All about buying and selling cars

How to choose a used VAZ car. Old (used) foreign car or new (domestic) VAZ

Probably, any person living in modern society, at least once in his life, thought about buying a personal vehicle. And if you can't afford a new car, the thought of choosing a used car doesn't seem all that scary. After all, today's life is quite dynamic, and very often we simply do not have time to cope with the accumulated cases, moving on foot or by public transport.

Not a luxury, but a means of transportation

An important incentive to acquire personal car is the eternal human desire to improve the level of comfort. Traveling in your car is incomparable to traveling in stuffy buses and route taxis... Among other things, in modern world a car is far from a luxury, but its presence still emphasizes status. And if you add up all these facts, a simple idea becomes clear: buying your own transport is, if not the main, then, of course, an important life goal of almost every citizen.

True, it must be admitted that this task requires serious financial costs. In other words, the primary question for a potential buyer is: "What kind of car to buy?" How to choose a used car? Or is it new?

And I want and inject

Of course, if funds permit, you can go to any car dealership and buy a new car. It is simpler, more convenient and eliminates many purely technical problems. The procedure does not take much time. And in general, the policy of almost all car dealerships is aimed at making the choice of a car as easy as possible and facilitating its design. In this case, the buyer can determine not only the affordable price range, but also various pleasant trifles, additional technical functions... None of this is available if we are trying to figure out how to choose a used car.

An important aspect in the case of purchasing a new car is the manufacturer's warranty. This can seriously protect the consumer for several years from the manifestation of all kinds of defects that went unnoticed in production (which is not available after choosing a used BMW or others).

Used - Available

It would seem that the choice is obvious in favor of buying new car... But, unfortunately, such pleasure is not available to everyone. Prices for new cars are far from the real salaries of the average citizen. And the desire to acquire a four-wheeled friend from this does not become less. The way out of this situation is quite simple. You need to buy something that you have enough money actually earned. That is a used car. With such a purchase, there are a number of nuances that are worth focusing on.

If the decision to buy a used car has matured and took shape in a very specific amount, then first you need to clearly understand for yourself the essence of the future purchase. Namely - for what purposes do you need a car. This will make it clear how to choose the right used car to stop at. the best option without additional financial risks.

Service costs

The experts in this field remind you that maintaining a used car will fall entirely on your own or family budget. Indeed, in this case, demand execution warranty obligations from manufacturing firms is pointless. As a rule, a used car has not been under warranty service for a long time. Probably, there is no need to explain that the cost of component parts for future repairs for imported and domestic cars differs significantly.

Therefore, before choosing a used car, you need to decide directly with the country that produced this mechanism... It is these two factors: the country of origin and the purpose of travel by car - that will allow solving the problem in the shortest possible time and at minimal cost.

A simple example

Let's consider the simplest and cheapest option for solving the problem "how to choose a used car". You are a pedestrian by nature and spend a lot of time in active recreation associated with walking. The nearest supermarket is under your house, and you don't need to make gigantic purchases. But you have a suburban area that is too far from your home. You can of course use public transport.

But what to do at harvest time? How do you bring home the fruits of your seasonal work? Hiring truck will nullify all efforts to minimize costs. It is extremely inconvenient to carry the entire volume in the hands. How to choose the right used car for such a purpose?

There is an option to purchase an inexpensive domestic car... It will be operated, as a rule, in the summer. And the main function is a small truck for transporting the harvested crop. Such a car will not be too expensive, but this does not mean at all that its choice should be taken lightly.

Choosing products from a domestic manufacturer

How to choose a used VAZ car and not fall for the bait of all kinds of swindlers? To do this, you need to understand what difficulties you may encounter when buying it.

Experienced motorists say that the main problem lies, oddly enough, in the design. As a rule, such a car is sold by proxy without being removed from the state register, reasoning this high cost the very legal procedure. Sometimes it can exceed the price of the car itself. In this case, it is advisable to purchase cars taken off the state register, which are much less on sale. With some tenacity, you can find them. And here you will win: the owners of VAZs who deregister their cars are usually very neat people. Those. the car will be in good "physical" shape. It is extremely impractical to engage in the very re-registration of such transport (from a financial point of view). Therefore, the legal registration of the transaction must be taken seriously in order to avoid possible problemsrelated to the past of this machine.

What to look for in the back

But how do you choose a used car? TO technical inspection machines need to be taken even more seriously than legal registration. It's no secret that most of the requirements are imposed on the body. Experienced car enthusiasts even call it a basic part. In the case of a domestic unit, everything is quite simple.

The body should not bear elements of corrosion, obvious dents and damage to the paintwork ( paintwork). This is usually visible with the naked eye, because no one will carry out serious paintwork on this class of machines. The cost of a branded paint can exceed the cost of a car. If, during inspection, obvious defects were found, you can significantly reduce the purchase price during further bargaining.

How to check the engine of the selected car

The technical requirements for such a car are minimal. Experts propose to proceed from the normal state of the main technical components: the engine and the chassis of the machine. Here are some rules on how to choose a used Kalina, for example.

The engine should be started, as they say, "cold". In this case, ignition defects will immediately appear, if any, as well as by sound idle move the general condition of the power unit will become clear. Checking the oil and coolant levels is a good idea. By the way, by their color you can determine the approximate wear of the entire mechanism. Oil with foreign bodies that smells black and gasoline is a very bad sign. This means that the lubricating fluid no longer fulfills its functions, and as a result of friction, the destruction of the contacting metal surfaces began.

The worst option for the engine unit is the ingress of coolant into the oil. It is impossible to hide this fact. Because white bloomwhich is formed when the two formulations are mixed, is very clearly visible on the dipstick for measuring the oil level. This means that the gasket between the cylinder block and the top of the engine has burst and needs to be replaced. Such a motor, even with modest discussed requirements, will not work for a long time.

When testing the propulsion system, smoke from exhaust pipe, which can be observed in different modes of operation. This phenomenon indicates wear on the piston rings and indicates a serious temporary change in the mechanisms.

The engine must be in working order, work smoothly under any modes, not "triple" and not malfunction during hard pressing gas pedal. In this case, you can close your eyes to a small clatter of the piston or valve group.

How to check the chassis of a selected RWD car

When studying how to choose the right used car, remember: self-diagnosis of the chassis of such a car is very simple. To identify defects, you need to drive your future car several kilometers on a rough road.

If there is a malfunction of the rear-wheel drive VAZ chassis, a characteristic hum will immediately be heard coming from the rear of the car. As a rule, a worn gearbox makes this noise. rear axle... You can ride with this for a while, but you need to remember that the replacement will cost you a tidy sum and take a lot of time. Based on this, you can achieve a significant discount on the initial cost of the car.

The characteristic gurgling clatter in the front of the car when the wheel hits a bump in most cases will indicate a malfunction of the ball bearings. Their repair will not require large expenses, but it is necessary to carry out it due to the accident of the wheel.

How to check the chassis of a selected front wheel drive vehicle

If you are experiencing a front-wheel drive VAZ, then remember the terms of how to choose a used "Prior", for example. The most common chassis defect in such cars is the wear of the front CV joints or grenades, as motorists call them. Checking the technical condition of the grenade is quite simple. Unscrew the steering wheel to the ground in any direction and try to start abruptly from a place in this position. If the CV joint is faulty, you will hear a characteristic crackling sound in the front of the car, depending on the side where the steering wheel is turned. When noise is present on both sides, this is a rather serious defect in the chassis, which can lead to additional financial investments. And the safety of driving such a car is rather doubtful. Here it will be appropriate to simply refuse to purchase.

These are the main and fairly simple secrets of how to choose a used VAZ. However, the same testing methods apply to foreign cars. Remember them and you will buy exactly what you need.

Domestic all-terrain vehicle: what to look for

There are some technical points that require close attention if you are wondering how to choose a used Niva. Here it must be remembered that this is already, rather, a crossover than an ordinary one. a car... Therefore, special attention should be paid to the chassis of the intended purchase.

In order to cheerfully storm the curbs and irregularities of the suburban surface, it is better to immediately get the expert opinion on the reliability of all the suspension arms of such a VAZ. Otherwise, there is a risk, as is the case with motor system, immediately after the purchase to lay out a tidy sum for repairs.

However, all the risks described above do not detract from the merits of this particular choice. It is ideal for those who are new to the wheel and want to improve their skills at a relatively low cost.

Making money with a used car - myth or reality

Trucking is a fairly large segment of modern business. More and more people appear who have decided to earn their living by delivering goods in cities. This is a relatively small tonnage - from about 500 kg to 2 tons. A truck produced in Russia under the Gazelle brand is ideal for these purposes. As a rule, to start such a business, it is better to buy new car with a gas installation.

But if, nevertheless, a brand new car is not affordable, and you are thinking more and more about how to choose a used Gazelle, then it is better to discard the idea as unpromising. Cars of this class are sold with the maximum wear of almost all technical units, the repair of which is very significant in terms of investment.

It is hard to disagree that starting a business by repairing its main component is at least strange. The best way out in this situation is to find and apply for a profitable loan to buy a new car. But this is already a topic for a completely different article.

Buying a foreign car

Perhaps the most interesting and attractive component of sales for most motorists is used foreign cars. Among experienced drivers there is an opinion that any, even the most ancient car, made outside of our vast homeland, is much better than new domestic models... Say, both more comfortable and more convenient, and most importantly, much more reliable than all our VAZs and GAZs. It is difficult to argue with this, and it is not necessary. It is best to trust your own experience or expert advice in these matters.

The main trap for a car enthusiast who decides to buy a foreign four-wheeled friend and does not know how to choose a used Renault Logan, for example, is the small amount of funds that he is willing to spend on a coveted purchase. Blinded by the desire to get behind the wheel of a prestigious car, a person very often turns a blind eye to various trifles associated with such an acquisition.

Find a foreign car without a past

Basically, all used foreign cars are imported into our territory from Europe. It is important for the future buyer to understand that not all cars are delivered legally. There may be several that are far from the most pleasant for potential buyers surprises.

Firstly, a car can be trite on the wanted list. You will buy such a car under a power of attorney, and at the first scheduled stop on the road, you can check it against the Interpol database. And if she's hijacked, believe me, you're in big trouble. And most importantly, after all contacts with law enforcement agencies, the car will still be seized. In this case, there will be no one to appeal to.

Secondly, there may be problems with customs clearance... As a rule, such cars have a temporary registration in the nearest EU countries. Such cars are much cheaper than those cleared and imported in accordance with all the rules. It is the low price that often attracts motorists who are tormented by the question of how to choose a used Logan.

It must be admitted that often such experiments end as badly as in the first case. Temporary registration is usually very short-lived. And after its completion, it will be necessary either to cross the border of the country where the car is registered, or to register it in your own country. Both in the first and in the second situation, serious costs are ahead. In any case, the difference that you managed to save when buying will have to pay extra.

And yet how to choose a used Renault Logan? As with domestic brands, it is best to choose a car taken off any government register. When registering such a car, law enforcement officers will check it at their bases and issue a permit for registration. Only after that you can finally settle accounts with sellers and complete the deal.

And do not forget that the answer to the question "how to choose a used foreign car" should take into account the cost of further maintenance such a car. Quite often it happens that the initially low cost of a car is due precisely to the high cost of components for subsequent service. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to read the reviews of people who have already bought such cars before buying, or consult at certified service centers serving the selected brand.

In conclusion, we note that when buying a used car, especially a foreign one, it is best to take it for a competent check to serious specialists of specialized service stations. If all of the above nuances are taken into account, then the car will serve you and your family for a very long time.

Leave 10-15% for repairs and unforeseen expenses. They will definitely be, even if the car is a year old and it is under warranty. Otherwise, the family budget will quickly begin to collapse.

2. Do not choose a car on the principle of "something for 400,000 rubles"

Define for yourself 2-3 models that you will be looking for. This will help you not to be sprayed and not make a rash decision on emotions. Plus, you can study the selected models on the forums, find out them typical problems, service periods and sort out the intricacies. All this will facilitate the search at times.

3. Consider the average price for the car you are interested in

Most accurately, this can be done manually, remembering mathematics for the fifth grade, or using the "Price Statistics" tab on the "" website. Knowing the average price, it will be easier for you to think sensibly, to bargain and not to fall into the hands of scammers and dealers.

4. Don't expect someone to sell a good car for below average price

If a person urgently needs money, he sells a car through intermediaries and instantly receives money. All other underpriced cars are broken or with legal problems. Or is it an ad from scammers.

5. The first conclusions about the car can be made even on the ad

If it contains disgusting photos and a two-line description like “All questions on the phone”, “All MOT on time, the car is in perfect condition” and so on, you don't even need to call. In 95% of cases, this is a reseller.

6. Talking on the phone gives a lot of information and saves time

Ask specific questions that cannot be answered generally. For example, which dealer did the car get MOT? When was the last oil change? What's new in the car? Is the TCP original? How many owners are recorded in the TCP? How long does a person own a car on PTSD? Is the interlocutor the owner or is he helping someone with the sale? Whether there is a service book, work orders and receipts? And so on.

7. Always check the documents before inspecting the machine.

This can be done on the traffic police website or if the car is from Moscow or the Moscow region. You can find out if the car is pledged on the website of the Federal Notary Chamber.

8. Track new offers

The best cars sell in days or even hours. Therefore, if you want to get the most good car at the most attractive price, subscribe to updates on the model you are interested in in the Avito or mobile applications and constantly follow them.

9. When buying a car in a car dealership, carefully read all the clauses of the contract

It shouldn't take more than 5-6 pages. If the contract was brought to you, then taken away and brought again, read it again: there may be changes that are unfavorable for you. If you buy a car on credit, read the terms with triple attention. Unofficial dealers are very fond of including hidden fees in the price and taking a commission for canceling the transaction.

10. To inspect the machine, rent a thickness gauge

Look on the Internet, what thickness of paint should be in a particular car model, and measure it during inspection. True, the thickness gauge is not a panacea, since sometimes cars are painted specifically for the device or minor damage is repaired using CASCO.

You need to look to see if the gaps on different sides of the car are the same, if the paint is knocked off the bolts, if there are traces of paint on the seals and moldings, if the shagreen and tone of the paint on different parts are different, if the stampings are joined, if the headlights and glass are the same, are they symmetrical worn out tires.

11. Do not believe the odometer readings

Best of all, the mileage of a car gives out the state of the interior: the driver's seat, steering wheel, armrest and gearshift lever.

12. When you test drive, pay attention to all the little things

Check if the steering wheel is level, if the car is drifting away during acceleration and braking, if something is knocking in the suspension, if the air conditioner and electrical equipment are working.

13. Drive the car for service before buying

If you liked the car in all respects and you have no doubts, be sure to go to the service and diagnose at least the suspension before concluding a purchase agreement. Ideally also an electric motor. This will cost a maximum of a couple of thousand rubles, but will save you from buying a car in poor condition. In many cases, diagnostics allows you to identify those problems due to which you can bargain well and certainly beat back its cost.

14. You can conclude a sales contract and make changes to the TCP yourself

The main thing is to have one pen and one handwriting. It is better to transfer money to a pre-opened account through a bank office. This will save you from fakes and fraud.

When there is not enough financial capacity to purchase a new car, many people leave their choice on a used one. ... Among Russians, front-wheel drive "eights" and "nines" are especially popular - these VAZ models have earned their trust in reliability, practicality, unpretentiousness and reliability. We bring to your attention a few simple useful tips - what to look for in order to choose the right used car.

How to choose the right used VAZ-2108, VAZ-2109, VAZ-21099? Helpful hints:

  • Of course, first of all, everything depends on the financial capabilities of the person who wants to buy a car. But for 100-150 thousand rubles at the car market you can buy a pretty good car, despite the fact that it has already been in someone's hands. It should be noted that a used foreign car will cost about twice as much. In addition, you need to take into account the cost of very expensive spare parts, etc.
  • Having opted for a domestic car, first of all, you need to make sure that it is legal. In order not to have problems with the law in the future, it is first of all necessary to deal with all the legal nuances.
  • Of course, without the necessary legal knowledge and without a database of cars that law enforcement agencies have, this is not easy to do.

Still, before purchasing a used car, you need to familiarize yourself with some legal foundations.

  • The main document of the car is the passport vehicle... This document confirms the seller's ownership of this machine. The passport contains data about the car itself, as well as about all its owners. The seller must have an original passport. If a duplicate passport is provided upon purchase, you must be careful and find out from the owner the reason for obtaining a duplicate passport for the car. In addition to the vehicle passport, the seller must have his own passport and a vehicle registration certificate.
  • You need to carefully study the documents provided. This is to make sure you are not dealing with scammers. It will also become clear how many people have already owned a given vehicle. Also, according to the documents, you can find out what technical changes the car underwent: replacement, replacement of body parts, repainting in a different color.
  • Naturally, the fewer owners the car had, the better. If the car has visited several owners for a short time, then this fact should alert - there should be good reasons why the owners tried to get rid of this car as quickly as possible.
  • Only after checking all the documents, you can begin to inspect the car itself. First you need to step back a few meters and externally inspect the car from different angles. Body parts the car should be free of deformations, and its color should not have different shades - this is evidence that straightening and subsequent painting of the body was carried out. Small scuffs and scratches on the bumper indicate the owner's carelessness when operating the car.
  • Next, you should determine the condition of the rubber, which can tell a lot. Evenly worn tires should not arouse suspicion, but if they are not worn evenly, you should think about it. This can be the cause of camber-alignment problems or malfunctions in the steering or support links.
  • Disks also need to be examined carefully. The presence of dents indicates that the car hit a serious hole or open hatch at speed. As a result, the running units may be damaged, and may even be slightly deformed.
  • After that, you can start examining the salon. There are several secrets by which you can find out the true state of affairs of the car. The worn steering wheel and gear knob, worn rubber bands on the brake and gas pedals indicate a significant mileage of the car, although there may be quite a few thousand kilometers on the meter - the mileage can be "reset" as much as you like. According to the state of the shift knob, steering wheel and pedals, you can learn much more, despite the assurances of the owner of the car that its mileage does not exceed 30 thousand, since he was in the garage almost all the time.
  • You need to be very careful, as there is always a risk of buying a car used as a taxi. Despite 3-4 years of age, if the owner worked part-time as a driver, the car may be just as "killed" as its 10-15-year-old brothers.
  • After inspecting the cabin, you need to inspect the underhood space. The first step is to make sure that there is no engine compartment drips of antifreeze or oil. The engine does not have to be clean - the main thing is to be dry. A clean engine indicates that it was washed before being sold, so it is difficult to determine if there are any problems. It is also necessary to verify the engine number with the one indicated in the car passport. It is also necessary to verify the number and body number.
  • After making sure that the numbers match, and also that they are not interrupted, you need to ask to start the car and observe the operation of the engine. In a working car, the engine works steadily, smoothly, without vibrations and failures. You can use a small test - put a regular matchbox on the motor. If it does not move out, then the engine is adjusted correctly. A moving box indicates the presence of certain problems with engine adjustment.
  • You need to ask the owner of the car in what condition the power unit is, how often oil is topped up during operation and how often it is changed. It is believed that in gasoline engines oil is filled only when it is changed, there is no need to add oil between replacements. The engine normally does not "eat" oil.
  • Next, you need to stop the engine and check the oil level on the dipstick - it should be between the minimum and maximum marks. If the maximum level is exceeded, oil will be ejected through the filler neck. When the oil level is less than the minimum, it is generally prohibited to operate the car. An oil that is too viscous and thick indicates a recent change, while a light oil indicates a very recent change. Nevertheless, it is better to follow the recommendation suggested by experience: change the oil immediately after buying a used car.
  • At the last stage, you need to get behind the wheel yourself, ride a few meters and listen to how the car picks up speed. Gears should be included easily, without jerking. The speed should be set in proportion to pressing on

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The brainchildren of the Togliatti Automobile Plant are still the most popular vehicles on secondary market Russia. They are chosen for a number of reasons, including: affordable cost, inexpensive repairs, good adaptability to domestic off-road conditions and unpretentious operation. Nevertheless, the choice of a used car is always associated with a certain risk of acquiring a problem car, both legally and technically. Autocode tells how to choose a VAZ car, and what to look for when buying.

How to choose a used VAZ car

First, let's talk about what you should pay attention to first.


It is no secret that the most expensive repair is required for the car body. Therefore, first of all, we look at the state of iron. Read more on how to check the paintwork and body geometry of a used car. If you find signs that the car was repainted, or it has a broken body geometry, most likely the vehicle has been in a serious accident. It is better to refuse to choose such a car. Also, do not buy a vehicle with traces of corrosion. Cars of the VAZ family rust quickly enough. And it may take a lot of effort and money to slow down the "blooming" of body elements.

Internal filling

    • transmission (extraneous noise when shifting gears, as well as difficulties with shifting them indicate problems with the gearbox, the replacement of which (especially if it is an automatic) will cost several tens of thousands of rubles);
    • suspension elements (rocking a car while driving is the first sign of problems);
    • engine (dark or bluish exhaust when running power unit indicates that the latter needs a major overhaul, which will also cost a pretty penny);
    • electrical equipment (problems with electrics are common in used VAZs, so if, when inspecting the car, you find an involuntary operation of the wipers or a sound signal, be prepared to replace the mounting block).

As they say, there are always two "fools" in the market - one sells, the other buys. In 99 cases out of 100, the owner is not going to tell you about all the malfunctions of his used car. If you are not sure that you can independently identify the shortcomings technical condition TS - it is reasonable to take a knowledgeable person with you. He will help make right choice and, if necessary, will report on those faults that you simply will not notice. If finances allow, one of the most rational options is to check a used car in a specialized service center. True, you will have to pay several thousand rubles for high-quality diagnostics.

You can order a field check on the Autocode website.

Which VAZ models are preferable

When choosing a used car, one of the main parameters is its cost. For used VAZ cars with a price tag of 40-50 thousand rubles. it's better not to pay attention at all. For that kind of money, in most cases, sellers offer a pile of scrap metal, which will require considerable financial investments and frequent repairs... Next, consider more expensive options.

The budget is 60-70 thousand rubles.

In this price category it is optimal to choose representatives of the classics - VAZ 2105, VAZ 2106 or VAZ 2107. It is advisable to buy a car no older than 2003-2004. These are reliable and time-tested cars that, with proper care and adherence to operating rules, will last for more than one year.

The budget is 80-90 thousand rubles.

Here, the undoubted leader is the VAZ 21099, released 10-12 years ago. It is better to choose a vehicle with an injector. Specialists do not recommend buying cars with a carburetor. If you decide to opt for this model, pay special attention to checking brake system... Make sure no oil or other fluids leak, and no rust on arches and sills. Besides, weak point VAZ 21099 is considered to be an interior heater, so make sure it works. Another problem inherent in these models is the strong rattling of interior trim parts, which, however, is observed in almost all old Zhiguli models.

The budget is 120-160 thousand rubles.

  • good value for money;
  • the level of technological equipment that is not inferior to many manufacturers;
  • high ground clearance, which provides high cross-country ability;
  • roomy salon;
  • decent anti-corrosion properties of the body.

If you decide to choose a used VAZ 2112, first of all, check the engine. Extraneous noise from under the hood will indicate problems with the hydraulic lifters. In addition, ask the seller what type of fuel was used to refuel the vehicle: gasoline of the 92nd mark does not in the best way affect the stability of the 16-valve power unit.

The VAZ 2114 does not differ much in design from the 9 series models, therefore it has the same problems as the VAZ 21099 (they were mentioned above).

Budget from 200 thousand rubles.

If you decide to choose a more expensive used car - pay attention to Priora or Granta. These models are distinguished by high safety indicators, increased cabin comfort, good sound insulation properties. Among the shortcomings, experts point out the whimsicality to the quality of fuel (it is advisable to refuel a car with a 95th grade of gasoline), oil and other consumables.

Residents of rural areas, as well as townspeople who are fond of outdoor activities, travel, hunting or fishing, experts recommend choosing Lada Largus or Niva. Models are characterized by high traffic, roomy interior and simplicity in use.

Whichever VAZ model you choose, before making a purchase, check a used car using the all-Russian Internet service "Autocode". Enter in the search field on our website state. number or VIN-code of the car. In a few minutes you can familiarize yourself with detailed history vehicle. The report will contain information on the number of owners of a used car, the presence of encumbrances and restrictions on registration actions in the traffic police, information about fines, accidents and other useful data, on the basis of which you will draw conclusions about the rationality of purchasing a car.

In order not to waste time and effort, you need to determine as accurately as possible with what, in fact, you need to buy and how much money you have to buy.

It is not worth splattering on the many offered "similar" options. If you need a sedan, then choose only a sedan. If needed mechanical box, in the search terms, put "only MCP". Ideally, of course, at the time of making the request, you need to clearly understand what brand and model car is supposed to be purchased. We need Renault Logan, which means we look at Renault Logan, not Clio Symbol, Sandero and Polo sedan to the heap. Keep in mind that even the most "wonderful" used car will require some expenses after the purchase.

Whatever one may say, but in the first month you will have to fork out at least for every little thing like new wipers, anthers, bushings, nuts, new tires, polishing, dry cleaning, and perhaps for something more serious. Therefore, it is better to postpone 10-15% of the amount planned for buying a car and not spend every last penny. Just in case, which, as practice shows, happens regularly with used cars.

2. Ditch the cheapest and most expensive options

The cost of a car is the most abstract value in an ad, since a person always wants to buy at a lower price and sell at a higher price. The price tag in most cases reflects not the real value of the car, but the desire of the seller. Therefore, it is worth determining the average cost of the proposed options and focusing on ads whose range differs from it within 20%. Overly cheap offers of a car with the same characteristics raise strong suspicions. And expensive ones in most cases demonstrate unjustified requirements.

3. Compare year and mileage

Car mileage is another very "slippery" parameter, which is difficult to be guided by. In general, almost everyone who is involved in buying and selling cars, starting from “private traders” and ending with official dealers, is engaged in “twisting” the speedometer.

And yet, some conclusions can be drawn before you go to see the car. First of all, it is worth remembering that the mileage directly depends on the size of the city in which the car drove. So, in St. Petersburg and Moscow with their avenues, "ring" and trips to the dacha 100-200 km from the city average mileage can be from 20,000 to 40,000 km per year, or even more.

So if the car, for example, is five years old, then the mileage, most likely, has already exceeded one hundred thousand. Accordingly, having seen the announcement of a car produced in 2008-2009 with a mileage of 35,000 - 40,000 km, one should think about the authenticity of these data.

4. Analyze the vehicle popularity category

Exceptions, of course, are always and everywhere. Therefore, in addition to the mileage, it is worth paying attention to a specific brand and model, as well as its popularity among a particular group of drivers.

In particular, cars that are popular among the beautiful half of humanity can really have a very low mileage. But "ladies'" cars have another problem, namely - a lot of minor body damage. Even brand new cars are beaten, scratched, worn from all sides and, as a result, repainted several times.

Another example: Renault Logan, Chevrolet Lacetti, Hyundai Accent, Peugeot PartnerVolkswagen Caddies, which are extremely popular among domestic taxi drivers, have a mileage that exceeds a hundred thousandth mark in a year. So, choosing one of the above models, the chance to run into just such a “driven” car increases dramatically. By the way, the majority of Mercedes-Benz passenger cars imported from Germany with monstrous runs "twisted" somewhere on the border fall into the same category.

Do not neglect the hijackability ratings, which are more often than others. japanese cars... And in cars like the BMW X5, you can easily find not only problems with documents, but also holes of 7.62 caliber smeared in the back ...

Find out which cars became the most popular last year from our review.

5. Look carefully at the photos

A person chooses primarily with his eyes, so almost two thirds of information on a car can be obtained from the offered photos. You need to be extremely careful about their presence, and most importantly - be able to consider what you need in them.

Ads without photos can be sorted immediately. It is not worth spending time even on calls on an abstract machine: what kind of seller is this who did not bother with the presentation? own car? For the same reason “to the trash can” we advise you to send ads with out-of-focus and muddy pictures and photographs taken at night, as well as with images where the car is represented only in parts.

Photos must be provided in sufficient quantity and high Qualityso that you can see rust spots, body damage, the size of the gaps, the condition of the paintwork and even traces of body repair on them.

For example, if the shade of the door color (hood, fender, bumper) differs sharply from the main color of the car, then this element has been repainted. And if so, then, it is likely, recovered after an accident.

From the pictures of the salon, you can determine how carefully and carefully the owner treated the car, as well as signs of participation in an accident. For example, if the pad on the steering wheel hub (under which the airbag is located) sparkles with novelty or is different in color from the steering wheel rim, most likely the pillow has already been changed for some reason.

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