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How to convert a flatbed truck into a dump truck. How to make a dump truck out of a GAZelle with your own hands? Conversion of a truck into a dump truck

The absolute leader in this segment russian market Is a GAZelle. Without her participation, it is impossible to imagine any office or apartment moving.

This model is capable of extremely promptly delivering cargo from one point to another, with the help of such a transport you can transport food, bulk and building materials, electronics, household appliances and much more. It is for this reason that most entrepreneurs and private drivers choose to use this model.

Due to its convenient dimensions, this model can easily drive up to the entrance of the house for loading furniture and things. In addition, the manufacturer produces great amount modifications that may be convenient and beneficial in certain situations.

The body length can be up to 6 meters. while the minimum modification is only 3 meters. GAZelles with a short body are more in demand today.

Perhaps this is due to the congestion of city streets and the roughness of some sections, however, short bodies with light weight are purchased more often than other variations.

And here you can find out the characteristics of the most common tower cranes in construction.

Models with 6-meter bodies are capable of carrying up to 1.1 tons of cargo. If the car is equipped with LPG type "methane", this figure is reduced to the level of 700 kilograms.

Main technical characteristics of GAZelles

For the above and many other reasons, short body models are very popular. The volume of such cars is about 18 cubic meters, while for 6-meter bodies this figure reaches 33 meters.

The latter type of car is more maneuverable in traffic jams, it is able to bring more profit in comparison with shortened models, but this still does not affect its popularity.

All parts of such a body carry less load, so their lifespan is significantly longer than that of shortened models. The frame can last forever if it is not loaded with a weight exceeding 1500 kg.

The engine is capable of driving from 250 thousand km without repair. Body models may vary in height. This indicator depends on the frame of the structure.

The GAZelle booth can be from 175 to 220 cm in height - the cubic capacity depends on the value of this value. This volume allows you to accommodate utensils from a 3-room apartment.

If the height of the GAZelle reaches 2 meters, you can safely place a refrigerator or cabinet in an upright position in it.

Four-meter gazelles are actively used when transporting building materials.

Often channels and metal profiles cannot be folded during transportation, so it is advisable to use 4-meter GAZelles.

When designing a dump truck yourself, it is better to make open cabins. since the height of the bunkers must be calculated by engineers, because otherwise the dump truck may turn over at one moment.

To avoid such an opportunity, it is enough to follow just a few simple rules.

Is it possible to make a dump truck from a GAZelle yourself?

Inventive motorists realized how profitable it is to have a GAZelle as a carrier or dump truck, so they are trying to modify the model with their own hands.

There are many tutorials and step-by-step instructions available online. This article contains and describes the most popular and high-quality ways to make a dump truck from a GAZelle.

It should be noted right away that professional performance of work can only be guaranteed by masters who have experience in this area and are well acquainted with the nuances and costs of working with cars.

But, if the owner of a GAZelle needs very little from his car, he can test his strength and try to assemble a dump truck with his own hands.

In theory, this is not difficult, because many people share their experience and post step-by-step instructions with photos and videos on the network.

For each person, these instructions may contain something interesting that he can use in his work, and which he did not suspect before.

Examples of creating a dump truck from a GAZelle

For the implementation of the intended goal, and old Gazelle... The master will need: lifts, a jack, a welding machine, a platform (a bunker can be used) and paint. Advanced motorists call this modification of the car "tuning".

The first thing to consider when working with a car is the frames and wheels. because a dump truck requires more high capacities... In order to change the frame, you should use a jack and a welding machine.

You need to get rid of arched protrusions that can interfere with the wheels.

The second stage of work includes the removal of the old and, in a sense, unusable body. A bunker and telescopic lifts will be installed in its place.

The hopper can be bought in the car market for a relatively low price, and the lifts are only sold in shops or dealer centers.

After all the necessary components are found and installed, all that remains is to work on appearance the resulting truck, remove the seams and smooth the joints.

Before direct operation, the car must be tested.

As noted above, the body must first be completely removed from the chassis in order to be able to remove or change the subframe.

In addition to the fact that in the future it can touch the wheels, there is also the possibility that it will soon crack due to the thin material.

After all, the structure assembled at the factory was not originally designed for heavy loads.

It is also worth taking care of the length of the base, because the factory models have too modest parameters. For the subsequent installation of the MKU, the base must be lengthened.

Observing these simple rules, the master receives:

  • elongated body shape that allows the installation of a hydraulic system;
  • automatic lifting of the load plane;
  • convenient system control mechanism.

Some drivers with experience in installation and welding work offer a different solution: removing the old body and installing a new one, assembled with their own hands.

The GAZelle cab or the bunker, which will be fixed on the platform, can be made of metal profiles and wooden boards.

The cab is mounted on the hydraulic system. which will regulate its movement when unloading materials. This solution can be used in the future as a loader of building materials, it is also possible to transport furniture and much more indoors.

As noted earlier, for such purposes it is better to use an elongated body, on which it is easier to install a cab or bunker.

In general, a long body improves performance, it is more convenient to install hydraulics on it, because its movement also requires space.

Welding of other components of the future body and axle

Attention! Poorly welded parts can simply "break" on the move and endanger the life of the driver, other road users and pedestrians.

The subframe can be welded from both the inner and outer channel. In this case, the slats should be bent so that they resemble the shape of the frame as much as possible.

The small strip must be inserted into the large channel so that they form a rectangle.

After this, the structure must be welded along its entire length. After the body is fixed, you can remove the required length, which will allow you to adjust its position.

Then, using ladders, it is necessary to attach the prepared channel to the frame.

To level the plane of the frame and strips between the channel and the ladder, it is necessary to lay a fire hose. You should be especially careful about welding, because the whole fastening of the structure depends on the welded parts.

The cost of creating a dump truck from a GAZelle

If we talk about prices, it is worth noting that independent work is much cheaper, because the costs relate only to consumables and necessary parts.

The average price for the services of creating a dump truck from a GAZelle varies from 60 to 100 thousand rubles.

Self-creation of a dump truck will cost about 20 thousand. provided that high-quality, expensive and new parts are purchased. A very tangible difference.

Particularly advanced users recommend completely redoing the negative wires for the frame and engine, because with active use they can simply burn out. In order to prevent this trouble from happening, it is necessary to install thicker wires.

So that there is no load on the body lift button, it is recommended to install a high-quality solenoid that will act as a relay.

The fixation of the body depends on the hydraulic clutch, therefore, the spring should be changed to a weaker one. This solution will allow lifting up to two tons of net weight.

From the following article, you can learn how to choose an electric cultivator for your garden.

Despite such high rates, you should not load more than 1.5 tons of cargo, because then a very high load on the body is formed and the car can serve a noticeably shorter period.

A few words in conclusion

The experience of converting a GAZelle into a dump truck during collective discussion is extremely interesting. Unfortunately, it is often very difficult to find like-minded people on the territory of their city, but there are a huge number of resources where people share their experiences, upload photos, give each other advice and help.

We offer you to watch a video that confirms that nothing is impossible and, if you wish, you will get a wonderful dump truck from the GAZelle:

How to make a dump truck out of a GAZelle with your own hands? Reviewed by Mikhail on Jul 06. Not only the services of heavy-duty dump trucks, but also low-tonnage solutions are gaining demand. The absolute leader in this segment of the Russian market is GAZelle. Without it, not only the services of heavy-duty dump trucks, but also low-tonnage solutions are gaining demand. The absolute leader in this segment of the Russian market is GAZelle. Without her Rating: 0

Demand is gaining not only for the services of heavy-duty dump trucks, but also for low-tonnage solutions.

The absolute leader in this segment of the Russian market is GAZelle. Without her participation, it is impossible to imagine any office or apartment moving.

This model is capable of extremely promptly delivering cargo from one point to another, with the help of such a transport you can transport food, bulk and building materials, electronics, household appliances and much more. It is for this reason that most entrepreneurs and private drivers choose to use this model.

Due to its convenient dimensions, this model can easily drive up to the entrance of the house for loading furniture and things. In addition, the manufacturer produces a huge number of modifications that can be convenient and beneficial in certain situations.

Body length can be up to 6 meterswhile the minimum modification is only 3 meters. GAZelles with a short body are more in demand today.

Perhaps this is due to the congestion of city streets and the roughness of some sections, however, short bodies with light weight are purchased more often than other variations.

Models with 6-meter bodies are capable of carrying up to 1.1 tons of cargo. If the car is equipped with LPG type "methane", this figure is reduced to the level of 700 kilograms.

Main technical characteristics of GAZelles

For the above and many other reasons, short body models are very popular. The volume of such cars is about 18 cubic meters, while for 6-meter bodies this figure reaches 33 meters.

The latter type of car is more maneuverable in traffic jams, it is able to bring more profit in comparison with shortened models, but this still does not affect its popularity.

All parts of such a body carry less load, so their lifespan is significantly longer than that of shortened models. The frame can last forever if it is not loaded with a weight exceeding 1500 kg.

The engine is capable of driving from 250 thousand km without repair. Body models may vary in height. This indicator depends on the frame of the structure.

The GAZelle booth can be from 175 to 220 cm in height - cubic capacity depends on the value of this value. This volume allows you to accommodate utensils from a 3-room apartment.

If the height of the GAZelle reaches 2 meters, you can safely place a refrigerator or cabinet in an upright position in it.

Four-meter gazelles are actively used when transporting building materials. Often channels and metal profiles cannot be folded during transportation, so it is advisable to use 4-meter GAZelles.

When self-designing a dump truck, it is better to make open cabins, since the height of the bunkers must be calculated by engineers, because otherwise the dump truck may turn over at one moment.

To avoid such an opportunity, it is enough to follow just a few simple rules.

Is it possible to make a dump truck from a GAZelle yourself?

Inventive motorists realized how profitable it is to have a GAZelle as a carrier or dump truck, so they are trying to modify the model with their own hands.

There are many tutorials and step-by-step instructions available online. This article contains and describes the most popular and high-quality ways to make a dump truck from a GAZelle.

It should be noted right away that professional performance of work can only be guaranteed by masters who have experience in this area and are well acquainted with the nuances and costs of working with cars.

But, if the owner of a GAZelle needs very little from his car, he can test his strength and try to assemble a dump truck with his own hands.

In theory, this is not difficult, because many people share their experience and post step-by-step instructions with photos and videos on the network.

For each person, these instructions may contain something interesting that he can use in his work, and which he did not suspect before.

Examples of creating a dump truck from a GAZelle

The old GAZelle is also suitable for the implementation of the intended goal. The master will need: lifts, a jack, a welding machine, a platform (a bunker can be used) and paint. Advanced motorists call this modification of the car "tuning".

The first thing to do when working with a car is the frames and wheels, because the dump truck requires higher capacities. In order to change the frame, you should use a jack and a welding machine. You need to get rid of arched protrusions that can interfere with the wheels.

The second stage of work includes the removal of the old and, in a sense, unusable body. A bunker and telescopic lifts will be installed in its place.

The hopper can be bought in the car market for a relatively low price, and the lifts are only sold in shops or dealer centers.

After all the necessary components are found and installed, all that remains is to work on the appearance of the resulting truck, remove the seams and smooth out the joints.

Before direct operation, the car must be tested.

As noted above, the body must first be completely removed from the chassis in order to be able to remove or change the subframe.

In addition to the fact that in the future it can touch the wheels, there is also the possibility that it will soon crack due to the thin material.

After all, the structure assembled at the factory was not originally designed for heavy loads.

It is also worth taking care of the length of the base, because the factory models have too modest parameters. For the subsequent installation of the MKU, the base must be lengthened.

By following these simple rules, the master gets:

  • elongated body shape that allows the installation of a hydraulic system;
  • automatic lifting of the load plane;
  • convenient system control mechanism.

Some drivers with experience in installation and welding work offer a different solution: removing the old body and installing a new one, assembled with their own hands.

The GAZelle cab or the bunker, which will be fixed on the platform, can be made of metal profiles and wooden boards.

Cab mounted on hydraulic system, which will regulate its movement when unloading materials. This solution can be used in the future as a loader of building materials, it is also possible to transport furniture and much more indoors.

As noted earlier, for such purposes it is better to use an elongated body, on which it is easier to install a cab or bunker.

In general, a long body improves performance, it is more convenient to install hydraulics on it, because its movement also requires space.

Welding of other components of the future body and axle

Attention! Poorly welded parts can simply "break" on the move and endanger the life of the driver, other road users and pedestrians.

The subframe can be welded from both the inner and outer channel. In this case, the slats should be bent so that they resemble the shape of the frame as much as possible.

The small strip must be inserted into the large channel so that they form a rectangle.

After this, the structure must be welded along its entire length. After the body is fixed, you can remove the required length, which will allow you to adjust its position.

Then, using ladders, it is necessary to attach the prepared channel to the frame.

To level the plane of the frame and strips between the channel and the ladder, it is necessary to lay a fire hose. You should be especially careful about welding, because the whole fastening of the structure depends on the welded parts.

The cost of creating a dump truck from a GAZelle

If we talk about prices, it is worth noting that independent work is much cheaper, because the costs relate only to consumables and necessary parts.

The average price for the services of creating a dump truck from a GAZelle varies from 60 to 100 thousand rubles.

Self-creation of a dump truck will cost about 20 thousand, provided that quality, expensive and new parts are purchased. A very tangible difference.

Particularly advanced users recommend completely redoing the negative wires for the frame and engine, because with active use they can simply burn out. In order to prevent this trouble from happening, it is necessary to install thicker wires.

So that there is no load on the body lift button, it is recommended to install a high-quality solenoid that will act as a relay.

The fixation of the body depends on the hydraulic clutch, therefore, the spring should be changed to a weaker one. This solution will allow lifting up to two tons of net weight.

Despite such high rates, you should not load more than 1.5 tons of cargo, because then a very high load on the body is formed and the car can serve a noticeably shorter period.

A few words in conclusion

The experience of converting a GAZelle into a dump truck during collective discussion is extremely interesting. Unfortunately, it is often very difficult to find like-minded people on the territory of their city, but there are a huge number of resources where people share their experiences, upload photos, give each other advice and help.

We offer you to watch a video that confirms that nothing is impossible and, if you wish, you will get a wonderful dump truck from the GAZelle:

Need to figure out right away what counts as a change?

This is a refit vehiclewhen there is a removal from its design of some units, assemblies or parts.

(Implemented in accordance with the requirements of section 4 of chapter V Technical regulations Customs Union 018/2011 and circular letter of the State Traffic Safety Administration dated February 25, 2015

Whatever one may say, but still it is necessary to erect a monument to the engineer who invented the dump truck.

Or maybe he was not an engineer at all, but a simple driver who was tired of manually dumping the contents from the body?

And yet, the first to produce self-tipping bodies in 1904 were the mechanics and inventors Franz and Lorenz Meiller.

So what if the body of the brothers from Austria-Hungary was lifted by hand using a winch.

Many motorists who decide to convert their car, whether it is lengthening the frame and installing more overall body, or for example, conversion into a tow truck, often face difficulties.

If earlier the procedure for making changes to the vehicle design was relatively simple, then since January 1, 2018, the procedure has become much more complicated.

Previously, the owner of the car or his authorized representative just had to come to the technical department of the traffic police and sign an application for re-equipment.

Re-equipment of a vehicle is understood as making changes to its design, as a result of which its credentials are changed, for example, the type of vehicle, or numbered units are replaced.

The traffic police keeps such changes under special control.

Changes must be made at the station maintenance, having the right to the appropriate type of design change, which is confirmed by the appropriate papers.

In order to convert the Gazelle into a dump truck, the client must, firstly, provide the car itself.

This will almost double (depending on the model) the amount of transported cargo.

Conversion Truck Registration

Now the question is primarily about the initial re-registration of a car without a tank.

  • Members
  • 41 posts
    1. City: Pyatigorsk
    2. Name: Gregory
  • vologda, st. Chelyuskintsev 32

    • Conversion request (Statement of the possibility of making changes to the vehicle design)
    • Conclusion of preliminary tech. examination of the vehicle design
    • Statement-declaration on the volume and quality of work on making changes to the vehicle design
    • Certificate for vehicle maintenance and repair services
    • Vehicle design safety check protocol with amendments
    • Certificate of conformity of the vehicle with changes in its design to safety requirements
    • SBKTS

    The prices indicated on the website are not the final price of the contract and can be changed at any time by Next LLC, without prior notice.

    The final price of the agreement is formed taking into account the selected payment scheme, valid promotions, and individual terms of the agreement with the Client.

    How to legalize rework?

    body gas 53 dump truck

    Additional Information
    GAZ 53 Basculant. Vînd DOAR cuzovuL samosvaL în compLect (Traverse + podramnik + bac + ciLindru + corobca (cutia de viteze) cu razdatka + nasos + cLapan) în stare bună \u003d 8000 lei. La un cumparator real care procură cuzovu ii cedez bine din preț SAU ii mai dau piese, o balcă dinainte cu resoare cadou SAU un most din urmă cu resoare cadou SAU 2 golovce cadou. La alegere. Mai sunt si alte piese, cutii de viteze 53, bloc motor 53, startere, carburatoare, uşi de 53, capota, aripi (cladding with fenders 53). Detalii la telefon.


    body gas 53 dump truck

    Post date: 05.06.2018 08:37

    Additional Information
    GAZ 53 Basculant. Vînd DOAR cuzovuL samosvaL în compLect (Traverse + podramnik + bac + ciLindru + corobca (cutia de viteze) cu razdatka + nasos + cLapan) în stare bună \u003d 8000 lei. La un cumparator real care procură cuzovu ii cedez bine din preț SAU ii mai dau piese, o balcă dinainte cu resoare cadou SAU un most din urmă cu resoare cadou SAU 2 golovce cadou.

    La alegere. Mai sunt si alte piese, cutii de viteze 53, bloc motor 53, startere, carburatoare, uşi de 53, capota, aripi (cladding with fenders 53). Detalii la telefon.


    - Dump bodies, quarry, agricultural with unloading on 2 and 3 sides, metal.

    - Re-equipment of KAMAZ, Ural, KrAZ, ZIL, MAZ vehicles into mining and agricultural dump trucks on 2 and 3 sides, metal carriers. It is possible to re-equip imported trucks KamAZ, MAZ, ZIL, KrAZ, Ural, ZIL, GAZ, MAN, DAF, Dayun, DongFeng, FAW, Foton, Ford, Daewoo into dump trucks, Mercedes Benz, Hania, Hino, Howo, Hyundai, Iveco, Renault, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, Shaanxi, Skoda, Scania, Tatra, TATA, Volvo, etc. - Re-equipment of cargo trailers and semi-trailers agricultural dump trucks with mounting on a semi-trailer 1 or 2 dump bodies. - Used KamAZ trucks with overhaul (under the order with a quality guarantee). - Spare parts for KamAZ with overhaul: cab, gearbox, engine, balancer axle, subframes, wedge hubs. - Frames: lengthening, strengthening, trimming, overhaul of any cargo frames, commercial vehicles and special vehicles of domestic and foreign production. - Overhaul and re-equipment of the KAMAZ vehicle. - Installation of YaMZ-238 engines, manipulators. Overhaul of KamAZ trucks, KamAZ trucks with overhaul. Prices: Photos of samples of capitalized and prepared equipment: Quarry and agricultural bodies and dump trucks Prices: NPO NadAvto, Naberezhnye Chelny, Tozelesh proezd, 28. t. 8-8552-77-92-12 office .; t. 8-8552-77-92-10 repair of cabins; t / fax 8-8552-77-92-11 t. 8-987-061-02-51; t. 8-917-238-46-18; Website:

    Social comments Cackle

    Communities ›Trucks and Buses› Forum ›Conversion of HOVO from Euro-3 to Euro-2

    Can you please tell someone who has remade HOVO dump trucks from Euro-3 to Euro-2 what is the result

    We were redoing it and everything worked out fine.

    How to set the ignition of a converted euro 3 to euro 2

    Hi Everyone, I want to return the old topic, alteration of e3 to e2, a problem arose after a week of operation, the oil level began to grow and it was already on the second machine that the return lines were changed, the pump was changed and all one grows in a month 2 levels

    Native fuel pipes or converted for KAMAZ.

    From the kit, almost native

    It is through them that the solarium goes.

    Similar to e3 only longer

    I know how many times I unscrewed from the injectors. Salary flows from there.

    That is, there is high pressure and shape at the tube junction?

    There, at the end of the tube that fits into the nozzle, there is no cone and that's it.

    Re-equipment of trucks and cars with registration in the traffic police

    Vehicle passport (PTS) on both sides; 3) Certificate of vehicle registration (COP) on both sides; 4) A statement from the traffic police from both sides with a resolution (mark of the traffic police) - if available; 8) Statement-declaration on the volume and quality of work performed; 9) A copy of the service certificate with decoding of service codes; 10) Photos of the vehicle after changes in the design.

    (Engine compartment before and after, all signs and general view) 11) Contact information (postal address of dispatch, telephone.

    ) 5. Issuance of a certificate. To obtain a certificate, the owner of a vehicle submits a vehicle and the following documents to the traffic police department, which is the basis for registering a change in the design of a vehicle: - an identity document; - a document confirming the right to own, or use and (or) dispose of the vehicle; - vehicle passport and vehicle registration certificate ( technical certificate, technical coupon); -Application and decision on it -Conclusions on the possibility and procedure for making changes to the design of the vehicle; - the act of the Technical Expertise after making changes to the design; - duly certified copies of certificates of conformity for the components and items of equipment used for re-equipment, spare parts and accessories, subject to mandatory certification.

    Conversion of a truck into a dump truck

    • All documents for registration of conversion + diagnostic card as a gift
    • (conclusion, protocol, declaration statement, service station certificates)
    • ALL paperwork and fees are included.

      No additional expenses, as quickly as possible and without your participation!

    Depending on the complexity of the conversion, the design time can take from 15 minutes to 1 day.

    In some cases, rush is not appropriate, because

    there is a risk of making a mistake, which can increase the total time for making changes by a week, please treat this with understanding.

    We will help you save energy and money!

    Weld sides for a dump truck
    For the transportation of bulk materials such as sand, sometimes that volume of the body is not enough, and the declared carrying capacity of the truck allows you to load a little more than you can. A small build-up of sides should increase the transportation of bulk materials and, accordingly, increase the financial return from the transportation of cargo. We specialize in welding and, in particular, in welding and welding of beads on trucks and dump trucks.

    How to weld sides on a dump truck and from what. The sides can be welded from sheet iron with a thickness of 4-6 mm, reinforced from a metal corner or channel, with the obligatory welding with a continuous seam along the entire perimeter. Welding stiffeners around the perimeter is a prerequisite for building up the sides on a dump truck. As a rule, when loading sand, the excavator, and the owners of the dump trucks themselves, load so that they subsequently press the sand with a bucket and smooth it down. So that the bucket does not crumple the increased sides, you need to weld additional protection for the sides.

    The height of the build-up should not exceed 25 - 30 cm, if you weld more, then there will be too much overload, which is fraught with different kinds of consequences.

    By contacting us at Welding - Klin you can easily find help to solve your problem. In a short time, and with the highest skill, we will be able to build up the sides on your dump truck, weld a burst tailgate, weld on the frame, weld on the hydraulic pipe, fender or muffler.

    Find welded sideboard extension services and at the same time save on time and effort, the key to the successful and uninterrupted operation of your truck. We weld the sides on the Scania, Man, Maz, Kamaz, Volvo trucks. From us you can order a pulling attachment for a rigid hitch when towing or transporting a truck or a tractor (head), brackets for hitching a rigid hitch.

    The products of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant have always been famous for their cross-country ability and wide functionality. The model of this plant - UAZ-452, released back in 1965, gave rise to a whole family of small multifunctional cars high cross-country ability, including the UAZ-3303 model.

    UAZ-3303 is a small truck with good off-road qualities due to the presence all-wheel drive... Has he frame structure, with a cabin installed on it, under which the engine is located, and two boxes - a transfer case and a gearbox. Behind the cab there is a loading platform that allows carrying up to 1200 kg of payload.

    This car has received a good distribution in agriculture, however, the owners blame it on the lack of equipment for dump unloading, since the manufacturer this car it does not equip it with such equipment. The owners often disagree with this decision of the plant and rework the UAZ-3303 with their own hands, creating a dump truck on its basis.

    The same owners who converted the car indicate a significant increase in functionality and a decrease in the time for unloading the body from cargo. At the same time, the carrying capacity of the car itself does not decrease, since it is not very high anyway. But the established lifting equipment makes it easier for the driver, especially if the car is used to transport work cargo.

    But there are also some disadvantages. Of these, some financial difficulties for the acquisition can be noted component parts for as well possible problems with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, since self-made car refitting is prohibited. For the rest, the equipment for lifting the body of the UAZ-3303 has only positive aspects.

    There are several options for how to make a dump truck from a UAZ-3303. The simplest solution is to lay a square bar under the headboard and attach a long cable to it, which is laid along the entire length of the body. Unloading is very simple: the side of the car is opened, the cable is pulled out and attached to something reliable (tree, post, etc.). Then the car starts up and begins to move forward, while the bar moving along the body pulls the load. But this method is not always practical.

    A more drastic solution is the installation of hydraulic equipment. Moreover, some private companies are now offering a set of components for converting the UAZ-3303 into a dump truck. We will consider homemade auto recycling.
    Photo of the converted UAZ-3303 car into a dump truck

    Step-by-step instruction

    Hydraulic lifting mechanismThe UAZ will be equipped with several components: a semi-frame, a subframe, an electric hydraulic pump, a hydraulic crane, an oil tank, a hydraulic cylinder and high pressure oil lines.

    Semi-frame, subframe, hydraulic cylinder

    Let's start with a semi-frame, you need it to install the body. It is she who provides the ability to overturn the body.

    The semi-frame consists of two parts. One part is rigidly fixed to the UAZ frame. By means of pin hinges on one side, it is connected to the second part, on which the cargo platform is fixed.

    It is better to make longitudinal beams of both half-frames from T-beams and I-beams, and arrange them so that the upper part with its beams folded on the beams of the lower part of the half-frame.

    The lower part of the semi-frame is reinforced with crossbars. The upper one, in addition to the crossbars, should also have transverse protrusions on the sides, which will provide support cargo platform across its entire width.

    At the end, where the pin joints will be located, lugs are attached to the parts of the half-frames, which must match with their holes. It will be necessary to install the pins in these holes, and it will be necessary to ensure their fixation in the holes in order to prevent them from falling out.

    Welded joints can be used to connect the structure of the half-frame, but it is better to fix the lower part of the half-frame to the auto frame using bolted joints.

    The hydraulic cylinder is taken from a GAZ-53 car. Its length is quite enough to roll over the body on a UAZ. This cylinder has ball ends at both ends, so you will need two ball joints under the cylinder for installation. One of these supports is fixed to the cross member of the upper part of the semi-frame.

    The second ball joint is the lower one, fixed on the stretcher. This subframe should be in the shape of a bracket. Such a shape is made so that the hydraulic cylinder in the folded state does not interfere with the complete lowering of the body and the landing of the upper part of the semi-frame on the lower part. The dimensions and method of attachment of the hydraulic cylinder subframe are selected experimentally. After that, the hydraulic cylinder is installed in place.

    Hydraulic pump, its drive and control valve

    Next, we turn to the hydraulic pump and its drive. Most often, NSh-10 acts as a pump, from MTZ-80. Its performance is quite enough for the operation of the hydraulic cylinder.

    There are several pump drives, so we will describe the simplest one, namely from the starter. For this, a starter from the MTZ-80 is taken and slightly altered for the ability to work for a long time. Next, you need to connect the starter shaft to the pump shaft. To do this, you can use the hinge from the steering of any passenger car... Further, the starter and the pump are fixed on the platform to prevent them from moving relative to each other.

    The pump and the drive are fixed to the cross member of the car frame, so as to exclude their damage. Then the wiring is thrown from the car battery to the starter, be sure to include a switch in the circuit.

    An oil tank is also attached to the car frame, a volume of 10 liters will be enough. Then the lines from the oil tank are connected to the pump, and from it to the hydraulic cylinder.

    A hydraulic valve is installed in the circuit for connecting the lines behind the pump, which can be taken at any store of spare parts for agricultural. technology. During lifting at one of the positions of the crane, it will let the oil flow in one direction and prevent it from returning. After turning the tap - the oil will be able to reverse movement.

    Principle of operation

    The whole structure works like this: if it is necessary to raise the body, the driver moves the crane to a position that allows oil to pass only in one direction and turns on the pump drive power. The pump takes oil from the tank and feeds it under pressure to the hydraulic cylinder. When the body is fully raised, the power to the pump drive is disconnected. The crane will not allow the body to fall under its own weight, since it does not let the oil back through. The body is lowered by moving the crane to the position of the oil reverse movement, the pressure in the hydraulic cylinder drops and the oil flows back into the tank, and the body goes down under its own weight.
    In the video, a do-it-yourself UAZ-3303 dump truck:

    The GAZelle dump truck is a standard commercial truck chassis with an installed folding platform, which is equipped with a movable tailgate. The carrying capacity of the vehicle does not differ from the onboard vehicle. Small-sized dump trucks are used in a range of works where the use of full-size trucks is impossible or economically impractical.

    Design features and specifications

    Gorkovsky is directly involved in the official conversion of the GAZelle into a dump truck car factory and various organizations. New vehicles are used to build vehicles. Owners of used trucks independently convert their vehicles by installing special bodies or modifying standard side platforms. The design of the dump trucks includes a hydraulic system with a pump driven by a gearbox using a separate power take-off shaft.

    Dump trucks based on GAZelle are equipped with bodies with 1- or 3-sided unloading. Agricultural machines are produced in small batches, the platform of which tilts only sideways. To control the unloading mechanism in the cab, there is a special block of spool switches that direct the hydraulic fluid to different cavities of the power cylinder.

    Factory dump trucks based on the Next model are equipped with an original aluminum platform and imported hydraulic components. Basic variant provides 3-sided unloading, other options are not offered by the factory. To control the unloading, a joystick installed in the driver's cab is used.

    How to do it yourself

    The owner can make a GAZelle dump truck with his own hands; this will require materials:

    • steel channel type 10U or 10P;
    • 2-link hydraulic cylinder from tractor trailers;
    • electric starter from passenger car or a truck with an operating voltage of 12 V;
    • limit switches for braking signals from VAZ cars;
    • starter control relay (from any car);
    • gear hydraulic pump NSh10;
    • splined sleeve for pump drive;
    • ball valve type D15;
    • a pulley for driving a water pump from a UAZ vehicle (2 pcs.);
    • alternator drive belt from a car (2 pcs.);
    • front hub bearing from VAZ 2108/09 cars;
    • fuel tank from starting motor tractor;
    • various fasteners.

    See " Specifications minibus GAZelle-32213

    After preparing the materials, a diagram or drawings for converting a GAZelle into a dump truck should be developed. The documentation can be searched in open sources, since the manufacture of a dump truck from a GAZelle with their own hands was done by more than one dozen owners.

    Some of the prepared parts will need to be modified or made on their own, therefore, it is necessary to find a lathe or milling machine in advance.

    Used to drive the pump electrical engine, but it is possible to connect the unit to a gearbox or a standard pump of a hydraulic booster.

    To assemble a GAZelle dump truck with your own hands, there is step-by-step instruction with recommendations:

    1. When using a hydraulic cylinder from the trailer, it is required to ensure the pump speed is 4 times lower than the speed of the electric starter. The use of cylinders from full-size ZIL or GAZ dump trucks requires an increase in fluid supply. In this case, the gear ratio is selected empirically.
    2. A belt drive is installed between the pump and motor pulleys, the type of belt depends on the configuration of the pulley groove. It is possible to use toothed belts from the engine timing mechanism drive. The tension is adjusted with a roller mounted on an eccentric support. The use of a chain drive is allowed, in this case the tension is changed by changing the number of chain links.
    3. Since the gear pump does not have bearing supports, it is not suitable for use on side stop applications. For self-assembly of the unit, it is required to manufacture and install a bearing assembly. Similar elements are required to be made for the electric starter. When assembling units without modifications, they wear out quickly.
    4. It is necessary to make a ladder frame from the channel, on which the standard side platform of the body will rest. On the frame, it is required to provide a load-bearing cross member, to which the hydraulic cylinder rod is attached. The opposite side of the unit is fixed to a separate bracket that is welded or bolted to the truck frame. The relative position of the bracket, cylinder and body frame must ensure the platform lifting at an angle of at least 50 °.
    5. To make a dump truck from a GAZelle, you will need to install special earrings on the back of the frame, in which the supports of the cargo platform are located. The mechanism must be strong enough to support the full load of the body. It is recommended to install grease fittings at these points, which will allow periodic maintenance of the unit.
    6. On the frame of the car or body, it is required to install limit switches, which are used to turn off the power to the pump electric drive in the extreme positions. Installation sites are determined empirically; installation points should not be located in places filled with mud or water.
    7. To power the electric starter, you must install a separate power wiring that goes to the standard car battery. It is possible to install an individual battery in the cab or inside the frame, which will reduce the length of cables and voltage losses in them.
    8. Rubber dampers are installed between the frames of the car and the body, which reduce noise when an empty dump truck moves. Also installed are guiding elements made of steel angle. Parts are necessary to eliminate vibrations of the tipper platform when the vehicle is moving.
    9. The fuel tank from the starting engine is used as a reservoir for the working fluid. The unit is placed inside the frame, connected to the pump using metal or rubber lines. For the filling, industrial hydraulic oil is used.
    10. AT hydraulic system it is required to provide for the installation of a check valve to prevent the oil from draining from the cylinder cavity under pressure. The element ensures safe operation, since in the event of a break in the supply line or failure of the pump, there is no sudden fall of the platform onto the truck frame.
    11. The button for turning on the solenoid relay of the electric motor is displayed in the passenger compartment. After pressing it, pressure is created in the hydraulics, then you need to manually open the ball valve installed on the frame, and the body begins to lift. The tailgate of the platform is pre-tilted; when moving with a load, it is locked with standard clamps.
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