All about buying and selling cars

Whether diesel. Do I need to warm up a diesel engine in winter

Do you think a diesel car is cheaper than a petrol one? Many car enthusiasts answer this question that diesel cars are much cheaper in operation compared to gasoline ones? But in reality, not everything is so simple. To calculate which car is more profitable in the first three years of operation after purchase, you need to carry out complex calculations and take into account not only the consumption of diesel fuel and its cost at gas stations, but also calculate and take into account the cost of buying a car, its maintenance and other factors affecting the cost of ownership.

In addition, do not forget that most cars lose over time market value... Moreover, each brand, model and version of the car loses in price in different ways. So to calculate, you also need to take into account the depreciation of the car for three years.

Including, do not forget the indirect costs, such as insurance, transport tax etc.

Are diesel cars more expensive than their gasoline counterparts?

This is generally true. You will pay more when buying a car than if you were buying the same model with a gasoline engine.

Here's a live example:

2015 crossover with a 2.4-liter petrol engine producing 175 hp, in the "Comfort" configuration it costs 1,479,000 rubles (price as of 10.02.2015, based on the official Hyundai website). The diesel analogue of this year's SUV costs 1,679,000 rubles ("Comfort" equipment with a 2.2 liter diesel engine with 197 hp).

That is, in order to purchase a diesel crossover, you must overpay 200 thousand rubles .

Now let's compare prices for. Let's take the average prices at Moscow gas stations since the beginning of 2015. The cost of AI-92 gasoline was 33.5 rubles. AI-95 costs an average of 35.5 rubles. When the average cost from the beginning of the year was 36 rubles. As you can see, the cost of fuel for a diesel car is more expensive compared to gasoline.

But, as you know, diesel engines are much more economical than their gasoline counterparts. In our example, the average fuel consumption 2015 Hyundai santa Fe 2.2 CDRi (automatic) is 6.6 l / 100 km. A gasoline SUV with a CVT consumes 8.9 l / 100 km.

Is the purchase of a diesel car justified (for example, an SUV)?

Let's calculate how many kilometers you need to drive in order to recoup the overpayment when buying diesel version due to lower fuel consumption. Let's pretend that average mileage the car is 25,000 kilometers per year. Now let's compare how much owner Santa Fe will spend at this mileage on gasoline for a whole year. We take the average cost of 95 RON gasoline and calculate the final spending based on the average fuel consumption of the car. We get that in a year the owner of the car will spend almost 79,000 rubles (78,987.5 rubles with an average price of gasoline 35.5 per 1 liter). Let's carry out the same calculations when operating a diesel car with the same mileage. Eventually costs for diesel fuel will amount to 59,400 rubles (taking into account the average price of a diesel engine at a gas station in the amount of 36 rubles per 1 liter). As a result, the difference in fuel costs is almost 19,500 rubles..

At first glance, savings are obvious. But in order to recoup the overpayment for the diesel modification of the SUV, you have to drive the car for more than ten years !!!

Of course, if your mileage is higher each year, it will take much less time to recoup the overpayment. Especially if the average annual mileage of a car is more than 50,000 kilometers. With this mileage, you will recoup the overpayment you made when buying a diesel car in a little over five years. But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. After all, we only counted fuel costs and did not take into account.

Which car gets cheaper faster during operation?

From the point of view of economy, then of course a diesel car is more profitable than a gasoline one. In addition, as a rule, the average market prices for used diesel cars keep much higher than gasoline counterparts. The thing is that gasoline cars lose value faster than their diesel versions. This is due to the fact that diesel cars are more in demand on the market than their gasoline counterparts. Diesel cars and crossovers are not as popular in our country as, for example, in Europe. But, nevertheless, due to the small number of offers on the used market, their prices are kept at a fairly high level. Therefore, diesel cars have a low depreciation rate in the first three years compared to gasoline counterparts.

Which car is more expensive to maintain?

We all know that the total cost of ownership does not add up to just fuel costs and annual mileage. Not the least role of the monetary costs of owning a car plays. Typically, maintenance cost diesel carsmobiles cost 10-15 percent more than servicing a gasoline car.

This is due to the fact that a diesel engine is much more complex in design than a gasoline one. power unit... Also the cost of most consumables for diesel cars much more expensive than for their gasoline counterparts.

So, consider this when choosing which car to buy.

Diesel or Gasoline Car - Which Drives Better and Faster?

(diesel or gasoline), then before making the final decision, carry out two test drives in the dealership, driving first on a gasoline car, and then on its diesel counterpart. Thus, you will compare not only the dynamics of acceleration and cruising speed, but you can also compare other characteristics of the machines.

It must be admitted that diesels work much louder than their gasoline counterparts. And this despite modern technologiesthat allowed automakers to create modern diesel powertrains that are much quieter, more efficient and cleaner than their predecessors. But, nevertheless, gasoline engines are still much quieter. In addition, diesel engines give more vibration to the body than gasoline power units. In combination with a turbine, for example, some diesel engines run very loudly.

What then is the advantage of diesel engines besides fuel consumption? Of course, traditionally diesel power units are famous for the best. Unlike gasoline engines, diesel engines generally have a higher maximum torque (force). In addition, unlike gasoline analogues, diesel cars achieve maximum torque already at low revs.

Of course, for fast sports driving, gasoline engines are more suitable, which can develop more power than diesel engines. But the latest technology in the auto industry suggests that diesel engines may soon catch up with gasoline engines. sports performance... For example, on a new audi models SQ5 is equipped with a 309 hp diesel engine. which allows the power unit to compete on equal terms with gasoline counterparts.

Is it profitable to buy a gasoline car more expensive than a diesel one?

Another most common question asked by motorists. Of course, when the petrol (usually) diesel version, then many of us make the decision to buy a petrol car.

And as we calculated above, this is the right decision (if the car's mileage is not more than 50,000 km per year). But what if the petrol version costs more than the diesel one? This is not often found in the car market, but, nevertheless, it takes place. In this case, everything also depends on the average mileage for the year. If your average mileage does not exceed 40,000-50,000 kilometers, then you can safely purchase the petrol version.

But of course it depends on the overpayment. If the gasoline version costs 200,000-300,000 rubles more, and your mileage does not exceed 15,000 kilometers every year, then of course buying a more expensive gasoline version is not justified. But this situation is very rare in the car market. This is certainly an exception to the rule.

Often associated with heavy trucks, special vehicles, buses and commercial vehicles. As for passenger cars, diesel on such cars is rather rare than the norm.

It is quite obvious that there are quite good reasons for this, which persuade prudent foreigners to buy a diesel car. In this article, we will consider the main pros and cons of a diesel engine, and also talk about in what cases this type of engine can or, on the contrary, cannot be considered the best choice.

As you know, at the initial stage, power units of this type could not adequately compete with gasoline counterparts. The fact is that the diesel engine remained a high-torque and economical engine for a long time, but it was slow-moving.

In practice, this means that such an internal combustion engine confidently pulled from the very "bottom", but about high revs and, accordingly, high speeds were out of the question. At the same time, the main advantage was the low consumption and high at low revs. For commercial vehicles this solution was optimal, but not suitable for passenger vehicles.

If we add noise and increased vibrations to this, then it becomes clear why diesel engines were not in demand on passenger cars. However, over the past 30 years, the situation has changed radically. With the decline in oil reserves, tightening environmental standards and the constant rise in fuel prices, fuel consumption has come to the fore.

Automakers began to actively implement the latest developments, the diesel engine received an upgraded fuel injection system, etc. As a result, it was possible to almost completely get rid of noise and vibration, and also to bring the diesel engine closer to gasoline engines in a number of performance indicators.

The pros of a diesel engine

  • So let's start with the obvious benefits. Fuel consumption on a diesel engine is usually 30-35% less than that of gasoline engines.
  • Also diesel engine It has a high torque at low revs, which allows achieving excellent acceleration dynamics from a standstill and confident traction.
  • The diesel unit is more environmentally friendly, since it burns the fuel charge more fully and efficiently. As a result, the toxicity of the exhaust of a modern diesel engine is significantly reduced.
  • more than gasoline engines. In practice, such a power unit, subject to competent maintenance, is able to travel about 350-400 thousand km, while a gasoline engine may need overhaul by 200 thousand km.
  • The absence of a diesel engine in the design eliminates a number of problems that are inherent in gasoline power units (weak, breakdown, etc.). No need to change plugs, ignition coils, high voltage wires and other elements.
  • The design features and the method of compression ignition of the fuel in the cylinders provide the diesel engine with a higher. In other words, burning fuel converts more energy into useful work. This means that the power of such an engine is greater.

Disadvantages of a diesel engine

It would seem that modern diesel is not only not inferior to gasoline, but also surpasses it in a number of important indicators. However, in practice, a diesel internal combustion engine also has several significant disadvantages. For this reason, especially in the CIS, many drivers still choose gasoline cars. Let's figure it out.

  • First of all, you need to start with cost. A diesel car, on average, initially costs 25-35% more expensive than its counterparts on gasoline (depending on the type and class of car).

It should also be understood that when selling a used diesel car older than 5-7 years, the price for secondary market drops significantly. In other words, it is quite difficult to sell a used diesel engine in a few years for the same 25-30% more expensive than a similar model on gasoline.

  • Even taking into account the fact that diesel internal combustion engines have become more resourceful, cars with such an engine are still slower. It should also be added that a diesel engine is heavier than a gasoline engine, which affects the weight distribution of the car, its dynamic characteristics and handling.

On diesel engines with "mechanics" you need to change gears more often. If a diesel car is equipped with an automatic or robotic gearbox, the resource of the box may be less than on the exact same gasoline model. The reason - the gearbox must withstand significant torque.

    ... The reason is that the efficiency of the diesel is higher, that is, less energy from the combustion of diesel fuel is spent on heat. As a result, the motor is more efficient, but less heat generation also means that such a unit is simultaneously "cold".

In practice, it manifests itself in a way that is useless. This motor needs to be warmed up in motion, that is, under load. It turns out that if a car with such an internal combustion engine is operated for short trips around the city, the engine simply will not have time to go to. As a result, the resource of the unit is reduced.

As for comfort, many owners of diesel cars without special additional heating of the interior note a slow heating of the interior space in winter period.

  • The problem of difficult operation in the winter period largely concerns diesel engines. First of all, diesel fuel tends to freeze and paraffinize in the cold. To prevent this from happening, with the onset of cold weather, special additives are separately added to the fuel. In other words, .

The owner must take this feature into account and fill in diesel fuel suitable for the season. Given that the quality of fuel at gas stations in the CIS is not the highest, the risks are obvious. Also in regions where the temperature drops significantly, the diesel vehicle must be equipped with separate systems preheating... We add that the owners of diesel cars need to monitor the condition and regularly change the glow plugs, which warm up the combustion chamber before starting the internal combustion engine.

  • A diesel engine is more expensive to maintain and repair. These motors usually require more oil and need to change lubricants and filters more often. As a rule, taking into account the quality of LPG fuel and a number of other operating features, service interval for a diesel engine is reduced by 40-50%.

Even taking into account the fact that a diesel engine has a longer service life before overhaul, the repair itself is much more expensive compared to gasoline units.

  • Everything modern diesels , and are also equipped with sophisticated high-tech fuel injection systems. For this reason, increased requirements are imposed on the quality of lubricant and fuel, as well as on the general condition of the internal combustion engine. It is important to understand that the expensive fuel is of poor quality or the wrong type of fuel.

For the sake of fairness, we note that for residents of large cities, the issue of fuel is not so acute. However, the same cannot be said for those motorists who live in rural areas or regularly refuel a diesel car at small gas stations along the highways while traveling. The problem of finding high-quality diesel fuel in this case remains quite relevant.

  • The reliability of the diesel turbine and individual elements the power supply system (for example, or the pump injector) is far from the same as that of the motor itself. Repair or replacement of these parts is quite costly.

It should also be added that diagnostics and repair of modern diesel engines requires expensive equipment and specialized specialists. As a rule, not every service station has qualified diesel masters, and the very cost of any manipulations with such a motor and its systems will definitely be higher.

  • Increased noise, as well as a higher level of vibration, can still be noted even on the most modern diesel engine when compared with gasoline counterparts. Although the difference is not so critical, it is still present.

Let's sum up

As you can see, the advantages of a diesel engine on passenger car under conditions of practical operation on domestic roads, they can largely overlap with the above disadvantages.

It is important to understand that purchasing a car with a diesel internal combustion engine saves on fuel, but the benefit can be partially or completely offset by higher maintenance and repair costs for a unit of this type. In other words, before buying, you need to consider not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages of a diesel engine.

Finally, I would like to add that if a commercial diesel car is purchased new, then such a decision is fully justified. If the owner plans to purchase a passenger car with a diesel engine, especially a used one, then you need to be prepared for higher costs, expensive breakdowns and stringent requirements regarding the operation of such a vehicle.

Read also

The list of the most reliable gasoline and diesel engines: 4-cylinder power units, in-line 6-cylinder internal combustion engines and V-shaped power plants. Rating.

  • What determines the service life of a diesel engine. The planned run of the diesel engine to the first overhaul... How to increase the resource of a diesel engine.
  • Fuel consumption is a characteristic that is often at the forefront when choosing a car. Diesel fuel today is cheaper than 92 gasoline, and despite this, very soon after buying a car with a diesel engine, many car owners are disappointed. The reason is that most drivers are not accustomed to diesel engines, they prefer gasoline cars. At the same time, in some European countries, for example, France, Spain, cars with diesel engines are very popular, which is confirmed by the sales volumes - sometimes they buy more diesel modifications than gasoline ones. We have a number of factors explaining the "cool" attitude towards this type of motors. And yet, those who decide to purchase a diesel engine should be aware of some of the intricacies of its purchase, operation and maintenance.

    Efficiency is a well-known advantage of diesel engines, which is the main "bait" for buyers. But they also have "drawbacks" that many, especially fans of comfort and sporty driving style, soon turn out to be not to their taste.

    The first thing that gets boring very quickly is the characteristic increased "tractor" sound of the engine running. Although the noise insulation of the passenger compartment in foreign cars is not bad, automakers have not yet been able to completely protect those sitting in the passenger compartment from diesel "music". Then, although not in all machines, increased vibrations begin to annoy. And lovers of "crap" obviously will not like the weak acceleration dynamics, especially when accelerating at high speeds is necessary.

    It is interesting that buyers have time to familiarize themselves with all these shortcomings even when inspecting a car offered for purchase. But those “programmed” for efficiency, many do not pay attention to these “nuances”. Only after some time has passed, new car owners begin to join the ranks of those dissatisfied with diesel cars.

    The picture is complemented by the fact that a diesel engine is a specific type of motor with an individual character, which determines the features of its operation and requires compliance with certain rules of operation and management. Usually they are not known, and if they do, they are not observed. As a result, the diesel engine, instead of the prescribed 500-600 thousand kilometers, takes care of two or even three times less before overhaul. So before you buy a diesel, make sure that it suits your temperament and driving style and that you can “meet” its operating and maintenance needs.

    Although the car market offers much less diesel foreign cars than gasoline ones, if you really want to, you can still find the right option. Inspection of diesel cars does not differ from gasoline ones in many respects - checking the body, chassis, transmission, electrical equipment, etc. The difference lies in engine testing. Two points are important here - check at a "cold start" and the nature of work "hot". It should be noted, however, that summer is not the best time to buy a diesel engine. Therefore, if after this article someone has a desire to become the owner of a diesel car, it is better to wait for the onset of a cooler season. The ideal period for a diesel engine test is winter, when it is freezing outside of 10-20 degrees. Under these conditions, the "disease" of this type of engine is much easier to identify. The main indicator characterizing the serviceability of a diesel engine is “cold start”. It is carried out in the following sequence: to increase the fuel supply, the manual "gas" button is pulled out (if the thermal pump is not installed); by turning the "ignition" key, the glow plugs are turned on, which is indicated by the candle operation indicator on the instrument panel - a yellow lamp with a spiral symbol; when the candles have warmed up (this takes about 20-30 seconds), the lamp goes out - this is a signal that allows the engine to start. If, after doing these operations, the engine starts on the first try and without prolonged rotation by the starter, then everything is normal.

    The diesel engine does not start in cold weather mainly for several reasons: the battery has "sat down", the glow plugs are faulty, summer fuel is used in the fuel system, the compression in the cylinders is low. The procedure for replacing the battery, glow plugs does not require particularly large costs (2000 - 3000 rubles). But as for the low compression in the cylinders, then there is a need for an expensive overhaul of the engine (30,000 - 50,000 rubles). Fuel frozen to a gelatinous state is not able to pass through the filter, which means that it can be removed from the power system only during warming up in a warm garage, followed by replacement with winter diesel fuel or the addition of anti-gel additives.

    While the diesel is cold, its operation is usually accompanied by increased noise and black exhaust. For this type of engine, this is a common occurrence, since the fuel in cold cylinders evaporates poorly, and therefore does not completely burn out. As a working diesel engine warms up, the noise level decreases, and the black exhaust disappears. If the nature of the work does not change and smoke continues to "pour" from the chimney, then something is faulty. Blue smoke - a sign of wear of parts of the cylinder-piston group (piston rings, liners, pistons), which requires a major overhaul of the engine. When the exhaust is black, it means that the fuel in the cylinders is not completely combusted. This happens in the following cases: poor quality fuel atomization by faulty nozzles or their atomizers; supplying an excess amount of fuel with a misaligned fuel pump; lack of air in the cylinders with a clogged air filter.

    As practice shows, the resource light diesel engines in our operating conditions is from 200 to 600 thousand km. Such a significant spread is due to the large dependence of the diesel resource on the operating conditions, systematicity and quality of maintenance.

    The ability to operate a diesel engine is, perhaps, the main factor that most affects its resource. This type of engine does not forgive the mistakes of the driver, who, for example, is accustomed to spinning revving gasoline engines to the maximum and makes the diesel engine work in the same mode. The owners of such machines should remember one important rule - a diesel engine does not like high revs, since this significantly increases the load on the parts of the cylinder-piston group, fuel equipment, and the very process of mixture formation and combustion does not follow the required "scenario". Therefore, you need to drive at medium speed or below average, and switch to higher gears much earlier than in the case of a gasoline engine. This has long been proven in practice. It is not for nothing that at many motor transport enterprises, before "putting" a driver on a diesel engine, he undergoes an internship. If this is not done, the resource of engines in the hands of untrained drivers is reduced by 3-5 times, and sometimes even more.

    To reduce the impact of mechanical impurities and water contained in our diesel fuel on very sensitive diesel fuel equipment, it is advisable to equip the power system with a filter-separator, preferably heated. This will extend the life of expensive fuel pumps and injectors and protect yourself from winter problems caused by increased fuel viscosity. If it is not possible to install additional filters, it is better to first let the fuel settle in some sort of settling tank. Pour it into the tank, by the way, without stirring in the sump, you can only after two or three days.
    You should also know that it is undesirable to start a diesel engine from a pusher or in tow, since due to the high compression in the cylinders, there is a high probability of breaking the timing belt (if the drive is belt drive). We have already written about the consequences of this.

    An important aspect that affects the service life of a diesel engine is the timeliness of maintenance and the quality of materials and spare parts used in this case. Under no circumstances should the first available oil be poured into imported diesel engines, including the KAMAZ M10 / G2K popular in Soviet times. You need to pour only what the manufacturer recommends or the best in quality, for example, instead of oil of the CC and even CE quality category according to API, CD class oil, which is intended for high-performance diesel engines with high-pressure supercharging operating in difficult conditions on high-sulfur fuel.

    Turbodiesels are especially demanding on the quality of oil. In conditions of high temperatures and rotation speed of the turbocharger shaft, only high-quality special oils for turbo diesel engines are able to maintain lubricating properties. Ignoring this requirement leads to the fact that in such harsh conditions the oil film on rubbing surfaces, obtained when using low-grade oil, is very quickly destroyed. This causes dry friction and, accordingly, increased wear of the shaft, turbine bearings and a quick breakdown of the turbine as a whole.

    For the same reasons, maintenance of a diesel engine must be carried out on time. Although when using our diesel fuel with a high sulfur content, which promotes accelerated engine oil oxidation, it is better to reduce the oil change interval by 20-30%. For example, if, according to the operating manual for a particular car, the replacement frequency is 10 thousand km, this should be done after 7-8 thousand km.

    An important factor for the "health" of a diesel engine is oil filters... The filter element of diesel filters has very small cells that retain particles that the filter gasoline engine passes into the lubrication system without problems. Therefore, oil filters for diesel engines need to be bought only of high quality - original or well-known companies (Bosch, Champion, Delphi, etc.). For fakes and products of unknown origin, filter paper from a gasoline filter can be used.

    If "mineral water" or "semisynthetics" is poured into the engine, it is advisable to flush the lubrication system every 20-40 thousand km (depending on the quality of the oil - domestic or foreign). In the case of "synthetics" with its excellent detergent properties, you can flush the lubrication system less often.

    Maintenance costs for diesel vehicles are less than for gasoline vehicles. Savings are achieved due to the absence of spark plugs, which are changed more often than glow plugs, in addition, there is no complex electronics that controls the operation of the power supply system (we are talking about diesel engines manufactured before the mid-90s). So think, YOU need it.

    With the constant rise in fuel prices, the installation is becoming more and more popular. No wonder. Having spent several thousand rubles on HBO, you can drive on fuel, the price of which is half that of gasoline. Usually the installation of gas equipment is carried out on gasoline cars. Their engines are more suitable for natural or reduced gas operation. But there are also diesel cars with LPG. Can it be converted to gas? Should you install such equipment? See the answers to these questions in our today's article.

    Diesel features

    As we said earlier, LPG is installed mainly on gasoline engines. If we consider gas diesel, only domestic trucks MAZ and KamAZ can serve as an example. Such equipment is not found on passenger cars. Why is it so rare to install gas on a diesel engine? The answer is simple, and it lies in the principle of fuel ignition.

    As you know, gasoline engines ignite the mixture with the help of auxiliary devices. They are candles. When the fuel-air mixture is fed into the chamber, they generate a spark, due to which the fuel is ignited. Due to the fact that gasoline ignites from third-party devices, such engines have a low compression ratio. Now it is about ten to twelve units. And if we consider the motors soviet trucks, then even six. The only point is the octane number of gas, which is higher than that of gasoline. If for the latter it reaches 98, then for gas it is at least 102. But in order for the engine to work normally on this mixture, the electronic control unit automatically adjusts the ignition angles and other parameters in real time.

    For diesel engines, there are no classic spark plugs. The mixture ignites from a high compression ratio. The air is heated under pressure so that the temperature in the chamber reaches 400 degrees Celsius. As a result, the mixture ignites and the piston travels. Someone will say, they say, there are candles in a diesel engine. Yes, some motors have them. But these are completely different - glow plugs. They make it possible to produce without difficulty by preheating the fuel. Such candles have a completely different structure and principle of operation. By the way, the minimum compression ratio for a diesel engine is 20 units. If the indicator is less, the engine simply will not start. In modern auto engines, the compression ratio can reach 30 units.

    Thus, if the use of LPG on a gasoline engine does not cause difficulties during operation (since the fuel is ignited by candles), then a diesel internal combustion engine is not able to "digest" such a mixture.

    Why is it difficult to convert a diesel engine to gas?

    There are several factors that complicate the process of installing and operating LPG on such an internal combustion engine:

    • Flash point. If a diesel engine ignites spontaneously at 400 degrees, then the gas burns at 700 and above. It doesn't matter if it is methane or propane-butane.
    • Lack of candles. Whatever the compression ratio in a diesel engine, it is not enough to heat the gas mixture to the autoignition temperature. Therefore, you cannot do without installing third-party spark plugs.
    • Octane number. Diesel fuel has an OCH of 50 units. Gas has at least 102. If such fuel gets into a diesel engine, it will run out (this is uncontrolled operation of the engine at high revs). There are several ways to solve the problem. This is a correction of the compression ratio, or a decrease in the octane number of the gas mixture.

    Installation methods

    There are several installation methods:

    • With a complete redesign of the engine.
    • With the introduction of the Dual Fuel system.

    Which one is better to use? Below we will look at what are the features of each technology.

    Complete rework

    What is the essence of this method? The bottom line is simple - the diesel engine is completely converted to gas. At the same time, after such an intervention, he will no longer operate on his “native” fuel - only on gas.

    To prevent the unit from going around, adjust its compression ratio. It is about 12: 1. Only in this way can the engine "digest" fuel with a high octane number... Next, a mixture ignition system is installed. There are no special mechanisms here. For arson, ordinary candles are used, as on gasoline engines.

    What is the disadvantage of such a rework? Due to the need to carry out a whole range of works, the cost of reinstallation can reach 200 and more thousand rubles. This is ten times more expensive than converting a gasoline car to gas. Therefore, the savings are highly questionable. Moreover, such a motor will have a decrease in power and torque.

    Dual Fuel System

    It is this scheme that is used on some modifications of MAZ and KamAZ trucks. it combined system fuel supply. At the moment, this is the cheapest, correct and easily implemented option. The cost of rework is about 70-85 thousand rubles. The peculiarity of the system is that there is no need to install spark plugs. The diesel itself is used to ignite the methane (or propane-butane). As for the main components of the system, it is all the same gas reducer, hoses and lines, as well as cylinders for storing fuel.

    How it works?

    The engine is started only with diesel fuel. After that, the gas reducer is already used. It feeds the mixture into the combustion chamber through an intake valve. Gas goes along with oxygen. Along with this, a small portion of diesel enters the chamber. When the piston almost reaches the top dead center, diesel fuel is flammable. Its temperature is about 900 degrees, which is already enough for spontaneous combustion of methane or propane. Thus, two types of fuel are burning in the chamber at once. The efficiency of such a motor is unchanged, except that the diesel portion is reduced by an order of magnitude.

    What gas can be supplied to a diesel engine? You can install both a propane system and a methane one. But there are pitfalls here. As the reviews note, the gas installed on the diesel engine shows itself in different ways. If we talk about propane, its percentage in the mixture is relatively small - up to 50 percent. In the case of methane, up to 60 percent of the gas is used. Thus, the portion of the diesel supplied to the chamber is reduced. This has a positive effect on savings. But it is impossible to completely limit the diesel supply. Otherwise, such a mixture will simply not ignite without extraneous sources.

    Is it profitable?

    Consider the feasibility of converting a diesel engine to gas. Since such an engine still needs a portion of the original fuel (in our case, diesel fuel) to operate, the savings are not so significant. If a gasoline engine completely runs on gas, the cost of fuel costs is reduced exactly by half. But in our case, the savings will be only 25 percent, or 1.5 times. And this despite the fact that the price of installing the Dual Fuel system is at least 70 thousand rubles.

    It is not difficult to calculate how much mileage this system will pay off. Under favorable conditions, the payback of LPG on a diesel engine will come in 70-100 thousand kilometers. And only after this run will you start saving. That is why gas is supplied to a diesel engine only in rare cases, and even then - for domestic trucks. Such a system practically does not occur on passenger cars.

    Summing up

    So, we found out if it is possible to install gas on a diesel engine. In view of the different principle of operation, the installation of LPG on such a motor requires major alterations. And as a result, this unit will still require a small amount of diesel. There are savings from the use of such equipment. But it is so insignificant that no one bothers about the question "is it worth installing gas on a diesel engine." High payback periods and complexity of installation are the main factors that prevent the use of LPG equipment on a diesel engine.

    The constant rise in prices for diesel fuel makes many car owners think about the possibility of installing LPG equipment on the diesel engine of their cars. From a purely technical point of view, it is quite possible to do this, but the solution to this problem runs into two serious doubts:

    1. Will it make sense in terms of economy
    2. Will this re-equipment require the introduction of irreversible changes in the design of the motor, how much will it reduce its resource and reduce the overall specifications car

    Having received answers to these questions, car owners will be able to decide whether they should convert the engine of their car from diesel to gas or it is better and more profitable to leave everything as it is.

    Fuel is ignited in a diesel engine in the combustion chamber by injecting it under pressure into compressed air.

    Therefore, at present, two technical solutions are in use, allowing the supply of conventional gas equipment to any diesel engine. The difference between them is fundamental:

    There are also factory models of methane gas diesels. For example VOLVO FH / FM and KamAZ 5490 NEO with a Mercedes-Benz power plant. But such machines have not yet received widespread use.

    The principle of operation of a gas diesel engine

    Switching to gas fuel is carried out using a switch from the car after the engine warms up, or automatically. Gas supply process is controlled electronic unit control of HBO installation.

    Gas is supplied to the diesel engine in metered doses into the intake manifold. From where, mixing with air, at the intake stroke, it enters the cylinders through intake valves... Then diesel fuel is sprayed into the gas-air mixture compressed by the piston (compression stroke), where an explosion occurs due to pressure and temperature. D / t here acts as a fuse, since the ignition temperature of the gas is higher than diesel fuel and it itself cannot ignite.

    Types of fuel that can be consumed by diesel on gas

    You can convert the engine to a dual fuel system only for a specific type of gas. Either it will.

    It is more expensive to make methane-fueled diesel, but it will work with better economic effect than the propane-fueled option. Besides, methane is cheaper. When supplying propane to diesel, the contribution to the total fuel consumption will not exceed 30-50%. But the share of consumption of the methane component can be increased up to 80%. It all depends on the regime iCE operationwhere are taken into account:

    • vehicle speed;
    • season (summer, winter);
    • terrain (mountains, plain);
    • gas pressure and temperature;
    • turbocharged diesel or not.

    Advantages and disadvantages of converting diesel to gas

    The main advantage of the LPG installation for methane, or propane-butane mixture on a diesel engine, is a reduction in fuel costs from 10-50%. Besides:

    • there is an increase in efficiency, motor resource. At the same time, power and torque remain the same, or increase, in some cases, by 5-25%;
    • the service life of the standard fuel system 1.5-2 times (a big plus for systems Common rail);
      harmful exhaust emissions (smoke) are reduced;
    • the gas engine runs smoother, its noise is reduced;
    • reduction of carbon deposits, deposits in cylinders, combustion chambers, particulate filters;
    • reduction in replacement costs;
    • vehicle mileage increases in dual-fuel driving mode;
      no alteration of the internal combustion engine is required.

    Serious disadvantages:

    • high cost of re-equipment;
    • increase in time and costs for maintenance, adjustment, system repair;
    • search, reduction of useful volume because of them;
    • increased vehicle weight.

    Improper adherence to the conversion technology (for example, incorrect installation or missing temperature sensor on the exhaust manifold) can significantly increase wear power plant... Since a high temperature begins to form in the combustion chamber and exhaust system during the explosion of the gas-air mixture and diesel fuel.

    Diesel vehicles that can be converted to gas diesel

    Any diesel engine can be converted to use gas as an additional component. It does not matter what type of fuel system is used: basic, mechanical fuel pump high pressure (high pressure fuel pump), pump injector or rail / rail "Common Rail". Also with 12/24 V vehicle electrical system. With turbine or atmospheric.

    At the same time, the cost of modernization passenger car will be significantly less cost of rebuilding the motor truck, due to the number of installed cylinders, fasteners to them or valves in the case of methane. Also, for engines with a large volume, 2 is used.

    But regardless of whether it is necessary to install HBO on diesel trucks, light vehicles or agricultural equipment (tractors, etc.), with the proper approach, the economic effect will be obvious.

    Is it possible to transfer diesel to gas with your own hands

    Set everything yourself additional devices on a diesel power unit is impossible without the presence of a serious tool base in a personal subsidiary farm, or garage. The most time consuming operations are:

    • Gas equipment connection.
    • Adaptation / synchronization of the standard fuel system.
    • Installation of instrumentation and electronics.

    In addition, you need special software for. But if there is a great desire, re-equipment is possible.

    It is important not to forget about the mandatory additional fuel plantwhich is not a quick procedure. Where appropriate documents from the service station are also required.

    Conversion costs for trucks and cars

    Average prices for a complete set of equipment, taking into account the cost of fuel cylinders for passenger cars starts from 50 thousand rubles, and for cargo and passenger vehicles - HBO can cost from 100 to 500 thousand rubles! (everything is selected individually). Installation of equipment in a specialized company costs 15-30 thousand rubles. The final price should also include the costs of legalizing the changes made.

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