 20W - oil is suitable for use in frosts down to -15-10 degrees. FROM

High temperature viscosity readings mean the following:
* 30 - the oil is suitable for use at temperatures up to + 20-25 degrees. FROM
* 40 oil is suitable for use at temperatures up to + 35-40 degrees. FROM
* 50 oil is suitable for use in heat up to + 45-50 degrees. FROM
* 60 oil is suitable for use in heat up to +50 degrees. From and above

The lower the number - the "thinner" the oil, the larger the number - the thicker it is. Thus, 10W-30 oil can be used at ambient temperatures from -20-25 degrees below zero, up to + 20-25 degrees of heat.

Average temperature limits of oil viscosity
5W - 30 from minus 25 to plus 20
5W - 40 from minus 25 to plus 35
10W - 30 from minus 20 to plus 30
10W - 40 from minus 20 to plus 35
15W - 30 from minus 15 to plus 35
15W - 40 from minus 15 to plus 45
20W - 40 from minus 10 to plus 45
20W - 50 from minus 10 to plus 45 and above
SAE 30 0 to plus 45

3 types of oils depending on viscosity

Basically, oils are necessarily divided into three types, depending on the viscosity:

winter oils, they are more fluid and provide trouble-free starting of the engine in the cold season. In the designation of the SAE index of such an oil, the letter "W" will be present (for example, 0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, etc.). To understand the boundary value, you need to subtract the number 35. In hot weather, such oil is not able to provide a lubricating film and maintain the required pressure in the oil system due to the fact that at high temperatures its fluidity is excessive;
summer oils are used when the average daily temperature is not lower than 0 ° C, since its kinematic viscosity is high enough so that in hot weather the fluidity does not exceed the required value for good lubrication of engine parts. At subzero temperatures, starting an engine with such a high viscosity is impossible. Summer brands of oils are designated by a numerical value without letters (for example: 20, 30, 40, and so on; the higher the number, the higher the viscosity).
multigrade oils the most popular, since they are able to operate at both minus and plus temperatures, the boundary value of which is indicated in the decoding of the SAE indicator. This oil has a double designation (example: SAE 15W-40).

Practical uses of oils

Oils with high temperature viscosity 40 (5W40) - the best option for engines produced in the 90s - early 2000s. For the regions of the Far North, it makes sense to consider 0W40 oils, this can significantly facilitate starting the engine in winter.
5W30 today it can be considered universal: this viscosity is used both in budget foreign cars and in engines of premium cars.
0W20 - low-viscosity motor oils used in a large number of modern engines. Moreover, it is categorically not recommended to pour more viscous oils into them: piston rings, which have a specially reduced elasticity to reduce mechanical losses, cannot cope with a more durable oil film, and oil burns begin to grow.
High-temperature viscosity 50 is relevant for owners who operate their cars hard - it is not for nothing that oils 5W50, 10W60 have received the name "sports" in common use.
10W40 –The standard choice of owners of old cars, as a rule, is budget semisynthetics of outdated quality classes - SH, SJ.
Diesel engines with particulate filters should have minimal oil waste, which should not give a noticeable solid sediment (low ash content). This parameter is critical, therefore, only oils that have the appropriate certification can be poured into the engines of such cars.
The vast majority of light diesel engines of this type use oils with a viscosity 5W30.

Oil marked 5W - the most liquid in the cold, used in any frost. Oil marked 10W provides engine start up to -30 ° C (applicable in winter in a temperate climate zone). Oil marked 15W can create starting difficulties at temperatures around -25 ° C, however, with a powerful starter and good battery range extension possible. In temperate climates it is a suitable oil for driving all year round.

When choosing an oil viscosity (from those approved for use in the engine of your car), you need to be guided by the following rule: the more mileage / older the engine, the higher the high-temperature viscosity of the oil should be.

Viscosity characteristics are the very first and important element of the classification and labeling of engine oils, but not the only one - it is wrong to choose an oil only by viscosity. It is always necessary to choose the right ratio of oil properties and operating conditions. Each oil, in addition to viscosity, has a different set of performance properties (detergent, antioxidant properties, antiwear, tendency to form various deposits, corrosiveness, and others). They allow you to determine the possible area of \u200b\u200btheir application.

The area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the oil is classified mainly by API. In the API classification, the main indicators are: engine type, engine operating mode, oil performance, conditions of use and year of manufacture.

AP engine oil marking

The API designation uses two letters (for example, SJ or CF).
The first one indicates the type of engine: S-gasoline engine, C-diesel.
The second letter specifies the conditions for using the oil - modern engine or old, with or without turbine.
If the oil is marked API SJ / CF - which means that it is suitable for both gasoline and diesel engines of this category.

API labels for engine oils may include:

abbreviation EC, which is right after the API - means energy saving oils;
Roman numerals after this abbreviation they talk about fuel economy;
letter S (Service) - indicates the use of oil for gasoline engines; letter C (Commercial) oils for diesel engines;
after one of these letters is indicated performance level, indicated by letters from A (the most low level) to N and further (the higher the alphabetical order of the second letter in the designation, the higher the oil class);
universal oil has letters of both categories through an oblique line (for example: API SL / CF);
aPI marking for diesel engines are divided into two-stroke (number 2 at the end) and 4 bars (number 4).

Engine oils that have passed API / SAE testing and meet the requirements of the current quality categories are indicated on the labels with a round graphic symbol. At the top there is an inscription - "API" (API Service), in the middle is the SAE viscosity, as well as the possible degree of energy savings.

API designations for gasoline engines:
* SC - cars developed before 1964
* SD - cars developed in 1964-1968
* SE - cars developed in 1969-1972
* SF - cars developed in 1973-1988
* SG - vehicles developed in 1989-1994, for severe operating conditions
* SH - vehicles developed in 1995-1996 for severe operating conditions
* SJ - cars developed in 1997-2000, better energy saving properties
* SL - cars developed in 2001-2003, extended service life
* SM - development vehicles since 2004, SL + improved oxidation stability

API Designations for Diesel Engines:
* CB - cars before 1961, high sulfur content in fuel
* CC - vehicles prior to 1983 working in severe conditions
* CD - cars before 1990, high sulfur fuel and difficult working conditions
* CE - cars before 1990, engine with turbine
* CF - cars from 1990, with a turbine
* CG-4 - vehicles from 1994, with turbine
* CH-4 - cars since 1998, under high US emission standards
* CI-4 - modern cars, with a turbine, with an EGR valve
* CI-4 plus - similar to the previous one, under high US toxicity standards

When using oil according to its “own” specification, wear and tear and the risk of engine breakdown are reduced, oil wastage, fuel consumption, noise is reduced, engine performance is improved (especially at low temperatures), and the service life of the catalyst and exhaust cleaning system is increased.
When changing the type of oil, aPI classifications you can go only "in ascending order" and change the class only by a couple of points. For example, instead of SH, use SJ, usually a higher grade oil already contains the necessary additives of the "previous" oil. However, for example, you should not switch from SD (for old cars) to SL (for modern cars) - the oil may be too aggressive.

ACEA engine oil classification

The ACEA classification was developed by the Association of European Automobile Manufacturers. It indicates the performance properties, purpose and category of engine oil. ACEA classes are also divided into diesel and gasoline.
The latest edition of the standard provides for the division of oils into 3 categories and 12 classes:
A / B - gasoline and diesel engines passenger cars, vans, minibuses (A1 / B1-12, A3 / B3-12, A3 / B4-12, A5 / B5-12);
C - gasoline and diesel engines with an exhaust gas catalyst (C1-12, C2-12, C3-12, C4-12);
E - diesel engines trucks (E4-12, E6-12, E7-12, E9-12).

In the ACEA designation, in addition to the engine oil class, the year of its introduction into force, as well as the edition number (when there were updates technical requirements). Domestic oils are also certified in accordance with GOST.

Classification of engine oils according to GOST

According to GOST 17479.1-85, motor oils are divided into:
kinematic viscosity classes;
performance groups.
By kinematic viscosity, oils are divided into the following classes:
summer - 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24;
winter - 3, 4, 5, 6;
all-season - 3/8, 4/6, 4/8, 4/10, 5/10, 5/12, 5/14, 6/10, 6/14, 6/16 (the first number indicates the winter class, the second for summer).
In all of these classes, the higher the numerical value, the higher the viscosity.
According to the area of \u200b\u200bapplication, all engine oils are divided into 6 groups - designated from the letter "A" to "E".
Index “1” denotes oils intended for gasoline engines, index “2” - for diesel engines, and oils without an index indicate its versatility.

ILSAC classification of engine oils

ILSAC is a joint invention of Japan and America, the International Committee for Standardization and Approbation of Motor Oils has issued five standards for motor oils: ILSAC GF-1, ILSAC GF-2, ILSAC GF-3, ILSAC GF-4 and ILSAC GF-5. They are completely similar to API classes, the only difference is that oils corresponding to the ILSAC classification are energy-saving and all-season. This classification is best suited for Japanese cars.
Correspondence of ILSAC categories regarding API:
GF-1 (obsolete) - oil quality requirements are similar to API SH category; by viscosity SAE 0W-XX, 5W-XX, 10W-XX, where XX-30, 40, 50,60.
GF-2 - meets the requirements for API SJ oil quality, and SAE 0W-20, 5W-20 viscosity.
GF-3 is an analogue of the API SL category and has been put into effect since 2001.
ILSAC GF-4 and GF-5 are analogs of SM and SN, respectively.
In addition, within the ISLAC standard for japanese cars with turbocharged diesel engines, the JASO DX-1 class is used separately. This marking of automotive oils provides engines of modern vehicles with high environmental parameters and built-in turbines.

Major manufacturers of motor oils

Co-production between Britain and Holland
A recognized world leader in the manufacture of synthetic and semi-synthetic oils.
Shell is a famous and not too inexpensive brand of quality motor oil. A special merit of the company is the creation of, probably, the most effective flushing compositions.
One of the best options in terms of balance between cost and quality.

Mobil is one of the leading synthetic lubricants.
A rich assortment allows you to choose a working fluid for almost any engine. Prices are moderate, the main advantage is significant fuel savings due to a unique technological process.

Motul is a world famous manufacturer with 150 years of history

One of the few manufacturers of motor oils in Russia that supplies products that meet all international standards.
The oil is of sufficient quality, provides good performance properties. At the same time, the price is quite reasonable, given the high performance properties of the product.

Castrol is the Official Formula 1 Car Oil
It does not contain any impurities that do not have the best effect on the engine parts. The price is quite high.

Total is one of the best oils on the market.
However, the main production capacity of the company is directed to the production of motor oils for Volkswagen engines. In the composition of oils, the amount of sulfur and phosphorus is reduced, due to which the products are distinguished by increased environmental friendliness.

All grades of oils are produced. The cost of the products is quite low, while the innovative additive package allows you to choose the composition that is right for you. Thanks to Atomic Oil technology, premature engine wear is prevented.

Liqui moly
Reliable oil from Germany. Liqui Moly pleases with a constantly updated list of additives and excellent quality.
If you are looking for a formulation that will help reduce the amount of fuel consumed, then this is it. At the same time, the oil will retain its operational properties in any temperature regime.

General motors
General Motors is a famous brand in the automotive market.
This option is one of the best in terms of financial savings. Lubrication of engine elements occurs very quickly and efficiently, the use of oil can significantly reduce the level of fuel consumption. With General Motors oil, the engine will start immediately, even at very low temperatures.

Zic is a giant industrial center with more than 80 factories located all over the planet.
Under this logo you can find any type of auto chemistry, including motor oil.
Among the products from this brand, the high-quality synthetic composition XQ LS 5W-30 stands out the most, which contains a minimum amount of sulfur and phosphorus additives, as well as ash. Of the main advantages here, it is worth highlighting the low price, the ability to work at low and high temperatures, as well as the possibility of long-term use of oil.

Rulers for all types are presented power units, while the oil can be semi-synthetic, and synthetic, and mineral. Thanks to the original formulation and innovative additives, the products demonstrate good parameters.
High ecological properties of the composition are also distinguished.

The manufacturer has prepared several lines for different seasons and power units. Such compositions protect well against oxides, corrosion and premature wear. Carbon deposits are small, the temperature in the motor is maintained at a stable level.

  • Use the highest quality products even for old engines if you want to extend the life of your powertrain.
  • The quality of the oil is not always proportional to the price. It is important to follow the development of a particular line. Some world-renowned manufacturing companies produce outdated formulations. Conversely, a number of new firms produce sufficiently high quality lubricants.
  • Consider. That for each motor, special lines of compositions have been developed. They are optimally suited for a specific internal combustion engine. Before purchasing engine or gear oil, you should study the recommendations of the car manufacturer;
  • The temperature range indicated on the oil packaging is for guidance only;
  • It is not always justified to use lubricating products with a higher level of quality properties, since this can negatively affect the stability of the lubrication system itself;
  • It is important to change the oil within the time specified in the recommendations of the car manufacturer.
    Under severe operating conditions (city traffic jams, off-road), the oil should be changed 1.5-2 times more often, since the oil "ages" faster when using low gears; the same is recommended for cars with old, worn out engines;
  • When changing the oil, it is advisable to change the oil filter;
  • It is unacceptable to mix mineral and synthetic oil, this can lead to the formation of an insoluble residue; do not add mineral oil to semi-synthetic because of the different solubility of the additives;
  • Topping up should be the same grade of oil that is poured into the engine, since mixing different additives will lead to a significant deterioration in the properties of the oil;
  • Periodically, flush the engine lubrication system with special fluids; the oil level must not be allowed to drop below the established minimum, this will inevitably lead to rapid wear of the rubbing parts;
  • The marking of oils for the engine and transmission must necessarily contain the date of manufacture of the product, based on which it is possible to determine its suitability (the maximum shelf life of lubricants is 5 years);
  • Store engine or gear oil only in a sealed container that protects the product from moisture and air.
  • Do not judge oil by color, as most of the additives make the oil darker;
  • The addition of various preparations to the oil can improve some properties and dramatically worsen others, since you violate the precisely balanced additive package; change the composition of the oil only in extreme cases.

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